
52 Reviews
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Very nice documentary. Too bad Herzog's was first.
24 May 2024
I really enjoyed these documantaries, which show the amazing footage, close shots and animal behaviors of bears, weasels and foxes, to name a few.

It is a shame that Herzog's "Grizzly Man" came out two years prior. After watching that, i was ready to hate Treadwell.

Was Treadwell imbalanced? Certainly. But often the imbalanced are gifted in extrordinary ways. And sometimes they are driven to share this with the world. Does Van Gogh's missing ear or eventual suicide make his art any less beautiful? I think not.

As another review pointed out, we were living in a dangerous time of "copycat antics" and the like. I think there was a great deal of concern that people would try to emulate him, so "they" srongly emphasized the idea of, "he was an idiot". I think Timothy Treadwell was imbalanced, but not an idiot. I think anyone else who tried to do what he did would be just as imbalanced for thinking they could. Mr. Treadwell had a dream, and he lived it. And he shared it with us. It is terribly tragic that things turned out the way they did (especially for Amie Hugeunard) but I cannot control (and do not want to emulate) his story, just benefit from it.
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Grizzly Man (2005)
Herzog no better than Treadwell :(
24 May 2024
Timothy Treadwell's story has fascinated me since I became aware of it via this film. I am also someone who lives with "wild" animals. I have a "pack" of unaltered Lassies, and I can tell you first-hand, that even they have a life and a social heirachy that I do not control. Simply try to manage. I have read and watched everything I could about Timothy Treadwell, from all available sources, trying to figure out, like everyone else, how and why he did what he did.

From what I have seen, it seems Timothy Treadwell had finally found his niche. In thirteen years he watched and learned and perhaps instictively understood the Grizzly social heirarchy, their body language, their motivations and how to work within these in order to convince them he wasn't prey. As he admitted himself, he had them "bufffaloed" (at least the fat, happy summer bears he knew) Timothy Treadwell was the only one brave (crazy? Desperate?) enough to spend enough time with them to learn and test this. I read that he had tried Hollywood, and other wildlife species as projects, which seemed to indicate a desire to be famous and be widely recognized for his efforts.

He had had a tough road finding this niche, yet instead of the acclaim he desired, he was met with criticism from concerned people, competitors, and copy cats trying to benefit from his fame.

Coupled with this was his dark side (which was described by his friend, Jewel) which was not part of the public personna he wanted, or felt was appropriate, to show to children. Almost everything he recorded was done so with the intent on lecturing to children. Also, when someone tries to communicate with animals, this must be done on their level. Most have the intelligence of a small child. Most can sense our emotions and intent. It was necessary for him to act and sound childish, for two reasons, his audience and the bears, which worked together beautifully, and his naturally high voice fit in perfectly too!

There are several hints in his recordings of a "death wish" and wanting to "be with the bears forever". I think, when he did not get the recognition he deserved, and could not control or manipulate the situation, as he was able to do with these dangerous bears, he began to tempt fate more and more. If he suceeded, that was just more proof of his amazing ability. If he failed, he would "go out with a bang" and maintain his fame. When he was killed, it was late in the season with strange, hyper-hungry bears about, he was camped on a bear trail, hidden in the woods. All very dangerous, but surely he knew that after 13 years.

Regretfully, Amie Huguenard was with him. God rest her innocent soul. She seemed to be almost physically identical to Treadwell, but did not seem to share his affection for the grizzlies. Although this is the first time we see her, it was not her first trip to the Grizzly Sanctuary with Treadwell. This was also not a continuation of a summer expedition. They had gotten all the way to the airport, where Treadwell got upset and they decided to go back out. There were rumors she was considering leaving him, so what made her go back out? I guess we will never know. :(

Even though Werner Herzog begins his documentary seeming to want to recognize Treadwell for his efforts, he quickly begins to criticize his methods throughout the film, and even tries to manipulate his story even more by squelching the death recording. I think, if for some reason it was recorded, God or Fate has a reason for that, and it's not Werner Herzog's place to squelch it. (Unless he is simply threatened by it). But then, the "I am just a filmaker" Herzog is constantly advertising his personal beliefs (which many believe "delve into the Human Psyche") that are in no way proven or groundbreaking. Herzog is not Sigmund Freud, he really is "just a filmmaker" with a similar accent. He is certainly guilty of anthropomorphing (to the detriment of his film subjects). In "Happy People: A Year in the Taiga", he lamented about a "poor, mistreated" husky who was running beside his ower who was riding on a snow mobile. Does he not know that this is what Huskies are bred for? They LIVE to run! He seems to think that his owner is cruel, yet the dog is allowed to do the very thing it is perfectly equipped and born to do. Herzog just thinks every dog should, or wants to be a lap dog! But, in reaiity, Werner Herzog obviously knows very little about dogs.

I think Mr. Herzog made this film with a bit if underlying jealousy, a bit of "sour grapes" and an effort to ride the tail of Timothy Tradwell's star of fame, to boot!

It seems that Timothy Treadwell had, and developed, some major emotional and psychological problems, which sadly led to his (and Amy Huguenard's) death. In spite of this, he left some AMAZING nature footage and an understanding of Grizzlies never before seen. Some of it can be seen, however, in the regretfully limited 2008 series "The Grizzly Man Diaries". Whether or not one agrees with Timothy Treadwell's methods and "fall from grace", one cannot deny the amazing footage and beautiful scenes he captured and brought to all of us, including our children. Was Timothy Treadwell mentally imbalanced? Certainly. But often the imbalanced are gifted in extrordinary ways. And sometimes they are driven to share this with the world. Does VanGogh's missing ear or eventual suicide make his art any less beautiful? I think not. Give The Grizzly Man Diaries a watch, if you can.
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Stay (I) (2005)
Hidden Gem! Forster is a master, ahead of his time
26 April 2024
In 2024, this movie is really good!

It's a psychological thriller featuring multi plotlines with surprising "switchbacks" and twists. Nice little hidden gem.

Although I suspect many will be drawn to this movie to watch the talented and current Golden Boy, Ryan Gosling, and will probably enjoy Ewan McGregor's performance as well, it was the direction I was most impressed with, and what urged me to research Marc Forster and leave this review. As listed on his IMDb page, Forster's "Trademark (is) Protagonists looking for happiness within different viewpoints of others, while looking at themselves as well." I suppose you could say that about this movie. And, in retrospect, about his next collaboration with Ewan McGregor, "Christopher Robin" (2018). Both films present boundary pushing, uncomfortable ideas in a beautiful, non-scary way. I think Marc Forster could have done amazing things with movies like Annihilation (2018) and The Abyss (1989). I hope he directs a movie again. We need more human based art in our media again. Our souls miss the connection.
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Olympia (II) (2018)
An Amazing Woman...blazing trails even before we knew we needed them
4 April 2024
I always admired Ms. Dukakis, especially after her performance in Steel Magnolias. I was, however, unaware of the depth and breadth of her tireless, expansive career until now.

Independent, "unsinkable", generous and devoted to her craft in every way, she and her partner/husband, Louis Zorich, who seemed to be the "wind beneath" her wings, created a lfe full of art and cooperation with other artists, which subtly changed the way we think about older women, and women in general.

I learned about the book, "When God Was A Woman", from this documentary and ordered the book because of it. I think strong women, such as Olympia Dukakis, remember this time, somewhere deep in their souls, and see the need in the world for their contributions. They are driven and can literally stop at nothing to bring those gifts to the world. It may seem odd, make her seem emotionally imbalanced, because she was crying after meeting the women in Greece. But I think she was crying because she was always looking for a kindred spirit. She thought she may find them there, in the place where at one time, "God was a woman". Instead she found these women, who are completely happy and contentented sitting on a bench every day in beautiful Greece. Perhaps she feels all of her efforts have been unnecessary? She may be asking herself, "Why have I fought so hard when all I had to do was nothing, and I would be sitting on a bench every day with my friends in beautiful Greece?" And the final blow? Even they only knew of, and acknowledged, her brother's run for the US presidency.

The sad reality, I think, is that there just aren't that many women today with the means, opportunity and support to realize their own power and convey their gifts to the world.

Hopefully, as we share the stories of those who have and do, we will find the way for more of us to help the world.

Thank you, Ms. Dukakis, for sharing yours.
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Included new info...
4 April 2024
Or perhaps newly compiled? I feel this film truly conveys the serious, real side of Marilyn Monroe. I think she was much more intelligent than her persona allowed and handled the press and fame brilliantly.

Old footage of interviews with her friends, business associates, public appearances and pr news stories, I feel, show the true Norma Jean Mortenson under the Marilyn Monroe facade, which makes her amazing stardom that much more brilliant. It wasn't as if she became a star overnight. She paid her dues, was constantly learning and improving her appearance, her craft, her opportunities and investments. By the time she became a sensation, it seems she knew exactly how to handle and benefit from it.

Turns out this subject was not as "old and tired" as I thought it was. Glad I gave this one a watch.
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Glass Onion (2022)
As good as the first, with a slow middle that ends well
4 April 2024
Over a thousand reviews, all of them bad, on a movie that is only a year old? "Something seems fishy in Denmark", perhaps it's an "AI" generated smear campaign? I don't understand this at all. Except, perhaps, all of these "real people" were expecting another, tired, sequel?

This film was different than the first, but I ended up liking it just as much. In the trivia section for this film, I read that director Rian Johnson resented the phrase, "A Knives out film" included in the marketing because he wanted to make an entirely different movie each time, (not a sequel) with the exception of including Benoit Blanc in each film. I admire and respect this and feel he has done just that. I was, however, grateful for the title font, which caused me to pause and connect the two, and decided to watch this one, based on enjoying "Knives Out".

The plot was adequate with some surprising twists, some told in retrospect, revealing secrets along the way. It is satirical, but not maliciously so. A little slow in the middle. (Something about the writing here made me wonder if it were AI generated during this part).

I must say that I feel Daniel Craig could work on his Southern persona a bit. I wonder, sometimes, if his character is meant to be a spoof of the real thing. If not, he needs to work on his timing, cadence and voice inflection. The accent is passable, but there is much more to speaking "Southern" than the accent alone. Ironically, his most realistic portrayal was near the end, when he was actually ridiculing his own "Southern Style", something a true, proud Southern gentleman would never do. Benoit (Le) Blanc (French) almost seems an ironic name for this somewhat eccentric Southern genius, so perhaps the skirting of satire is intentional, but it's also a very likely name if he happens to hail from Louisiana.

None of the acting really stood out for me, but it was all good. Watching clips of Kate Hudson's big entrance to the pool made me want to watch the film. And Janelle Monae's performance was varied and admirable, but what i most admired was her black and white over one shoulder dress. I have never liked a single dress with this design until now, and I absolutely loved this one!

Is it the same as "Knives Out"? No. But it's original, exciting, twisty, fun and a good watch. Can't wait until the next one! (Please use the same font for the title? Thank you.)
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Blackfish (2013)
The Worldwide problem is with PETA!!!
24 March 2024
P-E-T-A creates UNREALISTIC ideas about ANIMALS, encouraging EVERYONE to think of ANIMALS as HUMANS. They are NOT humans. And we, and even they, are NOT equal.

This documentary was very well done. It included history and research of killer whales (and what they will do) that has otherwise been swept under the rug for PR purposes and what became a HUGE business. The problem seems to have occurred when they began to market them as "cuddly" and "harmless", ignoring their true nature. The scene that best illustrates this (and had me screaming at the TV) was the Sea LAND trainer., blubbering about how Tllikum was "psychotic". I guess he thinks if we "love him enough and show him the way" he will automatically "understand" the need to be peaceful. In this man's unrealistic, twisted opinion, a KILLER whale MUST be "psychotic" in order to kill! Many others besides Tillikum exhibited dangerous, aggressive behavior, and some of them killed. Seems to me they are exhibiting NATURAL behavior for a KILLER whale. It is a great disservice to expect them to be human just because we kidnap, train, feed and contain them, some seem to think they should "understand" and if they don't their natural behavior becomes "psychotic" The true victims here were the trainers. The people who unknowingly put their lives in danger every day. They believed the fantasies made up to sell tickets, and kept them going, but most of them were never told the true dangers, and some of them paid the ultimate price.

When I heard and saw that man calling Tillikum "psychotic" for killing, it sent chills down my spine. I realized how "delusional" HE must have been, and I wonder how many others are as delusional and misinformed as he is. It's the same feeling I get when I see Animal Control and Rescue Groups (fueled by PETA) trying to re-home Pit Bills, saying they are 'sweet", etc. I know in my heart they are irresponsibly re-homing possible, unpredictable, terrifying tragedy, yet there is nothing I can do to "out-voice" such a massive force, so I try not to think about it. Tillikum and others were (or seemed) incredibly "sweet" at times too. But they still did what they were made to, or evolved to do, and that's kill. Mostly because, no matter how much we love their responses to the human emotions they inspire in us, they are not human. It's a great disservice to them, and incredibly dangerous for us, to treat them as such.
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Blood (I) (2012)
Best Drama I have seen in quite a while
26 February 2024
The title is somewhat misleading. I had skipped over watching this several times because it seemed gory to me. But this is actually one of the best crime dramas I have seen in quite a while.

The actors truly act a wide range of intense emotions, which are dark, but incredibly human at the same time.

The resolution of the related mini- stories was as smooth as the script and as satisfying as the main story.

I think they did an excellent job of condensing a miniseries into a film, without losing any important elements, which were essential to the flow and continuity of the main story. Like a layered portrait, they all worked together to convey a tragedy which effected so many, each in subtly different ways.

Good movie, if you like crime dramas.
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Fear Thy Neighbor (2014–2023)
Good show, but needs some fact checking.
17 February 2024
I enjoyed this show and binge watched most of the episodes. This show tells true stories of arguments that go terribly wrong. Most of them begin innocently enough, but things get WAY out of hand. I hope people watch this show and realize that there are some things that just aren't worth it, and some things that can never be undone. I hope it makes them think twice before those things happen.

What prompted me to review, though, is to correct an error in S6;E3. In this episode a Border Collie is shown to have killed chickens. The dog is eventually shot and killed. The show depicted the dog as a Border Collie, but a Border Collie is a very unlikely chicken killer. They are bred to, and instinctively protect domestic animals, even if they are not their own. A husky, mixed breed, or even a fox or coyote are the usual chicken killers. I am not sure if this family's dog was actually a Border Collie, or if the show simply chose this lovable, popular family pet to feature as their dog, but I feel they did the breed, and all herding dogs a disservice by portraying this dog this way. Most people may not notice the discrepancy, but some of us certainly do, and this breed does not deserve to be represented in this way.
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Two Lovers (2008)
Joaquin Phoenix and Gwenyth Paltrow's best performances yet
11 February 2024
An interesting fact that could easily be overlooked, is that both Paltrow and Phoenix come from solid "Hollywood families", which they each were expected to "do better than" in order to be recognized at all.

Joaquin's family arrived homeless to the LA area, but rich with talent and children (including River Phoenix) who would soon prove that talent truly can be a great equalizer, and help a family off the streets, and then some. Shortly after River's death, everyone was watching Joaquin, to see if he could "fill his brother's shoes". (Gladiator) I think he has done that, and then some. Funny thing about acting, the best ones make it seem so easy but then, that's the purpose, right?

Gwyneth Paltrow was "born into the biz", with actress Blythe Danner and producer director Bruce Paltrow as her parents, people said she didn't earn her roles. Until now, I have only seen her play (typecast?) somewhat shallow, spoiled characters. This one was the first in which I saw vulnerability, yet not weakness. Strength through her tears. It has given me a new appreciation of her skills.

Is it the script or direction that allows true talent to shine? Or vice versa? Either way, this was a good movie....almost Woody Allenish, but more connected, with more feeling.
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Crisis (I) (2021)
Good Movie! Three stories intertwine to unravel a mystery
10 February 2024
This is probably the best 2021 movie I have seen to date. The opioid epidemic is exposed, but as a backdrop to an intriguing crime thriller complete with plot twists that I never would have expected.

The unlikely trio of stories intertwine seamlessly, never seeming choppy or disconnected. The acting was very good and only added to the enjoyment of the film.

I was particularly impressed with Evangeline Lily and will be watching for more of her work. Gary Oldman and Greg Kinnear both delivered their standard, solid performances of characters who aren't necessarily their standard type. Armie Hammer played an even-tempered Canadian action hero well, conveying control over strength of steel with a bit of danger, just below the surface.

At first I was surprised by the quality of this movie. As smooth and seamless as the story seems to be, there were still a few rough edges. And then I realized, Gary Oldman, quality actor with decades of experience, made an "indie" film. No wonder it's good!

If you like thrillers, I recommend it.
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We Need Better Scripts. So Actors Can Act
9 February 2024

Good movies come from good stories. Good stories are told via good writing, and good acting. Lately (past ten years) it seems people are concentrating on the "flash" or the issues to make a movie which sells tickets. They seem to be skipping over the art, which makes people want to watch and feel the story. Maybe it waa the writers strike, maybe the actors strike, but it is incredibly disappointing to see a move with such great potential fall so far from the greatness everyone knows it could have been.

Please bring the artists back into movie making, there is a magic there that cannot be replicated, and it is sorely missed.
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Timeless, Engaging. Well made. Deserves a higher rating. T
5 February 2024
I enjoy historical films, and this one is a true story, "spot on" in every way, down to the ammo and weapons used (according to some experts here), which adds credibility to the story. I was hesitant to watch this, because, quite frankly, I have become adverse to watching blood and gore in movies, yet every bloody, violent scene was necessary to the story, not mindless, pointless gore, for the sake (and sensationalism) of gore alone. Also, hesitant because we got our butts kicked! But that was not the story. The story was the amazing efforts dedication, injuries and lives lost to achieve "No Man Left Behind." I guess we civilians never knew, because they rarely tell the stories about when things don't work out as planned. I am glad I watched this one.

Also nice to "go back in time" and see then fledgling stars such as Josh Harnett and Ewan McGregor and comfortable old favorites like Tom Sizemore - R. I. P. (Saving Private Ryan), Eic Bana (Romulus My Father, Troy), William Fichner (A Perfect Storm) and one of my all time favorites, a true, "mutimedia" artist, Sam Shepard - R. I. P.

If you haven't seen this movie, or even if you have, it's worth the watch (again). :)
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Much Better Than I Expected - Give it a chance.
30 January 2024
This story has it's beginnings in Sharon Tate's actual 1968 interview with Dick Kleiner, Fate magazine, in which she describes a dream, her premonition - Of what was to come.

The movie tells much more of the story than I was aware of at the time, and prompted me to do more research. All the facts and news coverage are accurately presented and included. The addition of Mrs. Polanski's premonitions, fears, thoughts on fate and the supernatural brings a "Rosemary's Baby" type of horror flick feel, yet does not sacrifice credibility, and adds a softer landing to her tragic story. I think she deserved no less.

As another reviewer here, I was glad to learn more details without more sensationalization of Manson and his followers. And grateful for a possible soft landing to such a terrible, horrific, crime.
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Marco (1973)
Wish I Could Find This...
30 January 2024
Today I read that Venice, Italy is celebrating Marco Polo's 700th birthday, and it brought back fond memories of learning about him, via this movie.

I remember it was a lot of fun and educational, too! I probably would have put thoughts of Marco Polo way back on the dusty shelf in my mind where I keep dinosaurs, founding fathers and carrier pigeons, but this movie brought his story, and his contributions, to life in a spectacular, (and obviously memorable) way for me.

Because of this movie, I learned that spaghetti is actually Chinese, that Marco Polo was an Ambassador as well as a Trader, and that he is much more than a child's game of swimming pool hide-n-seek/tag.

Wish i could watch it again, but can't find it anywhere.
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Better than the title...nice little plot twisting sleeper
16 January 2024
I really enjoyed this movie. The plot was much more "intricate" than the title would suggest. Some parts were funny, and not too much violence or gore, but an interesting story, to say the least.

I thought the performances of each of the actors was good. I watched, initially, because John Travolta starred, but the other actors certainly held their own, blending all into a good movie.

Well written and directed.

Again, much better than I expected from the title.

Good watch.

Hidden Gem Sleeper.

99 characters to 600...i have said all i can. Thanks for the good movie!

26....19...14...9...5,3,1 BLAST OFF!!!! :)
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7 January 2024
Cowboy, being TEXAN would NEVER have worn a Confederate flag on his helmet. If any (other than US) it would have been a TEXAS flag. The original Confederate flag flew over Texas for only the four years that war lasted. Texas was also fighting Mexico at the same time (and won) They chose to take pride in that, and in their own great state, and put the Confederacy behind them after that war ended.

Stanley Kubrick and other directors(LBJ-the Confederate flag NEVER flew over Love Field), should be SUED for misrepresentation of an ENTIRE STATE in order to create hatred for a character in his movie.

At the time this movie was made, those of us from Texas probably thought this irresponsible, grievous error, made solely for dramatic effect, would never matter. Turns out now, in 2023, it matters very much. It always did, too bad Mr. Kubrick didn't think so. He is no genius, just a delusional,sick man who somehow got behind a camera and spread a bunch of hate for dramatic effect.

The very best part of this movie was played by a virtually unknown bar bouncer. Does that tell you anything?
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Bone Tomahawk (2015)
Your average Western- and then some
20 December 2023
This movie mixes old fashioned western with sci-fi, with horror, to produce an unforgettable movie. Or at least a movie with some very unforgettable scenes.

The beauty of this movie, is that it is done so well, one never suspends disbelief.

I gained a new appreciation for Kurt Russell, who started as a "Disney Golden boy", and has shown his great range of absolutely believable characters, in any genre or mix of genre (including a super cool Santa Claus)

Richard Jenkins and David Arquette also add their experience and talent to the mix, making this movie, I think, much better than it could have been.

A bit more gore than i like, (I actually gave it an 8 instead of a 9, because I just can't watch it again. I can't stand what they did to David Arquette!!! However it's still a good, original story, with a good cast who all played their parts well.
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16 December 2023
This movie was SO disappointing.

The two stars I gave were for Angelina Jolie, sizzling hot at the top of her game, I have never seen her perform better.

And. Medina Senghorn, whose character I actually wanted to be.

The only sign of Tyler Sheridan I see in this movie are the strong, fully developed, well rounded female characters.

In fact, I suspect the last half of this 2021 movie was written by AI, perhaps during the writer's strike?

Wish I had only watched the first half. And I DO hope next year's movies are back up to par now that the writer's and actor's strikes are over. This could have been a really good movie.
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Wild Horses (2015)
Basically a good story, but a little rough arond the edges.
16 December 2023
This movie is actually a story about a man wanting to put things right, as best he can, before he dies. In the process, some skeletons, no longer needed, fall out of the closet.

I feel his son, Ben, was too hard on him, in the end. I feel he was already trying to indicate his acceptance of his sexuality by including him in the will and by inviting him to visit. I am sure he never wanted to, nor did, hear a "play-by-play" of his other two son's sexual exploits. He didn't strike me as that type of father at all. I think, later on, Ben would have regretted the way he treated his dad, once he had to make a few of those tough choices, and face a few of those tough realities, of his own. I also feel he kept silent about Maria's mother in order to protect her somehow. People, on both sides, especially during that time, would not have been kind to her, at all.

Having been raised in Texas, I personally think Mr. Duvall's wife did a fairly accurate job (by design or by accident) of playing a Texas Ranger. These people are the FBI of Texas. They aren't friendly and you don't-ever- want them at your door. If she seemed cold, well, that's her job. In fact, I think she almost bordered on "too nice", Robert Duvall has come a long, long way since he played Boo Radley in To Kill A Mockingbird. I felt he was truly a master of his craft when he almost stole the show with his very short performance in "The Road". I appreciate the years of experience that are reflected in this movie and although a little rough around the edges, I enjoyed the story very much. I suppose i saw it more from his perspective, watching the skeletons fall out, and some of the reconciliation and peace that came with the truth, at last.
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
Good movie! - Entertaining, well written, thought provoking...
15 December 2023
This movie was entertaining, well written, and thought provoking. It included believable action, drama and science fiction.

Each of the main characters were interesting, each had a different reason for going on a "suicide mission". Besides their stories, the main story was intriguing, mysterious and complete with a plot twist or two.

Threaded in between was beautiful imagery, are interesting philosophical questions, which beg one to ask, "could we be assimilated?" Or would it be more like evolving? Or perhaps simply mutating, out of what we once were?

I really enjoyed this movie and enjoyed watching each of the main characters, each with their unique dynamics.

I am a bit disappointed in the negative reviews here, which don't seem to have any real basis except possibly the obvious.

If you like sci-fi, plot twists, beautiful imagery and don't mind watching a bunch of girls, I think you will like this too.
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If not budget more, perhaps more attention to detail?
28 November 2023
Parts of this movie were enjoyable, and the ending was quite nice, however, getting to the ending takes a bit of effort.

Since I love the old style dramatic Westerns,,CGI and special effects I can do without, but "sloppy" wardrobe is something that doesn't cost a lot to do well. There were no pre-printed paisley bandanas back then. The real ones were probably solid color rags from this or that. These (which literally EVERYONE wore) looked like they had just come off the shelf from Walmart. At least they could have washed & dried them (and the brand new cargo pants with the buckle in the back and all the "brand spanking new" vests and crisp shirts) No ironing, and leave them out in a dust storm a bit, especially the hats! This wardrobe GLARINGLY said "Fake".

Some very poor acting and writing, Jeff Fahey and Danny Trejo almost stole the whole movie with one scene.

Nice to see Tom Berringer looking and acting so well in his '70's - Wow.

Barely watchable. However, it had a pretty good "feel good" kind of ending.
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The Dirt (2019)
Motley Crew, who knew?
8 November 2023
I enjoyed this movie, even though i never knew much about them at that time, besides their name.

The movie was cute and fun and easily told their story. Watching the credits, though, I saw from a few short clips and photos, the true charisma and talent each or these men had, and it was through the roof! Actors, each very good, cannot even, in the slightest compare to the real thing.

I feel the tone of the movie fit the uncomplicated "tone" of the band. The magic of Motley Crew wasn't in their lyrics or songs, it was in their showmanship, presentation and charisma.

Glad I saw this and got to see a bit of what I missed.

Great band.
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Intriguing mystery, film noir Croney style
1 November 2023
I really enjoyed this dark, somewhat Hitchcockian mystery. Amazingly, David Cronenberg was the creepiest diver I have ever seen coming up out of that lake, even before i realized it was Cronenberg! Although he is not listed as director, I did notice the red stonewear at the Alien diner and remember an interview which discussed the significance of the crimson surgical scrubs in his original Dead Ringers (1988) with Jeremy Irons. And, of course, "Be back in a Cronon" was a cute coincidence too.

This movie was also somewhat of a psychological thriller which held my interest and had a nice ending.

I enjoyed it and recommend it.
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Arkansas (2020)
Intricate, but not complicated bittersweet tale of disorganized drug dealers. Loved it!
30 October 2023
Swin - hated him on sight. Then we were (very good) friends.

Malkovich - experience has taught him well how "steal a scene", I loved him again in this role. He made the character original for me and i forgot he was "Malkovich". A true master of his craft.

Liam Helmsworth - nice looking guy. Is that the guy from Hell On Wheels? He kind of reminds me of Josh Brolin in a way...Oh, wait, Eden Brolin (Josh's daughter) plays a significant role, that must be where the "Brolin vibe" is coming from. She's a cutie and a good actress in her own right.

Vince Vaghn, deadpan comedic actor extraordinaire, is very good in this role. He is aging quite well. Looks tougher, leaner and is allowed a broader role here, which he plays very well.

I am not well versed regarding directors. I basically just like a good movie, but if this is Duke Clark's first movie, I would say he has just hit a home run! This movie seems to be Tarantino-ish, sans time switching order or Cohen Bros w/o gore. The casting is excellent, the story somewhat original, authenticity and continuity seems right on point. For me, a story well told that affected me, but didn't leave me disturbed.

I hope Duke Clark can make more movies soon. But even if this one stands alone, it's a fine piece of work to be proud of.
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