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Totally enjoyable
2 August 2020
Look, it's a Hallmark movie. If you're going to watch it then you probably already know what you're going to get. Yes, it's predictable, but I also found it enjoyable. Obviously, I'm not hung up on the Jane Austen concerns that other people have. As a standalone movie, the storyline pretty much follows the Hallmark movie pattern, but it had its fair share of warmth and humor.
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Foxfire (1955)
A true period piece
28 April 2020
I stumbled into this movie (thanks TCM) and figured I'd give it 5 minutes to see if caught my attention. I stayed until the end. From the very beginning, this is a movie full of stereotypes, melodrama, and over-the-top acting. The story ends up providing most answers (and a bit of education) over the course of 92 minutes. Chandler and Russell create steam and energy that propel the movie at a very entertaining pace. Taking it in context, this is a wonderful period piece.
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We're Here (2020– )
Wonderfully atypical
26 April 2020
So far so good. Just one episode in and completely enjoyed the hour. The drag performers were familiar to me, and I was concerned this might be the usual fare or too contrived. It was neither. The stories were told in an authentic manner. I look forward to seeing the other episodes in the series.
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Bad Education (2019)
An instant favorite
26 April 2020
I was uninterested in watching this movie, but thought I would give it a shot given that it's based on a true story. Allison Janney is amazing, Hugh Jackman delivers a great performance, Geraldine Viswanathan is stellar (as always), but the entire cast is great (truly). From the beginning the film tells the story in captivating and compelling ways. The momentum builds over the course of the hundred minutes. Edge of your seat storytelling. This could have been made into a miniseries. It's just that good. Do yourself a favor and see it.
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Christmas joy
1 December 2018
I remember this not doing so well in theaters but just watched it with a group tonight. We will definitely not watch a movie if we're bored but we loved this movie. There are some sweet story lines, some quirky humor, and some great raunchy humor. We loved it. Had to rewatch some scenes (the spa scene with Justin and Kathryn is hilarious...and, dare we say, classic). So, go into this with an open mind and be ready to laugh.
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Making Love (1982)
Before its time
23 March 2014
With David Brenner's recent passing, I saw a clip of him online during one of his guest hosting nights on the Tonight Show. It turned out that Kate Jackson was a guest that night and she had some great stories & then realized she was there to plug a movie. This movie. It was almost as if she was hesitant to talk about it because of the subject matter. Even when she talked about it, people in the audience booed when she mentioned homosexuality. Hard to believe it was 30+ years ago.

So, I ended up buying the DVD online. The movie still holds up and was well before its time. This kind of story has happened numerous times over the years to people in real life, and it's not always an easy story to tell. The story told here wasn't salacious; it was handled with realness and sincerity. There's nothing graphic here; just a story of people living their life the best way they each know how. The entire cast is great; there's really no false note. In life, paths converge and diverge, and no amount of effort can sometimes bring someone back to the same path they were on when you were on the path together. This movie does a great job telling the story, and now 30+ years after seeing it the first time I'm truly glad I've added it to my small DVD collection.
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Not just for Streisand fans
12 March 2013
OK, granted the story of the born star is about Streisand's character, but the love story alone is fairly universal. Can love survive when one partner is seen as more successful than the other? Both Streisand and Kristofferson give solid performances. These characters are in love but are clearly on different trajectories.

The music is important for the forward movement of the film, but it's not really a musical, per se. Both Kristofferson's and Streisand's performances are great (so get the soundtrack if you don't have it).

I think this movie still holds up even almost 40 years (can you believe it?) later. The messages in the movie seem to be stronger once you've lived life, had success, had failure, been in love, and lost love.

Overall, do you need to be a Streisand fan to like the movie? It helps. If you don't like her, you won't likely enjoy the movie, but she doesn't come across as the sole focus of the movie. Her story, his story, and their story seems to be told in equal measure. Haven't seen it? Do. Saw it years ago? See it again soon.
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Yentl (1983)
Still a very enjoyable film
7 December 2012
I can't believe this film is almost 30 years old. I remember all the hoopla when the film was released given that people considered Streisand such a perfectionist. Seeing it in the theater was great, but seeing it again at home all these years later is just as great.

The story moves quickly. Yes, suspend a wee bit of belief that Streisand has to disguise herself as a teenage boy. Like my mom says, that's why they call it a movie. LOL The story of love, freedom, choice, wisdom, and adventure is wonderfully told by all actors. Maybe Oscar wasn't kind to this film, but so what. It's nice to see that the Golden Globes were kind (Hollywood politics, perhaps?).

The music truly propels the movie forward, and the movie doesn't feel dated at all. No doubt Streisand fans have already seen this, but any movie buff would likely enjoy the 2+ hours of escapism that this film offers.
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The Beaver (2011)
Surprisingly good
4 June 2012
I probably blinked too fast and this movie was in/out of the theaters, but I caught it recently on cable. I was very pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed this movie.

I'm not a big Mel Gibson fan at all (be it actor or personal life), but this kind of role seemed to be perfect for him given his current state of affairs both professionally and personally. As the movie unfolded, there was some humor mixed in nicely with the serious topic. The story itself felt a bit "American Beauty" to me, and that is one of my all- time favorite movies.

Jodie Foster did a great job in her role, but I was also surprised to see that she had directed the film. This makes sense to me given that the movie felt like it had been handled with a lot of care.

Depression, family issues, and coping with life's troubles can all be tough subjects for films. They can also leave viewers feeling majorly bummed or can wrap up things in too trite a way. This movie did a fine job of handling the tough stuff.
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Enlightened (2011–2013)
Strangely addicting
29 December 2011
I read somewhere that this show was one of the best new shows of the year, so I started watching it on demand. I find it to be a very interesting mix of humor, drama, and intrigue. Laura Dern is great as an almost completely unpredictable person. It's almost scary to say that her character is like more than a few people I've met in my life.

This show covers work, home, friends, and life matters in a pretty realistic way. As in life, sometimes it's the verbal and sometimes it's the nonverbal communication that conveys the best message. The actors are doing a great job with the material, and I'm now on episode 7 and the show feels like it's getting even more interesting. I have to say, I'm pretty addicted to wanting to get to know these people more...and seeing where it all goes.
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Homeland (2011–2020)
Bring me more!
29 December 2011
This is the first show in a long time that I've watched that's made me say "Oh my gosh" out loud in my living room. I was always told to watch "24" but I wasn't able...this show feels a lot like what I think "24" probably would have felt like. I recently read that it was one of the best new shows this year so I watched all 12 episodes on demand. Thankfully I was able to get this show completed in two days. I don't think I could ever wait to see what happens if I had to wait a week between episodes.

The entire cast is great. Clare Danes does an amazingly great job with a complex character. Damian Lewis also does a great job with another complex character. Their chemistry when on the screen together is apparent.

This is a well-written, smart, ever-changing who done it kind of show. Not only is it well acted, but I find it keeps the mind engaged. I look forward to more "oh my gosh" moments in the second season.
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
One of very few movies I own
17 November 2011
Even now, more than 10 years after this film was released it still captivates me. Ewan and Nicole both just shine in this film. I remember seeing this movie 9 times in the theaters, and have watched it at least twice that many times at home. It's wonderful escapist cinema. The love story, tension, music/score, characters, cinematography, humor, and more all make it for one of my all-time favorite films.

I recently moved and put this on to test my home theater system. Once I started it, I couldn't stop it. It's been several years since I'd seen it from beginning to end, and I still think it holds up. Baz Luhrmann makes too few movies, if you ask me.

If you've not seen this movie, give it a shot. Trust me, once you get past the first ten minutes (they're confusing and a bit of an odd start to a movie) you're stuck.
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Was prepared to not like this, but...
14 August 2011
OK, so perhaps it's a bit formulaic. But getting through the process was unexpected. A very sweet story line, and some clunky transitions; however, the ultimate feel was very sweet and pulled at the heart strings. Life isn't simple, doesn't always go as expected, and requires a bit of effort. This film seemed to capture a wide variety of experiences and faced them with poignancy and humor.

I truly was expecting it to be all fluff, or very silly, and I didn't expect the film to tell the story as well as it did. Insight into different families, good times, bad times, and the mundane. No huge laugh out loud moments, but definitely some chuckles. I'm glad I gave it a shot. Give it a try sometime, and you just might be surprised, too.
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See it for yourself and decide
30 May 2010
I was really hesitant to go see this because I lived in the Middle East for a number of years, and to think of the SATC ladies visiting there was a complete "what the F?" for me. The first SATC film wasn't even able to be shown in the Middle East, so why go there as the film setting? Now that I've seen the film, I can say that the set-up for that was handled perfectly. Their experience is just as it should have been given who they are.

There were some laugh out loud moments, some interesting insight, and the 2.5 hours flew by quickly. The characters and their relationships/experiences have moved on since the last film, and some of the discoveries they make are ones that seem inevitable as one ages. Definitely a popcorn movie, and it's just so good to see the SATC team back at it!
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Pushing Daisies (2007–2009)
Quirky, touching, and wonderful
23 December 2009
This show is addictively wonderful. The writing and acting are fantastic. Funny, touching, and also intrigue all wrapped into one. Be sure to get this into your DVD player and enjoy it from the beginning to the unexpectedly short end. Watch it, watch it, watch it! There are some great characters and great guest appearances that only help add to the endearing aspect of the show. Kudos to the writers for developing a great storyline that only gets better over time. I just don't understand why this wasn't interesting for the American TV public. Bad time? Too quirky? Not enough studio support? I suspect that the production costs were very high, but all parts of the show (directly, special effects, costumes, sets) are great. Thank goodness it's on DVD, and I can only hope that it somehow comes back in one way, shape, or form.
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Overnight (2003)
This is not child's play
21 March 2008
Like my mama always said, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Also, the things you don't like about people are probably the things you don't like about yourself.

As I watched this movie, all I could think about was how much Troy talked "I, I, I, me, me, me, I, me, I, me" to this and that. Seems to think there's nothing wrong with him and that all the problems were someone else. Funny, seems to me his problems are all him. Not because of him, just simply him.

Hollywood is a business. It's about making money. He was given quite an opportunity and his inability to understand how to operate in the business was his own fault. Hollywood is for adults, and Troy did nothing but act like a child. He bit back to those trying to help him before he even had any clout in the business (either music or movie).

Dreams die hard. No doubt about it. His drunk, smoking, cursing self got exactly what he brought upon himself.

And just a question, why is everyone he doesn't like a "co^&sucker" when he ends up living in the gayest neighborhood in LA? It's obvious this guy was out of his league and has issues. It's also obvious he wanted to be Harvey but doesn't have the finesse, maturity, or business acumen required. He acted like a child in a very adult world.

Like my mama also said, the bigger they are (or try to make you think they are) the harder they fall.
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A good film...catered to adults
25 January 2008
For anyone past their mid-20's this film has plenty. Life can throw all kinds of unexpected stuff at you, and this film has tenderness, honesty, the good & bad, the laughter & tears, and a couple of good lessons, too. The actors do a fine job of making what could have easily been a hokey film into something far better than hokey.

Watching this I was reminded of another Richard LaGravenese film, "Living Out Loud". That movie is one of my all-time favorites, and it also seems to be aimed at a more adult viewer. Granted, there are parts of the film that seem contrived, but that's what movies are for, eh? Escape, entertainment, and suspension of reality. :) I found poignant moments throughout the film and not necessarily at the parts that most would expect. Just like life, I found that some of the most moving times were with the smallest of gestures. That being said I didn't ever feel manipulated; but having lived a good number of years, I could certainly relate to a number of moments in the film.

Overall, it was money well spent at the theater which is more than I can say for a lot of other crud out there.
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Definitely worth watching
18 January 2008
This film is entertaining in many ways. The people in the film cover a pretty broad range, but I think it's safe to say that most of them are quirky. Quirky in a good way, though. The story was interesting as well as the whys and hows that originated the story. Without giving too much away, let's just say that the filmmaker does a good job. The story has the ever-popular David v Goliath, Individual v Large Corporate Mentality, and Common Man v The Elite that pretty much anyone can enjoy.

Knowledge of art and artists isn't necessary, and it isn't necessary for you to know the intricacies of the art world. It's all laid out for you in the film. You don't even have to be interested in art to enjoy the movie; you just have to be interested in watching a good story and letting the real-life personalities lead the way.
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Mean Creek (2004)
Been done before
27 February 2006
I rented this based because I was in the mood for an indie movie. I saw the movie, read the back, and figured the "Two Thumbs Up" on the cover was enough to give it a go.

The acting is fine. The story felt like it'd been done before. About a half hour into it, I was thinking that this had an "Afterschool Special" feel about it. Remember those back in the 70s and 80s? I found the movie to be pretty predictable in many ways and it's a format that's been done before. Teenage angst. Accidents....or maybe not accidents. This film didn't really give anything new.

After about an hour of the movie, I fast forwarded through some sections. Too much lingering of the camera. It's not a movie I'd suggest watching...but if you've got 90 minutes to kill and can't find anything else to watch, this might just be your film. :)
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Fun and worthwhile; don't expect life-changing
10 February 2006
Yes, it's predictable. Yes, it's been done before, but there are enough laugh out loud moments to make it worthwhile. It's great to see Jane Fonda on screen again, and the DVD has some nice extras in it.

The movie didn't really get interesting for me until Jane came on the screen. Not only was it great to see her, but her character is a hoot. Over the top? Yes. Unbelievable at times? Sure. But, she pulls it off and the humor truly is great. I LOVE the cockatoo line!!!

Don't expect to have any life-changing theme here, but if you're in the mood for a handful of laughs over the course of 90ish minutes, then give the movie a try. It seemed that Jennifer Lopez wasn't the best choice for the role; I didn't buy the chemistry with Michael Vartan. The scenes with Wanda Sykes and Jane Fonda are just great! Well worth the price of the DVD rental.
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Well worth seeing
24 January 2006
I'm not a Mel Gibson fan, so that's probably why I didn't see this in the move theaters. Or, was it even in the theaters? Anyway, I stumbled across this movie just at it begun on TV. I almost turned it off, but I'm glad I didn't.

I think there are some sappy moments at the beginning, but given that the film is based on a true story, I'm sure moments like them happened in the somewhat innocent 1960s. As a film that covers the first major battle of Vietnam, it seems to offer an unbiased view (after all, the sentiment against the Vietnam war didn't exist yet in the U.S.).

The battle scenes are compelling to say the least. And, the combatants on both sides are depicted well. It's a testament to the spirit of a fighter (whether or not you agree with the fight itself).

Madeleine Stowe does a great job as the wife. Mel does a good performance of what is clearly a smart man. I got goosebumps during some of her later scenes as well as some of the battle scenes. The ensemble is great, and I think the movie does a very good job of covering the confusion, heroics, sacrifices, and politics of war. If only we could live in a world without war.
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Murderball (2005)
See it, see it, see it!
22 January 2006
I wanted to see this movie when it was in the theaters, but I ended up going overseas and have just now been able to rent the DVD. This film has a lot going for it: great characters, honesty, relationships, humor, and more. Congrats to the makers of the movie for putting together a great flick. And, congrats to the guys in the movie for being willing to be filmed and share their lives.

I've heard it said that people don't like documentaries because they think they'll be preached to or bored. This movie, though, sucks you into it right away. No preaching, no manipulation, no "let's feel sorry for people in wheelchairs"...just honest storytelling.

It's the kind of movie that everyone should see....well, people who can handle the language and the honesty. Your time will be well spent watching this. And, the DVD has some great added features, too.
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Has good spots, but overall it's disappointing
22 January 2006
We all know the phrase "buying the cow" and this movie does a pretty good job of giving some different views on why one should commit or not. Ultimately, though, there are too many silly scenes and stereotypes that end up appearing stupid as opposed to humorous. The film does offer a few chuckles, but unfortunately too few to make the film worthwhile. Some scenes remind me of "There's Something About Mary", but there are just too few funny times. I think if the stereotypical situations went way out there, the funny scenes could really provide a good laugh.

There are a couple unexpected twists, and that keeps it interesting. Also, it's great to see the World Trade Center in the NYC skyline.

I saw this on a local cable channel, and am glad I didn't rent it. I wouldn't have felt that I'd gotten my money's worth. There are plenty of other good dating movies to see. This wouldn't be one of them.
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Dark Waters (2003 Video)
Watch something else
1 November 2005
This movie lacks so much of anything needed for a good movie. It lacks a good story, good writing, good special effects, and good acting. The last half hour of the movie has virtually every line ending in the word "NOW". It's just awful.

The gaps in the story are too big to even being to make any logical transition in the film. I can't say that the movie is worth much of your time at all.

There's no wonder that this movie was released straight to video. I was unfortunate enough to have it on a local cable channel. It's so bad that it's almost laughable. As a way to make it enjoyable (should you ever want to see it), rent it with other horrible movies and get a group of friends together and use the time to shout back at the screen.
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A surprise
4 September 2005
This movie was on a local cable channel, and I was very pleasantly surprised by it. It's called a comedy, but I see it more as a "slice of life" movie. Not really a drama, not really a comedy, but a wonderful movie that really hooked me into the characters. The story was great (and way too many movies have cruddy scripts and story lines). I, too, found that no one character got the main focus of the story and yet I wasn't hoping to find out more from everyone. What I got was just enough. The people were real, smart, and the interactions were very true to life. The only thing I would do is make the movie a bit longer (just because I liked everyone's story so much) If you get a chance to see this movie, see it. It's well worth the time.
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