
20 Reviews
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BlackBerry (2023)
The Golden Gods rage knows no bounds!
7 June 2023
Watching these movies about the crazy cutthroat businesses of the 80s and 90s is very entertaining. This movie was great, well acted, fast paced and fun throughout. I myself grew up during the time of the Blackberry but didn't know anything about their story, so this was a fascinating look into how crazy the tech world was at the time.

The real gem of the entire movie though was the Golden God himself, Glen Howerton. I've been a fan of Always Sunmy and I'm always interested in what the cast does outside of that show. I havnt seen Glen in a serious role yet but he delivered. In Always Sunny Glen plays a sociopath who is constantly getting angry, you could tell that in Blackberry he was able to use that for his character. Glen was by far the best part of this movie, funny and intimidating all at the same time.
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Grown Ups (I) (2010)
Not good
6 June 2023
This is the ultimate Boomer movie. Every joke is intended for someone around middle age who has a very, very simple comedic sense of humor. I think I gave a slight chuckle 4 times maybe, other than that it seemed like all of Adam Saddlers worst jokes in one movie. Creepy old guys staring at young women, fart jokes, it's got all the classic bad Sandler jokes folks.

I remember first watching this movie at the age of 18 and didn't care for it. My mom said it's because I'm not old enough to appreciate it. Now I'm 31 and it's still unfunny childish humor.

Adam Sandler pumps out so many movies and over half of them are bad.
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
One of the greatest tv episodes I've ever seen
3 February 2023
Please ignore the obvious homophobes.

This episode was fantastic and very emotional. The main plot of this episode focused on Bill and the time he spent with Frank after the outbreak had happened. The show went into more detail than the game about the life that both men went on to enjoy. Nick Offerman gave a great performance that was different than anything I'd ever seen from him. Murray Bartlett also gave a fantastic performance as Frank, last thing I saw him in was White Lotus in which he made me laugh, in this he made me cry.

Please do your best to ignore the negative reviews because it's just homophobes who can't handle two men kissing.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Overall a fun show that goes from great to boring
18 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Show started off great but got boring around the middle. My biggest issue with the show is that season 11 didn't feel like the final season, it felt like it was just leading into the spinoffs. Season 11 was good but nothing got settled. We didn't get to see any resolutions really. We didn't get to see some of the biggest characters for this entire season, we only got spin off ads at the end for some big characters. This season was just disappointing for a final season viewpoint.

Overall I thought the show was fun and good at times. It was nice to be was these characters from the beginning and to see their growth. It really did feel like a family. I really wish though that the final season put more of an emphasis on it being over.
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The Walking Dead: Look at the Flowers (2020)
Season 10, Episode 14
God this season started so good but now it feels like filler territory
16 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What happened to this season? The first half was great but the second half has been mostly filler. When I saw the 22 season episode I was worried because most shows with that many episodes are more worried about quantity over quality and the walking dead is apparently in that territory. The episode was better than the last episode, which was straight up fuller, but the dumb sequences with Alpha was just lame. Having Alpha come back to talk to Carol was something that low quality generic shows do all the time to fill episodes.

I love the walking dead but damn, you can tell that they wanted as many episodes as possible because it was such a rating a juggernaut. Personally I think we need a less is more approach.
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The Walking Dead: What We Become (2020)
Season 10, Episode 13
Filler episode at its best
16 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is rated too high. This felt like a low tier filler episode. I would have been fine with it had we gotten some other characters but having one entire episode with michone, who is kind of a weak actress, man was it boring until the end. Why make a season 22 episodes if you're going to give us low quality filler bull crap. I hate when shows have weird hallucinations, what if scenarios and past people showing up who arnt actually there. It felt like low quality cable TV show that is mostly made up of filler episodes.

The best part of the episode was the last 10 or so mins where we finally see the main story progress. It just felt like a pointless episode where the story didn't advance until the end.
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Never read the book had no expectations going in
3 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's your typical romance story. When I see a movie rated 7 or highers that usually a sign of a good to great movie, this movie was just okay. I'm not sure what all the appeal is about, I'm guessing the high rating is just from people who read the book and enjoyed this movie and rated it too high.


There was a random murder mystery throughout the story that only paid off later. The entire time I'm trying to figure out what this random murder had to do with the story. Later we find out why there's been a murder but it seemed forced at first.

Overall just a generic romance. With a score of 7 and a lot of hype around it, I expected a twist or something that would validate the talk and the rating. Nope it was just a generic romance with a murder thrown in to confuse you until it's revealed later.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Slow at first but it's still establishing the story
25 August 2022
People who give it negative reviews are comparing it too much to the original GoT. It didn't start off as captivating but it was good nonetheless. Try to watch this without comparing the entire time and you'll see that they're slowly putting pieces into place. The acting is very well done and I'm glad we get to see the world from this perspective. It has potential to be great.
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Attack on Titan (2013–2023)
First anime after dragon ball z years ago
15 June 2022
I'm writing this review after only watching 9 episodes but if you're on the fence about trying this show or you want to get into anime like me, watch this show. It's great, it's fast paced and each episode ends on a cliffhanger making it easy to keep watching. I'm sure my rating will increase as I keep going.
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Halo (2022– )
You make a show based on an ip to go completely against it
12 May 2022
The show doesn't have to follow halo exactly but what was the point of making this a halo show if they arnt going to follow halo at all. They should have just made ascites fi show instead of cashing in on the halo name.
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This is a rom com
22 February 2022
Watched this and Marry Me in the same night. This is funny and overall better. Both the main actors are obviously hilarious and seeing them in a film together was great because they each have their own comedy styles.
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Marry Me (2022)
Not a rom-com
22 February 2022
It's wasn't funny enough to be considered a rom com. It was just a straight up generic comedy. The movie was fine but it reminded of an old lifetime movie that's very lame and predictable, which is fine. Just shouldn't be called a rom com if there is no jokes.
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Servant (2019–2023)
A lot of nothing happening
20 January 2022
I thought the first season was fine, I enjoyed it but it wasn't anything spectacular. The second season however is just odd. People are just doing stuff for the sake of doing stuff and being creepy. They literally add creepy music to scenes that don't need them. I'm glad this show is about 30 mins because I couldn't take an hour of the meandering story that, I'm not quite sure what the heck is happening.
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Your Honor (II) (2020–2023)
Just an OKAY show
10 January 2022
Bryan Cranston had me wanting to watch this. But im surprised he read the script and decided to come back to tv for this. It's an average show that sometimes dips into goofy territory. Some scenes are unnecessarily long for no reason. The dialog can be dumb or bad. But the son is by far the worst part of this show. Makes the dumbest decisions any human can make, I van understand that he may be off because of what happened but come on, the kid is dumb and ruins the show. Watch if you want but don't expect anything great.
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So bad it's good!
25 December 2021
Don't watch this expecting a classic Christmas movie. This movie is dumb, corny, campy and ridiculous, but that's what makes it great. Arnold is such a corny bad actor in this that's hilarious. Honestly this movie was so bad that it wa good and hilarious throughout.
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The Morning Show (I) (2019– )
Should have ended after season 1
23 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show felt like it was set up to be a one season story and it should have been. Season one was great, energetic and had one of my most satisfying season finals.

Season 2 was so pointless and had no real storyline. This season felt completely different, slow paced, monologs that were trying to replicate the writing from season one but came off as pointless rambling, overdramatic moments for the sake of drama.

Spoilers: Season one told us that Mitch was an awful horrible person with hardly any redeeming qualities. Season two continues his story away from the other cast and it's boring. They tried to make him a sympathetic character out of no where and it didn't fit season ones story. I understand that the world's not just black and white and maybe Mitch isn't 100% a total bad guy but season one sure told us he was.
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The Other Two (2019–2023)
It's very good and funny
4 November 2021
Idk why people don't like this show really. Its hilarious and has heart occasionally and it lands well. The comedy is satirical and occasionally ridiculous.
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Heartland (II) (2007– )
It's a typical soapy drama
28 August 2021
For everyone saying how good it is and how you don't need to love horses to love this, don't listen to them. If you like this show fine, everyone likes these types of generic drama shows that flood TV. I've seen enough of this to know that it's sappy bad acting generic, basically teen drama. Horses are important to the story but it doesn't matter if you like them or not so I don't understand why people mention that in thir reviews. I believe this shownhas such a good rating because it has a small fan base and is a Canadian wholesome family show. If this was bigger on a large channel the rating would be significantly lower.

If you like the show than that's good but I'm just trying to be realistic for people wondering if they should try this show.
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Heels (2021–2023)
This show is being shoved down wrestling fans throats
28 August 2021
I listen to wrestling podcasts and apparently that means that the people in charge of advertising for this show think that wrestling fans need to hear an ad for this show every five minutes. Every wrestling podcast I listen to has an ad for this show everytime they take an ad break, sometimes its two ads back to back for this show.

Listen just because you made a show about something that is niche like wrestling, it doesn't mean that you need to pander to us.
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Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
People giving this a low score are just mad
13 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Understandably the shownhas been rushed so much this season that its disappointing. We were always going to have this happen by Dany, but it felt unearned because of how rushed this season has been. But people giving this episode such a low score is unfair. Sure the episode made mistakes but, it was still a better episode then the previous few.
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