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The Bear: Forever (2024)
Season 3, Episode 10
A Decent Third Course Ending
29 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The first episode details the journey Carm took to become in his eyes, the perfect chef.

Training under the best, we see how these places molded his mental state culminating under the brutal teachings of the monster that is Chef David played wickedly by Joel McHale.

Loved the droning score throughout and it perfectly helps us understand what made Carmy the man he is now.

It's a shame that many men come under this spell of internalizing all that stress and pressure. Turning themselves into these machines while things underneath slowly bubble. It's great to see him finally let some emotions out and try to make amends with those he pushed away.

Although he had some good mentors, all it takes is one to get inside your head and crush your spirit.

Season three closes with yet another great payoff and emotionally crushing moment delivered by Jeremy Allen. Finally we get the conversation he'd been wanting to have for years

The chat goes just as you expect it too, where the abuser flings it back at you with ease justifying their behavior and not acknowledging the damage they have done.

As per usual with the bear, each episode is like another layer being pulled back. It always feels understated which I feel is its greatest strength.

Many shows like to cut the fat off (pun intended) by having overlong speeches and unrealistic expository dialogue within one episode. Not in this show, ever.

Such is life. You can't always say everything you want to loved ones or co workers. Or you don't have the time. It's just not how it is. And it's even harder with the past still attached to you.

Tina and Sugars episodes were so wonderfully intimate. Loved finally seeing them a bit more and the journey of how they came to be or where they are going.

Jamie Lee Curtis - Olivia Coleman superstars give us commanding and restrained acting chops so effortlessly.

Ayo as Sydney is my spirit animal. My lord she is a talented lady. Finally breaking from The prospects of a new position and the pressure of the Bear, she shows incredible restraint around her fellow cast

The season ends with their first review popping up on Carms phone and leaves things in a tight spot.

I do wish they expanded more on Richie's situation and it seems Marcus was reduced to background player. I'm sure they are saving it for the final season. But it's frustrating when shows do this.

Overall slightly undercooked but good mid season.
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Ren Faire (2024)
Stylized yet Feels Off
11 June 2024
Todays documentaries always seem to have this fancy presentation about them and frankly artificial feel.

They all require a film filter, heavy editing and overly dramatic music.

Although this one is well shot and looks great, I can't help but feel misled by the whole thing.

The story is presented like a movie with deliberate scenes that show each of the people as if it were some drama. And it begs the question, why wasn't this simply filmed as such?

I say this because it seems fake overall, as if the story doesn't have the weight it's presented throughout the three episodes.

It boards on being simply a reality tv show with a stronger budget.

I wish we saw more of the fair itself too! The inner workings, the shows, fellow actors and vendors.

Their thoughts on the whole matter and their jobs. But instead it was about management and their "king." Personally I felt that would've been a better choice for a theme here.

The fair seems to be more of a background than anything else. For three hour long episodes, it felt like a bait and switch.

George is the center of all this and boy is he probably one of the worst bosses you could have. Abusive, narcissistic, sexist and most of all, deranged! The way he talks to people and then claim he's some martyr. He really is alone in all of this.

Clearly past his prime, he seeks out a successor in his three top employees. It turns into a wannabe Succession, minus the razor sharp dialogue and acting.

A few players enter the game, only one will win. You can probably guess who it will be with the first outing and again I wonder why this was three episodes instead of two. I think George just liked the power play and using others for his own amusement. Sad individual.

It certainly kept me intrigued and the pace was steady. Yet it felt extra all around, filler that could've been more concentrated.

Again, the moments of almost fourth wall breaking where we see a dream like scenario of some of these people imagining things or hearing voices. It should've been a film. Just take the story that happened and turn it into a movie. Clearly these takes were set up and the people in on it. It was hard to take seriously.

I really thought this was a mockumentary, because of how absurd things were getting by the end.

Things end with a whimper and you're not surprised at the outcome for any of these folks here.

The whole thing is a fluff piece and I felt that this was a waste of time. Documentaries used to have a more traditional way of being shown More classy back in the day. Now it's made for the mainstream and spoon feeds you everything

I dare say this is a faux film about a true story. That's the best way I can describe it. Fascinating, yet frustrating.

You may like it more than I, but I don't recommend.

5 for the presentation and music. 2 for everything else.
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Decent yet Lacking
1 June 2024
This is probably one of the most infamous company downfalls in recent history, and it's a great story to tell; yet I wanted more.

There are a lot of talking heads with different perspectives, including most of the former board members; yet I feel I didn't see the whole picture.

We are told how the original team came to be and the rise of what would've been considered the standard for movie going experiences. A proper subscription service where you can see any film, any theater anytime. Ideal and I think it would've been a good thing to continue. ESP with cinemas becoming less valued these days.

We saw the back and forth between AMC, investors.

We then switch once the newer CEO's come in Remove the founders and begin a campaign that would eventually crush themselves under their own weight.

While I was engaged and enjoyed the breezy feel of this doc I felt like there was things left unsaid. It's hard to pinpoint exactly what Maybe they had NDA's they couldn't break at the moment.

Mitch Lowe comes across as a man who simply made mistakes, far from it. Pure slime along with Ted Farnsworth.

The ultimate revelation comes in when it's revealed that this was a fraud scheme from the get go.

And how they let the system go down while embezzling funds from the venture capital group.

But by the time we get to the meat of what went wrong, it's over.

Maybe it really was a, what you see is what you get.

I don't know. I feel that they stretched it out more than what was needed. And more could've been said on what the core of movie pass was. How the software worked and why they didn't hire more staff.

Worth a watch, but don't expect a huge revelation from it. More of a cliff notes of history.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm: Fish Stuck (2024)
Season 12, Episode 5
Solid Mid season ep
4 March 2024
Ok so the reviewers that are saying this isn't the same show should really calm down.

Curb has always been a strong and consistent show. I know that the new way is being shot makes it seem like a different format, but they are being filmed with a better camera. That's all folks. Larry is still in control and brings us fresh stories with today's climate. The humor is still there. It's not watered down. Nor is it considered PC.

Larry and company are as funny and strong as ever. This season is no exception. We have the continuing saga of how Larry deals with Irma; Played to perfection by Ullman.

Leon as always being the solid support and advice guru for Larry. His long standing Rivalry with Danson and the best hostile interactions on the show.

Vince Vaughn fits right in his world with a great natural performance. A great addition to the cast in these recent years.

It's wonderful to see the great Richard Lewis (RIP) make another appearance doing standup at AA. A gentle swan song for his long running appearances on curb.

Can't get enough of Susie's crazy outfits, just getting more outrageous each time.

Lookin forward to seeing the remainder of the episodes. Something tells me we will get a solid finale.
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The Crown: Sleep, Dearie Sleep (2023)
Season 6, Episode 10
A Graceful Finale
15 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I believe that The Crown now has a place in history on its own. From episode one, the presentation and writing has been consistently immaculate with a serving of incredible actors that elevate the material to Shakespearean levels of goodness

Series 1-2 will always remain the best. Best cast, best sets, storylines and music. I mean who doesn't miss Claire and Matt, such chemistry.

3/4 had a tough act to follow, but everyone brought their A game to continue the story and everyone played their parts so well. Gillian being the highlight matching the ever so talented Olivia.

Then came 5. Now I'll say this, it was a dry season.

With the exception of Diana and the Fayed episode: it just felt like filler to me. The show always had a steady pace and it really came to a crawl in those episodes. I wasn't feeling the new cast besides Diana and I wished the writing was stronger.

The final season arrived and I must say it picked up the slack. The pacing was back to normal. Everything felt a bit more familiar this time and the beats just felt right.

By the end, I did indeed warm up to the cast.

West and Pryce are still weak in their roles though.

It's sad because both have done such great work.

Just felt really phoned in.

Just need to say this. There is no way in he** that Charles cried over Diana; nor was he eventually warm towards his sons. Good lord. No way, I didn't care for that interpretation. He was always selfish. Granted they touched on that. But still, they went easy on him later on. Josh Charles was who he was. At least in spirit.

I just can't buy it. I wish they saved Charles Dance for Philip instead: a better choice. As for West; just felt basic to me. Going through the motions like a tv episode guest star. Pryce seems to finally, "get it" near the end acting all grumpy one scene. Yet where was this earlier?

Harry and William were wonderfully cast though and I can't believe these are their first roles! I see a bright future ahead.

Leslie Manvile gets her swan song in the final days being Margaret; such a classy dame.

Elizabeth D in her remaining eps still brings her A game and it's like looking in a mirror. You feel every bit she is feeling in her scenes. Harrowing and I think the accident was handled respectfully. And glad they shown the funeral from afar instead of a big scene; it's the right thing to do.

This season flew by as I watched it and I didn't mind them splitting the episodes as the beginning is quite somber as we all know.

The finale episode here was such a lovely tribute to the previous queens.

Her conversations with her younger selves I think were done perfectly. It was not too much or heavy handed. It was just right.

Got chills when Claire returned like you wouldn't believe. The intensity of Miss Foy is unmatched. You almost wish they simply used age makeup and just kept her along. Would've been the wise choice..maybe.

Olivia just as commanding in her own way and Imelda brings it home with a more gentle touch and portrays her just as she was in her final years.

Final series can be hard to pull off and a good finale is even harder. But as gracefully as the queen took the throne: so does she as she exits the cathedral into brightly lit door Regardless of how you felt about these people and the Queen; Her legacy is unparalleled While this series took many many liberties with its history As dramatic fiction; its solid television and will certainly be in my rewatch Que at some point again in life.

God save the queen!
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Appendage (2023)
Good enough but could be better
2 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
An awkward mash up of Body Snatchers, Malignant and How to get ahead in advertising; Appendage has the pleasure of being a copy of a copy, of a copy with much less of a punch.

Now in these days, it's really not about the plot, it's more how do you handle the usual presentation.

Here we have the standard story of a struggling young person in the midst of a stressful job, rocky relationships with family and friends and lingering past trauma that hasn't been dealt with.

One day at dinner, Hannah is plagued by a sudden pain in her side. A protruding mass presents itself during an uncomfortable interaction with her mother.

After being embarrassed at work, the pain continues until her side forms a mutant twin that detaches itself and begins to manipulate her and eventually wishes to assimilate itself into her life.

Overall this is a standard watch once type of deal. The dialogue is very on the nose with its metaphor and delivery. Everyone comes across as caricatures instead of people; perhaps the intention.

I'll give credit where it is due. There is indeed an actual threat to the main character, instead of it being an obvious reflection of whatever ails them.

I have no problem with the latter, but I do get frustrated with the bait and switch tactic sometimes.

Direction is bland, acting is serviceable. Everything is just..ok.

Much like The recent, No one will save you. We are given a simple premise and delivery with no frills. But is it enough? Who knows. Maybe you'll like this more than I. But I do feel the easy to digest content has been pumping out more and more with an ever decrease in quality is problematic.

I feel this is no exception.
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The Bear: The Bear (2023)
Season 2, Episode 10
The Real Season Finale!
23 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As I watched each episode; I realized why things were a bit limited in season one. And then I guessed that was only the prologue. We were only getting samples of everyone's personality and history.

We saw only a fraction of Carm's emotional damage from his brothers death and his career crash.

Syd's impatience and lack of self respect and confidence.

Tina's fear of being replaced and not respected.

Richie hurting from Michael and his own demons.

Marcus's hyper focused on making perfect desserts.

Ebraheim's old school ways and having trouble with change.

This is what I took from each of them. But they all had one thing in common, they all were alone and needed direction, and most of all, healing and self worth.

After season one prologue, the journey of everyone began!

Everyone got to shine and it was glorious.

Marcus's trip to Denmark where he is paired with Will Poulter for a time, a very chill meditation where he learns to be confident and express himself through his own style.

Tina getting her groove back in Culinary school was great to see, and I hope we see more of her next season.

The family dinner episode was a movie in itself. An all star cast where everyone killed it perfectly. Jamie Lee Curtis is terrifying. Simply terrifying. I think even Michael Meyers would run from her this time!

A true portrait of an abusive narcissistic parent.

John Berthnal gives us a genuinely intense and also heartfelt performance. A damaged man refusing to feel his emotions and self medicates all the time.

We knew he wasn't the perfect brother, Addiction kills everyone and then loved ones. A depressing realization. So many are affected by this.

After that crushing hour we are treated to Richies redemption episode!

A wonderful half hour of learning better himself, learn discipline and work in a top place. Really well done.

Loved the Olivia Coleman cameo, such a sweet scene.

Eban shows his acting chops big time; Amazing development.

After that the rest of the series focuses on the crunch to get approvals and open the restaurant for family night.

Ayo as Syd finally comes to terms with her goals as a chef and learns communication and respect with Carm. Although the finale leaves it open to how she will deal with the pressure of commanding dinner service/tickets.

Thankfully no romance happens; I take from Carms realization that he has not been present with her and reels her back in.

Jeremy Allen gives us his most vulnerable acting since the days of young James Dean/Marlon Brando. He displays such a wide range of someone who has been through trauma.

The most realistic depiction of anxiety and OCD intrusive thoughts I've ever seen.

He does monologues so well! You feel every inch of him and his struggles. Self doubt is a mind killer.

He needs to forgive himself and be proud he made this happen.

It's great to see everyone coming together and dealing with Their issues regardless and rising above to get through the night.

I've been there on the line. It does get that chaotic.

Not much else to say. Very impressed with how much they opened up the world of The Bear and the writing was brilliant.

Lovely side characters. Everyone felt important. The romance plot wasn't too much either.

Overall an amazingly elevated second series And I think one more round is needed.

Lets hope for great success and endings next year.

Ps, Hope Carm confronts Joel McHale's character for real. What a monster! Only two scenes, but my lord it's scary.

Seriously glad I stuck with this series.
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Somebody Somewhere: To Ed (2023)
Season 2, Episode 7
Gentle and Sincere
29 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After being ripped in half by the finales of Succession and Barry, it's nice to settle in with Sam and the gang to end the night.

The season explores more of Joel and Sam's relationship which became rocky once he reveals to her that he has a new boyfriend.

Since season one, Sam has shown separation anxiety and trauma from being abandoned and mistreated.

Bridgette gives us her most vulnerable performance This time, just unloaded the pain from her sisters passing, and dealing with her narcissist of a mother.

Sam and Joel both make up of course, because that's what good friends do. Things can change, but deep down, their love will keep them going.

You can tell this is still affecting her at the wedding. She's lonely and looking for love; who isn't.

The ep ends with her trying to get her neighbors attention, by throwing a shoe threw his window. I cracked up.

Things are still up in the air with Tricia dealing with the affair and surprise success with her dyi strong language pillow line; good for her.

Love the sister dynamic. Very grounded.

Joel struggles to find what church means to him as a gay man and wants to belong more. He clicks well with Brad who is just as quirky and sweet.

The wedding for Ed was lovely and ended this season with grace.

There is still some doubt in the air as Sam hasn't fully accepted these change. She doesn't want Joel to leave her. We've all been there I think.

Overall this was another solid season. This is a very understated show. Everything feels realistic and down to earth Not all plot lines were solved in a neat package and I respect that. Such is life.

I think this show has more one season in it. Not saying I want it gone. But I feel it should be short and sweet instead of getting into repetitive territory.

I hope Sam finds her self worth more. Seems it when she sings at the wedding. And is romance finally in the air with next door neighbor? We shall see. Hope they keep it going a bit more.
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Succession: Church and State (2023)
Season 4, Episode 9
Masterclass Episode
22 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was simply stunned and had chills from opening to close.

It's been well close to a decade since a few shows have moved me like this one did, especially with the penultimate funeral episode.

Logan's death cut everyone in half and the true damage he has caused them all came pouring out in this hour. No more double speak and half truths, we are as raw as we can be here and everyone let's down their shield.

Chills ran up my body when his brother (Cromwell is a beast in this) reads off a brutal eulogy detailed the key moment that not only made Logan, but also began the path of destruction he led; he wanted to be the one to say it all finally when no one else dared go against him.

We follow up with Romans breakdown. Kieran has come so far, give him the Emmy!

I was shaking, it was harrowing seeing that.

I understand what's it like having a parent like that, narcissistic abuse does not spare anyone and leaves a trail of ruin to families.

Ken's speech is another testament to the powerhouse that is Jeremy Strong. He knew the words and how to balance the speech and try to give meaning to his fathers life and choices, despite what he's done to all of them. Deep down, they wanted a father, they wanted love and they didn't get it all it.

I cannot get enough of Sarah S. Her facial expressions are everything. Conveying so much conflict, pain, denial and need to grieve as everyone does in their own way.

When she asks Karl and Frank about him, it shows how disconnected they all were. She hopes that perhaps they saw something more than she did, as they were much more present with him in the workplace.

She gets the answer she already knows.

Alan R. (Connor) is the underdog as usual, but plays him so well! He is once more pushed to the side and not really welcome to participate much more than just a spectator.

His desperation to share his own thoughts is sideswiped like nothing.

Caroline returns with her icy cold heart.

We've all been on the end of a hug we didn't want to give.

Her conversation with Shiv..horrifying. It's so brief, yet cuts right into the core of who they are. She knows what she has created in each of them. I feel like she takes pleasure in this control.

The automated machine of neglect/emotional abuse continues as Caroline confirms what she already knows.

That Shiv will raise her the way she did, which was Not at all.

The Roy's will continue to be the Roy's. Why even bother trying to change or make things better?

Tom gets his little moment near the end, giving us some hope of a reconciliation. Doubtful; But it's certainly something that could be a good outcome in the finale.

Mattson and Mencken: two sides of the same coin, trying to solidify their deals and form an unholy alliance; Truly terrifying.

I find it fascinating and tragic to see how everyone in Logan's life dealt with his mistreatment. How they all want to find some way to see who he really is deep down. To find that love he could never give. Was it there? Was it ever there?

It's as if they created another side to him almost. Despite their blatant denial about it, everyone stood firm and believed deep down he was more than he was

But, I believe Ewan gave us the answer to all that...

I do not see a happy ending for anyone..

It all falls down next week, I guarantee it.
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Swallowed (2022)
I wanted more
21 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't expect the small indie short Bugrcrush to get a spiritual sequel, but hey, we are back with the creepy crawly bugs and the gay men who fall victim to their high

I felt the body horror didn't go as far as it could. Uncomfortable for sure. But nothing like Cronenberg (Unrated cut?)

You certainly get your fair share of male nudity. Seldom seen in films these days.

The two leads have wonderful chemistry and it's a shame one of them didn't make it all the way through. I only wish they kept him on longer. I think his death would've been more impactful if they built up to it more.

That shot of him being held in the River was beautifully done and heartbreaking.

Once Mark Patton enters , he completely stole the show and still has that scream from Nightmare 2 Joan Crawford would be proud.

I wish they played more with the forbidden feelings between them. It could've made for a good dynamic. Jenna Malone is also great as Marks second in command.

Perhaps more conversations between The two as they are held hostage. . A lot of missed moments I feel.

I get the director was going for a slow burn and I respect that.

It does grind to a halt a bit once the lead is taken hostage. I would've like to have a trippy effect for when the bug bites someone. What would that have looked like?

Director captures homoerotic tension well. Much like previous film Jamie Marks

Overall a strong film that I felt could've been stronger imo.

Still worth the watch.

I wish the post credit scene would've shown him using a bug somehow. Or even becoming a dealer of sorts.

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South Park: Cupid Ye (2023)
Season 26, Episode 1
The boys are finally back!
9 February 2023
Ok so after the eh season 25 I'm glad to see the Boys back in the spotlight.

It needs to be said, there was too much Randy in the last handful of episodes and specials. He's a great character and has had fantastic moments throughout the show, but once the Weed farm started, It just continued and they ran through every possible story with him. It was stale by the end of streaming wars. He's fine when it's part of the ensemble, as it should be with other characters.

The heart and soul of this show has always been the boys and their misadventures, that's all we want!

Last season had the Air soft episode and it was simply Perfect and hilarious.

Just funny random stuff they get into and the never ending rivalry between Cartman and Kyle.

This episode has heart in it, and great banter we expect from this show.

I hope this is the theme for this season. It's well needed after all this time.

After 20 plus seasons, it's fully understandable any show would dip in quality. And I felt it was happening here, but seems Matt and Trey realize what people want and now can return to form.
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Grimcutty (2022)
Lord help me
10 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure if these streaming services are run by Actual people anymore. I'm convinced it's the MCP computer head from Tron giving orders through an algorithm

Who wrote this script? It can't be a person. This should be a parody. Yet it's played straight. And I had a great laugh regardless.

Ok so simple set up based on the infamous Momo/slender man internet memes. Grimcutty appears to kids who see his image and unless they kill their parents, they end up getting hurt themselves.

Everyone gets sucked into this challenge very quickly. People go from zero to one hundred real quick so you can't take any of the characters seriously.

There's no development at all. We don't care about any of them. Bland soup this is.

The monster Itself looks like the grudge girl who ended up taken a lot of protein powder. It's shown right away so no suspense there. Not hidden in the dark, nothing . When it lurks. It's like some hulking football player. I was laughing Every-time it appeared.

This is basically an R rated goosebumps episode.

The dad is actually the scariest thing in this movie!!

He should be the one stalking everyone.

Nothing is worse than a controlling parent and this guy plays him all too well. Not sure how he ended up with a lovely wife like that.

But HEY. This movie has zero logic.

The dialogue is beyond forced and awkward. Everytime someone speaks, you can hear the doubt with the delivery.

I don't fault the actors. No one has any confidence in the material.

And the commentary on the way internet challenges get out of control does nothing here. There's no pay off. It's just. Everyone gets swept up in the hype and ok yeah don't believe things you read on Reddit, YouTubers suck and don't fall for stay at home mom blogs, they could lead to an internet meme killing your kids.

Wow amazing I would've preferred a contrast of how different parents handle situations like this instead of a knee jerk mob reaction.

The end bit is truly something to behold.

Not sure how one suddenly has the strength to break a car window like it's made of paper and not get any kind of cuts. Super NURSE mom.

And then suddenly she just accepts that her daughter is telling the truth because after all that, she knows she wasn't lying about the kid being held captive. Mm ok very jarring but the movie has to end.

When the daughter stabbed the dad, I clapped, thank goodness. Unfortunately he is subdued like the monster.

And they all forgive eachother like it's nothing. I believe a divorce plus therapy is in order after all that.

The monster is a projection of crazy parents who are over protective and don't listen to kids. Wink wink. Nudge nudge. Get it?!

No atmosphere. Was there a music score? I can't even remember.

Would've been ok as a short film. Nothing more

I just want a scary movie. How hard is that? I'll stick with the classics. Things are just beyond cookie cutter today.
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Decent slow burn
3 October 2022
Emily Watson should be your sole reason to see this movie. You feel her in every moment she's on screen A masterclass in acting.

Paul mescal once again gives a brooding performance as her angry/repressed son.

The movie presents the idea of choices one makes when faced with a difficult scenario.

Do you put on a mask and protect a loved one, Even though your instincts say otherwise?

Or do you finally accept their true nature and do what is right or in her case, What's necessary, when they are immune to consequences.

It's a slow burn. I feel it could've been stronger in the script department and more depth on character motivations, perhaps a bit more detail on what may or may not have happened. The way Last Duel handled that subject matter.

The dad son conflict is sort of there. A fight happens and then oh well next.

Wonderfully dark and moody though . Good for a rainy afternoon/evening.
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Cobra Kai: Head of the Snake (2022)
Season 5, Episode 10
Rushed yet satisfying finale
10 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When I first heard and saw the trailer for Cobra Kai, I think most of us let out a collective yawn and feared the worst.

Great, another reboot sequel that ruins the original.

Not only has this show surpassed my doubts, but it's one of the few today that is written with respect to the past characters and actually makes the original films much more fulfilling when you watch them again.

Seeing Daniel team up to take down Silver with his past rivals was surreal.

Chozen steals the show with a heartfelt and passionate performance.

Johnny once again continues to redeem himself and is played brilliantly by Zabka

I will say they dropped the Ball with Mike though. He was a major player and even with his tease in an earlier season. His appearance was more than a glorified cameo and ofc Is Dismissed so Johnny can have his moment.

It was great to see Sean again though. Everyone slips back into their roles like the pros they are.

I hope he is put to good use next season.

The show has reached anime levels of goofiness though. Legit, everyone is having DBZ talks with one another. And I'm all here for it. You cannot take this show seriously.

Terry is pure evil and it's nice to see a villain that truly is a villain. No watering down here. Thomas Ian griffin Hams it up to 11 and brings his A game.

Seeing Daniel finally get his big fight with him was fantastic.

The house fight turned into Kill Bill haha but I'm all for it.

I didn't care for Da-Eun really. Felt she was a bit too one note imo.

The language got a well deserved upgrade this time around too. Everyone dropping F bombs, it's good. This show needs it and the gloves are off with the stakes.

Everyone finally has some much needed redemption. From Robby and Miguel making amends to Tory having her Vegeta moment, Sam Facing her demons. It's all coming together for Daniel's Dojo.

Kreese's arc was my favorite of course. Seeing him in a therapist office was something else. And you have that moment where he finally lets down his guard and beards his souls..or does he?

I was clapping/laughing when he made his exit and Al thought it was completely absurd, the man deserved his moment above all else.

One thing that bugged me was just how easily convinced people were with Terry. I mean, didn't his company Blatantly dump toxic waste, well anyways suspension of disbelief is your friend around here.

Nice to see Robin Lively return to give Daniels wife some much needed perspective and clarity.

I couldn't watch this series fast enough. And although everyone should be in jail at this point, lol this is still a fun show for true fans of the Karate kid series.

I can't imagine it going beyond one more season though. Better to end on a high note. They set up the ultimate world wide tournament, where everyone will get to show their skills. Exciting!

What is Kreese's endgame? Hmm interested to see.

Will the legend Michael Ironside return? Haha only good part of 4. And still no Dutch cameo, I'm hopeful for next time.

Until next year Cobra Kai.
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I get it but it's not great
5 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those films where you do see the directors intention to make a sort of low key teen drama spiced with a bit of horror, yet it comes across rather dull.

The leading lady is quite talented and elevates the very thin script. Too bad it's all for nothing.

I get that it's all about isolation with technology, yet nothing is interesting about this. It's a sort of matter of fact scenario presented in such a lackluster way.

There are no stakes nor consequences for anything that happens. It's simply window dressing of a potentially decent film.

Even with familiar cliches. This would've been an ok slow burn found footage style.

This whole movie is a complete bait and switch I'm afraid.

The worlds fair challenge plays upon the various creepy pasta stories and fake scare challenges on YouTube that many They set it up like the Ring where if you watched a cursed video. You will die. In this case. You will transform into a manifestation of some fear sub consciously.

I liked the little montage of videos all about people A cool body horror segment is shown as well. But of course. Nothing but a tease.

Not one thing comes out in the end as real. We get a marvelous take when she makes a video where her face transforms into something ghastly, nope, sorry not at all

The first Skype call with an online viewer is something you'd see in any urban legend/cursed movie. JBL is the guy trying to warn her. It's creepy though. Hes close to 50. Another angle could be that he really is a creeper and uses the urban legend to entrap her and try to get her.

Once again. Nope.

I'd continue. But I don't want to take up any more of your time. I'd advise to skip.

Would've been alright as a short film. Under 25 min.

Shame really wanted to like this.
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Big Boys (2022– )
Lovely Show
5 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a great little watch for an evening. The story is a common one yet it's handled with care and also not too in your face Problem with a lot of shows dealing with someone that comes out is that it usually exists in a fantasy world.

This is the first show I've seen where the straight guy is Indeed actually straight. Crazy right?! Not only do they don't make the coming out scene a big deal, they also deal with manic depression in men And thankfully they don't have a drunken encounter either or the experiment cliche where they hook up and then separate.

Mens mental health is severely neglected and shamed throughout society. . we need help sometimes. We feel alone sometimes, need to cry. Ect It's great to see this. It's also great to not be lectured by characters. Just real dialogue and banter.

Sure it's the usual clever stuff we hear. But non the less I loved it.

The two leads have such great chemistry. Tbh I did feel the cast was slightly bloated for a short ep series and frankly we didn't need the college campus funny lady. Was just too much.

I also wanted more scenes with just the two guys. Why did the mother need to insert herself into everything? Def could use some boundaries imo haha, lord give your son some space.

Again the show touches Upon how guys have such trouble opening up, and being close. Platonic friendships between men can be limited sometimes. But it's good when you find that one who will accept you. Give you comfort and a place to speak up.

I really recommend this.
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The Dropout: Lizzy (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
Holmes House of cards falls
8 April 2022
The show comes to a close. I thought overall this was a good series despite some padding issues. I think this could've been wrapped up in 5/6 eps or even a two part movie imo.

Great cast regardless. Amanda Seyfried completely dominates this show start to finish. I actually wanted her in every scene, she's that good!

The final scream accompanied by her instant switch to smile is so chilling, perfect.

Naveen Andrews is just as strong playing the abusive manipulator Sunny. I can't believe those poor former employees put up with such a child.

Sam Waterson still owns it from his prime days on Law and Order. Playing the prideful man till till very last moment was great, Dylan Minnette also played a good hand here and finally the underdog of this show would be Stephen Fry, always a class act.

Upon finishing the episode, I finally realized what I felt was missing overall and that was atmosphere and directing. It's to put it frankly, plain. It didn't feel as immersive as it should've been. Ig I've been too spoiled by shows like Breaking Bad, Saul, sopranos, the wire, ect. But still, seems the director had this point and shoot method. It all felt cut and dry I'd say. It started very strong though and it lost its energy by the end.

Still worth a watch though.
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A very merry un-birthday
25 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Welp this was disappointing.

So a group of friends gather for Pete's birthday and ofc a comedy of errors ensues.

I like British humor/dark comedies, but I wish there was more to this. It has kind of an April Fools Day atmosphere, but it's done in such an unkind way.

I have to say his friends were not nice to him. There's joking and then there is being a jerk. I would've interpreted it the same way. Everyone's tone was far from sarcastic. And the jokes were mean spirited and traumatizing. If someone I knew pointed a gun at me, they wouldn't be in my life. Same with someone coming into the bathroom and destroying any sense of boundaries.

The hell is wrong with these folks?

The plot continues because Pete refuses to speak up right there and then.

Not to mention their off handed comments about how he is and ignoring what he says. Yes, he's def in his own head and not listening. But the lazy script has them say something pretty harsh and then just walk away and then act like they love him??

Pete is in full neurosis mode and you don't like him or anyone else at the end.

If there was better misdirection or even something along the lines of, he was hallucinating how they were speaking to him, something to believe his paranoia; I think the ending would've landed better. I mean a dude starts chasing you with An axe and then says, just kidding mate..uh I'm outta there.

Here we can already guess everyone is messing with him.

Pete reveals to have caused someone's sister to kill themselves and misinterpreted the usurper Harry's motivation.

To be perfectly clear, everyone was acting one way.

There's no chance anyone would think it was all a big joke. Especially with the roast they do at the end. It's not even classy, they just have the guy straight up says what they feel in once again an insensitive way. And they all get free passes mind you, Only Pete is the bad guy.

Sure he's selfish, but his friends act like he's not even a person, complete gaslighting the whole time.

There's one scene that put such a sour taste in my mouth. One of the lousy friends guilt trips about how one of the girls he used to date attempted suicide and the timing of him getting a new girlfriend may have had something to do with it; really messed up.

There's a way to do dark humor combined with unlikable people. You need to make them somewhat endearing. Use their flaws as a strength to make the story flow. Here it's just surface level.

It's like the Anti-Big chill. Needed a better script and structure. It all just kind of ends and we don't know if he still has friends or not; Probably not.

I find the cliche of friends turn out to be not friends worn out.

Fiancé still marries him after he throws a vase at Harry's head and inadvertently caused someone with disabilities to off themselves; real nice.

Wouldn't recommend.
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Peaky Blinders: Black Day (2022)
Season 6, Episode 1
Tommy plays his cards
27 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As always I expect nothing by class from this show. Stylish and brilliantly acted since series one.

The atmosphere feels claustrophobic Pure tension with each scene. This certainly feels like a final season already.

A fuse to a giant bomb has been lit.

What is Tommy's true endgame?

War in Boston may happen.

After an unsuccessful suicide attempt, his psychosis is in full bloom.

It's great to see cockroach Michael finally thrown in jail. And watch Gina squirm as Tommy breaks her down with a few words.

Arthur has fallen off the wagon big time meantime. Doped out of his head, as he is broken over the loss of Polly.

The ominous phone call scene gave me chills. An omen from his sick daughter or just superstition?

This episode is a beautiful tribute to Helen McCrory, from the funeral scene to just ambient sounds of wind chimes and birds. A somber yet touching end credits.

Will the little cockroach Michael and she devil Gina get theirs?? Lord I hope so. Glad Polly slapped him good before she left us.

Looking forward to Alfie's role this time around. And I hear rumors Mr. Capone may be involved.

Bring on the next five.
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Hypnosis (2020)
Rewarding subtle film
20 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't sure what kind of film I was getting into with this. I think it could've easily been some Run of the mill thriller or even romance with certain plot points. Yet it's. Good subtle character study.

This is a different take on the usual coming of age film about a young man named Misha who sleepwalks at night.

He is distant with his parents and clashes with his younger brother who only wants to be accepted and loved by him.

He then meets Dr. Volkov, a renowned psychologist and hypnotherapist. He has quite the admiration from his students and is considered the top therapist of his country.

Misha tells him that he cannot be hypnotized like his other patients. He is always aware of himself 100 percent of the time. This facinates the Dr and he takes him on as a sort of apprentice instead.

Misha also bonds with a young lady who is also a patient and struggling with past trauma.

Already, we can see that Volkov has no problem pushing the boundaries of his therapy and will do anything in the name of his work to get results, ethics be dammed. As he sits in on the Dr's patients who seemingly revert to childlike states under his directions.

Is he helping them, or is just doing it for control and notoriety? The Dr is the type who loves to hear himself talk and you can see the small cracks with his seemingly cool demeanor. He comes off as quite aggressive too.

The film explores the concept of perception vs reality. Is what we see real to us? What is our subconscious hiding and Can we really control it?

One aspect of the film I found interesting was that we never truly see how the Dr hypnotizes him. He demonstrates his method in front of him the first time . But is that the beginning of their interactions? What does he say to get him to break his habit, to improve relations with his family? The film never shows this and that's what I like. It doesn't spell out everything. There are also moments where Misha himself uses the method on his younger brother and possibly his parents.

Near the end. It is revealed the young lady is a mental seed of sorts planed by Volkov. At first he tries to downplay it by saying she killed herself. Then he tells him she's not real. Misha finally starts to realize that the good Dr does not have anyones best interest at heart.

The best is at the end where Misha walks into his classroom and challenges him once and for all on his supposed theories and ideals. Finally the students wake up and see he's nothing more than a charlatan. His students are the experiment. And he's doing it to satisfy his ego.

There are many types like this in the medical field. It's a scary thought.

Overall. I was impressed with the movie and it's worth a re watch as I think there are details I didn't catch.

I found the acting realistic and grounded.

Maksim Sukhanov Commands the screen as the sinister Volkov.

Sergey Giro makes his debut as the lead. He does a wonderful job being the repressed teen. Although the moment where he breaks down alone wasn't that strong . He finds his energy much better near the finale with confronting the good Dr.

I hope he appears in more films.

I'd suggest this. Just be patient though. It's pace is slow. But not too slow imo.

Reviewer below me is ignorant and doesn't understand different people or cultures. There's a whole wide world of cinema out there. Explore it!
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Juniper (IV) (2021)
A Poignant and sweet tale
26 January 2022
We've seen this dynamic many times over the years and while the setup is familiar, it's all about how a director handles the material and he does so with grace and charm.

Charlotte Rampling commands the stage as a grandmother who comes home to heal from a leg injury. A drinker and distant from her son Robert who promptly leaves to settle affairs in the UK. She's brutally honest and let's people know she will not be pushed around. But you learn about her slowly over the course of the film and why she is in her ways atm.

She immediately clashes with her angry grandson who was just suspended from school and is cooped up at home with a grandmother he's not met until now. George Ferrier equally matches her fiery performance as the angry youth. Depressed and suicidal, he is Unable to deal with his mothers death, until he receives some well deserved tough love from grandmother. The events play out in a laid back fashion and done with I feel a sense of realism. The topics presented like grief, aging, coming of age feel natural here and there's no stupid comedy section presented for laughs. I could see this going the opposite way if this were an American production for sure with heavy handed speeches and cliched ending.

All around a wholesome film made with heart, a fine watch.
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Hey Arnold!: Helga on the Couch (1999)
Season 4, Episode 16
My favorite episode of the show!
7 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Hey Arnold was both mature and heartfelt. It's great when they explored the characters more closely. As dynamic as Arnold is and how he grows and learns it's really Helga that is the underdog of this show. She really doesn't have it easy. There are many tells throughout the first few seasons. We get Miriam who most certainly has issues with drinking that is caused by the blowhard Bob Pataki.

I have to say that no show would take that risk anymore. Heaven forbid we get real on TV these days.

Along with her oh so perfect sister Olga, Helga is angry and it's completely understandable.

We get a great full story dedicated to her. It's handles with grace and doesn't come off as preachy in the slightest. It's also quite heartbreaking at times.

Her family really is cruel and upon my rewatch of this show as an adult, it really hit home.

After punching Brainy many many times since the beginning. She is actually held accountable and sent to a child therapist.

See there are many characters on shows that are considered one note and always get away with things, no growth.

Not here. Helga finally let's her guard down and confesses her undying love for Arnold along with opening up about her neglectful childhood. And where her anger comes from.

It's great because even in the end, she's not fully cured like many cartoons go for. She still has her unresolved issues to work on and actually wants to.

Truly a landmark episode and will never be replicated.

Everything is sanitized these days. Hey Arnold was never afraid to be real.
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South Park: Post COVID (2021 TV Movie)
Stellar special
25 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When reality starts to reflect in South Park to almost a perfect T, true comedy brilliance is achieved.

The episode jumps into the future where covid is finally over and a burned out Stan receives a call from Kyle. In a setup reminding me of IT, Stan returns to a completely changed town and a new mystery involving Kenny, who died for real this time..again.

I actually don't want to spoil details only because it's just something you need to see The Blade Runner nods cracked me up along with all the future perks which seem just too close to life. Funny and also sad to see when life reflects our current environment.

What I always enjoy about South Park is that they show both sides of how people deal with whatever the weeks crisis is. Brilliant satire, writing.

Also to the reviewer who said this show was too cynical. I'd say that Family guy is much more guilty of that now than ever. That show simply doesn't care anymore and any fun from early seasons has been sucked dry.

South Park continues to deliver what it always does. Bat s*** crazy plots, gross out humor, and most of all, it's got heart with all your favorite characters.

Let's bring on some more specials!
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In Treatment: Brooke - Week 6 (2021)
Season 4, Episode 24
Mixed bag this latest season
3 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ok so I just want to say. In treatment helped me deal with issues in my own life in the past and upon the recent rewatch. Seasons 1-3 are absolute master classes in writing, acting and presentation. So simple, yet rich with psychological waxing and working through the wonderful world of Life.

As Paul story is finished for now, His protege Brooke takes the stand.

Uzo gives such a commanding presence from start to finish. Love her dimensions as she constantly tries to do right by her patients and checks in on herself all the time. It's a great method acting technique and feels natural.

Love her arc throughout. That being said. Everything was a mixed bag Eladios sessions are wonderful. I felt great Chemistry between the two of them. And the final session broke my heart. It explores a different kind of transference this time, the mothering aspect that's there from session one.

Collin.. well I wrote a review on him before. But to briefly summarize. He's a soundboard and Brooke i felt is out of character then.

I didn't like Laila at first, yet I knew I would and did. She's very well spoken and although the lectures sort of continued from Wed, it stuck to more personal issues she was experiencing along with her toxic grandmother. All wonderfully played.

Rita and Adam never quite fit with the tone. They felt alien to me. The fact that Brooke didn't pick up on Rita's lack of boundaries and controlling issues irked me. This woman is a hawk and it seems she sort of tricked herself there.

And also there is no end arc with her. She just accepts Rita's toxic behavior and approach to her being a sponsor. I don't know that experience and can't speak on it. Yet; just seeing the friendship dynamic, it didn't feel healthy and I feel Rita was enabling in her own way. As she said. So that's just left in the air.

Same with Adam..come on, the plot felt like a CW show. If she was in her 20's and fresh out of therapy supervision, ok, that makes sense she is still learning. But she seems to already be well established and it just makes no sense to me. Just felt inconsistent and that's the tone this season When it hits, it hits hard and is poignant. Yet there are times when the writing just felt cheap and rushed as it was a shorter season Also NO PAUL?! Are you kidding me. I expected a cameo a few times. Heck, I wish they had sessions like Gina, come on, to have Paul in that position. Excellent opportunity and I wanted to see them verbally spar on the couch.

Nope. Instead he's treated like they did the old cast in Star Wars, now too old and not important. What's with the disrespect? It wouldn't of impacted Brookes time at all.

I think it's time In treatment ends therapy. The damage is done.

If you wish to view for the sake of completion. Just know that Paul gets about less than 10 mentions and is not seen. Not even for a zoom call.

Seasons 1-3 are the true seasons of in treatment. This is a spin off that failed IMO.

I'd like to watch the original Israeli version at some point too.

4/10 for overall presentation 9/10 for Uzo's acting and outfits. Damn she kills it regardless.
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So much potential wasted
4 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is coming from someone who enjoys slow burn dramas and character studies, as well as LGBT cinema. The less is more style hindered this so much, and I enjoyed call me by your name.

You get a collection of well shot scenes, with nothing being said. The music worked then it became distracting. Music should match with the scenes. It needs to flow. I get that this isn't expected to be a non stop soap opera show, nor some bubbly teen drama you'd find on Netflix, but I wanted more.

Chloe S. is such a fabulous actor and to see her reduced to almost a caricature is laughable. You never know what her real role is on the base and one doesn't need every meeting showcased, yet we're not given much about her. Same with her out of control son Fraser. We get to the finale and only given a half @&& speech about having a pretend friend..what?! He's clearly been through something traumatic and given no help or guidance for his outbursts.The writer is deluded and pretentious. Can we talk about that concert, horrid singer. My lord. I do not know of how life on a military base works, but I do know for certain that these kids wouldn't get a free pass as they do. This isn't Skins. No high ranking officer/parent would allow their young child to hit them without consequences ever. It just doesn't happen.

The kids cause prob 30k worth of damage to a house in an episode and there's zero repercussions for it. No one communicates like a human here. People act out towards one another and everyone just sits there and practically shrugs their shoulders at times, same with adults. They only get emotional when the script/scene requires it. Brittany being low key into Caitlin should've been built up more. It comes out of nowhere. Richard clashing with Wilson had about one scene before his outburst, rushed and only there to continue the plot. Danny wishes to convert to Islam This is explored about five minutes before it is Dismissed

Caitlin seems to be the only one with a character arc here with Fraser tagging along to an awkward finale. Fraser flaps his arms, has no filter and dresses like Andy Warhol, that's it; no depth. This type of writing drives me mad. Having no explanation doesn't make it smart. It makes it frustrating.

Other shows at least imply things. I'm all for subtext and what isn't on screen. But there is simply nothing to grasp from these people. It's almost alien.

Jonathan is a predator; plain and simple. The kid needed a role model and comfort. Jonathan saw it as a challenge for his ways. He should've known better and I wished for Sarah to come out of her head and get him off the base. He deserved it way more than Richard. The director seems to fetishize this kind of relationship here. If Fraser was the same age, it would've been more of a boundary issue. Here its not ok, he is 14; a child. I think Luca needs to be educated on when people emotionally and physically mature. Because it's not even close at that age. He seems to relish in it. Oh isn't that cute? No. It's not cute sir, I felt ill when him and his gf straight up made moves on Fraser.

8 episodes seem to be a very long extension of the first one. The writers/directors arrogance will not bring them a second season I feel. I went from being enthralled to grossly disappointed with this show.

Dear Luca D, get a grip and stop encouraging this kind of predatory behavior. Have consequences for your characters, structure. If you want things to be presented as a "dream." Then turn it into a fantasy show; it would suit everyone much better. This is far from reality.
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