
19 Reviews
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Holy Jeez...
16 March 2023
Prefacing this review by saying I absolutely LOVE the Sandman... LOVE HIM. I have been entirely on board with everything he's ever been in since Canteen Boy in his SNL days to his cameo as Satan in Dirty Work and all of his dramatic roles. But, this is just his "ret*rd" voice for an entire film, even more than in The Waterboy if possible. This voice is hilarious in doses, like when Billy Madison is chasing that silly penguin... but holy Jeez! This is the punishment he promised on The Howard Stern Show if he didn't receive a nod from the Academy for Uncut Gems which he completely deserved. Thanks a lot Oscar voters!!
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I See You (II) (2019)
A Must Watch!
23 May 2022
Suspenseful and unpredictable! Just when you think you know what is going to happen, you don't. Not sure why this movie slipped through the cracks. A very well crafted film.
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Spielberg Has Done The Impossible
1 March 2022
Only Steven Spielberg could improve on a timeless classic. So faithful to the original, yet it's own thing. I didn't think it could but this this remake blew me away! These young actors were AMAZING! There are not enough superlatives.
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Hamilton (2020)
Too Few Superlatives In The English Language
4 July 2020
If you are like me and you never got to see Hamilton on Broadway, do yourself the favor and watch it on Disney+. This amazing show completely surpassed my expectations... and my expectations were pretty damn high. History. Hip Hop. Amazing storytelling. Top notch performances by the entire cast, every detail in the production contributed to the spectacular overall performance.
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Pleasant Surprise
17 May 2020
This movie was way better than the mediocre reviews and unimpressive box office. Will Smith as always was charismatic as Lance, Tom Holland gave an endearing performance as Walter and the rest of the cast held this fun adventure together. There could easily be a sequel that would hopefully be better received. If you are looking for a fun animated adventure for the family, this is definitely worth a watch.
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The Lodge (2019)
Delightfully Disturbing
16 May 2020
This film was a pleasant surprise. The final 40 minutes eerily builds to an unforgettable finish. Well acted and directed, beautifully filmed. You will definitely get more than you expected, well written twists and turns.
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Awesome Story Telling
27 April 2020
Inspiring story of our three Beastie Boys and the road they traveled together, through everything to become amazing musicians and even more, amazing men. Funny, well told and imaginative, if I have one complaint, it's that I wish it was twice as long. Ya Can't, Ya Won't and Ya Don't Stop...
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Really Hoped This Was Good, It Was Not
28 March 2020
Cliché. Predictable. Poorly acted. Underwhelming. You can see the very few decent parts in the trailer. I am truly puzzled about the good reviews.
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Dave (2020– )
Satisfyingly Hilarious
5 March 2020
First two episodes were quirky, awkward and awesome! I was not a huge Lil Dicky fan, I am a 40 year old who only knew or liked 2-3 songs of his from a few years ago. After getting a gander of this funny dude and AMAZING rapper in action, I will be digging deeper into his catalogue and watching every episode. From one Dave to another 👍🏼 👍🏼 Hope this show picks up a ton of viewers and sticks around.
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Good Job Boys!
24 February 2020
I have always been a fan of the show and I've slowly brainwashed my two sons and wife to love it. It's constantly on in our house. We just saw the movie yesterday. It runs like an extra long episode with some really funny segments. The two funniest to me were Murr's birthday celebration and Q's presentation. Here's a cliche that applies, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. The guys seem to have had such a great time making the movie and it paid off. Hope they get to make another movie down the line.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
Lives Up To The Hype
28 December 2019
Believe all of the positive reviews! Believe the award buzz for Adam Sandler, such an amazing performance. This film keeps moving and keeps you guessing. Everyone cast in this movie was perfect for their roles. Another gem by the Safdie brothers... pun intended. Already waiting for it's Netflix release to watch it again! Expect to hear about this masterpiece during award season.
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Should Have Left IT Alone
12 December 2019
2 hours and 50 minutes. Way, way, WAY too long. I loved the original, you know the horror film with just enough comic relief? This thing on the other hand was a huge letdown. It dragged on and on and on like The Irishman. No balance between comedy and horror. Way too much CGI, at times it felt like I was watching a video game. Bill Hader's performance was the only bright spot for me but even he couldn't save this train wreck. Don't waste your time, just watch the original two times in a row.
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Gone Girl (2014)
Potentially Great Film Ruined By Ending
9 November 2019
I will preface this review by saying that, for no particular reason, it took my wife and I 5 years to finally get around to this movie we have always wanted to see. The first hour was enjoyable, interesting story, good acting, endless possibilities. The second hour even better, amazing twist, even more possibilities! However.... the last ten minutes destroyed all hope for this to be the great film we anticipated based on reviews we have read over the years. A terribly unrealistic, unsatisfying ending brought this almost great movie from a 9/10 rating to the 6/10 you see before you. Not to dwell but the ending was so disappointing that it reminded me of an old low budget horror movie from the 80s that leaves an opening at the end for a sequel that would end up even more underwhelming than the original. I am not recommending that anyone skip this movie, just cut it off around the 2 hr 20 min mark and make up your own ending. ANYTHING would be better than the ending that played out. Oh... the unnecessary fading to black in and out of every scene gave the feel of something edited on an old desktop.
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Boring. Fake. Bad acting.
28 October 2019
The makers of this "documentary" must have hacked IMDB because I don't know any other way this would have a 7.2 rating. This was absolutely boring, staged and almost unwatchable. How are there so many of these, who keeps paying for these to be made? DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME!! Please, if you're going to take advice from one stranger's movie review, make it me.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Lives Up To The Hype
12 October 2019
Nothing much to say except, this is what cinema should be. An amazing film and the performance of a lifetime by Joaquin Phoenix! Arthur's further descent into madness portrayed perfectly. We can all identify with sadness, Phoenix's performance makes you sympathize with this disturbed, neglected man. This was the best film I have seen in a long time.
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Prodigal Son (2019–2021)
Poorly Produced Cliché
2 October 2019
Horrible clichéd writing + horrible clichéd acting = horrible clichéd show. This terribly executed rip-off of CBS' Elementary/Showtime's Dexter is predictable and not worth the time of the C list actors enlisted to drag this worthless attempt at a clever crime show along. Should've realized once I saw Lou Diamond Phillips' bloated face filling my screen. Don't waste your time!
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Green Book (2018)
Such a let down
23 March 2019
Terrible acting, TERRIBLE. No chemistry between the two main chracters. Cliché all the way through. What was the Academy thinking?!
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Pretty Damn Funny
8 February 2019
I've never seen one second of his sitcom and I've only seen his premiere stand up on Letterman back in the day. Threw this on by chance and found myself laughing all the way through. I'm only about to be 40 but I can identify with so much of his family/marriage humor. Too funny, loved it!!
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Hereditary (2018)
Creepy As Hell
6 September 2018
This movie creeped me out in a way I haven't been in many, many years. The ending could've been better but overall definitely a good watch. Up there with The Conjuring in my opinion.
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