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Black Mirror: Beyond the Sea (2023)
Season 6, Episode 3
An improvement from the others.
16 June 2023
Black mirror has definitely gone downhill these past couple of seasons. Season 5 was a very big let down and I didn't care for any of the episodes but let me tell you so far this season (the 3 episodes ive watched) and this episode in particular has been a breath of fresh air. In my opinion the worst episode out of the first 3 is still better than the best episode in season 5.

I'm not saying this episode has completely renewed my faith in the show but it's definitely turned it in the right direction. It is by far the strongest of the first 3 episodes and It is the longest but it strangely feels the shortest.

The performances are all good. I'm hoping there's another good episode in store.
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Misery (1990)
My Favorite Stephen King Adaption
22 September 2022
Out of all the Stephen King stories I have read (IT, Misery, The Body, and the Shining), this is my favorite. It is incredibly faithful to the book in a way IT and The Shining just werent. To be fair Stand By Me is also incredibly faithful to the book The Body but there's something about Kathy Bate's portrayal of Annie I just can't stop thinking about it.

She brings Annie to life right off the pages of the book in a horrifying way and it leads to a terrific movie. So yeah, not only is it a great movie. It is also a very faithful adaption of an already awesome book full of suspense and twists and turns. Please watch.
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The Next Level (I) (2022)
Complete garbage.
31 July 2022
I've watched alot of flat earth videos. Being quite a bit longer, this one is even more full of lies than usual. For claiming to be all about the "truth" flat earthers do lie a lot to push their beliefs.
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The Batman (2022)
Very overrated
23 April 2022
I honestly was not a fan of this movie at all. This is coming from a very big fan of batman. In my opinion this is the worst batman movie ever made with the exception of Batman and Robin. This movie is long and boring and Batman/ Bruce Wayne's monotone voice didnt help. And it sucks too because I wanted to like thus movie I really did. But when I'm sitting in the theatre an hour into the movie, yawning and starting to fall asleep, then realizing I still have 2 hours to go. I just couldn't think of a reason to like the movie.
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Actually really good. Just hope for a sequel.
21 October 2021
This movie is great. I'm a fan of the books and this does the impossible. It gets it right. This movie by all accounts should not be as good as it is. The books aren't meant to be in movie form and it would absolutely work better as a TV show like Game of Thrones. I'm just impressed the only thing I can hope for is for this to become a series of movies. PLEASE let there be a second one. This is the kind of movie that is going to work best watching it back to back with a sequel that doesn't exist yet.
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Great songs. Not a fan of the story.
24 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this sort of blind. I actually really liked the opening song waving through a window and the song you will be found. I just don't like the story. I mean I'm not a huge fan of Evan either so that didn't help. He takes someone's suicide and lies about them and uses their death for his own personal gain, even going as far as to start dating his sister. I was told by a friend that watched the musical that the musical does a better job with the story but I don't know. I was also told that there were 3 songs cut from the musical, dissappear, good for you, and what my friend called the glove song. It gets a 5. Songs are the best part about the movie though. If this was just a regular movie and not a musical I would probably give it a 3/10.
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23 June 2021
I sat through the first 50 or so proofs while debunking every single "proof" as he was saying them. Mind you, i didn't even pause it to think about it. I was debunking his proofs as he was saying them in real time. I stopped watching it after that because I just couldn't handle the stupidity any more. People need to actually think about this and use critical thinking skills. It isn't that hard to debunk these proofs.
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Level (I) (2021)
This is getting ridiculous.
23 June 2021
I was watching this video, debunking literally every single point they made as they were making it because i've done enough research to debunk every single flat earth argument i've ever heard.

I wish I could show a flat earther images of space with my 10 inch dobsonian telescope. Maybe they would change their mind after I take a picture of the Andromeda Galaxy right in front of their eyes. Maybe seeing the moon and its very obvious curvature or maybe watching me take a picture of Mars and seeing its polar ice caps and surface detail would change their mind.

Until then, I can only hope commercial space flight becomes a thing faster so that these guys will shut up. In 30 years when civilians are going on week long trips to the moon it will be hard to keep saying the earth is flat.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 15: The Believer (2020)
Season 2, Episode 7
The second half of this season has been awesome.
11 December 2020
Just straight up. I was tempted to rate this a 10 but felt the need to differentiate this from the last two episodes so I'm giving it a 9. I wouldn't say it's as good as the last two episodes but still awesome.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 14: The Tragedy (2020)
Season 2, Episode 6
4 December 2020
I've gotta hand it to them. I thought for sure after the last episode that this episode would be a filler episode. And after seeing the short runtine I was pretty convinced it would be. BOY WAS I WRONG. That was epic.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Season 1 is okay and I expect future seasons to get better
21 December 2019
One common complaint I see is that this season feels like a collection of side-quests that don't feel connected in any way and that the show doesn't really have an over-arching story. I have to agree. And this isn't a fault of the show itself; the show is based on the book The Last Wish which is just a collection of short stories that aren't necessarily connected. It's hard for a show to have an over-arching story when the thing they are adapting doesn't have one. I imagine this problem will be solved in future seasons when they start adapting the actual novels like Blood of Elves. I'm guessing season 2 or 3 might be the start of the novels and I'm excited for it.
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The Witcher: Bottled Appetites (2019)
Season 1, Episode 5
I like it!
21 December 2019
This whole season so far does have the fault of just having side quest after side quest which isn't necessarily a fault of the writers of the show. The first season is based on the book The Last Wish which is a collection of short stories. That is why this show doesn't feel connected right now. Because it's based on short stories that aren't really connected. I assume they will not get to the actual books (Blood of Elves) until season 2 or 3. My hope is that one they get to adapting the actual books this series will get better and better and not have the fault of not feeling connected.
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Decide If you like it for yourself.
21 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
For the most part I've liked the new Star Wars trilogy and only had significant problems with The Last Jedi. I'd say this movie ranks just below Force Awakens for me. I just really dont understand how critics can rate Last Jedi in the 90s and this in the 50s because RoS just seems so much better than TLJ. Some gripes I had was they didnt explain how Palpatine came back and I wish they wouldve shown Kylo as a force ghost at the end. They could've put him next to Leia and Luke while they are standing there looking at Rey. Does the fact he isnt shown as a force ghost mean he wasnt redeemed like Anakin? Or what?
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The Witcher: The End's Beginning (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Faithful adaptation and good start.
20 December 2019
I will start by saying that I have not played the games at all although I am familiar with them. I read The Last Wish for the first time last week in preparation for watching this and loved it. That being said, judging from this episode alone I think it will be a faithful adaptation of the book. They did a pretty nice job with this. I can see how people not familiar with the world could find it confusing but having read the first book I think the show is off to a good start.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 7: The Reckoning (2019)
Season 1, Episode 7
Great Stuff
18 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
All hail Darth Baby Yoda. Favorite episode so far. Very nice surprises and twists. That force choke though... Baby Yoda went from cute and cuddly to kind of evil in a second.
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Child's Play (2019)
The best one since the original.
20 June 2019
This is a decent remake that does some things better than the original and some things worse. In the end, I don't believe it's as good as the original chucky, but it's definitely the best since then. The acting, for one, is much better in this remake than it ever was in the original. Mark Hamill is great as everyone expected. They also do a good job of building tension and making you feel a bit of fear. There is a problem with the doll however. It is a real doll for most of the movie, however they switched it to cgi at some points. You can tell it's not real at those points and there are moments where that really takes away from the tension. I also wasn't a fan of the whole AI thing. I get they did it to make it more modern but it just doesn't feel right.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
I liked most of the end disliked a little bit.
20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Jon killing Dany was done really well. The throne melting I expected from season 1. Bran becoming king makes a lot of sense and It will almost 100% happen in the books. It makes sense because he has more experience being a ruler than anyone alive despite never being king himself. Simply because of what's in his mind. My only problem is I dont like the portrayal of Bran. He has no personality. He just sits there with his monotone voice. Bran will almost certainly be the winner at the end of the books, but he wont be just starting at people and have no personality.
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Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
Best episode this season
13 May 2019
Really good. People really shouldnt rste this episode based on past episodes. It deserves at least a 9.0 but because the butthurt fans didnt like episode 3 this one has to suffer too.
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Game of Thrones: The Last of the Starks (2019)
Season 8, Episode 4
Holy cow
6 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode had everything youd want from an episode before a big battle. It was hilarious in the beginning when everyone was drinking but the tone quickly changed and became more political. By the end I was a mixture of sad and angry at Missandeis death. I want Cersei dead and I want her to suffer and the showrunners have me exactly where they want me. Side note: I've noticed people talking about plot armor and I dont get it. Was it plot armor when Tyrion survived the battle ofBlackwater. Sure, but you didnt complain then. Every time a character has almost died and then survived could be an argument for plot armor but no ones complained about it until now and it's been going on since Bran survived falling out of that window.
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
A great episode despite some people being upset by the end.
30 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode had everything. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time hoping none of my favorites would be the next to go. I've heard there are a few people mad about what happened to the night king at the end but they're just upset that none of their fan theories were true. I find it hilarious actually. Some of you just need to relax. Game of thrones is supposed to be unpredictable and no one I know predicted Arya would be the one to do it. And Grrm said the books would end the same way the show does which is even funnier for all of you saying Grrm books are going to end differently and that this episode was trash.
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