
21 Reviews
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Day Shift (2022)
Didn't have the urge to complete the movie
18 August 2022
The screenplay and acting are both well below par, coming across as if the director couldn't be bothered and that the lead actors were struggling to find any expression or emotion.

Even the action and high octane scenes deliver a hollow experience, and the comedy is poorly executed to the point that we didn't watch it beyond the halfway point.
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Ruined an 80s Fairly Tale
29 March 2021
Growing up, the first Coming To America was one of my favourite movies, and even now I absolutely love it!

Unbelievably my wife had never watched it so I rewatched it with her as a primer to the second part and it's still glorious!

Then we started the second part, and literally managed to sit through around 20 minutes. What an absolute car crash of a movie. It completely tarnishes the original, and it's safe to say I will not be finishing it off. I wish I could unwatch it, I'm gutted.

The magic has completely gone, Lisa's lost her spark, Akeem's innocence has gone and the comedy is predictable and poorly delivered, the acting is over the top and generally it's just cringe worthy.

Why they had to make a second part is beyond me. Amazon Studios, thanks for ruining what was a great story. Some stories are best left to the imagination.
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Class of '83 (2020)
Great to see Bobby not so much the movie!
30 August 2020
I was really excited to see Bobby Deol had reappeared in a movie, unfortunately however, not the right one!

Very poor portrayal of what could be a decent story. Having watched the first 45 minutes I simply zoned out along with the rest of the family.

Bobby's character is meant to be training a team of assassin's, I'm not quite sure when he starts with the training. The music / sound score is similar to that from Stranger Things, I think to convey the 80's vibe.

Just a poorly made movie that appears disjointed and bitsy.
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Article 15 (2019)
Tackles Caste HEAD ON
22 July 2020
This isn't your typical Indian flick. It takes the issues of social injustice and takes them head on. No doubt taking cues from reality.

It highlights the plight of many Indians and the absolute stupidity of the antiquated caste system, which in 2020 should have no place in society. It's holding India back.

The movie itself is full of suspense with great acting, Ayushmann Khurrana again shines whilst the music score adds that extra element of oomph to create a well rounded movie that carries a serious message for society.
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Bala (2019)
Simple plot wonderfully executed!
22 July 2020
An excellent non-standard Bollywood movie with some hilarious laugh out moments which some of us (I'm sure) will be able to relate to.

A great supporting cast led by Ayushmann Khurrana who yet again delivers a great performance, demonstrating his versatility.

Aside from providing laughs in abundance, the movie does also make you think about social taboos.

If you want to watch an Indian comedy, then watch this and you won't be disappointed!
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Good Plot but Average Execution
31 March 2020
Based on the trailer I had really high hopes but for me this fell short of expectations.

The chemistry between Amberdeep Singh and Simi Chahal is almost non existent and although the story is meant to be focused around them, Simi & her family seem to vanish partway through and only make a reappearance towards the end.

Standout performance for me was from Gugu Gill, who puts in a convincing performance as always, he's excellent at portraying that type of character!

Overall, the plot itself is quite good but intertwined with some of the action and slapstick comedy it sadly gets lost. You'd expect some emotion as things fall into place with the families but there isn't any.

Not a terrible movie, not a classic either but it didn't have the laugh out loud moments we expected from the trailer.
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Loud, brash and a waste of 2 hours
31 March 2020
This is not a sequel, it's essentially a poor remake of the original which itself was just OKAY. I have so many issues with the movie, here are just a few!

Firstly everyone shouts continuously like a bunch of uneducated idiots. Being loud for the sake of it does not result in comedy and you're not doing the Sikh / Punjabi community any favours.

Secondly, the characters / actors are all over-acting - really poor show from such a well known cast, this is slapstick comedy at its worst. Sonam Bajwa's character is from Canada with an MBA and yet she comes across as the most clueless person ever, honestly I could go on all day.

Thirdly, the plot is very weak and poorly executed as is the dialogue.

Do yourself a favour and give this a miss, there are MUCH better Punjabi movies avaialble.
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Disappointing big screen debut!
18 February 2020
Expectations were pretty high having read several reviews, but they were not met.

Having grown up with Sonic I was expecting something special, however what was delivered was a hollow experience.

Very little in the way of character development, it lacked emotion and the plot itself was overly fast paced.

My kids aged between 8-12 found it boring and humourless for the most part and yet they are huge Sonic fans and constantly playing Sonic Dash!
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The Lion King (2019)
A hollow superficial experience
15 September 2019
Unlike many of the other reviewers I've not actually watched the original Lion King (shameful I know), so I'm basing this review as a newbie to this story / experience.

Overall it's a great story but poorly executed. The visuals are so realistic that they could easily belong to a David Attenborough documentary, however as a result they don't deliver the magical visuals you'd expect from a Disney movie.

There's an emptiness which you would not expect, you'd expect to be emotional at certain scenes and there's nothing. The songs whilst world famous - come across as hollow, and lack the gravitas they deserve.

Overall it's just ok, not amazing as it should be!
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Aladdin (2019)
A Magical Escape
28 May 2019
I was a bit dubious about taking the kids to watch this based on the critic reviews, however I'm glad I did!

An excellent blend of classic Disney storytelling, comedy, action and just the right amount of song and dance!

The casting is spot on, with Mena and Naomi having great chemistry, whilst Will Smith is great as the genie!

This has become a classic in our household, you won't be disappointed...
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Kesari (2019)
An actor pretending to be something he is not
28 March 2019
Originally I gave this a 'good' review. In light of the recent protests and his failure to support farmers I object to him portraying something that he is not.

He not a fearless warrior, Akshay is a puppet.
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Oh My Pyo! (2014)
Starts off well...
27 March 2019
The movie gets off to a good start with some great dialogue from Jaswinder Bhalla, who then simply vanishes in to thin air and isn't mentioned again despite being an integral member of the family.

However, the story continues with the remainder of the cast, but there's very little substance, and even the acting is quite poor.

Overall, a weak plot supported by sub par acting and appears to have been made on a shoestring budget. There are better films to spend your time watching.
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An entertaining courtroom flick
24 November 2018
This was a hugely refreshing Punjabi movie without the usual suspects, the lead being Ravinder Gewal who played the part exceptionally!

I did at first wonder if this would be a clone of the Hollywood flick 'My Cousin Vinny', which also features a newbie lawyer, however thankfully it wasn't!

Judge Singh LLB provides a good mix of comedy and suspense, you won't regret watching this - press play!
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Wow not the typical Punjab flick
24 November 2018
Sardar Mohammad is not your usual slapstick, loudmouth Punjabi movie.

Based on a true story, this is a touching retelling of the events; beautifully retold for the most part. A great aspect of the story is the way in which the Sikh values of equality and respect are depicted within the first half; the message being that religion and caste should not cause divide.

Tarsem Jassar puts in a fantastic, emotionally charged performance, as does Sardar Sohi and pretty much everyone that plays a part. Some of the stereotypes in the latter half may be over played when they cross in to Pakistan but overall the cinematography and storytelling is well executed.

It's a tear-jerker so have tissues ready and press play!
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Lack of substance
21 November 2018
Before watching the film I heard the track 'Jane Dil' (which I love), so I imagined that the movie would also deliver an emotionally charged experience. It doesn't.

The opening sequence with Binnu Dhillon narrating is excellent and seems to set up a clever comedy: however it's short-lived. It's a typical slapstick Punjabi comedy with cheap laughs for the most part.

There are too many characters that serve no role and are wasted I.e. Rana Ranbir, Sardar Sohi and from my perspective too many subplots I.e. Binnu Dhillon 'running away' in Canada that add no value.

The story is meant to focus on the relationship between Amrinder Gill and Amrit Maghera but there's simply no chemistry between them or character development or anything really. Amrinder does however put in a good performance, whilst Amrit despite having potential, is a bit emotionless and robotic in her delivery.

I wouldn't watch it twice.
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Bambukat (2016)
Will get your emotions revving
21 November 2018
A movie with a relatively simple plot that is wonderfully executed! The cast, in particular Ammy Virk, Simi Chahal and Binnu Dhillon deliver strong, convincing performances.

Many of the viewers will probably be able to relate to the goings on between the families, i.e. sibling preference, favouritism etc, so this film delivers a realistic take on life through scenes that are both comedic, yet heart-rending.

It's an emotional rollercoaster and a movie with a great plot and some substance resulting in an enjoyable and memorable watch!
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Sardarji (2015)
A novel plot hastily delivered
21 November 2018
As the title suggests, the plot is quite different to the norm Punjabi movie being a 'fantasy'; however the execution could have been better.

A wide cast, Diljit Dosanjh and Neeru Bajwa were just OK, Mandy Takhar is much more capable than her performance suggests and Jaswinder Bhalla was just wasted.

An annoying aspect of the film was the random use of different geographic locations within specific scenes, i.e. at one point Diljit is wondering around central London, the next he's standing at a cliff edge by the sea front and then in the blink of an eye he's in Canada. Attention to detail would not go-amiss.

Less time on selecting / using different geographic locations, more effort on the plot and character development would have been most welcomed.

The movie is a time-filler and not one that you'll remember in years to come.
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Rabb Da Radio (2017)
A Punjabi movie on the right wave length
21 November 2018
A great plot further aided by better than usual cinematography.

Some great performances by Simi Chahal & Mandy Takhar, whilst Anita Devgan plays an incredibly convincingly evil sas (mother-in-law).

This movie manages to combine subtle comedy with a solid story line to take you on an emotional roller-coaster - press play!

In a world full of subpar, slapstick Punjabi comedies this was a refresh breath of fresh air.
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Manje Bistre (2017)
Average Punjabi Flick
20 November 2018
Considering the cast I'd expected a better movie. It's let down by a weak plot / story line.

There are some funny moments, however they are few and far between with all of the actors playing the same old tried and tested characters.

If you're bored and want something on in the background then go ahead and watch it, if however you want a movie with substance, look elsewhere!
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Ashke (2018)
Bit of a let down
20 November 2018
Having just watched Angrej, I had high hopes for Ashke but ultimately it was just a time-filler.

Weak plot, subpar acting. Really comes across as a low budget movie. There are better Punjabi films available!
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Daana Paani (2018)
A Puniabi movie with substance
20 November 2018
Having gotten accustomed to a wave of Punjabi films with little substance, this stands out as a gem.

A great tale with a heart warming story. This film benefits from a great cast, Simi Chahal & Jimmy Shergill are both very good, whilst Gurpreet Ghuggi delivers a great, non-comical performance and to top it off, the soundtrack is good too!

If you're looking for a light-hearted comedy, don't watch this but if you want to watch a memorable film, press play!
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