
18 Reviews
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Don't Bother
27 September 2017
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I can put up with low budget movies. With a title like Treasure of Lust you would expect some sexual situations, and a lot of nudity, you don't get that here, although there are a couple of bare breasts in one scene. The acting isn't bad, but it isn't good either. There is a lot of arguing at the beginning, that put me off, it was unnecessary. The plot is easy to follow, but the movie is poorly done. The 3 main characters are women with weird powers, but they only use them once. Then there are 2 double crosses at the end. If you are looking for titillation you won't find it here. Unless you are a fan of B movies there is no reason to watch this, it isn't worth a nickel.
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Could have been better
25 September 2017
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Too long by far, coulda/shoulda been a half hour shorter. Then there's the anti-drug propaganda, at first they appear not to take sides but at the end they let us know where they stood. I am so tired of propaganda in films military, drugs, America, etc...; just stop it will you, it just takes me out of the film when they put that dren in. end of rant. The action while wonderfully over the top is few and far between, and the length of the film didn't help. And there was the reliance on gadgets, although I sort of didn't like it I understood it was part of being over the top. I don't know why they gave Eggsy a romance, it didn't add anything to the movie. And Whiskey looks like a runner up in a Bert Reynolds look alike contest, that took me out of the film. Halle Berry was underused here, she is a better actress than to be just a background character. Julianne Moore is great as a slightly bonkers over the top villain but the character should have had more face time in the film. There were way too many characters, I had a hard time keeping track of who was who and what was happening. Probably could have been a better movie, but it was still enjoyable.
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Click bait, no nudity, makes no sense
21 September 2017
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This has some of the worst video I have ever seen. It is either black with blobs of bright colour or it is out of focus. Some dude comes to Hawaii and hears some rumours about a chick he only just met and believes them without even trying to establish the truth. That's the story part of the video, the rest is mostly slam poetry, sorry I am not interested in slam poetry. There is no nudity, so don't get excited, the 'nudists' are all wearing towels. The 'nudist' bit is apparently a trick to get us to watch the slam poetry.
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Needs more cowbell!
20 September 2017
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Not bad for a B movie, but still bad. The acting is OK, at least as far as the lead is concerned, the rest simply are reading their lines and trying their best to put some emotion into it. The action scenes are choreographed well enough. The music even the stuff that I might have liked is simply annoying. It looks to me like a couple of aging porn stars tried to make a movie, and thought they could act because they have faked so many orgasms. Two things might make this movie better, less plot and more hardcore porn, well that might not make it better but it might be more enjoyable.
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Really Bad
19 September 2017
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Really bad, except for the fight scenes at the end. The most girls of shaolin I counted were 15, though most of the time I think there were only about 10. Those were the good things about this movie. The English dialogue was terrible, 99% of it made no sense and almost no sentence would be recognized as an English sentence. I am not sure but I think it was supposed to be a comedy, It failed. And the synopsis seems to have nothing to do with the movie.
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A little bit weird
19 September 2017
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At first I thought there was some weird problem with continuity, but the reveal is at the end of the movie, that's when it makes sense There is plenty of action, a bit of romance. Unfortunately there are 3 rape scenes and they are important plot points. Also English dialogue only and it is a bit better than most, but still they say some rather odd things. It's OK for fans but anyone else is unlikely to enjoy this.
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Slightly funny but weird
10 September 2017
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There is of course no bikini, but there is an alien who is looking for sperm, as I recall there is no nudity, but there is a rape scene which was disturbing and unnecessary. But as has already been said it is a very low budget, at one point they play a full length game of Jenga, why would anyone film a full length game of anything. The main character is a bit of an idiot and has taken a vow of chastity, making the alien's attempts to seduce him a bit funny. You need to know something about Korean culture to appreciate some of the things in this movie. Also if you don't like subtitles don't watch it.
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What were they thinking?
10 September 2017
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This movie does not seem to know what it wants to be, I am not sure if it is supposed to be a comedy, a drama, or an action flick. Also, the synopsis both here and elsewhere are essentially wrong. Here at IMDb it is more accurate, but still is not quite what the movie turns out to be. The other says it happens in the Japanese underworld, when it is clearly in China. There are two women who are allegedly the main characters, but one is hardly seen (the angel of vengeance) the other seems put there for comedic value. There is very little action, most of it up to standards of its time. They use some stock footage of a crowded street over and over, which was annoying. We are never told why the 'angel' is looking for her sister or who she is working for. there is a female cop who shows up a few times but never does anything. then there is that first jump cut, we were at some nice calm point then suddenly there is a rape scene, huh?, what is that there for? There are two more rape scenes one of which is more implied than graphic, obviously the actress refused to do nude scene. I don't like seeing sexual assault depicted, it is easier and less disturbing to imply it. The only plot point that is obvious is that the 'angel' is looking for her sister and thinks this one gangster has her, other than that I have no idea what this movie is about. To me it looks like 2 or 3 movies edited together and it doesn't work very well.
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One of the Funniest Movies Ever
8 July 2017
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This is for me one of the funniest movies ever. It has slapstick, cross-dressing, gender-bending, confused identities, ridiculous costumes, over the top martial arts battles and some cultural references I didn't get. Don't try to figure out the plot or story line there isn't much of either one of those. But there are a number of laugh out loud moments, I think the movie might be much funnier in Cantonese, the English subtitles seem to work well here. Spoiler here, one of the funniest moments in the movie is when one of the characters starts singing to the melody of the intro of the William Tell overture, that cracks me up every time I see it. So there you have it this movie is the winner of "Best Use of the William Tell Overture(with lyrics)" I can only imagine how much funnier it is in Cantonese.
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The Mummy (2017)
Glad I got discounted ticket prices
16 June 2017
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I was so relieved when the credits started rolling, that I thanked the gods this movie was over. What could/should have been at least a good movie turned out to be a disappointment. Most of the action scenes were not exciting, especially the Jekyll/Hyde fight, the humour was forced and not funny, there was no romantic chemistry between characters Nick and Jenny and it seems there were scenes from at least half a dozen movies thrown in there willy-nilly. It's like they got some ideas and just pasted them into the movie cluelessly. The first thing I thought as this movie began is 'this guy is an idiot' and his sidekick is even stupider, apparently this was meant to be humorous banter and turned out to be idiotic nonsense. This inane banter continues throughout the movie especially in regard to the sidekick. They keep trying to inject humour into the movie(too much for me) and keep failing. This is supposed to be a horror movie, not a comedy, I understand that there might be a need for some comic relief, but you haven't begun to scare me. The best scenes except one involve the mummy herself. Sucking the life out of people while crawling around in a misshapen form was great. But the best scene was when she had Nick on the altar and was licking him while straddling him that was both funny and creepy at the same time. The only other scene that was good was the airplane crash even though it went on for too long. The flashbacks were great, I honestly thought 'at last a real villain', but again I was disappointed as the villain really did nothing, except put a sandstorm down a London street. Man, there were so many possibilities and we were given only a tiny sample of what could/should have been. Why is Tom Cruise in this movie again? Why does his head look disproportionate to his body in this film? Is it an artifact of the IMAX/3D format or did they deliberately make his head look bigger? Where is all this liquid mercury coming from? Why is it in liquid form? How did it get there? Is there that much mercury on the entire planet? What is the sidekick doing in the mirror? Isn't that from 'An American Werewolf in London'? These and many other questions went through my head as I was watching the movie, showing that it was not keeping my attention. And really a terrible ending, you should have left Jenny dead and had Nick taken over by the demon, that way at the very least you had the makings of a possible sequel. Just watch one of the older Mummy films from the 40s-60s you will probably enjoy one of those movies more.
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The Great Wall (I) (2016)
Beautiful Movie
20 February 2017
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I always mark spoiler alert (just in case). This is one of the best action movies I have seen in a while. It has fantastic visuals. It also has great colors, just like in 'Legendary Amazons'. The special effects are well done and feature some interesting points of view. I saw this in IMAX 3D which I recommend, as some of the special effects are more spectacular with it, I found myself ducking more than a few times. I was disappointed that there was so much English dialogue, but when the Chinese spoke among themselves they spoke Chinese (with subtitles). Tian Jing and Andy Lau were great as the 2 main Chinese characters. Although I was disappointed with the 'white man helps save the world' bit, I understand this to be a financial decision so that a wider audience would be reached, but it does not diminish the movie.
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Fun PInk Eiga
24 November 2016
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This is one of the best Roman Porn movies I have seen, more because of the creative story than the production values. This movie, along with the 1st and 2nd, are great fun, not just for fans of this genre but for fans of B movies as well. The plot is rather simple, some sort of virus has turned men into zombies who rape women, from there the story goes on about 2 women who are trying to survive and what happens to them. This movie mocks a bunch of Japanese tropes; otaku culture, idol worship, sex lives of the Japanese, the apparent 'rape culture' of Japanes men, the alia. The special effects are really cheap, but somehow that adds to the appeal of this movie. The acting is not really that bad, there is more than a bit of nudity, breasts and butts, Japan does not allow full frontal nudity. This series should be watched in order because there is a story arc (it made no sense to me). This is my favorite of the 3 I have seen, but there are 2 more in this series, which I doubt we will get to see here in the US. It's fun if you are a fan of these sorts of movies.
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Poorly Done Dark Comedy
8 November 2016
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Wow, not really a good movie. It tries to be a dark comedy, a scary movie and a wacky romance all at once and succeeds at none of them. There is this green tint to everything, which is not some great special effect, it just serves to annoy. They had a good premise with the ghost delivery idea, but they didn't follow through. The movie jumps around and is never coherent. And one of the worst things is the translation of the English subtitles, which are not only badly spelled, but improperly spaced and punctuated. There were only two things I liked about this movie, the incidental music, which I probably would not have noticed if the movie were any good. And Karla Porter as Rai, who is great eye candy, but not much else in this movie.
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Mummys Island (2006)
Thai Legend for Children
27 September 2016
Movie about a Thai legend, obviously for children. The movie jumps around, like going from chapter 1 then to chapter 3 in a book. Many of the special effects look like something from the 40s or 50s. The best special effects are the dragon-horse and the mermaids tail, those are fairly well done. The cover art here is accurate, though I think some might think it is click bait. There is some bare breastedness, though I don't think it is there for titillation, as mermaids don't wear bras (especially not clam shells) and you don't really see any nipples. There are ghosts, a wicked wizard, and a few battles involving swords and axes. Really large swords, they look ridiculous. This movie could have been better, the special effects should have been better considering this movie was released in 2006. Not bad, a decent B movie.
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B.C. Butcher (2016)
Decent waste of time
26 September 2016
NO nudity, NO skimpy outfits! Now that is out of the way, let's review the film. First this is a Troma release and if you know anything about Troma you know it is pretty much a Z-movie grindhouse, expect bad...everything. This is one of the better(relatively) films from them, the acting is somewhere between bad and adequate, the limited special effects are simple and obvious. the photography is fine(surprise!), the actors, outside of the two children, a goat and a duck, are average looking. The two good things this film has are the opening song "Alley Oop" by The Argyles and the soundtrack/incidental music. It's a simple story, Rex, played by Kato Kaelin(remember him?) is romancing all the women in the tribe and the 'Alpha' female finds out about one and kills her, some random dude finds her, takes her back to his place and is then taken over by her spirit and exacts revenge for her by killing Rex and the other females in the tribe. Pretty much a waste of time, best used as white noise for some mindless chores. (MIght have been better if they threw some bad 70s pron in there, but I doubt it)
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Not worth your time
17 September 2016
As said elsewhere this movie does not know what it wants to be, ghost story, thriller, detective movie and fails at all of them, it has one of the worst detectives ever, he gets everything wrong. The movie changes direction more often than the wind, so you never know what is actually happening. And the ending is not only unsatisfying , it also makes no sense. This movie sometimes looks like it was put together from scenes that were left on the cutting room floor. It might be useful if it actually put you to sleep but it doesn't even do that. Not really worth the bother. It should have been better, but the confusing directions it goes in make it almost unwatchable
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Birthday Sex (2012 TV Movie)
OK Acting
11 September 2016
The acting is actually decent in this TV movie,but that is not what you are watching it for. A lot of nude/sex scenes, but as usual for American soft porn most of the imitation sex is in impossible positions. The Japanese 'Pink' movie have more believable sex. Dude your face is 6 inches away from where it ought to be, and still you are getting her sooo excited. And all of these actors are also hard core stars. If you are looking for lots of breasts and some decent acting this is a good one. But if you are looking for anything more than a hint of a plot look elsewhere. And while most of these people are supposed to be 25, most of them look like they are over 30. HOnestly what more can you say about movies like this.
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Roman porn Sci-fi
9 September 2016
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Has an unusual topic, sexual psycho-kinesis, in other words the energy you generate during sex can be uses to manipulate objects with your mind. Amad Scientist is using this energy, along with a global network of others, with UN sanction, to deflect an asteroid that is about to hit Earth. The story is relatively straightforward from there with the usual nudity and sex scenes. And of course our hero falls in love with our heroine, a necessity of the plot, being in love increases her sexual psycho-kinetic energy, and the asteroid is deflected, after an orgy scene. But they don't live happily ever after. Honestly they could have left the last few minutes of the movie out and it would not have made a difference. It's a fun movie, mostly, even though it's primary purpose is titillation. PS (don't rent the Amazon streaming version it has all the nudity and sex removed,the same with other PinkEiga titles)
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