
20 Reviews
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V/H/S/85 (2023)
Creepiest one so far
11 October 2023
I watched all the previous V/H/S installments, and this one was definitely the creepiest. Super eerie atmosphere from the first segment down to the last. The 80s aesthetic suits the movie a lot. I genuinely felt like I was watching a movie from that period.

All the segments have something going for them, although the quality varies a lot. The first segment is really interesting, and is absolutely my favorite. I thoroughly enjoyed the earthquake part too. This could have worked even without the reveal at the end. It felt raw, realistic, something that could actually happen to anyone. The definite weak link was the research project, although it is an interesting concept.

Overall, one of the better parts of the series. I hope the entries do not stop coming.
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21 September 2023
This is by far one of the best movies I have ever seen. An emotional rollercoaster. Insane how such a simple story, on surface, can convey so much.

Incredible on every level. Top class dialogue, the characters feel so pure, so alive, you are easily immersed into everything the movie shows you. Love the interactions between the main character and his partner. I think its really hard to create a relationship like this, where you feel the people know each other for a long time, and they went through everything. The case they are working on is harrowing, disgusting, but somehow manages to be inspiring, as insane as that sounds. It defines the lives of everyone involved, for better and worse.

I do not want to say more about the plot or anything else. Please watch this, this movie is a masterpiece. You might be discouraged because it is not in English, maybe it sounds too gritty for you. I promise, that means nothing. You have NO excuse.
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The Shield (2002–2008)
Different kind of cops
2 November 2022
To call this show fantastic, would be an understatement.

From the first episode, it is a rollercoaster that just goes up, and up, and up, and even further up, and then it just crashes down. Hard. So hard that it hurts.

Fantastic acting from top to bottom. If you spend a lot of time watching shows, you will see some familiar faces here, some nice surprises. Walton Goggins is an absolute standout, first time I was exposed to his work for a longer period. What a performance. The camera work is raw, in your face, and very fast paced. You will love it or hate it.

I spend way too much time on the Internet, and this show really is not talked about that often. You could consider it to be on the "older" side, but it is timeless. Superb quality, and the dialogue and character writing is top notch. Very hard to find something negative here. More people need to see this.

Its hard to emphasize how connected you will feel to the characters after just a few episodes, especially The Strike Team. You got Vic being the de facto Alpha, Shane the cocky redneck, Lem the ultimate bro with a golden heart, and Ronnie the silent, zero BS guy. Not to forget Dutch and his partner Claudette, competent detectives with a strong friendship. And that is just the beginning.

For me, this is the selling point of The Shield, you live with these people, and it feels so authentic. A beautiful experience. Please, do yourself a favor and check this out!
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V/H/S/94 (2021)
A solid entry in the series
27 January 2022
I was extremely hyped from the trailer for this part. I didn't watch Viral yet, but I am a huge fan of the first two entries. This one is right up there with them. The only "major" complaint I have is the main segment, and the overall visual clarity of the stories, but this didn't ruin the experience in a significant manner.

The first story, "Storm Drain", is absolutely my favorite. The atmosphere, dialogue and the acting are incredible. I felt that the small twist was very clever. It leaves you wanting more. Anna Hopkins did an incredible job!

"The Empty Wake" starts off really slow, but the idea is cool. I felt that this could've been a bit shorter, but this story doesn't have any flaws beside that.

"The Subject" is by far the most unique story here, and while everything about it is fantastic, I kinda felt that the pacing of "Storm Drain" and "Terror" was better executed. The casting for the Doctor was fantastic.

"Terror" had a different vibe/feeling to it than the other stories. It was refreshing, and I think that placing this segment at the end was the right idea. I think that this story has potential for a mini-series or movie about it.

They definitely upped the gore aspect from the previous parts. I feel that this entry has the most consistent quality of the stories, all of them are at least a 7/10 in all aspects. I genuinely hope we get more of this stuff soon. Found footage horror holds a special place in my heart.
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Flawed but entertaining
17 October 2021
I really didnt expect much from this one. I am a huge fan of the franchise, and the 2018 remake blew me away. Its by far the best part of this gigantic series, excluding the original of course.

We got some interesting ideas here, but they were all sidelined and it was a bit disappointing. I left the movie with the feel that this couldve been something more, something bigger than it is. I was still entertained as hell. The score, the effects and cinematography are great. The flashback sequences were great too. I got no complaints on the technical side.

Some of my favorite kills in the entire series happened in this movie. They really nailed that aspect here. The characters that got killed, however, really lacked in the intelligence department. I am used to this trope through the years, but in this movie, i was struggling to ignore it.

With the movie ending as it did, i am very excited for the final installment. Hope we can put a good ending to this entertaining ride. If you are a fan of the franchise, this is a must see. If not, dont expect that much. Halloween is, at the end of the day, just a classic, old school slasher movie. And there is nothing wrong with that.
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Could have been more
2 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After so much time, it is finally here. Many Saints of Newark.

First, my opinion is that this is first and foremost a story about the Newark Riots that happened in 1967. I read multiple times that David Chase wanted to make a movie or something about that, but, he did not have the backing to do so. He just decided that he would make a movie about that, and throw in some Sopranos into it to sell tickets.

What confuses me, is that the Riots are not really a major focus in this movie. Instead, it primarily focuses on Dickie Moltisanti, Christophers father. Alessandro Nivola does a pretty good job. I have no complaints about this casting choice. Characters that have great actors behind them are definitely Lidia, Silvio, Johnny and Junior. Paulie and Puss were okay.

Michael Gandolfini did a solid job, however, the enormous shadow of his father is pretty much impossible to step out of, and he will forever be compared and ultimately fail to match his father in this specific role. He did try his best however, and i cannot imagine how much of a burden this role was to him. I think he was used pretty well.

What irks me about this movie is the way they used Johnny, Hollywood Dick and his brother. Seeing Ray Liotta portray two characters that look absolutely the same was slightly confusing to be honest. The whole plot with Dickie killing his father and then seeking advice from his brother was really strange. We saw almost nothing from Johnny Boy, which is a shame, since Jon Bernthal is a fantastic actor and he found his footing easily in this role. I also love the fact that Michael Imperioli is the narrator.

And we come to the biggest problem of this movie: It basically has no coherent plot. It tries to tell so many stories and gives us some hilarious moments and answers a couple questions from the show, but it ultimately falls flat on its ass when it comes to telling a coherent and precise story that we didnt see or hear about before. I do not know what to think about this Riots storyline and the Harold character is just thrown in there for no apparent reason. I really wish that this was made into a 10 episode mini-series, where Chase could explore Tony Soprano as a kid, Tony Soprano as a teen, and also explore the Riots storyline and Dickie Moltisanti.

The movie as it stands right now, is a convoluted mess from a storyline perspective, but it delivers in everything else. You honestly should not watch this if you are not a hardcore fan of the show. You WILL be disappointed.
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The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
Loved every second
12 August 2021
I finished Season 4 just a moment before writing this. Wow. Just wow.

The Last Kingdom is a fantastic medieval TV Show which revolves around Uthred of Bebbanburg. He was torn from his English family and was raised by Danes. He grew up amongst them, learned to fight like them, and he appreciated their culture and religion. Uthred is a man of courage, honor, passion and vengeance.

I never heard of Alexander Dreymon before this show, however, his work here is phenomenal. I couldnt imagine a better actor for Uthred. He has shown a vast range of emotions, and he carries himself like a true warrior. Huge props to this actor. I certainly feel like he can carry some serious projects in the future.

This show is often compared to Game of Thrones, or Vikings. I like to call it their love child. It has the fantastic combat and spirit of Vikings, and the politics and passion of Game of Thrones, albeit on a smaller scale. If you liked any of these shows, this is right up your alley. If you did not, you should still try this out.

The combat in this show is just phenomenal. There is not a single boring or bad fight scene, and the show is stacked with combat, sieges, pillaging, fires, and various other violence.

Last Kingdom is graced by wonderful pacing, although its a bit too fast in my opinion sometimes, the show is absolutely never dull or boring. It keeps you invested.

I have no gripes with this show. In my eyes, its pretty much perfect. However, i just feel the need to point out how Uthreds story affects me. Uthred is portrayed as this mighty warrior, however, he is forced to the ground by a simple fact: Uthred is a slave. He is a slave to his emotions, a slave to England and Daneland, a slave to Brida, Alfred, and a slave to vengeance. It really makes it easy to root for him, and it makes me really sad at the same time.

To summarize, please do yourself a favor and watch this. The Last Kingdom is beautiful storytelling with fantastic combat and great acting. It never disappoints you.
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Crank (2006)
A lot of heart...
17 May 2021
The premise sounds crazy as hell, because it is. Not the biggest fan of movies like this, but i liked what i saw here. Fantastic pacing, the acting was questionable from time to time but Statham does a great job like usual. Some of the side characters are so random that you cant help yourself and have a laugh. So many hilarious moments through this movie, you can pretty much classify it as a comedy.

Has its faults, however, if you are fan of Stathams work & you have some friends coming over, watch this. No way that you can regret it. Cant wait to watch the sequel.
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Back off to what?
9 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I just recently started delving into old Western movies, such as this one. The Wild Bunch carved out its own place and meaning on my list, in quite a violent, but still meaningful way.

If you are looking for some action, you will definitely get it here, make no mistake about it. Although the movie looks a bit dated, I still think that it holds up well in todays age, simply due to the atmosphere and great casting & music. The cinematography is fantastic and I have absolutely no complaints in that regard.

The opening sequence is very important in this movie, and sets the tone that The Wild Bunch rides on for the whole two and a half hours. This movie is loud, aggressive, it aint afraid to shock you, and I think that is something that the majority of the movies we see today lack. Behind all the grittiness, there is a soul, and a deep story that connects these outlaws who are completely spent and down on their luck. Its not hard to visualize that these guys spent countless years together and shot their way out of many dangerous situations.

At one point, the leader of this bunch claims that he just wants one last big score and that he is done, he claims that he "wants to back off". Ernest Borgnine, who portrays Dutch, simply replies with: "Back off to what?"

I think that is one of, if not the most important line in this movie. These guys know no other life, they are so used to being outlaws that anything that resembles the new generation is unfathomable. At one point you can see a car being driven around a small village, and our characters stare in amazement. They are being hunted down mercilessly, because, in all honesty, they probably deserved it. They are thieves, in a world that doesnt want them anymore. However, their fates were bound until the very end, they were not totally consumed with greed and lust. They still found a small way to redeem themselves, and i think there is something beautiful in that.
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The Wire (2002–2008)
In a class of its own
1 April 2021
I wont spam praises for this show, it has some years under its belt and even more compliments and reviews made about it. I will just say this: The Wire is THE most realistic TV Show of all time. Nothing comes close. It aint even fair to call this a Show, it is like someone put cameras in police offices and peoples homes in a real American city. It tells beautiful stories that aim straight at your heart.

The praise you hear about this show is absolutely justified, and if you are a fan of The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Game of Thrones etc. Do not waste a single second and watch this right now! The Wire will blow your mind with its unique charm and breathtaking atmosphere.

I usually point one cast member out in my reviews as special, but the entire cast in The Wire deserves all the praise in the world. An absolutely fantastic job from top to bottom.

I wish i had something more insightful to say about it, there is plenty to digest and analyze about The Wire, but i will leave it to people smarter than me. GO WATCH THIS NOW!!!
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Attack on Titan (2013– )
30 March 2021
I was sceptical about this one. I was sceptical about Anime in general. I really thought that i wouldnt find the art styles and expressions generally used in Anime appealing. I thought that it wouldnt take itself seriously. Personally, i like shows and movies with a serious thematic and consequences. Something gritty, somewhat violent, powerful. I thought that Anime cant be serious and cant tell good stories. I was wrong.

Attack on Titan is brilliant at displaying a creative world, with so much lore and history. When they show you the walls, the villages, the green fields, everything breathes with soul and character. Beautiful art and visuals. You look at all these people, minding their business, living a peaceful life, being happy. And then, it gets destroyed. The peace breaks, the cheers and laughter turn into screams. Everything crumbles. It would be easy to give up facing all this terror. But do the characters give up? Do they let themselves be defeated by the enemy? No. They fight back. Some with unimaginable rage and passion, some by intelligence, some by creativity, some by weapons, and some by hope. And when you see these characters struggle, overcome a far more powerful threat, you realise that you are hooked. You cheer for them as they prepare for their next battle.

Sometimes you think to yourself: "Well, i guess this is over now" and just when you think that you got the story figured out, Attack on Titan changes the game on you and now, you have no clue what is going on. Very few things can surprise you as much as this Anime.

I struggle with analyzing Attack on Titan and finding any real flaws to it. A lot is going on and there are lots of emotions and stories to figure out. Every character has some motivation and something drives them towards their goal, be it good or bad in our eyes. This Anime never bores you and always keeps you guessing.

After finishing The Final Season Part 1, i can say with confidence that this is probably the best thing i have ever watched so far, and that i am going to have a hard time with finding a better Anime than this one. Extremely excited for Part 2, hope it comes sooner rather than later, and i hope that you give this Anime a chance.
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Caught me off Guard
20 February 2021
I was not really interested in Chess before i watched this, hell, i did not even know the rules. I got this show recommended by some friends, i was willing to watch it due to the involvement of Anya Taylor-Joy, she really captivated me in Peaky Blinders, even though she has a small role in that show.

It has some minor problems, but the cinematography, acting, dialogue and overall atmosphere really build something that is captivating and really entertaining. You dont have to be into Chess at all to watch this and get something out of it. Anya Taylor-Joy is a fantastic lead and a mesmerizing presence on the screen. I often got lost in her eyes while watching this, even though the story is really good and keeps your attention.

Another standout is definitely Thomas Brodie-Sangster, at first i thought he kinda looks goofy with that gigantic leather coat and cowboy hat, but he bought me eventually.

I found myself clapping in front of my screen at the end, which i dont do often, and while it sounds very nerdy/strange/pathetic, i really think this Mini-Series deserved it. It tells a great story in just seven episodes. You should definitely spare that time and give this a go.
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Berserk (1997–1998)
Extremely Powerful
1 February 2021
A couple hours went by since i finished this Anime, and I am still in shock. Berserk is, without a doubt in my mind, one of the most gripping and powerful pieces of entertainment you will ever watch. The animation, even though it is very old, holds up beautifully and fits the overall theme perfectly. I really like the main-ish song that has become somewhat of a meme and i heard it long before I even thought about watching the Anime. Guts is a wonderful protagonist who doesnt have a super complex backstory, nor does he display some unimaginable intellect. Instead, he is a lost soul searching for the meaning of his life, his only companion being an extremely oversized sword. However, there is something magic about him, something so likeable and the sheer amount of raw emotions that are bottled up in this character, and his thoughts, are undescribable. He is the embodiment of a powerful but emotional man struggling with destiny.

I CANNOT recommend this enough. Please do yourself a favor and watch Berserk. Read the manga afterwards if you liked it, because there is more to the universe than this. I will probably do the same, but i will need to watch some puppy videos for a couple days first.
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Black Sails (2014–2017)
Gun crews at the ready!
18 December 2020
Where do I even start?

If you want a show about pirates, you dont have many options. Luckily, you are able to check out Black Sails! Its not only a show about piracy, it explores war, trauma, identities, themes like freedom and what it truly means to be free, among many other things. It may seem like a lot to get through, but once you get started, the show does its best to guide you. It has very few flaws, but the main one is pacing in the first and last season. Season 1 is very slow, some people may give even up, I assure you that you should push through because Season 2 and 3 are almost perfect. Season 4 feels rushed, however, its very eventful and exciting, and pacing aside, its probably my favorite.

The entire cast is wonderful, but as I usually single out someone in my reviews, in Black Sails thats gotta be Toby Schmitz in his role as Jack Rackham. An extremely convincing and witty performance.

In Black Sails you will see very few cliches and the show utilizes its characters and their motivations very well. Almost all of them are complete scumbags who would steal your dog to make a few coins, but its very hard not to sympathize when they feel sad or enraged. However, none of them have pet parrots so you would be right to hate all of them. Despite that, I definitely recommend this show. Very bingeable and enjoyable.
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A Masterpiece
10 December 2020
Nocturnal Animals is an almost perfect example of a psychological thriller done right. This is one of those movies that pulls at your heartstrings and it doesnt let them go. It has guts and emotion, and explores very sensitive and serious themes like love, revenge and regret. When I found out that Tom Ford directed this movie, I was even more amazed. This guy is a fashion designer and he really put many lifelong directors to shame with this movie, atleast in the way I see it. The intensity and tension in this movie is hard to match, I felt genuine dread and I was constantly on the edge of my seat. Jake Gyllenhaal, to nobodies surprise, delivers yet again. His display of grief and rage is pretty much unparalelled among his peers. Amy Adams is stunning in every meaning of the word and does an absolutely fantastic job in her role of Susan Morrow. I would also point out Michael Shannons very raw approach to portraying a police officer, and I always love to see more of him. I felt a very unusual connection with the character of Edward/Tony which is hard to describe. Without getting into any spoilers, I guess you can say we have similar character traits.

A fair warning that some scenes are downright sickening, so if you are sensitive, you should watch out.

Great pacing and structure, a wonderful cast and a very nice ending to boot. I went into this movie with high expectations, and it went above and beyond. You gotta check this out, I cannot imagine that this could be considered a waste of time under any circumstances.
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Das Boot (1981)
Diving Deep
29 November 2020
Das Boot is one of the most unique war movies ever made. I watched the Directors Cut which is 3 and a half hours long, and i enjoyed every second of it. A very gritty and realistic experience, to say the least. You spend a majority of the movie inside this wreck of a submarine along with the crew, and you observe their behavior and bond with them. The dialogue between the crew is great, and there are some really funny lines found throughout the movie. I enjoyed the soundtrack very much aswell. It flows naturally with the scenes, you can barely notice it sometimes.

Erwin Leder stands out in his role as Johann. The entire cast is great, but Leders expressions and manic eyes are downright haunting. One of the more memorable scenes in the movie involves him and Jürgen Prochnow, in his role as The Captain.

I definitely recommend this movie to anyone who likes war movies. Its unique and most people i know never watched a movie exploring a submarine crew in such detail, while being packed with atmosphere and tension.
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
A Pleasant Surprise
24 November 2020
Dont be fooled by the Marvel "stamp" this show has. If you are like me, and most stuff that is associated with Marvel is too lighthearted, overbearingly stacked with effects and "family friendly" for you, dont worry. This show is the complete opposite from that.

Daredevil is a brilliant show with serious themes, violence, crime, packed with action, great dialogue, and storylines that make sense and progress naturally. The acting is superb and i would especially point out Vincent D'Onofrio with his perfect portrayal of Wilson Fisk. Charlie Cox has also risen to become one of my personal favorites, thanks to this show.

A great show has great pacing, and Daredevil excels at it. You will never feel bored while watching this show, and you get plenty of quality breaks from all the action. I feel like this show has even too much fights, but i wont complain, since they are executed in a fantastic way.

If you are a fan of serious storytelling, check it out. You will not regret it. Its a shame that it got cancelled, but who knows. Maybe it will get revived one day. At the time of writing, 3 seasons are available and its summed up pretty nicely, with very few questions remaining unanswered. You should still check it out, because its that great. An easy 10/10.
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Angst (I) (1983)
Wild & Unique
3 October 2020
There is something so interesting about people like the main character of this movie. An absolutely bizarre and morbid curiosity leads me to watch movies like this. Angst did not disappoint. Erwin Leder delivers a fantastic performance, with his maniacal expressions, wild eyes paired with borderline animalistic behaviour and movement. The victims are strange themselves and i am really curious about their background. Angst offers very limited dialogue, instead, you are placed directly into the mind of the killer, and it works great. It doesnt have a ton of gore, especially by "modern standards" but it excels in camerawork, sound design and overall atmosphere. A damn shame that this movie is pretty much a hidden gem. Its only fault is its lenght, i really wanted more.

Undoubtedly a must watch for fans of movies with a similar thematic.
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The Witcher (2019– )
A promising start with a lot of potential
2 January 2020
I was very excited when i heard that Netflix is working on The Witcher. I am a huge fan of the universe even though i didnt really read the books, my knowledge is mostly from the Video Games. Any fan really should watch this because its everything you expect, and even more.

The pacing honestly IS a bit confusing but once you get it, it adds to the story and characters a lot. In Season 2 however, if they continue this current format, i think they should do a slightly better job at distinguishing between current and flashback scenes.

Henry Cavill delivers a phenomenal performance and its obvious he put a ton of work into looking and sounding like our beloved Geralt as much as possible. All the other actors do a wonderful job and i cannot complain on any specific performances, but in my humble opinion Cavill outshines them all.

After some consideration, i rate the first season as a 9/10. An absolute must watch for fans of the game/books.
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The Shining (1980)
I wish more people watched this movie
12 November 2016
This movie is a masterpiece.Simple as that.This is one of my first movies,and it really brought me into Kubricks work,and made him somewhat of an important person in my life.This movie has it all:Intriguing story,superb acting,believable characters,good effects,good sounds,everything a good movie should have.It looks like every frame has been completed with perfection,and i love that.Jack Nicholson really brought the best of him with this movie.His acting is divine from the first minute he shows up,and never ceases to amaze me.I re-watched it at least five times and there are still things this movie brings out that i didn't notice the previous times i watched it.I hardly recommend this movie for everyone who wants a special experience from a movie in all ways imaginable.This movie has it all,and not a single movie has intrigued me so much as this one.Definitely 10/10.
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