
3 Reviews
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Massive Moves (2010– )
Poor, childish and infantile.
14 December 2016
Massive moves could be a good show, however the producers and announcer have decided not to allow this. The announcer over dramatizes and tries to leave the viewer in suspense, almost childlike, cheapening the show down to an almost a kindergarten level. Rather than to put an honest effort in taking the time to learn the proper names of the equipment they're using, and a description of what in fact is actually happening he chose to use drama and seems to fumble his way through. Obviously he has no clue on what house moving is all about and has never been around heavy equipment much and is going on only what he has been told. The producers on the other hand also don't seem to understand what house moving is all about and seem to be in over there head and have elected to try to dramatize the show with ridiculous and very irritating and distractive suspense music. They also need to learn that if a show as well enough produced and announced to keep the viewers coming back they don't need weird artwork to try to explain what they don't seem to be able to get across. Both the music and the artwork make what might've been a good show a very childish and infantile attempt. Also both are slap against the viewers intelligence as is quite obvious what's going on. Which again shows their ignorance on the subject as they believe that is that, like them the viewers need to be shown in a childlike and very condescending way.. House moving is not near as dangerous or perilous as both the announcer and the producers would try to lead us to believe. The operators of house moving operations have it well-thought-out before they start and safety is always their number one concern. In short put my hands of people that know what they're doing this could be possibly one of the most popular shows on TV today rather than just another cheap childish over dramatized reality show.
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Finally, the real reality show.
13 December 2016
Highway through hell is one of the the only actual real reality shows on TV today. I've been on these highways and I can attest that the locations are real. I've seen the terrible accidents and I've witnessed the very same heavy rescue teams do their work. The participants are not actors. They real people doing a real job in the toughest of conditions. The producers and the participants are willing to show the emotions brought forth from the job both good and sad. They are also willing to show the successes and the failures with nothing held back. Most reality shows on TV today are a bunch of bunk filled with unrealistic and untruthful actors and situations and for the most part are very offensive to anybody with half a brain. But not Highway through Hell, it brings an actual human element to the viewer and keeps one coming back from episode to episode. For me, it's one of my favorite things to watch on TV today. However there are a few drawbacks. Firstly... The producers don't seem to understand that if a show is worthy and exciting enough and property produced to keep the viewer coming back from episode to episode the last thing you need is inappropriate irritating music in attempt to create excitement. I find it aggravating very distracting and lowers it down to the other unrealistic reality shows slightly. The show is exciting enough without it. Secondly... The constant chatter in the background from CB radios that seems to be coming more and more often as the episodes move on is also distractive irritating and cheapens down what my opinion could be an almost perfect show. If it's the producers attempt to explain what's going on the show that to is offensive and a slap against the viewers intelligence. Believe me the show is produced and interesting enough to leak even to a novice it's quite obvious what's happening without somebody in the background interfering in the show. Furthermore I can't say for sure but it seems to me that there's only two or three voices not a bunch of different truckers. On that I may be wrong however but regardless believe me it's not needed. Overall good job folks keep going.
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Ice Road Truckers (2007–2017)
Absolutely stupid, unreal and unbelievable!
2 November 2016
Ice Road truckers, like most reality TV programs is the furthest thing from reality than real life possible. Firstly, it's obvious that neither the narrator nor the producers of the show have the first clue about the trucking industry or proper operation of equipment. Secondly, the people they've got trying to drive the truck's are simply no more than overacting drama queens as they certainly haven't got a clue about what it is to actually operate a truck responsibly. No, and I mean absolutely no real trucker would abuse and misuse the trucks the way that these cowboys do. Trucks are built well but they're not meant to take this kind of rough treatment and particularly not at the speeds these idiots drive. The show resembles more of a demolition derby than it does actual trucking. I wouldn't let anyone of these clowns pushed my wheelbarrow let alone get near my trucks not even to change the oil or install new tires not ever never. The viewer might be advised not to take a single thing they see on the show is reality.
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