
30 Reviews
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Ozark (2017–2022)
It'll eventually get repetitive
22 June 2024
It's a perfect show for those long winter nights, it hooks you right away with its intriguing plot, but later on, it starts feeling a bit repetitive. It's like a thriller that keeps ramping up the tension with each new twist that's just around the corner, always inevitable. The main characters keep getting into deeper trouble with every episode, which keeps you glued to the screen. The characters are really well-done, with great story arcs, but the development sometimes left me wanting more. The direction style takes its time to reveal each layer of the story, but at times, it rushes to wrap things up, resulting in some underwhelming endings for key events and characters. The cast is solid, especially Laura Linney, her acting is so good that you end up both hating and wanting to protect her character. Marty's character is a bit confusing though, he's too shy and always seems to get pushed around, a role Jason Bateman played in Arrested Development but this one's a bit more serious and non comical. The show kept me interested, even though there were moments when I almost gave up on it. But the clever writing kept pulling me back in until the end.
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Panchayat (2020– )
Too simple yet so powerful
3 June 2024
"Panchayat" is everything many TV series aspire to be. It's refreshingly simple, easy to follow, cost-effective to produce, and doesn't rely on star power or complicated schedules. The show quietly releases, effortlessly captivates its audience, and leaves them eagerly awaiting the next season. The writing is consistently excellent, with each episode imparting a memorable lesson. Initially, I thought it was just about cultural humor and rural-urban differences, but its storytelling and character development moved me to tears, laughter, and an enduring love for each episode. It's a series I'll always hold dear to my heart.
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Sapne Vs Everyone (2023– )
I owe myself to TVF
25 January 2024
I wanted to share my thoughts about this series after they asked me to rate it on IMDb. I don't know if the director and actor will ever see this, but if they do, they should know I really appreciate their work. The series made me realize things I hadn't thought about in years. Thanks to TVF for making such a great series. Everything about it - the music, direction, acting, cinematography, and writing - was really well done and made me think a lot. It's not often you find a show that's both entertaining and makes you think, so I'm thankful for that. The character development was particularly impressive, bringing a depth that made the series feel authentic. The narrative intricacies were skillfully woven, keeping me engaged throughout. The series managed to strike an emotional chord, leaving a lasting impact. It's a testament to the team's talent that they created something so memorable and resonant.
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Twin Peaks: Beyond Life and Death (1991)
Season 2, Episode 22
Somethings are continuously left out...
3 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The episode was perfect in every way possible and I enjoyed it a lot. Though my concern is, don't you feel like the show misses at many points throughout the episodes. Now see I'm a diehard fan of Lynch and amdire his work. Twin Peaks without a single doubt is my most favorite TV series, but I feel like writers missed a lot at many points. Like Leo stuck in cabin, that BOB like MIKE, he's missing after he finished his work. Many characters like Ed, James Hurley, Norma's Husband ( forgot his name ), whole Ranault family sequence, Donna Heyward and Benjamin's arc ( Ben getting hurt in the end, Doc is seen at the bed of Cooper after it ) and literally so many points didn't make sense. And those are missing points I'd say. Still twin peaks was and is one of best tv show ever made. I don't care if I get plot holes or writing disorientations as long as I get surrealistic, dark, witty experience with almost perfect direction by Lynch.
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Knives Out (2019)
Why'd I overrate?
21 May 2021
A good time killing thriller, even though the length was way too much. They steered your brain towards one story in the start, so you don't start thinking yourself otherwise it was easily predictable film. I liked that trick, because instead of working on their screenplay, they worked with your brain. It doesn't matter if you pay attention to little details, because they won't effect the climax or let's say twist. Performances were quite alright, actually I like when Toni Collette performs, she's one of best actress out there and so was Daniel Craig himself. Katherine Langford, Chris Evans and Michael Shannon are other names that kind of acted subtly. All others were just there trying their hard. The most solid performances was by Jamie Lee Curtis. She absolutely stunned me with mature enough acting. Anna de Armas was there to wipe all efforts of great cast. Moving towards plot, there were no plot holes I witnessed. There might be, but I didn't notice any. Music was admirable and so was cinematography. Execution was properly done, a point to filmmaker. And at last but not least, the ending was little amateur, I'd have loved it more if it was complex enough. Thanks.
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Blow-Up (1966)
A masterpiece of modern cinema as well...
10 May 2021
This film has instantly made spot in one of my most favourite movies...why? Because this film has perfect direction, perfect use of camera, perfect use of dialogue, near perfect performances and cinematography speaking the plot. Though it lacks narration but this is the main point. We are left with our own choices to make and boy I love this. I love thinking myself that this means this and that means that. The ending being one of my favourite with classic camera shots and subtle filmmaking. The scenes in movie are lengthy but their likeability is at peak. They speak for themselves. The movie explores the human nature and mental state towards the events we suffer rarely or regularly. I'm much obliged by the the work of filmmaker it surely is a masterpiece. Movie narates nothing and explains a lot. Lives upto your perception, the entire film I'd say.
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Below Average, why?
6 May 2021
It was on my watchlist since its release, but due to some reasons I watched it now in 2021. Considering it a movie for children from age 7 to 13, it's still too much simple and if we consider it for under 5, it's way too complicated. I guess this movie targets only children who are 6 years old haha. Well that was a boring calculation but not as boring as the film itself. Way too oversimplified and unattractive. I expect better from Sony entertainment. This film is everything but fun ride. You'll get chunks of everything but not a spoonful of anything. Not even music fullfils the shallow body of film. A missed attempt I must say. Avoid it though, its nothing special. Watch inside out instead.
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Over the Moon (2020)
Clichéd Animated Film...
6 May 2021
This film is what every animated film is ever. A continuous rollercoaster of emotional moments, family value, love, affection everything mixed in some emotional scenes. A beautiful, colorful film that keeps the viewer intrigued but it is very cliche and easy to predict. For children too, its repetitive and story is too fantasy based. I'd have loved it if it wasn't that much forced to be emotional, so easy and with a very boring ending.
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Don't remember much...
6 May 2021
I wasn't that much impressed by writing but direction was superb. Loved the way Coen bros pulled the shots and pace altogether. A very interesting film to watch but a bit lengthy. I'm not easily bored but lazy writing was kind of my boredom activator. Anyhoo, it was a nice film. Will rewatch someday to give a complete insight.
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Inside Man (2006)
Moved fast in the end...
6 May 2021
No, it wasn't very good film. But it wasn't bad either. I'm not fan of Spike Lee but I do enjoy watching him a lot. The guy's a versatile director. This bank heist was more like a best screenplay ride. Performances were very okay-ish. Clive Owen nailed it but I was expecting from Foster and Washington and both of them were meh. Coming towards cinematography, it was a job well done. Music was really intriguing and Bollywood's song as an intro and credit was quite nice. Long story short, despite not being fan of these heist films and shows ( mind Le Casa da Papel ), I liked this one. I liked the idea and its really really good to watch. Hasty at the end but overall its good. Thanks.
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Tom and Jerry (II) (2021)
0 not 1...
5 May 2021
Nope, I didn't rate it. But yes it is TERRIBLE. I couldn't even finished ¼ of the film. It was just bad and lame and cringe and all other unbearable stuff. I'm feeling really disappointed by WB for the first time ig.
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5 May 2021
I think I might be the 1st one to add a review for this masterpiece on this platform. It's stunning, perfectly executed, great performances and everything a cinema lover would ever wish for. A solid 5/5 or 100% by me. It kinda hooked me up in first 30 mins and I kept biting my nails till the last 10 seconds. A very satisfying experience and peak kino for me. Thanks.
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Roh's Beauty (2014)
I liked it you might not...
5 May 2021
You can't find something worth praising unless you want it to be. I didn't like the film from the beginning. I caught it to be the not so good version of Malena (2000). Though the solid performance by Heifa Wehbi Impressed me but my mind wasn't ready to like the entire film. Climax hit me hard and I started to notice the film this time but with great interest. At the end of film, I had my eyes filled with warm water and rating it 8/10 or 5/5 for foreign rating system. This film, is complete and perfect in many cases. Egyptian cinema did deliver an artistic masterpiece which sadly was ignored by many.
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Videodrome (1983)
Average at best...
5 May 2021
I like Cronenberg, so I liked this one too. Lol yes I'm biased here but if I try to discuss it objectively I'd say a solid film and a great idea but lacked proper execution plus not all performances were great. Felt fake at moments but overall a great film for Black Mirror lovers.
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I love Wizarding World...
5 May 2021
My love for wizarding world by Rowling is immeasurable, once I dive in it, its hard for me to come back soon. Even after watching this film I started exploring the franchise and spent 3 hours. Coming to the film, though unfortunately I watched it in 3 sittings ( due to Ramadan's timings ) experience wasn't affected a bit. All I can say is Warner Bros tested their strength in CGI and touching the past of wizarding world, 70 years prior to Harry Potter's era. Film is tasty with useless details scattered around to make it humourous and light. Grindelwald's background was kept untouched but the character still felt completely described. Eddie Redmayer is natural actor ans I've been chanting this for years. Wonder why no one listens to my unbiased opinions lmao. Film is good and above average for potterheads and mediocre fantasy film lovers. For me it was lengthy but well filmed. 7/10 ( could've been better with addition of depth )
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A better sequel...
5 May 2021
A good film, better than the previous one. Its time wizarding world starts expanding its base a little bit more. Though the film focused more on coming sequel, but we got the same goosebumps thing like we did when Voldemort gathered his army and separated them from weaklings and good wizards. Good CGI, average performances, good score, average plot and the theme was fantastic. Film was quite entertaining and I personally loved it. Doesn't matter what critics say about it.
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Disappointing Sequel...
5 May 2021
Sequels most of the time disappoint and yes its true. Though film concludes a plot filled with holes and blunder and a film with no logic at all. Still the sequel doesn't justify what The Beginning stood for. Characters are compromised ( Avanthika and Shiva themselves ) so the film or films focused past more than present and that's a blunder. CGI is good and actually competes with likes of MCU films.
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Perks of CGI...
5 May 2021
This is what CGI can do. While watching this you shouldn't try to concentrate on logic, it'll disappoint you. Just enjoy a simple yet powerful story with good CGIed action, cinematography and in fact everything lol. Music is vital and performances are ok.
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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
5 May 2021
That's it. I am officially a fan of Robert. This film filled with symbols and myths is one of my favourite from last decade. From simple madness rushing in your brain to exploring identities and regrets from crime, living old greek myths to touching the topic of sexual tensions between homoeroticism, this film by Eggars does a jobe well done. Performances are near perfect by both leads as Pattinson surprised us with his unique sense of blending into character and Defoe just made our experience memorable with his experience. A classic horror/thriller with most appealing self exploring idea with perfect execution of director is a treat to watch. Thank you so much.
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Minari (2020)
I loved it...
5 May 2021
A great film indeed. Korean cinema seldom disappoints and this film is an example of how perfect you can paint a family story without showing too much depth But that doesn't make this a simple film, it's filled with numerous moments that'd leave you in awe. A beautiful yet so strong film. Performances made this film stand above many great family drama films. Its a job well done by Chung. The only slightest problem I felt was starting. The viewer had to grip his/her claws deep down to hold it because the starting isn't that much compelling that'd hook you up.
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Impressive !
5 May 2021
Impressive, arguably the best indian horror film, it stands with likes of popular English horrors like Hereditary, Shinning and others. Superb story, above average acting performances, smooth soundtrack, extraordinary camera work, best direction and a mature climax. Its a perfect horror package in all. Though in the end it was predictable but I guess it was just me. Otherwise the profound idea this tamil film possessed is enough to remind us how good Indian cinema can be and how rare they do that. A must watch horror film for everyone whether you in horror genre or not. This film is impressive and absolutely great. 8/10.
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It's actually a great film...
5 May 2021
Let's start with simple praising, cinematography was excellent, camera work was extraordinary, performances were top, execution was good and ending was way too mature. I liked the film a lot but the film as a whole isn't masterpiece. Many moments are very good but not all. One couldn't say that The Grand Budapest Hotel is complete masterpiece. Because if you watch it carefully ( which you should always ) you'd find little continuity mistakes, movie mistakes which we'd not expect from Filmmakers like Wes Anderson and films like that which are famous and made with care. Those mistakes are like pineapple on delicious pizza. Although the film was way too good in editing, sound quality was amazing and was a complete experience of an artistic cinema. If only those mistakes were covered and plot in the mid was fixed with less satire and more thriller, TGBH could've been the best thriller from 2010s. Still its a beautiful film with one of best cast and color grading. Loved it no doubt.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
Doesn't add much...
5 May 2021
Though the movie wasn't worse and it didn't waste my time but there were some small blunders scattered throughout. First being the plot so fast and bad. Performances were below average and music was okayish. CGI seemed bad at points considering we are living in 2021 and WB produced it. Fighting sequences were quite alright and actually enjoyable. The timeline they explored didn't fit at all and kind of dimmed the love I had for video games. It was an effortless try by WB imo because they focused on sequel in film. This film failed at box office and now I doubt the sequel is coming. In short it was an okayish action funpack film with no depth or proper execution which makes it bad for me but good for action films lovers. You might actually like the Scorpion vs Subzero's epic rivalry but there's nothing special in it.
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Same things all over again...
5 May 2021
Its what 90% of animated films are, colorful, interesting ( if you into animation ) and lesson in the end. Its better than first in visuals but actually lacks everything else like good story, emotional moments and a solid idea they just went introducing more humans and the wall. You can easily skip it because its just for kids telling them family matters and love matters and yes some adult jokes for adults duh. Things we all know already, and tbvh every second animated film is imposing this on audience. I'm done with it it's boring.
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The Boys: We Gotta Go Now (2020)
Season 2, Episode 5
This wasn't bad...
18 September 2020
Come-on, I mean a lot is going on. We've more than 5 stories going at a same time. Be it Homelander and Liberty or Maeve and her anger. Everything was perfectly executed and last 2 minutes were exceptional. I'd say this episode is best yet.
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