
12 Reviews
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Waste of time, talent, and money
3 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason why I am giving this movie a review is to save someone else from having to watch this rather bad movie. The acting is pretty bad.

Christopher Wolfe's character spends most of the movie trying to get laid, and the best part of his role is watching him get strangled by someone other than who he thought it was.

Demetri Goritsas plays a "down on his luck" recovering drunk who gets disrespected at every turn. His character is afraid of his wife, and has zero backbone to the point that I couldn't help but find his character to be laughably pathetic.

Even the main character played by Trevor Peterson is laughable. Instead of doing a better job at his job, he kept disrespecting his coworkers, and being a creep to the point he got fired, then he went home to his "mama" and snapped after smoking something from a pipe that looks like a crack pipe. There is no character build up for Jeb, and the entire character makes a better stalkerish creep than he does a killer. There was no thought behind his motivation to kill, despite him being portrayed being intelligent enough to be a television show producer. His obsession with Raven didn't make any sense. He just "was" obsessed with her character for no given reason. Even after he saw that she was disgusted by the fact he had a lewd picture of her on his computer he remained obsessed for some unknown reason.

In all honesty the character Mama was acted in the most believable manner. She came across as a God fearing, Devil hating, totally paranoid, and delusional old basket case.

The short version is... This story leaves a lot to be desired and was acted in a sub par manner, which is usually the fault of the director more so than the actors themselves. If you are looking for plot development there is none. If you are bothered by slasher movies this one might be worth watching since it is toned down, and the gore is virtually nonexistent, but if you are one of those people that only enjoy pg-13 movies then this may be too much for you.

If you let your kid watch this movie they could be bothered by it, but if they watch horror movies even children shouldn't be that bothered by this D- film. I only gave this movie a 3 because I really enjoyed watching that sex starved guy get killed in the manner he did.

If you are a fan of slasher films I recommend skipping this one. If they cut out the smoking scenes it would probably be rated pg-13.
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Misfit (II) (2016)
27 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The acting was on par for low budget slasher films. The main character did a believable enough job coming off as an overweight emo chick with parent issues that is also easily bullied. I think Frank Moore as Aldon did a convincing job with his acting.

The movie plot is quite simple and it can be summed up by simply calling it a teenage revenge movie.

So, Stitches, the main character is your run of the mill, average teen victim. Her home life sucks, and she gets bullied, and beaten by the mean girls. Her teachers look the other way, because of who the parents of the mean girls are... Which is never clarified.

Stitches mom is clearly a mentally and physically abusive alcoholic, and her step dad surprisingly enough is the one that is trying to keep everyone together, and not have the family fall apart.

One day Stitches is going for a walk and walk right into the mean girls who chase her down and cover her in lighter fluid, and light a zippo. Which is when we meet Omatic, played by Frank Moore. Omatic is covered in scars but I don't recall the reason why, but he takes her his wing after it is revealed that he is the city's serial killer.

Stitches and her mother get into a huge fight because Stitches got attacked by the mean girls and got sent to the principals office. Instead of waiting with her abuser she got up and left. When Stitches got home her mother started mentally abusing her, calling her horrible names, even going so far as to kick her out of the house after screaming how much she hates her.

So Stitches goes to Omatic's home and with the help of Aldon, who trained Omatic to be a serial killer they teach Stiches how to get revenge and how to kill. Starting with her mother and step father, then the mean girls.

The graphics and gore are so subpar that I don't think it deserved anything higher than an R. The blood is obviously fake, and they don't ever shot the act of killing until the very end of the movie where Stitches kills one of the mean girls by stabbing her in the throat with some metal device, but it is insanely obvious that the object never actually touched her.

I give it a 6, because I like to see bullies get what they deserve.
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K-Shop (2016)
Pretty decent chop shop
8 October 2022
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This movie had decent gore, and was fairly well acted considering it seemed pretty low budget. I was just extremely happy to see a slasher where the good guy lost.

A guy snaps and decides to serve his own brand of justice when faced with unrulily crowds night after night. That city seemed to be in one giant alcohol and dope binge the entire time, and after his father got murdered the boy snapped. It is a shame he didn't get his just desserts in jail, and never got to find out who exactly killed his father. But, all in all, the betrayal from his temp hire sends a pretty clear message. Don't say no to a business partnership with someone that knows enough about you to get you killed.

At the very end when he tried to get into the night club I kept hoping to hear him laugh and yell to the crowd how much of that special meat they all ate.
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Corontina 19 (2022)
What if???
7 October 2022
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This entire movie focuses on a "what if" scenario regarding COVID. What if the world didn't start taking COVID seriously until it was already to late, and then COVID mutates into a virus that is far more deadly, far more painful, and can not be cured?

This movie answers that question. Most to all of humanity gets destroyed from the second wave of COVID.

I thought this movie was well thought out, and well acted. I just didn't care for the ending. What happens at the end felt more like 3 possible endings instead of one. A feverish dream within a dream, followed by death? Any 3 of those endings would have made for a decent, if not, then good ending.

If COVID is a sensitive topic for you for whatever reason then you should probably skip this one. It should also go without saying that this movie isn't for children. It has violence, and focuses around a global pandemic that humanity can't stop.
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Bane (2008)
Garbage in movie form
2 September 2022
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This was the first "did not finish" I have had in years. I tried watching it, I even scrolled through to see the "gore" that some people said is good in these reviews... Nope. If the one woman beat the man to death and his mask didn't have any dents, and only blood around his face that looks more like water and red food coloring then that isn't gore... That is a failed halloween decoration.

This movie tries too hard to be good. The acting isn't believable, the women are not likeable, their captors are not even good at being bad.

It really feels like this title is more of a warning, "BANE: An Experiment in Human Suffering" because if you watch this movie you are going to suffer from unescapable boredom.
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2 July 2022
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This movie was a huge waste of time. It is obvious that something isn't quite right from the very start. The characters don't play the, "long time friends that didn't keep in touch." roles well at all. They don't read what they sign when they sign the "guestbook", and the cops don't consider the possibility that the group was telling the truth in the end despite the entire film being recorded by the wife? Yes, it really is that stupid. I wasted my time on it so you won't have to.
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Bumperkleef (2019)
2 July 2022
Everything wrong with this movie can be figured out with even a little bit of thought. But, if you sit back and enjoy the movie for what it is then it is enjoyable, and what it is, is a horror movie about road rage.
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Unique... At least to me.
2 July 2022
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I have seen hundreds of horror movies, but none where an Advent Calendar is the main source, or contains, the main source of evil for the movie. I would give this one a strong recommendation for someone that is looking for something different.

The movie isn't perfect by any means, but then again, very very few movies are.
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The Sadness (2021)
Great movie
2 July 2022
This is by far the best zombie or zombie like movie I have ever seen. I don't usually go for movies where a plague makes people crazy, but this was something special. If one does call this a zombie movie it certainly isn't a typical zombie movie.
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Don't waste your time
26 June 2022
This is another collection of very short clips that was hastily thrown together and given an. MA rating and called Horror. Movies like this are why it is so hard for people to give anthology movies a fair chance. "Changeling" was decent enough, but it should have been one of the longer stories. At least that one had something interesting happen. This movie honestly felt like something I could fall asleep to. I don't expect much from movies, especially a collection of shorts, but if they are going to slap a rating of Mature and call it horror I, at least want a decent attempt to be as scary as the 1960s version of the "Twilight Zone". One or two predictable jump scares, and that slightly creepy bit they call "Changeling" are the only things worth anything in this film. If you value your time do yourself a favor and pass on this one.
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20 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen a couple of hundred horror movies over the last few years and this is one of the better movies. This movie shows what happens when mental illness gets ignored for too many years, and when mental health care fails to help those that desperately need it. This is more of a psychological "horror" if you view the movie from the view of the main character as the movie intends, but you would think that at some point they would have figured out the sociopath has been playing them all.

The flaws in this movie are very apparent. First, police don't seem to exist... Anywhere, even at the end they are just calling in the situation back to their headquarters. If the cops had done any finger printing at all they would have caught him after he killed the high school bully since his finger prints would have been all over that rope.
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Why? (I) (2021)
Another boring slasher
3 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is yet another of a long list of slasher movies that give the killer absolutely no backstory, or any kind of explanation of who he is or why he kills. The purpose is of course, because they think it increases the suspense and drama of the movie, but this movie lacks both. The killer in one scene stands above over his victim and slams his axe down on what looks to be her head, but somehow decapates her. That is just poor directing, editing, and acting all around.

This movie isn't even good enough to be slasher considered slasher porn. You know those movies right? Where it is just someone killing simply for the sake of killing. To me this movie is predictable, and the main character has several scenes where she looks more like she is trying not to bust out laughing rather than screams of terror, and fear. The blood in one scene looks more like cherry kool-aid than blood.

This movie is a great example of why Hollywood remakes so many of the older films. It is a waste of time, effort, for those poor sobs that paid to see it, money. If you value what little time you have in your life, and you happen to love horror movies then you should do yourself a favor and skip this movie. I am now asking myself, "Why?" "Why did I watch such a boring movie instead of watching something with even a little bit of substance?"
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