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Mucky Romantization of a Civil War Battle
15 August 2022
As William T. Sherman once said, "War is Hell"!

Definitely not this romantic drivel.

The panorama war scenes look like they came out of Play Station II.

And kissy, kissy, stuff was totally unrealistic for that time.

If you got a little time to waste and totally are ignorant of the Civil War this is movie for you.
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Pieces of Her (2022)
7 March 2022
This series mostly drags on flashback after flashback.

It reminds me of Patty Hearst and the Symbonese Liberation Movement where Patty as Jane plays a young naive person.
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Book of Love (2022)
What's Love is all about.
1 March 2022
This is a mixture of British and Mexican Spanish that turns out to be a very good mix indeed. If you've ever been in love or not, this movie covers all the bases when it deals different kinds of love. Forget the silly negative reviews. It very well acted and Veronica Echegui, the great Spanish Actress is a delight to watch. Enjoy, it's worth your time.
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Emma. (2020)
Amazing Mixed Up Emma
12 September 2021
One; if not the best version of Emma I have ever seen.

In the beginning it's a little difficult to follow until you get acclimated to the characters, but then you get the rhythm of it all and it comes together like a beautiful Symphony.

Is was altogether a most enjoyable experience.

Anya Taylor-Joy who played wonderfully in "Queen's Gambit" is a treasure to watch.

Two thumbs 👍 UP!!
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Brothel in Paris in the early 1900s
8 September 2021
If you don't speak French it's somewhat difficult to follow the subtitles, but once you get the hang of it, of course it becomes easier as It usually does with foreign films.

I think this is a pretty realistic portrayal of what it would be like to work in a somewhat up-scale brothel in Paris at this time.

Of course the prostitutes that work there, work there out of need and not because they enjoy this line of work. In fact they get their emotional needs met from each other. Definitely not from the men who buy them for their pleasure.

Overall I think the film was quite well done and showed the complexities of such an environment at this time in history in Paris France.
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Student Services (2010 TV Movie)
Poor French college student seek easy income
3 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A well acted movie were an ordinary college coed seeks to supplement her meager income.

She answers ads for easy euros to satisfy men's desires. She meets all kinds with different wishes of a sexual nature and one middle aged man with lots of euros ask her act out his fantasies. In the beginning he comes on as being tender, but he soon becomes very perverted and rough leading her to feelings of shame and eventually stiffs her out of a large amount of euros.

She did get to pass he college classes, but when interviewed wants to share her shame with others.

I thought the film was done in a tasteful realistic manner.
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Carrie Pilby (2016)
Carrie, Sweet, Smart, Adolenscent, Emotional, Pathos.
12 January 2021
"Carrie Pilby" was a treat to watch a brainy kid touched by loss, transitioning from adolescence to adulthood and finding out she was so much more happy than she actually thought she was. Watch the movie, it's worth your time.
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Geogia Boy Andrew McCarthy meet very small Hamlet some where in the English hinterland.
3 October 2020
This McCarthy film is a very good "feel good" movie. McCarthy's character Raymond in the movie might have been dropped on other side of the earth when he arrives from Georgia in this small English Village where most of the people are quaint and friendly except an old curmudgeon who is up to no good in a very big way. The old crank reminded me of Ebenezer Scrooge. The movie possesses a degree of pathos. Watch and see. I liked it for it charm and it certainly would be good movie for the whole family!
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The Fall (I) (2013–2016)
Well thought out Police Crime Thriller.
2 August 2020
It a much longer series that I had expected, but it is well filmed and multifaceted showing a concerted Crime Squad and the interplay of the members evolved. In every part of the series your not sure what to expected. The only con I have is that some points it tends to drag a bit. The last part shouldn't have been necessary. If proper Police procedures had been followed this great big anti-climax would have never happened. It kinda made the who Police Squad, etc. kinda look like rookies.
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A great fun movie PG-13
24 July 2020
The great much underrated movie deserves more appreciate. It is full of pathos and fun. With this movie you and your entire family get you in your imagination and fly!
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