
19 Reviews
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I didn't get it
29 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I won't discuss the acting, cinematography, directing, which are rather good, but I didn't understand what this movie is talking about, what is the point ? We follow two characters, one of which is a young musician, gifted, passionated, attractive, but who has difficulties to have relationship with girls, though a pretty one is looking after him. He therefore passes his time watching porn movies, then one days has a relation with a prostitute. Then he becomes a rapist ? Seems a little bit pushy if you ask me. He also have problem with being a musician while getting in the army, but even if that's interesting, I don't see what that has to do with the main story ? But the main thing is that the path leading him to rape a woman and ruining her life seems a bit caricatural and to say the truth very wrong.
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Valentine's betrayal...
14 February 2021
This is probably one of the most mysterious movies I have ever seen. Not only regarding the plot, but also the meaning of the movie. One thing that is interesting, is that you can imagine whatever you want about the plot, it won't affect the sense of the film, it's meaning. And this is really important. One thing that could help you though, in order to understand the movie, is to remember that Peter Weir is also the director of Dead Poets Society. There is a strong connexion between those two movies. I don't want to explain Picnic at Hanging Rock, so I won't go further about this point. But Picnic is not only a thriller, it has a more deep subtext. And that's why it's a great movie, and not only a good entertainment. If you haven't watched it yet, let me give you also the other reasons why I still consider it as my favorite movie for such a long time : the cinematography, the pictures, the costumes, and the soundtrack are amazing. Don't watch the mini-series, but watch this movie instead, as is it one of its kind, and because Picnic at Hanging Rock is a masterpiece.
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A masterpiece
7 January 2021
One of the greatest and most beautiful movies I've seen in years. Lots of care have been taken regarding the cinematography, the frames, the photography, the sound, even the rythme of the movie itself. And it gives a huge impression of majesty. Far from the simple -gory -narrative standard horror movies that we are used to, "I Am The Pretty Thing That Lives in The House", is a jewel of subtlety, and poetry. It mingles reality and fiction, life and fantasy, with a tasty way of playing with the theme of the "double". And we could be as lost as the characters themselves because of that. By questioning the limits or the duality of life and fiction, a character and its doppelganger, sanity and madness, sociability and loneliness, horror and poetry, the movie questions the complexity of reality, and gives us one of the most memorable movie masterpiece and some subject to explore... Definitely a masterpiece
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Man of Steel (2013)
Useless and pathetic
29 June 2013
This Man of Steel is a real shame. Awful script, awful image, awful music, worse superhero costum ever seen in a movie. It just should be called Man of...steal, because not only it has stolen most of the script of the Richard Donner's version of Superman, but also steals from the heroic fantasy wave that has seduced most people this last few years (Game of Throne for example) in the first part of the movie, as you will see that the costum and look of it seems to come from the middle-age. What's more, is in this first part, the strange birds on which the characters are flying, that also seem to come from Avatar. And it's only the beginning. The other part of the movie takes place on earth, and the writers (shame on them) have just done a horrible job, scrambling the chronology of the story, with flashbacks and flashforwards, totally useless and pretentious. This is one of the most messed superhero movie I have ever seen : it even has almost no humour at all. Very serious, as Henry Cavill himself who spends his time frowning you don't know why ? Maybe seeing the result of all this waste, he feels like going to the men's room ?0)
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The Chef (2012)
a simple but refreshing comedy
20 March 2012
Of course, don't expect here a masterpiece or any attempt to make an original plot or anything like that : this is a mainstream production, and all we should expect from it, is just to be funny, well-done, and without bad taste ingredients. And so it is. A simple comedy, gentle, with a good rhythm, and nice characters. In fact, not only the main characters are good here, but everybody is, and the supporting actors here have their place, and contribute to our pleasure. Jean Reno and Michaël Youn compose a nice duet. There's not much that I can add. Except that even if everything was easily expect regarding the plot, what is never obvious to expect is that we'd have such a very good time.
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L'oiseau (2011)
27 January 2012
I don't know what happened to me during the watching of this movie, but I feel as if I had spent this time catched by it, and especially the marvellous acting of Sandrine Kiberlain. Though, I can understand that this kind of movie needs a real encounter between him and you, and thus it isn't sure that everyone could easily like it : there is not a lot of actions, and rare are the dialogus. But, something is, at every seconds, happening. An emotion is coming up, or a thinking, at every scenes. Sandrine Kberlain is totally mesmerizing with an acting that could be defined as showing by non-showing. All that is happening is inside her, but also in you as you watch the movie playing. In a word, this movie is delicate. And so, very beautiful. Maybe to be experienced alone, in a dark room.
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Voir la mer (2011)
voir la mer (de?)
12 May 2011
This film is such a catastrophe! It starts by a plot anthology of incoherence, it continues with an intrigue with which we do not seize openly the interest, on the background of dialogues of a distressing dullness. The actors are certainly well, but I have enough of this kind of movies which is so empty and lazy, and which lets think that the director confuses subtlety and beggary. Even the poor "Prudence" does not at any time looks concerned about the fact that she is an orphan. Rather insulting for the Real orphan I guess. One of the worst movies and most disappointing of the year Another stone in the garden of the French cinema.
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The worse movie of the year
12 September 2010
This is the worst movie that I have seen this year. The intention of the director is clearly to imitate the American style, with some kind of cow-boys actors, but their acting is so bad, that it just inspire mercy.

Dialogues are ludicrous, told in a cow-boy manner that sound too ridiculous to be taken seriously.

The script is so common, that there is nothing to remind after the end of this film.

I take pleasure in watching "blockbuster", but when it is done with a bit of humor, with a positive attitude. Not an attitude that reveal its lack of humor, and that it takes itself too seriously (especially for this kind of work)

Definitely the most stupid piece of work of the year.
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16 July 2010
This is the best I have seen lately. First, the director knows how to film nowaday's Italy, its streets, its café, restaurants etc... in a manner that you feel like going there, everything seems so vivid and beautiful. We are in Rome, a town that I have never come to, but after seeing that movie, it's like you had been there, and certainly feel like going back. But, it would not be so interesting if this was the only interest of that film. The main thing that really attracted me during it, was its characters, whom are so attaching, so real, and beautifully acted by such great actors. I found their playing subtil, well-balanced. The dialogues are nevertheless the best part of this film. It is true that it's a melodramatic movie, but in a good way, a way that should be moving you, and even be a little bit instructive, about love, friendship, family, etc... Of course, I wouldn't have liked it, if there wasn't a touch of humour, of comedy, and this is again one of the best thing in this film : it moves you, but it mainly (from time to time) is funny, never it is pontificating. So, for those whom like delicate, tender film, about friendship, life, and death, and all those themes, I would strongly recommend that one, you should not be disappointed. This is definitely one of the best movie actually on theater.
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Predators (2010)
A real disappointment
16 July 2010
I cannot believe what has been done (with such great amount of money) to this film? It really could have been a great one, if only the script had been written with much more simplicity. Because, it has some quality : the photography is superb, and the predators are really something! Really awesome! But, as for me, two things are really missed, two things that I am attached to : the script is stupid, and the character are as uninteresting as possible. First, you feel like watching a bad episode of "Lost", then, after the classical presentation of the character, it is just being boring, one or two action scenes, then you can sleep till the end. Secondly, I really like Adrian Brody, but I really felt like slapping his character in the movie : a sort of mix between a skinny Rambo, and a pretentious Sherlock Holmes. Grrrrr, my god, how did he know so well everything? Had he read the script between his fall and his awakening? Also, the other character really lack interest. Some are just bad, but you don't feel like liking them, the others you just don't care. No Bill (1987's Predator), no one attaching or funny or anything... It's all a mess, till the end that is (I don't know why), suddenly interesting, and funny (if you except some king of crappy twist-plot...) I strongly recommend to forget there was a first Predator in 1987 if you want to appreciate a bit this one. Because it's all really a disappointment
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A fresh and invigorating celebration of love, freedom and life!
4 February 2010
This is one on the best movies I have seen last year, and was lucky to see once again lately on DVD. It is so fresh, celebrating what is best in life: love, friends, freedom, nature, sensuality, and in an original way, with people you rarely see on movies, I mean elderly farmer, whom are very authentic and funny... Also the director really succeed in creating a world and atmosphere of its own, with incredible character, and succeed every time in surprising you. You also feel sometimes like its a kind of dream, and that the movie beyond its realistic kind is somehow almost fantastic. Of course, if you are the kind of people whom only like classic character, handsome boys and sexy girls, you will be very disappointed. But if you like original and somehow crazy movies, that are sincere and simple, you will definitely like this one!
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Hilarious and sweet!
14 July 2008
I really love this movie : first because it made me laugh a lot, and also because it's funny in a gentle way, as the two main characters are sweet and full of positive energy, and never vulgar,which is rare in humoristic films... I find it is their best movie, and the most inventive one, as most of the situations are their (to Eric and Ramzy) own creation, their "universe". The sequences of action are really well made up, and it's a pleasure to notice afterwards that they must have worked a great deal to arrive at a result of this film quality. There is also a lot of very famous french actors which everyone will be glad to see in this film. So, I will advice everyone to see this film, the best of Eric and Ramzy!
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Hustle & Flow (2005)
What a shame!
8 March 2007
This is a real shame! This film has a LOT OF QUALITIES : the acting is good, as well as the photography and even the story is not so, what's wrong? First, there are too many problems with the montage : so many time, you feel that a scene could be shorter, because what is shown is not so interesting, or because what is meant at a time is so obvious that it could be just suggested and shorten but not shown entirely. And that is to me, the worst waste in this film. Especially for a musical movie, rhythm is the key, and here, it lacks rhythm, which, pardon me, for a rap movie is a kind of paradox, isn't it? The second weak point, is about the acting : I agree that THE ACTORS ARE EXCELLENT, but you feel sorry for them, as the direction missed to bring some changes, some variations in their acting, so without those variations you get more and more tired, even with the best actors. So, because I am not a modest person, I will say as an advice for everybody here that want to make a film for me:0) be more suggestive, and never forget VARIATIONS, and Rhythm!!!!
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Them (2006)
What a waste
21 January 2007
This movie has a beginning that will remind you a thousand like it. Then, you get to the main characters, whom, I am sorry to say, are not very interesting, without any strong personnality...nothing to keep you in suspense. The story (is there any?), is quite empty. The climate is though well done, quite scary. I will suggest to any director whom will decide to make a film based only on two characters to try to find some more interesting and nice ones, for the main characters of "Ils" don't have anything that makes you thrill for them. Both of them are dull, tasteless. Do never forget "Shining" (for there aren't so many characters except Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall and Dany Lloyd)...
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Totally over estimated
14 January 2007
I first didn't want to watch this film, for the trailer gave the impression of a common and too expected film...but as I recently had the pleasure to discover the surprising "Mensonges et trahisons et plus si affinité"" which was beautifully directed and written by Laurent Tirard (screenwriter of "prête-moi ta main"), I changed my mind and decided to try it, thinking that "Prête-moi ta main", would be as good as "mensonges...". And it is absolutely not. The script is not bad, but it is not as well directed as "Mensonges...", the actors not as generous (especially Charlotte, as boring as she usually is) as Edouard Baer or Clovis Cornillac, and too be honest, I still don't understand how such crap can have such a success, even with such a casting... Anyway the story could have been a pretext to create so many interesting plots, but it is not as good as Tirard's "Mensonges..." though it's also written by him. Easy, unsurprising, and lazy work. Totally overestimated!
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Brilliant and authentic artistic work
8 October 2006
I saw this movie yesterday and all I can say is that it is really intelligent, well performed, and the filming is also surprising because of a "Brechtian" way of reminding you that what you are seeing is a movie,not the if, the director wanted to tell you that he wouldn't deceive you. This picture is not only brilliantly written, with strong dialogs, and an intelligent story, it also has a Hitchcockien touch. But, be warned that it is not a film done in a way that one is used to. Finally, it moved me a lot from the beginning to its end. One of the best and original french movie of this year. Definitely a brilliant and authentic artistic work.
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A deep travel in the human soul
15 August 2006
One of the few real philosophical and enjoyable movies I have ever seen. The acting is perfect, played by the best actors (H. Marshall, whom you'll enjoy see act in "littles foxes" as well!0) of this time. The script is beautifully written, all characters have strong personalities, and it is not only a strong and easy introduction to the eternal deep human interrogations, which would never be enough to make a good film (for I think that films are made to show things from an artistic and not an intellectual point of view, also I don't like enclosing things like that!0), but also simply a touching film, a moving one. And it is certainly made of hope, but not a cheap one, because it doesn't hide the cruel part of the human soul. And hopefully, everyone is not only made of black or white, but of both of them, plus many other amazing things, like this beautiful movie.
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A masterpiece
14 August 2006
I first had some difficulties to watch this movie, because I found that some actors where not really well directed (Lucas Belvaux for example), saying there text "falsely". But I must admit that it is just because I'm not used to a realistic way of acting, but after a few minutes, I slowly got into find that the actors were really fantastic, reminding me of this time when every characters in a movie had a strong personality, like the old french movies. Afterwhile, I found that the photo was more than good, and the filming well done. I am still surprised that some talented people like Lucas Belvaux and his crew can bring you to a rendez-vous with humanity in its most meaningful sense: in this movie you will not only find a social view of our time, but also real friendship, love, and sincerity. Finally, Lucas Belvaux has really succeeded in showing a tragic part of the human condition, but also to mingle it with humor and tenderness. A masterpiece.
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A school work not very exciting but somehow beautiful
13 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It is funny how it gets hard, sometimes, to find what you really think of a movie, because for a part it is good, and for another you can't hide your disappointment. Of course, that is what I still feel for this movie, because I first found it rather well directed, well acted, and was happy for three tough scenes well done. But, I also have to say that, while I was watching it, I finally had the feeling that I already had seen a film like that before, a story of a machiavellian revenge, with a very dark character, slowly getting into a family to destroy it...The originality, if any, of this movie, perhaps lies in the contrast between the beauty of the music (wich has a great place in the film), the seemingly order and quietness of this middle-class family, and the mental disorder of the intruder whom has come to get a revenge. The trouble is that it is not enough to get a very good film: you just get something as good as a well-done school works, without nerves, without guts...then you spend a good time seeing someone getting a (stupid) revenge, but you don't feel anything really strong: no fear, no compassion, no sorrow, etc. Are not arts made to make us feel something more than being comfortable settled down in a seat?
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