
48 Reviews
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The Way Home (2023– )
8 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This series grabbed me immediately. I fell into it by accident but barely came up for air throughout. In my 20s I read a book by Anya Seton called "Green Darkness" that forever etched time travel and reincarnation in my thinking. This puts a different spin on it with the pond.

I must say, however, the Landry women are exceedingly obnoxious. Kat tops that by being arrogant as well. The insults they hurl at one another are unspeakable and quite possibly unnecessary. I do appreciate Alice though, as she is young and taught by Kat to be cold as ice. Her need to patch together her parents is understandable at that age, but tiresome at times. The mother, played beautifully by Andie McDowell, is the base to the coldness. The trauma to her life erected that wall. The strain is hidden by her larger need to be gracious. Kat attempts to make everyone around her feel wrong somehow about everything. I don't know that I've ever felt so negatively impacted by a haughty, disrespectful, or nasty character in a series before. IMO, she is loathsome.

I do love Elliot, from beginning to end. A kinder and more dependable friend would be hard to find. Too bad it's wasted on Kat. The "pond" is quietly the center and balance to this show. I'm sure it carries with it a much deeper meaning, but the efforts to keep its actions quiet also keeps it's actions unknown.

If it's different and exciting you crave, this is the series for you.
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Curious Caterer: Fatal Vows (2023 TV Movie)
17 May 2024
Boxes checked for too many mixed relationships, over the top bridezilla behaviors, unrealistic parent/child interactions including adults, horrific costume designs, and attempts to infuse humor in obviously tense situations. Showcasing Walker's woody woodpecker haircut with ill fitting to slovenly clothing actually took away his generally attractive presence. Female lead normally plays a genuinely empathic character was relegated to slapstick, face making humor, and frumpy clothing. BTW, why the bridal gown? The number of situations playing out at the same time made for lack of interest in each. Bottom line, A hot mess.
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So Help Me Todd (2022–2024)
Forced frenetic
7 October 2022
Almost impossible to watch given adults interacting artificially and trying too hard to be cute. Of course, wokeness interwoven but attempting to be subtle. Gave it a (3) out of respect to Ms. Hardens reputation. Efforts to set her up as brilliant but marginalized falls flat however. The mother\son relationship is odd to say the least. Luckily Ms. Hardens natural talent peaks through this travesty periodically. However, the constant bickering and attempts at comedic action is reprehensible. This only reinforces the constant need to play to supposed idiots. Perhaps go less heavy on the mamas boy scenario and more on Todd's actual ability. And, less obvious office disdain all around would grate less.

So, I gave it another try. Nope once again. After reading these reviews I understand why we have the programs we do. When the screeching, spilling on clothing, running around, and constant missed communications hit, I left. Streaming has become more than a viable option. I'm thinking about rewatching "Boston Legal". Sorry.
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The Bold and the Beautiful: Episode #1.8748 (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8,748
13 April 2022
I see a long future of Sheila ensconced into Steffy's little family. Taylor, the co dependent, sugary sweet, psychiatrist will see to that I'm sure. Time for a Sheila break. Evil incarnate seems to be BB forte.
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Lost: The Incident: Part 2 (2009)
Season 5, Episode 17
Disparity 🧀😆
9 April 2022
Perhaps my having binged this series (second viewing) gave me the edge to see the disparity in writing and characters throughout this finale. It helps to watch it with a sense of humor. It does, however, set us up for S6 finale and gives us appropriate closure. Maybe we can nuke S5 finale. 😁
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Lost: The Shape of Things to Come (2008)
Season 4, Episode 9
Lost a viewer
5 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When this series originally ran, my granddaughter and I spent the night together in order to watch our favorite series. She was 14. When Alex was executed, it stopped being a mystery and became too dark and ugly for me to let her continue. An execution mob style did not fit into the story or her life. I never watched another episode, nor did she. Several years later, I watched the end story and loved it. I'm about to see the remainder of the series now. Perhaps we all had become desensitized to death but Alex's death was just vulger. I'm wondering if it will come together for me now. My granddaughter is 27 and has watched the last episode as well. It was our closure.
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Lost: Par Avion (2007)
Season 3, Episode 12
1 April 2022
So while I enjoyed the episode, we are once again having to suffer through the nasally, shrieking and foot stomping of Claire. She seems incapable of reasoning an issue without a tantrum and suppositions first. Her instincts are to challenge and accuse in a childlike manner while lies form as easily as nursery rhymes. We are now having to accept her contrite and almost conciliatory attitude which is almost harder to swallow than her nature. I feel alone in my assessment of claire, but it has been with me throughout the series. This is my second go through and nothing has changed for me.
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Lost: One of Them (2006)
Season 2, Episode 14
30 March 2022
Between Annie Oakley waving her gun and threats, Claire's chronic and constant whining and stamping her feet behavior and the baby screaming, I thought I would lose my mind with this episode. I know many see this as an epic chapter but I needed to zone out periodically. It did certainly bring us more info on "the others", but gathering that info can be exhausting.
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Lost: The End: Part 2 (2010)
Season 6, Episode 18
Never Ending
29 March 2022
This finale speaks to those members of the universe who understand the never ending concept of life. It clearly defines our "moving on" and such an appropriate passage for these characters we came to love so much. The struggles we watched are metaphors for our lessons. An absolutely beautiful culmination of an extraordinarily beautiful series.
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NCIS: First Steps (2022)
Season 19, Episode 14
Main cast
8 March 2022
It seems the main cast, one by one are on a hit list to showcase their most unprofessional and ridiculous behavior. Tonight was the director's turn. Insisting on treating his daughter as an infant, threatening the staff with her safety, calling her his baby to anyone that will listen is so far out of character they might as well have used another actor. Painful to watch. Torres continues his foul attitude and disrespect for others. Everyone pampered and pandered to Kayla who showed her teenage self in an adult and dangerous job. The little she did was praised as a magnificent effort. Thank goodness this arc won't be continuing. Could we get back on track with solving complex cases and move away from the cheese and babble.
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NCIS: The Helpers (2022)
Season 19, Episode 13
8 March 2022
What a twisted set of circumstances culminating in some serious over acting, hysterical responses from Jimmy and Kassie. Whoever believed that a 10 y/o should be witness to her father's horrific poison death, not to mention allowing her in a toxic area to continue playing video games. Unbelievably creepy. Watching our beloved NCIS dragged through this muck is awful!
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The Joe Rogan Experience (2009 Podcast Series)
22 February 2022
His interest with guests is never at question. You can see it in his eyes. At 75, I might be on the old scale but he makes me laugh and gives me pause to question and think.

However, my 27 y/o granddaughter saw him do a standup. She went away shaken and repulsed with his regular use of the word "retard". That's going to hit a lot of people in the heart and gut. She said she understood no taping allowed. I fully understand that too. But,I also understand if it was presented to his 11 million + viewers, it might not sit well but could break people's hearts. He, of course, is free to use the word. Much like his " N" word usage, he may come to regret using it. Life has a way of teaching us many lessons.
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The Sinner: Part VIII (2017)
Season 1, Episode 8
Mostly amazing.
18 February 2022
I agree with many of the earlier reviews. This series was much too long; but my feeling by 4 hours. The sex was gratuitous, especially the incest was totally uncalled for and disgusting. It might have been seen as artistic, but actually just smut imo. Bill Pullman obviously was a survivor but pathetic. He has the pathetic demeanor down cold, but went too far beyond credible. His need for punishment was grisly , most of which we could have done without. The fact that he was able to glean out the victim in Biel makes total sense in the real world. I too like that they didn't make the villains rotten, just villainous. Biels husband was the star I believe. The state LEO was laughable and both sets of parents cracked beyond repair. Of course, I'm headed for season 2 now!
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NCIS: Stop the Bleeding (2015)
Season 13, Episode 1
7 February 2022
Amazingly the same dog barks even in Shanghai. He barks on cue in Gibbs neighborhood, but Gibbs doesn't even need to be there. At this point, he/she should be listed in the credits.

I'd forgotten how tense and relevant this arc is. Another agent gone and the fight to rescue kids. Jon Cryer is absolutely spot on in his role. What a pleasure to see him in a stand alone. Abby did not get on my nerves the first round watching the series, now all I want to do is smack her baby demeanor and talk. Ellie is in sharp contrast to Ziva which was an astute move, she's an integral part of the team

I love this series!
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NCIS: Fight or Flight (2022)
Season 19, Episode 12
31 January 2022
Changing of characters for a long running season is inevitable. But, I can no longer abide Torres sullen, snappy, childish, and rude behavior or conversation. From the beginning he challenged everything and everyone. It was to be expected since he was moving from undercover. But with the new (Gary Cole is different but great) leader, he has been downright disrespectful and unworkable. Ziva tended to be somewhat withdrawn and at times irritable but knew the line in the sand. Torres is just simply and constantly exhausting. To have the other members cater to his moods and behavior is unrealistic. More time is spent on attempting to juggle him than seeing to the storyline. Enough!!
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NCIS: Bury Your Dead (2007)
Season 5, Episode 1
9 January 2022
While I am so intrigued by this storyline, I am also confused. Tony's loyalty to Gibbs goes way past professional; not so with the director. There must be a chain of command issue here too somewhere if not a human conflict in Tony.

I understand the need at some point to flesh out a character. The director has more a jeckyl/Hyde change. Does not bode well for her. Also apologies for this, but could some of that goop been scraped off her lips? Pouty is not a good look for a professional crime fighter. Hopefully the pretentious "Jeanne" will fade into the side. She is the whiniest MD tv has to offer.
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NCIS: Twilight (2005)
Season 2, Episode 23
2 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The early seasons of this series do not play well in 2021. I am in the process of watching them from the beginning again. Our attitudes regarding sexual harassment and sexualizing female counterparts have been adjusted thanks to the #Metoo movement. DiNozzo's constant leering and Kate's simpering and ineffective responses are unbearable. I'm surprised they could deliver their lines without gagging. By the end of this arc I was relieved to see it end. Unfortunately the leering and slime did not. Showering after watching episodes is recommended!
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10 October 2021
While the series continues top notch, I have noticed a not so subtle change in Cassie. Instead of being quietly and pleasantly mysterious, she has become increasingly sugary coy. Her downward gazes with the knowing smile have become more ingratiate rather than subtle. Its fairly constant so there's no question as to her motives and vision. Less might be better IMHO.
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The Bold and the Beautiful: Episode #1.8601 (2021)
Season 1, Episode 8,601
9 September 2021
Another tangle with Sheila has prompted my departure for at least 3 months. Aside from that, Finn has the makings of a real mamas boy. It took months to get Hopes baby back. I'm guessing the same scenario is lined up for Steffie.
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The Talk (2010–2024)
Wrong choice
20 April 2021
I'm wondering if CBS has recognized its error in firing yet. Sharon Osbourne was not the one to go. If anyone didn't see that setup confronting Sharon, they need their eyes examined, their rose tinted glasses removed and their race baiting squelched. Peeked in today and had to laugh. You think Sheryl can carry that show? Who are the other hosts? Did not recognize a one of them. Tomorrow lets watch paint dry. The love and respect is gone down the racial rabbit hole.
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B Positive (2020–2022)
2 April 2021
Can't get past the screeching, shouting female lead. Saying it louder does not equal better. Did not laugh once with the predictable lines and rhetoric involving dialysis. Please. We are not idiots.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Family approval.
21 February 2021
After Disney purchased the Star Wars empire they effectively took the spirit and soul from the series. After "The Last Jedi" I was unable to remember the love and reverence I had not only for the series or the characters. My children and grandchild grew up with the nurturing and spiritual base "Star Wars" imbued in them. Disney negated all of it with their dark, insensitive and hatred centered final trilogy. I have been unable to enter that universe since that time. However, my adult children and my grandchildren have assured me this series brought some of the magic back. Unfortunately their firing of a main character expressing her free speech reminded me which side of the fence they're on. I will pass. I do not have the stomach for it. In behalf of my family I rated the series as they see it..
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Last Man Standing: Lost and Found (2021)
Season 9, Episode 8
20 February 2021
I have really mixed feelings about this episode. While I'm as tired as everyone else with the PC culture, I thought they did this episode well. We love Chuck. He's our Chuck, but his response about other Chucks was so appropriate and kind. However, we are guarded when it comes to our fear of violence. Statistically, its coming mainly from one direction and advertised day after day in the media. Instinct has us guarding ourselves from what we hear, read and see constantly. A really valid point for the future is always carry ID, no matter our color. It has come to that unfortunately. LMS will always be a favorite no matter the sidestep. Tim Allen has lived life, and I believe because of his core, this fit with him. Btw, I'm liking the new Mandy and Jen has grown on me too.
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Blue Bloods: Triumph Over Trauma (2020)
Season 11, Episode 1
5 December 2020
Any continued use of Whoopie Goldberg on "Blue Bloods" is unfortunate for me. The vitriol she brings from her daytime gig is going to foreshadow one of my favorite programs. That's just me, but I'm wondering if others have the same reaction to her presence. Her disrespect precedes her participation in this time honored drama and negates my ability to see past it. I am sorry for that.
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A disturbing look into the portrait of victims
21 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I forced myself to watch this to the end. Imo it was the worst piece of valueless trash dedicated to the pursuit of proving "white privilege" deserves punishment. The children were relentless in their desire to crush the family. The youngest daughter latched onto a surrogate in the space of months. The only satisfaction will come if they survive foster care to acknowledge their responsibility in the demise. The actress playing young Mia does so seemlessly. Her smile was not a sneer, she was not in a constant state of victimhood. I don't believe a more vile commentary on the screwed up values of life today could be portrayed. I am sorry that anyone has to go through life believing this is realistic. Don't waste your time.
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