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Sex Education: Episode 8 (2023)
Season 4, Episode 8
Not everything needs a neat little bow
27 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
TLDR Life is messy and imperfect, so were our characters. Not everyone gets a happy ending. Sometimes we have to make sacrifices.

I saw lots of reviews bashing the finale for leaving things unresolved, but I don't think that's the case at all. Otis and Maeve aren't together, and that's ok. Sometimes you have to let the one you love go so they can flourish. She would have gotten bitter and resented him over time and he would have been eaten alive with guilt if she stayed. It showed a lot of emotional maturity.

As for the rest, Eric found a way to reconcile both parts of himself and will do amazing things. Aimee and Isaac will be great together, they complement each other in very interesting ways. Every kite needs a tether. Adam is accepting himself for who he is. Will he and the farm girl work out? Who knows, but he's on the right path and that's really all we needed. The same can be said for his father, he's getting the help he needed and becoming a better man. Ruby could have had a little more closure that she got, but it was never her story anyway. Cal had a good arc, as did Jackson and Viv. We don't really need to know about Maeve's brother. He seems to be in the same spiral their mom was in and it's a shame, but hopefully he did get help.

The characters we didn't see... well, it would have been nice for Jean and Jacoub to be together but it was a very big betrayal and I don't blame him. The rest, I didn't really miss that much.
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London Fields (2018)
This movie is an absolute wreck!
7 July 2022
Billy Bob Thornton does his best with the material and has the strongest performance. But ultimately, his character falls apart, by no fault of his own.

Theo James' character seems to barely be a person and he seems to play him as such, minimal effort. I'm not sure if that was intentional.

Jim Sturgess is the MOST in every scene and it's every grating and annoying. And he's skeezy enough, the yellow teeth are just unnecessary.

Amber Heard just falls flat, she's no Female Fatale. She embodies the blonde bombshell they were going for, but her performance is lackluster.

The plot... oh the plot. This is where things get messy. Sex, murder, extortion, writing, and darts? With a dash or clairvoyance.

So the gal walks into a dingy bar in full retro funeral attire (black veil included) and leaves after a few brief interactions. She's trailed by the local handyman who happens to be very good at darts (and owes money to several loan sharks). A handsome upperclass gentleman who inexplicably was also at the dingy bar follows the two and is trailed by the writer for whatever reason. And the plot just continues to unfold in a manner such as that. Things happening for reasons that don't really make any sense.
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Only Murders in the Building: Framed (2022)
Season 2, Episode 2
It's fine, BUT
5 July 2022
Why is everyone concerned with Mabel's sexuality? Just because she was is in a heterosexual relationship prior, doesn't mean she wasn't bisexual in the first season.

Aside from that, this season is fine, Amy Schumer is a bit annoying, but I'm interested to see how Season 2 is handled.
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A surprising delight
31 December 2020
I had no idea what to expect going into this. I saw this on Shudder and expected a horror flick, maybe a dominatrix who brutally abuses or dismembers men who abused her in the past. I was wrong, happily so. This was not a horror movie, this was a love story... sort of. It's worth a watch.
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Just don't.
31 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What a waste of time.

The movie starts with a ridiculous, over the top competition that Diana wouldn't have been allowed to compete in or train for, given her mother's reluctance in the first movie. The rest of the movie is pretty predictable, annoyingly so. Kristen Wiig's Cheetah is just embarrassing and the CGI fight was silly.
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Slow Burn Gothic Poetry
15 August 2020
Worth a sitting if you love Gothic literature. If this movie had shaved 30-45 minutes off, it would have been better. The movie feels like a very long, long, long poem. Beautifully shot and written, however the movie struggles to fill the runtime of a feature film. The main character tells us she just turned 28 but won't see 29. I was frustrated with the movie for only showing the first and last few days of her time in the house. There was nearly a year in between but we don't know anything about it. This is my biggest complaint. She seems to sense something is off before we cut to several months later and she seems fine. Then she feels like something is off again... I don't understand why there needed to be a time jump really. There are some questions left unanswered, but they don't really need answered. This isn't a think-piece. This is just a beautiful movie that overstayed it's welcome a bit.
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Hunters (2020–2023)
Based on Really Messed Up Facts
15 August 2020
Operation Paperclip really happened. Nazi hunters really happened. Edgewood really happened. This show is based on things that really happened, but at the end of the day, it is fiction. Don't be upset because the show isn't completely historically factual. If that is what you want, watch documentaries about the facts and skip the show. Bad Trip to Edgewood is on YouTube, less than an hour long, and it's worth the watch. I appreciate this show for shedding a light on the horrible things that really happened. I also appreciate the humor thrown in. I have seen reviews calling the show insensitive, offensive, or saying the humor was in poor taste given the gravity of the Holocaust. I think the humor is necessary because it's human. This show portrays people who are human, it's natural to love and laugh, just because there is suffering, doesn't mean there can't be light. As for the end of Season 1... I have seen complaints about the twist at the end. This show is BASED on facts, but the show is fiction. This is not a documentary. There is a conspiracy theory the the show decided to pull into the plot.
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Into the Dark: Crawlers (2020)
Season 2, Episode 6
Fun Little Movie
11 August 2020
This movie was fun and silly. Don't watch it if you want a serious horror film. If you like horror comedies, go for it. It's watchable for a sitting. I would watch it again, personally. It won't make my top 10, or even 50 list, but it's a fun movie. Just a side note: I do wish conspiracy theorists were portrayed better in films, it seems like they're always crazy or radical.
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Into the Dark: Delivered (2020)
Season 2, Episode 8
Misery much?
11 August 2020
Nothing horror fans haven't seen before. It seemed like it was a Lifetime Movie with borrowed bits from Stephen King. For only and hour and 20 minutes, the movie does kind of drag.
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Relic (2020)
Not your typical horror film!
7 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If you're into gore, slashers, jump scares, and/or creatures, this is not the film for you. This film is packed with symbolism and very little actual horror. If you liked The Babadook, you might like this one. I really enjoyed this movie, it isn't perfect, but I think it's worth a watch. The pacing was a bit slow, but it was a slow burn to a fitting ending. The film is filled with unease and builds as it goes. If you can sit through one viewing, I think it's worth a second to see what may have been missed. The real horror in this film is dementia. I have someone in my life with dementia and it was heartbreaking to see what the grandmother went through, especially at the end. Dementia will turn someone you love into someone you barely recognize as it consumes them.
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