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Crapamundo Soup with a side order of gopher filet
12 June 2020
Yeah well, would you eat it? Well evidently someone over at Hollywood thought so and hired some Netflix waiters to serve it. Netfilx signed on for the, "let's make some crap" show. Michael Pitt was trying so hard to be Al Pacino, I was expecting him to flash his gun and say, "say hello to my little friend". You know he wanted to do it. This movie gave you bonerless sex, violence up the ying but without the yang, acting on par with spanky and the gang, a story that some guy wrote while he was stocking the shelves at Walmart. What this movie really needed was a laugh track.
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Becky (II) (2020)
Really Kevin?
8 June 2020
I had to do a double take, is that Kevin James? Yup, I had to look it up to be sure. I went damn. Then as I watched more and more, I kept going "damn Kevin" but not in a good way. This was like Kevin eating a bowl of frosted flakes and trying to be a bad guy at the same time all the while trying to keep a straight face. Then when Kevin took off his shirt and pointed to the fake tatoo on his fat body and saying, "to the brotherhood". Huh? I went really Kevin, that's all you got? Jeez. Kevin gave it a shot, and failed miserably. The dude needs to go back to comedy and leave the bad guy stuff to the bad guys. As bad as this movie was I have to say it was better than watching the daily news right now. Oh and btw, what was the key for you might ask. I'll let the cat out of the bag. It was a key to a locker filled with corn balls and cheese.
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Almost Paradise (2020– )
Wow this was one crappy cliche
6 June 2020
Christain Kane was pretty good in Leverage. Dunno what happened to this dude cause it's been all down hill since then. His over acting in this series was one lame performance. This whole show was super lame. Actors all seemed like they can out of the same lame can of ham. Everyone in the show was lame and all the stories were lame. I'm walking with a limp now after watching this. I think I've gone lame. The only thing that could be more lame is all the lame so called reviewers than came in here and gave this lame show a 10. Super lame. Oh, btw, did I tell you this show was lame?
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Tomorrowland (2015)
One of my favorite movies of all time.
21 January 2020
THIS is a good movie. It's sci fi/fantasy, a feel good movie. When you don't want a movie to take itself too seriously, not in the mood for a Hollywood political statement movie, and just want to have fun watching something pleasurable, watch this movie. Character performances of Frank Walker (young and old), Casey, Athena and Nix are all a joy to watch. Just pure fun. I had a grin on my face throughout the whole movie. Made me feel like a kid again. I have watched this movie multiple times and like it as much each time. Once of those movies that will stay in the library within reach when I just want to watch something fun that is not too heavy.
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Holy Smokes what a POS
19 December 2019
My gawd zombie dudes. All the actors in this and yeah this includes you Woody, and all the film crew should be thrown in a wide deep ditch and then let the zombies fall in and eat them all and then cover up the hole and pretend none of this ever happened. I'm so sick of zombies, saturation in over drive. Zombie movies should be outlawed. What an irritating little prick Eisenberg is in this movie (and most all of his others to tell the truth). Man I wanted to strangle that dude watching this movie. How boring can a zombie movie possibly be? None more than this one. This has to rank up there as one of the worst movies I've ever seen it's that bad. Of course here on IMDb, the idiots run in with scores of 10 for this movie. Surprise surprise. Some idiots come in here and hand out 10's like it's candy. Woody and Eisenberg should have turned into zombies and ate each other's brains at the end of this atrocious movie (with slow motion close ups) and have been done with it. I'm mad I even sat through this even with as much fast forwarding as I did. They should have paid me to watch this. If I knew then what I know now, I would have told Woody, "dude if you expect me to watch this garbage, how ever much money you made in this movie, I want half".
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Grand Isle (2019)
Not Half Bad Actually
17 December 2019
These days with some of my old favs (I'm getting old) like Dolf Lungren, Claude Von Damme, Stephen Seagal, Nick Cage, Bruce Willis, and some others, (you know who you are) you know what you are going to get. Take it with some cheese and sauce. If Drive Ins were still around (I'm showing my age here), all these dudes would still be kings. Old Nick has been making some acceptable movies lately, they all still come with cheese but are watchable. Whenever any of these dudes make a movie, I'm automatically going to watch it just to show respect and see what they are still doing. It's all fun and the result is sometimes crappy but also sometimes not bad. Some of this movie sucked but I liked Nick's role in this one (not all of it but most of it). I liked KaDee Strickland in this. She nailed the southern sexy lady role pretty well. I enjoyed her performance. Seems in Nick's movies, you get Nick who is still good in spurts, and then you also get some bonus cheese and corn balls and beans. All in all though, this movie was worth the watch for me.
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Ad Astra (2019)
About as Realistic as Buck Rogers
4 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I start with this. I am a space buff and like Sci Fi movies. Sci Fi can go from entertaining to pretty ludicrous and it can do it pretty quickly. This movie fits in there someplace but not exactly sure where. I like Brad Pitt but not in this movie. Liked him in Once Upon a time in Hollywood, that role fit him. This one didn't. It looked an unnatural fit. Sometimes really good actors will appear in weird movies that leaves you scratching you head thinking, "why is this dude in this movie". That was one of those. His narrating throughout the movie was dole, boring and dreadful. Everyone he did one, I would go, "shut up Brad, jeez". Science and physics were all wrong in this movie. Writers and Director apparently didn't do much research. Starts off all wrong. What at first looks somewhat like a space station, but after a minute you realize something is not right and see this is supposed to be a structure that is connected to the ground. I don't think so dudes. Then we go to the Moon to go to Mars. Moon base looks like a City but we can only manage 1970s rovers to travel to Mars launch Site. Then we are traveling on the Rovers and thennnnnn, wait for it, Space Pirates appear out of nowhere in multiple Rovers that were apparently all bought from the same Rovers Lot. Then a Rover shoot out occurs that looks completely ludicrous. I don't think so dudes! Then on Mars there is actually a receptionist drumming her fingers that has like a 5 second part. Must have been a Director's niece or something. Then we go to sending a message, from a sound proof room no less, to Neptune to talk to his Dad in real time (it would take over 4 hours to send a signal to Neptune, one way). So unless the Director knew something Einstein didn't know, I don't think so dudes! Then there is a part where space ship Brad makes his was to a ship launching to Neptune as it is launching. Somehow there is a hatch at the bottom of the rocket right where the engines are. Of course he opens the hatch as the Rockets light and casually makes his way to another hatch as they are blasting off. Yeah right, I don't think so dudes! The they have a shooting battle right there (cause of course you don't go on a space voyage without your space blasters) as they are launching as he tells everyone to chill and they start shooting at him. Jeez. Then we somehow get to Neptune where he leaves his ship, has terrible boring dialog with good ole dad Tommy Lee, tells him we got to go Dad, sets a bomb and off they go on a spacewalk. Of course Dad isn't having any part of this so blasts off from his son and go off drifting into space. Son then goes back to Dads ship, tears off a piece, puts it in front of him, pushes off going through the rings of Neptune as pieces are bouncing off him, back to his ship and makes a perfect entrance to the hatch to his ship. Turns ship around, using blast of the bomb on Dads spaceship to propel him back to Earth. Next scene shows ship coming back through the Earth's atmosphere and Brad is asleep. I don't think so dudes! He gets out smiles, does another Narration and that's the end. I don't know how the hell I made it to the end of this movie. Don't know how Brad made it either.
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All Day Long
7 October 2019
Korean movies are always so good. They just always have such a good flavor and personality to them. I enjoyed the hell out of this movie. Watched with English subtitles and I had such a good time. Story was good, acting was really good, personalities were priceless. So refreshing to watch without having to stomach the slants and politics of a Hollywood flick that Hollywood for the life of them can't leave out of their movies these days. This was just good clean fun and was so easy for me to watch. Whenever I see a Korean movie, I'm always interested.
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Bad Chad Customs (2019– )
Doesn't pass the smell test
12 August 2019
Watched the first season of 6 episodes and have quite a few issues with it. First off, not nearly enough detail. Mostly shows dudes that look they they are from the back woods cutting up car body parts they find in fields and stuff, make a few comments along the way then the show goes to finished product without showing much of what was actually done. Of all the car shows I've seen, the cars built here look like they would be the first to fall apart. Nothing is shown of what is done with suspension, brakes, drive train, wiring or much of anything else beside bending and cutting sheet metal. No body prep is ever shown and the dude doesn't even paint in a paint booth. Looks like it's in a garage with the doors wide open. Maybe country joe from the bayoe paints his alligator boats that way but that's not the way it's done. Cars look good at a glance but probably up close show bug skid marks in the paint and looking underneath probably shows everything held together with bailing wire. Just the impression I get. This series doesn't pass the smell test for me. I love car build shows but I'm not a fan of this one.
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Monsters kind of cool, humans sucked
3 August 2019
The overall story (human side) was just dreadful. The family was just pathetic. Stupid decisions one after the other and the acting was so far off the mark it was ludicrous. I'm really referring to mom, dad and kid. Everyone else just left a bad taste in my mouth but at least I could live with it. The acting of mom/dad/kiddie got on my nerves really bad. When the movie went to the monsters kicking butt, I got a bit of reprieve, but when it want back to mom/dad/kiddie, I was cringing again. The monsters stole this show easy. Where the film could have capitalized was on the sound of the monsters, it was a bit thin. It could have been so much better, like take your breath away better. Godzilla only did his signature Godzilla sound (which is one of my favorite all time sounds ever) once in the whole movie. You guys on the sound department, you blew it really bad. I would have rated this higher but loser family ruined it. I gave this one over half way because of Godzilla alone. But even he couldn't save this. He should come out of the depths and go destroy Hollywood.
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Gomorrah (2014–2021)
Grab Your Pack of Italian Smokes!
27 July 2019
Brutal! My reaction after watching all of season 4. Italian gangsters don't mess around. They make american gansters look like spanky and the gang. These dudes are down and dirty and don't give a ..................! I kept being tripped out with all the cruelty but this show doesn't try to have any "correctness" to it. I find that actually pretty "unamerican", which in this case is a good thing. Here in the good ole USA, everyone is worried about being offended somehow. Well Italy (in this series anyway) is having none of that. It's like they are saying, you worried about anything, just don't watch. Plenty of other shows to watch like The Jetsons. On the other hand, if you just want some good old fashioned Italian kick butt, turn it on dude cause you are going to get plenty. You might do some expletives on some of the stuff you are going to see but hey, this is gangster ................
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Wisting (2019– )
Refreshing Series for me.
27 July 2019
I generally like watching foreign movies (as long as there are English subtitles). Usually I find they are well done with good acting. Not like a lot of garbage that Hollywood is putting out these days. I stumbled on this one. Watched the first episode and I was hooked and knew I wanted to watch the whole 10 episode series. This turned out to be quite the undertaking for me to find them along with working English subtitles. Not an easy task, especially if you live in the US. I felt like an investigator myself with all the work I did hunting them down. This series is in Norwegan with some English mixed in during the first 5 episodes that Carrie Moss appeared in. Second 5 episodes, Carrie is gone and so is whatever English there was. Show is not watchable if you don't have those English Subtitles unless you want to guess the whole series what is being said. The story, plot, acting is all very good. I like Carrie but she was a pretty unenthusiastic ho hum in this, everybody else in the series put out stronger acting than she did. She pretty much looked like she didn't want to be there. Watch the Jessica Jones series for a comparison with Carrie's acting and you will see what I mean. All in all, I enjoyed watching this series. Unlike so many "fake" interviewers in here, I don't give out many 10s. I'll give one to this. If you can actually find this series, give it a go, it's pretty good.
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In Full Bloom (II) (2019)
Needs Subs Really Really Bad
18 July 2019
I generally like foreign movies as long as there are English subtitles with it. For the most part, I find the acting and atmosphere refreshing, especially considering how much of what Hollywood produces these days is straight up garbage. This movie while having potential, is really hampered by no English subtitles to be found anywhere. Movie must not be very well known at all cause no one has bothered to make ANY subtitles available at all. Probably viewing this if you can speak Japanese would be more understandable than if you just spoke English and trying to figure out the Japanese parts. I have this movie on hold just in case someone does make some English subtitles for it. Otherwise I'm not going to try to view it again.
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Donnybrook (2018)
Just Stupid
3 July 2019
There isn't one thing in this movie that made any sense. Talk about disjointed, this is it. Want to watch a movie about low life speed freaks and total losers? Maybe this will be it for you, if you have a really low IQ. Frank Grillo as a buffed meth maker and dealer. Yeah right, like that made a lot of sense right there. Psycho Frank and his twisted sister. I would rather have seen them both in Leave it to Beaver, which would have made about as much sense as their roles in this movie. This there is total loser fighter dude who is just a dumb punk with nowhere to go. I felt like I needed to be in a run down trailer in a run down trailer park with a tornado on the way to appreciate this flick. Maybe I'll try to go find one and try to watch this movie again. Naw I was just kidding. No second go around for me. Once was too much.
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The Beach Bum (2019)
I don't even know what this was
12 June 2019
What's up with Matthew McConaughey? Pretty neat stunt to be able to suck this bad in a movie and still get paid. I don't know how Matt can get any worse than this. The only thing I can come up with in watching this, is the dude just doesn't care anymore. He's got all the money he needs so what's the point. I really used to like this dude but lately his stuff has just really been getting on my nerves. For someone to be as good as him and be involved in crap like this. Seems the pride is gone and just replaced with I can act any way I want in whatever I want so I'm just going to do that. It's quite amazing to me anyone got paid for being in this movie. Snoop is a complete sell out and Matthew is nearly there. Probably as worse as this movie was is there are some 10's in some of the reviews here. Go figure that eh. Nothing new about that. Sorry Matt, but lately you really suc.
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Monster Island (2019 TV Movie)
My Gawd
10 June 2019
And not in a good way. Holy smokes Eric Roberts! This dude seems to have this personal goal that is very important to him. That goal is to make sure in every movie that he appears in, it's going to be worse than the one he was in before that. He has been attaining that goal for over twenty years. Way to go Eric. He says as long as people will continue to pay him, he will keep on keeping on. Everyone involved in the making of this movie should be embarrassed. I have a feeling though that Eric is not one of them. The dude has no shame.
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Deadwood: The Movie (2019 TV Movie)
Remake Didn't Capture
3 June 2019
I'm torn writing this review. I had watched original series (and liked it) and remember being bummed when it got cancelled and didn't get to be completed. Now all this time passes and Hollywood just couldn't leave dead dogs buried. They had to dig it up out of the grave and for whatever reason that eludes me, finish it up I guess years later when everyone in the original story would probably have been long dead already. Jeez. When I saw that they made this movie, I just knew they were going to screw it up. And they did. This was too big a bill to fill from the beginning and they should have left it alone. They managed to dig up the original actors. They were all older and the acting for the most part was forced, and the atmosphere was not recreated. It just didn't feel right (if you had watched original series). The only one for me that remained the truest and most natural to the old character was Timothy Olypfant. Everyone else didn't cut the mustard for me. I blame this on the script writer and director. They didn't bring out what these characters had to offer in this remake. I gave this a 5 just out of respect for the original.
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Captive State (2019)
This was just bad
2 June 2019
I feel it's my duty to provide some alternate views from those who post here with apparently a burning desire to give every movie they watch a 10. Go look them up and you will see a pattern here, all their reviewed movies are 10s, all of them! In the real world, this movie is a 2 tops. The lead actor looks like a wannabe rapper who Hollywood thinks it is it's duty to make into a star for some reason like so many others. The dude is just a bad actor no other way to put it. You can't turn a Ricky Ricardo into a James Bond, it just doesn't work. Hollywood tries to pull it off anyway. This role in this movie doesn't work for this dude. The role needs to fit the actor and the actor needs to make the role fit the character. Neither happened here. John Goodman and Vera Farmiga should have stayed home, they didn't need to be in this and they just wasted a lot of my time. This flick qualifies as more Hollywood junk.
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The Kid (II) (2019)
Lose the Kid
31 May 2019
Not too terribly bad of a western if they would just have left out the kid (and I'm not talking Billy the Kid here) along with his sister and been done with it. Then I probably wouldn't have minded the movie that much. The kid didn't belong in this flick and pretty much made it even more unbelievable to watch than it already was. They had the kid pretty much strong arm his way into everything and was in almost every scene. Enough already. I'm not anti child acting but I'm not really that crazy about it either. It has to fit, this didn't. Too much child overacting and the role was just all wrong for a Billy the Kid movie. I found myself not liking him at all. Seems Hollywood was more interested in show casing this kid than making a decent movie.
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Destroyer (2018)
This is just crap
5 April 2019
Holy smokes Kidman, what the hell where you thinking making this movie? I'm not a Kidman fan to begin with, I find her overacting style on the irritating side. This is by far the worse thing she's ever done by a long shot. If she just stopped acting right now, moved back to Australia never to be seen again, that would be really ok with me. She gets together with crap writers and crap directing and crap producing and somehow thought she could pull this off. She's in the clouds with the other misguided out of touch Hollywood elites. This was work watching this flick, it was rather painful and I felt that I am the one who should have been paid for sitting long enough to watch this junk.
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Wildlife (2018)
Simply Terrible
22 March 2019
I don't know why this movie was made. The story is terrible and disjointed. I don't get why somebody thought it was kind of cool to show the parents showing such weakness towards their kid. It was like the kid was the less weak out of this weak trio. Don't get me wrong, the kid was pretty pathetic too. The whole movie made me want to gag with all this touchy feely weak at the knees characters. Jake is just kind of a strange actor to me. The dude just seems weird. This whole movie was just weird and a downer. I don't know how many times I wanted to slap both the mom and the dad for being such weenies. I guess these days, Hollywood thinks this is the fashionable American household. I don't know how many times after watching a movie, I throw my hands up, shake my head and go, "and this movie was made because"? The only thing I got after watching this movie was this burning desire to line all 3 of these characters up and do a three stooges slap.
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Should call this "Stupid Serena"
5 March 2019
I tried to get into this series as I generally like the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" type fantasy stuff. After watching, Serena has nothing for Buffy. Watched the whole series and unfortunately disliked more than I liked. Not to say it was all bad cause the acting was generally good, or lets just say it could have been a lot worse. Got a little tired of the cliche Satan stuff, started to get a little irritating as it was overdone, glorifying pretty much kind of a stupid looking goat making strange noises. And of course, wait for it, I was waiting for the gay warlocks to show up and sure as heck they're in there. I called it before the series even started, Hollywood right on cue. What was up with Zelda and the cigarette on that stupid ring clip on virtually every scene she was in? What was hilarious is she didn't take one hit on it ever, not one. I mean Hollywood, was that cigarette really necessary? Made it look like it got put in just for the tobacco money, no doubt about it. Serena in this was actually a pretty stupid teenager. Way too naive and never seemed to see anything coming. I got tired of her "dumbness". Satan was also pretty stupid. All the stuff being done behind his back and he saw none of it. Pretty lame Satan. Season 1, cooked and done. Will wait another year and then decide if I want to watch anymore of this. Netflix must have liked it, they renewed it for two more seasons before the first one was even done.
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Serenity (I) (2019)
This was just not good
20 February 2019
I'm up and down with McConaughey. Sometimes the dude is really good and sometimes he is just really bad. This was the latter. His patent cool luke grin is just getting a bit old. He looked like the same dude as when he is in the car commercials. Fake cigarette smoking trying to be Humphrey Bogart. Just doesn't cut it. He's trying way too hard to always look cool and it doesn't look natural. He has become too full of himself and it shows on film. Hathaway was just generic like she always is. Everything else was just filler. Movie looked forced and rapid in the making. Story was crap and no matter how much you try to make the movie decent, if you start out with crap, you still end up with crap. When I saw this movie was with McConaughey in it, I had dice in my hand as I want to watch it, not knowing if it was going to be seven or snake eyes. It rolled out a solid snake eyes. Went home broke. Get a better script Matthew next time. Please.
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Attrition (2018)
Damn Steve!
17 February 2019
Holy smokes. Could this movie be any worse? That was rhetorical, not needing an answer. I'm a long time Stephen Seagal fan from way back. I keep watching everything he does because of it. I guess so I can always say in a Stephen Seagal conversion, "yup, seen that one too". As time has gone on, I keep getting more and more amazed just how bad this dude has become. It's comical actually but he keeps turning out these atrocious flicks, keeps raking in the bucks from people who will continue to watch no matter how bad it gets. Hell, he even got a couple of 10s on this movie in here! That's just like, "woah". The more movies he makes, the more disjointed they become. He probably does one of these flicks like in a day, then walks off with a boat load of cash, flipping everyone off as he walks into the sunset. His fans will always love this dude. Hell, I still love this dude, but I sure don't know why.
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Are you kidding me with this?
17 February 2019
My gawd Elizabeth, who are you and what have you done with the queen? Margot Robbie looks just hideous in this movie. They even gave her a crooked nose for the part. Who knows why, guess Hollywood somehow thought this fit in with everything else in this movie to make it hit all of Hollywood Politically Correct bullet points. This movie was terrible in every way politically possible. Only thing they didn't do was to figure out a way to somehow time warp and blame Trump for something. That would have made it complete. I gave it a score of one which was way too generous.
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