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Sting (2024)
A nothing horror movie.
8 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Here I thought that Nightswim was gonna be the worst movie I saw this year. Having the concept of a giant alien spider causing havoc in an apartment complex is a usable idea, but the writing is the main problem. We're not seeing this movie to see throwaway family drama that no-one cares about. Be a giant spider movie. The pacing sucked for what was a 90 minute creature feature. The spider looked more believable when it was in the shadows, which was probably the main reason behind setting it in an apartment complex in winter. Characters sucked and I didn't care about any of them. Lazy and forgettable. 4/10.
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Night Swim (2024)
Welcome to F you it's January 2024.
6 January 2024
Well.....there were definitely other January horror movies that were worse than this in previous years. Not the worst premise either, a haunted swimming pool. But as other people have said in their reviews, Night Swim feels like a short film that was purposely stretched into a feature. The cast are good, glad to see Kerry Condon still getting work. It does have a lot of unintentional comedy in parts, and at the end it swells the music to make it come off as an Oscar winning moment but all it did was make me chuckle. You'll watch it, and forget it in the span of an hour, and that what makes a movie loose a point from me; longevity.

I wanna give it a 4 but a 5 is being generous.
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Wonka (2023)
Good enough for a Willy Wonka origin story
11 December 2023
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I had no interest in seeing Wonka. Just like Solo: A Star Wars Story, I didn't need a movie about Willy Wonka's backstory; his real story is in the main story of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Sometimes less is more, and leaving his backstory out gives him more mystery and intrigue. I liked Timothee Chalamet as Wonka well enough, he's got great charisma, and all of the other cast do a great job too. The songs are really hit or miss, and most feel like songs I've heard in lesser known musicals before. It's passable for a Willy Wonka origin story. I appreciated the characters love of chocolate and wonder. But I think a movie like 2000s Chocolat (ironically staring Johnny Depp) plays with the love of chocolate and fantasy better, I'd recommend it more than this. Maybe giving Wonka the Greatest Showman set up would've helped this movie more. If you're a Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory fan, this probably won't do much for you. I'll give it a solid 6 out of 10.
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Renfield (2023)
A Nicolas Cage Dracula movie, with wasted potential
9 May 2023
This is a movie we never thought we needed; a Dracula movie played by the living meme himself, Nicolas Cage. Nicolas Hoult reunited with Cage as Renfield, his trusty servant. Problem with the idea is that they mixed it with the run of the mill cop drama storyline. Not that a police presence would be out of place in this sort of movie, but Awkwafina's character's storyline is cliche as all hell, and it was out of place with what this movie should have been. The movie should have focused solely on Renfield breaking free from Dracula's influence. Overall this movie was wasted potential. 6 out of 10.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Lazy, with an idea they do almost nothing with
29 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Straight up, the trailer for this looked like a joke; like something you'd see on SNL. We previously had Truth or Dare with demons with creepy smiles, but at least that movie had enough substance to stand on its own. This movie has nothing. Padded throughout we have a mystery we don't care about because we know the beats; we've seen this plot so so so many different times. We also get the lacklustre, conveyer belt jump scares we've seen a million times, and to top it off we get the yawn inducing family drama to make you feel like you're actually watching a movie, and it was putting me to sleep. If this movie was meant to be a wink wink type of horror movie then don't make it this serious. And if you are trying to make something like this serious then there's a way to also make it come off as satirical to the horror genre. I don't know what this movies' direction was. Was this made to help the studio write off something on their taxes? Was it some directorial debut for a director or lead actor?, cause it didn't do them any favours. Most fun I got out of it was laughing at it, and feeling embarrassed for those who actually took this thing seriously. 4 out of 10.
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If only the 2013 reboot had been better.
26 February 2022
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You know, if the producers of the Texas Chainsaw franchise had simply remade the 2013 sequel-reboot, actually set it accurately in the 90s, not spend pennies on the gore effects, gotten good actors for it, and given it a grimy look, it could've been the perfect sequel and end to Leatherface. But no, we got this.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre takes place in a small town in Texas, young hip teens are moving in to gentrify the area. But this leads to Leatherface beginning another killing spree, but this time, for revenge on those who caused his troubles.

TexasChainsaw2022 leaves much to be desired for its version of Halloween2018; a sequel that recons all other instalments out of existence. This instalment pales in comparison to Halloween2018 however. There are questions first off. So TexasChainsaw2022 takes place in modern day, in the 2020's: when Leatherface in the 70s original would have been in his 30s or 40s at least. Leatherface was big and brawny but he wasn't a bodybuilder; In the modern day, he'd also be in his 80s or 90s by now. Is Leatherface immortal? He's comes off like Jason Voorhees a lot in the movie so probably (in one scene he seems to teleport from one end of the town to the other in seconds). Other questions: how did he end up in the town in this movie, is his caretaker in this movie just his babysitter or his actual mother? Too many questions. So many things in this movie make me wish so badly that the writers and director of the 2013 sequel had actually given a f@ck.

Other than that, the hip gen z kids in this movie become very unlikeable, except from one girl, Lila, who is the closest we have to a main girl. She's fine, and (spoilers) it turns out she's the survivor of a school shooting, so I guess she's another one of those Casey from Split, Zoey from Escape Room type girls (characters who survived traumatic events etc). I did like the burly hillbilly guy Richter as well. And also like I said, its like the Halloween2018 movie; specifically, this movie brings back the character of Sally from the first movie (different actress however as Marilyn Burns, the original actress, sadly died in 2014). Nothing much to the character of Sally, even in the original movie she's just the final girl, but if this movie was going to give Sally the elderly Laurie Strode treatment and give her this decades old vendetta on Leatherface, it could have been so much better. As is, she hears he's returned, gets ready, shows up at the town, and (spoilers) dies, cheaply I might add. If you're a big fan of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, her death scene will only annoy you; not because she dies, but because of how she dies.

If you're not gonna treat these characters with respect, if you're not gonna make a good sequel-reboot, why even make it. At lease the Halloween 2018 movie knew not to sh@t on the fans. This was just a cheap movie. Really, all that the producers needed to do was remake the 2013 movie, and actually make it good.

4 out of 10.
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Scream (I) (2022)
They should have stopped at 4
27 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If nothing else, I wanted Scream (or Scream 5) to take place sometime after the events of Scream 4, not a whole decade after it. I wanted to actually see what happens (spoilers) after Sidney's niece Jill is killed; maybe there's an entire generation of psycho's that Jill and Charlie recruited, make the situation way more intense then just two main killers. But what we got instead was a cookie cutter rehash of all 4 previous movies combined. As well as that, the movie at parts thinks it's being clever with it's 'subversions', but all it does is collapse under its own weight. And no joke, at the very end, it forgets what satire is and just has the villains explain their motivations, with the movie thinking it has clever commentary on 'toxic fandom' and it just does not work.

This movie was truly dumb, and not in a so bad it's funny way, just in a frustrating way. So many things happen just because the characters are too stupid to think. And another spoiler for this movie: Dewey dies. Dewey, or Sidney or Gale dying is good in theory, but if they are gonna die, make it be worth it, let the movie actually earn that kill. Dewey dying in this movie wasn't earned and no doubt, it'll annoy fans of the series to no end.

If nothing else, it's probably a good thing this movie's called "Scream" instead of "Scream 5"; at least that way we can discard it and not count it as actual cannon to the main series, I know I'm not. Like Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, and the Star Wars Sequels, the actual fans won't count this as cannon. I'm giving this a 4 out of 10, but it's probably only this high because of the superficial elements like editing, props, acting etc. This franchise didn't need a fifth instalment, and it truly needs to end now.
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Black Widow (2021)
Now in 2021, a 2014 movie
9 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I, like many, have wanted to see a Black Widow movie since 2014; I wasn't fully bought on a Black Widow movie during Iron Man 2 or The Avengers, but by Winter Soldier I was bought.

So, this movie takes place following Captain America: Civil War; Natasha is on the run from authorities, and is instantly drawn into helping her 'sister' Yelena to help free all other Widows around the world from brain control, and must reunite with their 'parents' to find the "Red Room" the super secretive KGB base where they can end that brainwashing.

That plot alone makes me think that the producers felt they were forced to make this movie, not just the fact that it took them upwards of 7 years to finally make a black widow movie. It's another movie with a villain who wants to take over the world. While I was watching this in the cinema I kept asking myself, "should this movie be set after Civil War"? I kept imagining this movie taking place after Infinity War; Thanos has just wiped out half of all life on Earth, and maybe this could push Natasha into finally tracking down the only family she had before the Avengers. One of this movies muddled and not fully realised themes is "family". I really liked David Harbour and Rachel Weisz as Natasha's 'parents' in this movie, I just wished the movie could've truly buckled down and had some serious moments; moments that don't instantly get interrupted with jokes. Why does Marvel keep doing that with serious moments in their movies? There was one scene (spoilers) after Harbour's character Alexei gets broken out of prison where Yelena explains her forced Hysterectomy, and I was a bit taken aback that it was played off as a comedic moment. That wasn't the case with Natasha and Bruce in Age of Ultron; this should have been a serious moment between Natasha and Yelena while talking to Alexei and Melina. I just wish some of the bigger implications and realities of being trained as an assassin for years since childhood were brought up between the four of them, but we never get that (wasted opportunities galore).

One big problem I have with this movie is the brainwashing plot. It's just a cheap way to take away any agency or self responsibility from Natasha, her sister, and the other widows. The Black Widows are strictly trained killers, years and years of indoctrination from an early age, and have the movie explore Natasha struggle with that, and repenting for her crimes. But instead, no, she was just brainwashed.

Another problem I had with the movie is that Natasha's basically Wonder Woman throughout the movie (durability wise, not character wise). There's an action scene right after she reunites with Yelena where she falls from a 4-5 story building, and she's hitting stuff on the way down, and she lands perfectly on her feet, no broken or sprained arms or legs, no cuts, not even a limp. She's obviously not gonna die in this movie but by god, could you also not make her a Mary Sue as well? Even Yelena gets a few cuts and bruises.

My biggest problem with the movie overall though is that it's pointless filler; Black Widow's dead in the MCU now; does it matter what she did post-Civil War, pre-Infinity War? I like learning about her early life and I like knowing more about the Black Widow organisation she came from. Overall, I'm glad we got a Black Widow movie. What I'm not happy about is everything I've laid out in my review. I have no interest in ever watching it again. The only sliver of interest I got from the movie was Florence Pugh as Yelena; I would welcome her becoming the new Black Widow in any future MCU movies. I like that the post credit scene ties into the upcoming Hawkeye movie so I'm waiting for that at least.

I'm giving this movie a 6 out of 10. You wanna sit through the MCU version of a Michael Bay movie, I'd recommend it.
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Silk Road (2021)
Great idea for a movie, terrible idea for a director and writer.
14 May 2021
I've actually been interested in watching a movie about the Silk Road for a while now. His crimes, how he was caught, and especially the over the top sentence he got at the end of it.

The story focuses on a young man named Ross Ulbricht, who decided to found a dark net website called The Silk Road, which operates on selling illegal drugs.

The problems are basically the story and pacing. This movie, while engaging in parts I guess, is mostly forgettable, and a poor way to present this story. People will probably blame Covid-19 for this movies failures but that feels like a cop out. If John Lee Hancock were directing The Founder during the pandemic, it would remain a lot more competent and entertaining than this movie turned out to be. Almost every scene in this movie I'll end up forgetting.

For this type of story to be made into a movie, you need someone like Martin Scorcese or Edgar Wight; someone with some style to their work. The director of this movie, Tiller Russell, has no style.

As for the acting, everyone does a good job. But I don't give props to the superficial parts of a movie like sets, costumes, CGI etc, I focus on the story and how it unfolds, and Silk Road is one movie I have no interest in ever watching again, and it's a shame because this true story deserves better than a director and screenwriter like Tiller Russell.
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Unpregnant (2020)
Not the big feminist mess I was expecting.
19 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first time I heard about this movie, it was while watching Michael Knowles' coverage; as a religious conservative, the movie obviously struck a nerve with him. I'm not religious, nor do I believe that life begins at conception, so the premise of the movie I wasn't against. It being advertised as a feminist movie stopped me for a while; after that god awful pos known as Black Christmas 2019, I was in no mood to watch another feminist movie. But, it was the middle of the day, and I figured I'd tear the bandaid off.

So this movie follows Veronica, a teenage girl who finds out she's pregnant. Having nowhere else to turn, she asks an old friend Bailey to drive her to Albuquerque in order for her to get an abortion.

I like a roadtrip movie, and the characters Veronica and Bailey are enjoyable to watch throughout. Has a lot of typical stuff a road trip movie has. If you were expecting any major twists, the movie doesn't have one, although there is one brief scene with a religious couple the two come across where the movie turns into a thriller for a solid minute, that was unexpected.

I will say give the money a chance, it does get iffy with the more left leaning politics but it's not obnoxious with it; unless you're a pro-lifer through and through, you'll get more than enough entertainment with this movie.

I'll give it a 6 out of 10.
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Underwhelming. Some cool fights though.
1 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So, Godzilla vs. Kong. The first Kong vs Godzilla movie we've had since 1962. The 1962 film is fun, cheesy schlock with effects that have certainly not aged well. You have actors in rubber suits fighting around miniature models of train tracks, buildings, army bases etc. It fun all around; best part for me is that I didn't have to read subtitled thanks to the English dub. And now we reach 2021, the best time to bring these behemoths to life, and pit them against one another.

Like most people, I'm only watching Godzilla vs. Kong to see the two fight; the human characters and their storylines I just don't care about. Bryan Cranston's character was interesting, but they killed him off to make way for his way less interesting son in the 2014 movie. You have your stock 1 of 8 character arcs used for Vera Farmiga and Kyle Chandler in King of the Monsters. And now we have Godzilla vs. Kong with human characters you just don't care about.

Alongside the Godzilla and Kong fights, and the stock human characters, this movie also introduces (SPOILERS) multiverses and the flat earth theory. No joke. It turns out that Kong comes from another dimension, and we journey there with him to gain a weapon he can use to defeat Kong. Now, neither Godzilla or Kong have ever been some of my favourite characters, but keeping the mystery of their origins would be better. All we need to know if that Kong is a giant gorilla from a prehistoric land, and Godzilla is a giant reptile birthed from nuclear radiation. That's all we need to know about them. We don't need some convoluted origin for either of them. Also as well, some of the technology in this movie seems a little too advanced in this, like we're living in the 23rd century. In Independence Day: Resurgence, we can buy that Earth tech has improved greatly because of all the alien tech that got left behind, but nothing explains why this type of tech would exist in this movie;

One nitpick about giant monster movies I have is how it stays consistent with the size and weight these behemoths should have. Pacific Rim for example has great scenes where it emphasises the weight the Kaiju and Jaegers have. In the 2014 Godzilla, it mostly stays consistent with how slow Godzilla appears to us when he's moving. Godzilla and Kong at the end are fighting in normal speed like their normal size creatures. I get that if Kong and Godzilla were fighting in slow mo it'd get boring, but it'd be believable. You might as well just just have a human sized gorilla and Godzilla fight at that point. Another SPOILER for this movie: I won't reveal who the big villain who shows up at the end is, but let's say, this vs. Movie ends with Godzilla and Kong teaming up at the end to defeat it, and becoming 'friends'. It's Batman v Superman all over again.

So the human characters suck and the convoluted parallel dimension storyline wasn't needed. I'd say skip it and wait for some YouTube video to come along combining all the fight scenes together. The fight scene on the ships is the best one in my opinion. Watch the fights scenes, or the scenes of Godzilla destroying cities, and nothing else. 5 out of 10.
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A good, watchable thriller movie
28 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
An Affair to Die for is one of the lower rated movies I've seen in a while. It doesn't deserve the bad reviews it's gotten; it's your standard thriller mystery but it's not bad by any means, it's about average.

The story follows Holly, a woman who is in an adulterous relationship with Everett, who is also cheating on his spouse. Now, Everett is forced to lie and keep Holly in their hotel room for the sake of his family.

I don't wanna give away the plot too much, you'll just have to watch the movie to find out. I saw Meet Joe Black a short while ago, and I'm glad to say that Claire Forlani can still bring her A-game. Jake Abel still does a good job as usual. There are twists and turns, and while some were obvious, they still helped the story along. Overall, a simple, standard thriller mystery movie, with good acting. twists and direction. I'd recommend it. Give it a see.
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Great Documentary with Great Rewatch Value.
26 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a sucker for documentaries covering the production of movies, and the lives of eccentric actors and directors. I'd heard about Cannon films for some time but after learning about the company's heads Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus and learning about the schlockmeisters they were, I had to see this ASAP.

This documentary follows Golan and Globus, two motivated and aspirational Israeli filmmakers who founded Cannon, a company renowned for its library of 70s, 80s and 90s schlock. I think what got me interested in watching Electric Boogaloo the most was that one of my favourite schlock movies of all time, Toby Hooper's 1985 movie Life-force, was produced by Cannon. What's so fascinating about Golan himself was that he was so determined to make Hollywood level films. He was a very creative man, but, like what is said in the documentary, he was definitely too creative for his own good, and being the CEO of Cannon, a lot of his decisions proved to tarnish his movies in one way or another, with his employees having much say in the matter. The actors, directors and former Cannon employees interviewed for this documentary give such a vivid portrayal of Golan through this, and as some would say, his ego. I think while Golan thought too highly of himself, he was a man with a vision, and I can only give him the highest of respects for that.

The fact that the company operated off of creating a poster, selling it to a foreign investor, and using that money to fund a movie's production as fast as possible is so absurd, but so hilarious at the same time. Cannon made its movies quick and cheap, and while none of their movies were ever Oscar worthy, many of them are still spoken of and watched by million today. I want that back, I want a movie company that releases hit after hit of enjoyable laugh out loud schlock, a company that's not concerned about getting some Hollywood deal like Golan was.

Since watching this documentary the first time I haven't been able to get it out of my head, definitely one of the best I've ever seen. I've seen a lot of documentaries covering the production of other movies like Star Wars, or John Carpenters Halloween, or Psycho, and they've all inspired me to make the best movie I can, but I think with Electric Boogaloo, it's taught me that even if what I make isn't great, it can at least be fun, enjoyable schlock that people can have a blast watching.

I would definitely recommend this documentary, give it a see.
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A Superman movie that didn't disappoint
25 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I've been waiting for Superman: Man of Tomorrow for a while now. It's light hearted and there's plenty of action to enjoy. I really like the animation choice they decided to go with this one. This style, and the style they had for Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse I wan't to see more of in the future of Superhero movies.

The movie focuses on Clark Kent coming into his own, both as a man and a hero. I saw Man of Steel back in 2013 and while there's still parts I like about that movie, these days I'd give it a 4 or 5 out of 10, it's not that great anymore. This is the type of Superman origin story I wanted from the get go. Instead of a full on invasion followed by an entire city being destroyed, this time we have Parasite, one of the most classy Superman villains, and moreover, the movie sets up the villain in a tragic way, adding serious moments that earn being serious. My only nitpick was the actor they chose to voice Lex Luthor, he just comes off as bland when he speaks. I also really enjoyed Lobo and Martian Manhunter in this movie, but have really good moments to shine, and they both have good chemistry with Superman in this. If there's a sequel to this movie, I want both of them to be in it.

This may not make any top 10 superhero movie lists, but it's better than a lot of bland or messy Superhero movies. I would definitely recommend this thing. Go give it a see.
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Bedeviled (2016)
Part Stephen King's It, part Ouija, part Mr. Chuckle Teeth
27 July 2020
It's the look of the Bedeviled demon that drew me in to watching this movie. I like the 2014 film Unfriended; horror making it's way into computers and iPhones and all that. A movie about a demonic app on your phone is almost a dime a dozen these days, so I knew what to expect with Bedeviled.

Story: After a teenage girl dies horribly, a group of friends suddenly receive a new app called Bedeviled on their phones. After downloading the app, things take a dark turn as the app is in fact a demonic spirit bent on bringing their worst fears to life. They need to figure out a way of removing the app before it's too late.

Same set up as Ouija. There are some scenes that are unintentionally funny. One thing I admired is that the movie didn't rely solely on jump scares. I can't say that anything in this movie genuinely scared me, but there's a lot of creepy imagery. That being said there's so much about this movie that I've seen be done already, and done way better in other horror movies.

One thing that will stay with me for a while is the look of the main villain Bedeviled, he looks like a mix between Mr. Chuckle Teeth from X-files, Billy from Dead Silence, the Joker, and let's throw in a bit of Slenderman too.

It was fine. 5 out of 10
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Pledge (2018)
Perfectly fine frat horror movie.
3 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie looked interesting. I've watched Goat, Revenge of the Nerds, Total Frat Movie, and I wanted to see a frat movie that was also a horror movie. The horror in this movie was effective. My problems with this movie are the runtime and that I didn't know what was going on in the end. The set up was good and the pledging scenes were intense.

SPOILER FOR THE END: The surviving pledge kills one of the fraternity members, and I didn't know his fate at the end, whether he was gonna be the newest member of the frat or if he was gonna be killed off. It turns out that him and the other pledges weren't in fact being taken on to pledge; the frat had already chosen their pledges, and they were using these 'pledges' to kill off in secret. The ending confused me because in the final scene a whole bunch of frat members enter this "fight room" I guess, and after the frat member dies, they surround the surviving 'pledge'. I guess his fate is meant to be left up in the air but it's confusing cause the frat's pledges were already just left me confused.

If you wanna see a frat horror movie, this is probably the only one, and as one its fine, just don't expect anything big. Guess we'll have to wait for another one to be made, if it ever gets made. 5 out of 10.
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What a movie!
18 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Saying that Justice League Dark: Apokolips War is the Days of Future Past of the DC Animated Cinematic Universe is spot on; so many characters you love meet an untimely end, and a violent end, and it's morbid as hell

Apokolips War follows the Justice League: War continuity, and in this instalment, all bets are off as the Justice League have been defeated by the oncoming forces of Darkseid. The Earth is left as a post apocalyptic world, with the remaining members of the justice league including Superman, Raven and Constantine desperate to find a way to stop Darkseid's from both destroying the world for good, and from carrying out his grand plan to take over the universe.

I'll say, seeing all the smaller DC characters I'm fond of getting literally torn apart by Darkseid's minions was a real punch to the gut. This instalment gives you pure, gory violence. I also like the idea of Heroes, Villains and Anti-Heroes teaming up, just like the Mutants survivors in Days of Future Past. It's fun seeing how certain members of each group would interact and get along with each other.

My favourite thing in the movie (spoilers) was seeing a de-powered Superman. Bringing the Man of Steel down to human size and strength was a good idea for a movie like this, and him showing his determination and bravery when he'd already lost so much is what makes the DCACU's Superman the perfect Superman. Does some stuff in this movie get a bit convoluted and silly? Sure, but at the same time you can forgive it and place it in with all the other wacky stuff going on in the storyline.

My biggest complaint about this movie is that it's set in the DCCAU at all; I've had a dozen or so movies in this version of the DC universe to get use to these characters, and I thought it was odd to have this storyline play out, especially after the events of Death of Superman and Reign of the Supermen. I think after those two instalments, there needed to be a solid 4 or 5 instalments after Reign before we got an instalment like this. This movie ends (spoilers) with Darkseid being defeated, but there's a sliver of hope with Flash creating a new timeline to fix everything, and probably a new Flashpoint Paradox. So we'll have to wait and see if the DCACU's version of the Flashpoint paradox will happen after this one. At least, I hope it does, cause the way the world is left at the end of this movie is just morbid.

I shall definitely recommend this instalment. Trust me on this one, this movie will shock you in parts, in ways that only DC movies have the balls to do apparently. God I'm hoping Disney never gets their grubby hands on DC; turning it into a bunch of PC kid friendly slop, cause THIS is how you do a shocking superhero movie. Apokolips War gets an 8 out 10 for me. Definitely give it a see.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
A Very Good Remake
18 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
We can all agree that the Universal Monsters Cinematic Universe, the 'Dark Universe' was a disaster waiting to happen, and it did. Now we're back to what a Universe Monsters remake should be, a relatively low budget, mainly independent movie made by a director with a great idea or vision. And we definitely get that with director Leigh Whannell. This guy helped created the Saw movies, the Insidious movies, dead silence; the guy knows his horror, and with this he's proven he knows how to take an old idea and make something effective and most of all SMART with it.

The movie centres on Cecilia who, after escaping from her abusive ex boyfriend, finds out a few weeks later that he's taken his own life, and has left her with several million in his will. But things soon change when Cecilia begins to realise that an invisible presence is following her. Believing her ex faked his death and is invisible, she seeks any help she can to fight back, before it's too late.

Elisabeth Moss is the best part of the movie and she really holds the movie together. I bought her 100% as this character who's been left traumatised by abuse and she pulls off the right level of paranoia. All the other actors do a great job, but the only other memorable performance to me is Michael Dorman, who plays the brother of Cecilia's ex boyfriend. Dorman was great in 2009s Daybreakers, and he's great in this too. He allows his character to carry the right level of intimidation, and there is one scene he pulls that off perfectly in.

This is a great way to update a universal monsters classic. Is it better than the 2004 Hollow Man with Kevin Bacon. It's definitely an update with (spoilers) an invisible tech suit being how invisibility is achieved. Personally I prefer Hollow Man, but the way they integrate the suit in the story, and especially its first reveal and the 'oh' moment is affective. There is also one jump scare in this movie that is leagues better than all the crappy ones we've gotten in DOZENS of cheap, lazy 'horror' cash grabs we've had for half a decade now. It's definitely a 'once you see it, you'll bricks' situation. There are camera angles that make you question if the Invisible Man is there or not, or if Cecilia is acting irrational. It gets inside your head which is how a psychological thriller should do.

If there's one thing I didn't like about the movie it's the ending. At first I really didn't know how to feel about it, but now I feel it could've been handled better and it left me not knowing what to think about Cecilia, our main character who we've been routing for. You could say it's sweet revenge, but it came off like the ending of a Girl with the Dragon Tattoo movie. Really could've been written better, in my opinion anyway.

Overall though, I would recommend it. Better than most horror movies we've had the past 5 or 6 years, and one of the better movies Blumhouse has produced lately. I can finally forgive them for that giant pile of crap known as Black Christmas 2019. Definitely go see this if you get the chance.
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Onward (I) (2020)
A good movie
29 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen quite a lot of these types of movies. I've seen it with Chicken Little, 2016s movie Sing; a world with animals or magical beings living out the same reality and world as us. Onward has been one of the few movies I've been looking forward to in 2020; having Tom Holland and Chris Pratt in an animated movie is also a welcome surprise, they worked great in Infinity War, and they work great in this, they have very good chemistry.

The movie tells the story of Ian (Holland) and his older brother Barley (Pratt) who live in a suburban world that was once filled with magic and sorcery, which over the course of centuries stopped depending on the wonders of magic and began living in towns and cities and living with electricity and all the joys our world does. But one day, a magic staff is left to the brothers by their recently deceased father, and after the brothers only succeed in bringing part of their father back (the legs) they only have 24 hours to find a magic crystal to restore their father whole.

Like I said, Holland and Pratt work great. Ian is the shy, socially awkward teen and Barley is the impulsive, tough older brother, and you enjoy watching their relationship develop over the course of the movie. Our side characters include a Manticore who over the years has given up her past violent but heroic ways and used her time to run a family restaurant. We get a nice side story with her and Ian and Barley's mum Laurel. We also get to know Laurel's boyfriend Officer Colt, a centaur. The way the film depicts a fantasy world turned modern day industrialised city is good. We have schools, highways, vehicles. Two of my favourite things in the movie are dragons being pets just like dogs are, and a biker gang made up of pixies, it's a funny idea.

Besides that though, I have a few problems with the movie. The movie has a lot of heart to it, and it's by no means bad at all, this is just something I've seen in a lot of young adult animated movies, and it always makes me remember How to Train your Dragon 1&2. Those movies are a lot of fun, but something that always makes them better than the majority of young adult animated stuff these days is that they include realistic consequences when the danger arrived. I doubted that anyone in this movie would die or be injured; the closest thing we get are a few splinters, that it. In How to Train your Dragon 2 one of the battles (spoilers) ends up with Hiccup's dad DYING, and it's a pretty unexpected and violent death. This movie is definitely for kids, but I feel like young adults watching this need more a wake up call to some of this kind of violence. Who knew that Dreamworks has more balls to do something like that then Disney and Pixar does.

Overall though, this is a very good movie and uses magic and adventure in a very funny way. Definitely see this in cinemas while you can.
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Noelle (2019)
Well made, well acted but disappointing overall
29 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I like Anna Kendrick and I like Bill Hader, and seeing them together in a Christmas movie. They have good chemistry together.

The plot follows Noelle Claus and her brother Nick Kringle. Nick has become the new Santa Clause after the death of his and Noelle's father the last Santa. But one day Nick is nowhere to be found in the North Pole, forcing Noelle to go to the outside world and find him before Christmas Eve.

A good idea for a Christmas movie, and had the movie had more weight and substance to it it could have been a nice holiday gem. I like some of the side stories such as Nick ending up becoming a yoga instructor half way through, thought that was funny; having Santa end up as a Yoga instructor. I also liked the scenes between Noelle, a private investigator she meets named Jake, and his son Alex. I always like Christmas movies where they turn Santa's workshop into some industrialised business making profits, it's always been a funny twist to the Santa Clause legend.

Overall though this movie isn't very memorable, even with the likes of Kendrick and Hader in it. It just feels like a run of the mill holiday movie; feels like they should add it to the Hallmark movie channel. And some of the CGI in this movie feels really dated, mainly this baby reindeer Noelle befriends.

This movie will be one you watch once and then move on with your life. Just put it on for your kids to watch, it'll entertain them for a few hours. 5 out of 10
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Street Trash (1987)
Has all the schlocky 80s magic you'll love
28 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is called Street Trash, with a monsterish mutant coming out of a toilet; didn't expect it to be Back to the Future. But it has enough 80s charm to set itself apart from most of the trash we've gotten the past 33 years since.

The movie focuses on a band of hobos. Unbeknownst to the people of the town, a new alcoholic beverage being sold contains toxic brew that quickly but violently kills any who drink it.

For me the story never felt like it was dragging on, the death scenes are well done for a low budget 80s movie, and props to the effects department on that one. There's something simple but charming about all the characters. Some scenes in the movie get a bit too uncomfortable that have nothing to do with the toxic brew, so get ready for those specific scenes when you start watching it. The best story in the movie is with two main characters, brothers Fred and Kevin.

This movie was surprisingly good, you never know what you'll find from 80s schlock. Give it a see.
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This movie was completely fine, but great for kids.
18 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A YouTuber I watch put my thoughts together perfectly by saying "It's a movie that made me not hate it". Closest I got to being a Sonic fan was playing Sonic Heroes on the original Xbox when I was much younger. Great game btw. I completely skipped Detective Pikachu last year, and I was gonna skip this, but I wanted to see a movie and it was either this or Birds of Prey.

This movie tells the story of Sonic, a hedgehog from another world who can run faster than the eye can see. One day, after losing control of his powers, Sonic pursued by the evil mad doctor Robotnik who wants to capture him and harvest him for his own power. Sonic needs the help of a kindly ambitious police officer Tom Wachowski.

Let's talk about Sonic first: Glad the studio fixed the look of Sonic, and made Sonic look like Sonic in their movie about Sonic. Ben Schwartz is also a good choice for the voice of Sonic, it reminded me of Sonic's voice from the Sonic Heroes game, so good job. I like Jim Carrey as Dr. Robotnik. This is a set up movie so he doesn't look a lot like the characters' iconic self, but (Spoiler) he does end up looking close to his video game character. I like the look of Robotnik's gadgets too, . I also liked how they visualised Sonic's teleport rings in this. The movie employs little slow motions scenes, like Quicksilver from Days of Future Past. The way that Sonic's body looks when he's generating electricity on it looked pretty realistic.

The movie is funny here and there for the adults, but it's definitely more geared towards kids. The plot is very simple and you know what's gonna happen. If you wanna shut your kids up for 2 hours, this does the trick. This movie was pitched as a Sonic movie set in the real world, but it would've been better setting it in the otherworldly environments we got to see at the beginning of the movie. Robotnik should've been like Dr. Sivana in the Shazam! movie; have him be this young genius who wants to go to this magical world where Sonic lives and have that be his origin ark for the following movie, at least he wouldn't come across as another bland moustache twirling villain, which he LITERALLY was in this. I will say though that Jim Carrey looked like he was having a BLAST playing this character, and I admire that. As for James Marsden, he's completely fine in this. Don't know if he's a fan of Sonic or he just needed a paycheck.

old school Sonic fans will enjoy it enough, but I don't know if they'd want this movie to be the start of some Sonic Cinematic Universe thing. Overall, this movie is perfectly fine, not bad, not great. I would've preferred this movie to be something more myself, but I'm not a Sonic fan and I won't lose any sleep over it. I get the feeling that Detective Pikachu will give me more, but we'll see. For now I'll give it a 5 out of 10.
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Not as good as the other Lego movies
4 February 2020
I like the idea of a Lego movie based on the Ninja minifigures and sets. And I also loved that they got Jackie Chan to star in this movie.

The story focuses on Lloyd, a teenager who is shunned by everyone for being the son of Garmadon, an evil warlord. With his friends, Lloyd defends the city of Ninjago from Garmadon, until Lloyd and his team of Ninjas are defeated, and now must seek out a special weapon and defeat Garmadon and his army once and for all.

Has a good set up, with a lot of comedic moment. Dave Franco is fine as the main character; he's always been fine as an actor, nothing Oscar worthy. All the other actors do an ok job. I like the designs of the characters and their 'Power Ranger' mechs. Can't say there's much to say about the movie; seen most of this type of plot a thousand times before. A Lego movie based on Ninjas and Jackie Chan. I knew how it'd end from the beginning.

I give it a 6 out of 10 instead of a 5 cause I liked some of the designs, namely the costumes and the mechs. I'd recommend it for something to put on in the background mainly.
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1917 (2019)
Other than a few nitpicks, this is a great WWI soon to be epic
28 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
At first, I wasn't all that buzzed to see this movie; continuous one-take movies weren't really my thing. But then the more I thought about it, if any genre of film fit the found footage genre it'd have to war movies. Getting inside the mind of a soldier in the middle of the war and experiencing what they're experiencing is a great way to help us appreciate what real life soldiers do for us, and understand what they've gone through.

The story focuses on two soldiers, Lance and Will, who are giving a mission to deliver a message over enemy lines in order to stop a deadly trap that will wipe out 1,600 British troops.

Both Dean-Charles Chapman (Lance) and George MacKay (Will) do a great job in this movie. I've known MacKay was an amazing actor since his roles in Captain Fantastic and Pride. And Chapman has certainly come a long way since his role as Tommen Baratheon in Game of Thrones. Not once in their interactions was I checking my watch, and you believe their concern for one another. Their reaction to seeing and being near dead, rotting bodies above the trenches were just great, exactly how the real life soldiers saw and felt.

Director Sam Mendes is a master at directing, and its amazing to know this is his first continuous-shot movie. The costumes, the sets, the atmosphere are all great.

My nitpicks are few as well. My first nitpick is something that happens around half way through the movie, when Will is hiding in a cellar below the ruins of a city, and he meets a French girl, and Will only speaks English and can somehow understand French, and the French girl can't speak English, but can somehow understand it. It's a nitpick that I've seen in a lot of movies, and it sorta puts it to shame when you know Christoph Waltz learned Italian to prepare for his role as Hans Landa in Inglorious Basterds. My other nitpick is some of the marketing material, specifically (spoilers) at the end of the movie when Will is running through the field to get to the army commander with the message; I already saw it in the trailer, and after the opening trench scene ended I knew one or both of them would make it to the end anyway, so some of the tension disappeared at that point.

It was also nice seeing Colin Firth, Andrew Scott, Benedict Cumberbatch, Richard Madden in this movie too. I'd even say this movie gave me more than Saving Private Ryan did. 9 out of 10, definitely give it a see while it's out in cinemas.
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Not perfect, but doesn't need to be
13 January 2020
The Go-Getters had been on my radar for a little while. The poster stood out from the rest and the premise was interesting: A deadbeat drunk, Owen and a junkie hooker, Lacie join forces to take on the city, each other, and their own personal shortcomings while trying to scam $98 for bus tickets out of town. I like both our main characters, and I'll say they both have good chemistry. I'll also say that the way they play off each other comedically is very good, I had a lot of chuckles and some laughs. Not that I want to insult the movie, but this movie plays best when you're having a really 'meh' day; not a sh$t day, but a really 'meh' sort of day, it'll actually make your day. Has a lot of 'gross' but darkly humorous moments that'll catch you off guard. The more serious moments also work themselves into the storyline very well, especially with Owen's brother Kevin. I wish this movie had been a little big longer, at least to have more comedic moments between Owen and Lacie, they really do have a lot of good chemistry.

I'm looking forward to director Jeremy LaLonde's next movie, and I'm giving The Go-Getters a 6 out of 10
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