
33 Reviews
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Storage 24 (2012)
I seen alot of movies people love be total garbage but i like this.
12 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I love it because the main Character tho i am white, is african american and he actually lives believe it or not! he is actually the hero! Not just saying that all that matters no, but besides the hermit he is the only other person i cared for got two cheating scums tho i do like Charlie the main guys friend girl that is there. As long as Charlie and her lived that meant alot the creature looks good and it actually ends how i want it with a creepy twist at the end far as i got out of it, the killings are cool but many complain about this i saw one like it the Unit 12 or 13 or whatever that was bad. But i like this i may even buy it the creature looked cool Charlie and that friend with him girl. Was cool sad about the maintence worker and the guy that was added. Died that was sad. But i said if Charlie dies i hate it even if liking it so far it was pretty decent movie but i know alot of people with it comes to horror always hate good or decent horror never appreciate certain great things no movies perfect but when its bad .. its bad and there is many that people love that is TERRIBLE! ..

there is many that people hate that are EXcellent! But i like this idk besides main guy african american he is just cool. Hes a badass and unlike the friend and few others he is hurt heart broken just awesome! I like it but 6 tho for there always way better movies but it gave me what i wanted and i give it a solid grade.

It gave me what i wanted and a cool ending. That made u go oh wow :o Otherwise not great great. But i got what i wante out of it a pretty cool creature the ending and people that lived the killings were cool. But nothing extremely awesome or even cool but it was pretty ok :) i liked it.
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Deadtime Stories: Grave Secrets (2012)
Season 1, Episode 1
Why the 5.9 rating dude this episode is really cool!
1 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
From a cool doll tho not haunted per say its still a good episode i dont understand some people. Its really cool episode! Wish this series was still around. Like so many good ones they die out so fast when just getting started.
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Dolls (I) (2019)
Not bad as people said Better than some others that were way worse.
22 March 2020
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To me anyway i saw it differently Anna and Heidi were terrible compared to this. it has its own mindset. The dolls arent really scary or anything but creepy how they show up and leave at times, got to appreciate what you have and the budget, and go from there. The dad is a drunk and his daughter comes it does drag. But each part of the plot happens and thus creates what it says and delivers though it somewhat is predictable as noted by many. Tho i forgot the last part then it happen get into your head. The deaths when do get to it is cool in some sense compared to Heidi and for sure over stupid ANna and even kinda better than or near Annabelle 1 which i give a 6 there so its real close to that one. At times better idea.

The way that they trick you when do stuff or has that factor in it, is kinda cool and different idea than most. So in some little way it was ok to me and it was ok i didnt hate it could of been better and the ending kinda leaves you like a not satisfied way. But it was ok To me no regrets.
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A better movie than what people put on this!
13 February 2020
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What we got here is pretty cool characters for me, and i am very picky on movies in some sense tho i like some cheesy movies that most hate. So it all depends on my taste but i like this Joe is freakin cool and awesome, he even survived when thought he was dead usually kill off all the cool people which gets dumb. But NO cool fighter Joe Lives!!! and Mark i liked he stood out lived and Even Kevin, the Croc actually looks huge and unique not stupid and or same old same old. These guys live the bad guys did their part the kills were great. The croc looked killer cool ! Hence name i bet. Way better than people do on Horror movies their so picky. For a Croc one i seen many but i like this one alot. And having extra cool people live for once is a nice change!
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Cool but the same endings in such things... 2 girls 1 guy or close to that
12 August 2019
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Don't get me wrong, Ramon was cool, but chuck or Chucky was cooler and Auggie or so spelled. They had funny, and humor and i was really like Please dont take chuck come on!! He's just a typical boy, sure than not, they take him........ Though the ending said, they would try get them back.. I highly doubt it, i was loving the humor from them two boys and enjoying the scarecrow, the monster at end, it did have some cheesy but in a fun way some cheesy are bad some are good, this was ok, graphics. At times.

But the monster the suspense was all good But some bits felt rushed some felft like it went flat sometimes. But they need to bring back Chuck and Auggie. Then maybe a but i say for now. 6.2/10
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Why is this a 6?
8 July 2019
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I mean seriously why is really good movies, so low and dumb movies that are overrated and too hyped for their own good get so high ratings? This movie had it all it was creepy, different stuff happening than just Annabelle the characters were cool and damn it BOB was AWESOME only downfall was Bob wasnt in it much, its like dude show Bob he was cool. He got the girl so Yayyyy man!

It had other spooky stuff in it too and intense moments i loved #2 but this tops that i left the theater me, my mom, and niece all were VERY satisfied one of the best satisfied times leaving it. It was really freaking aweesome and, i know many want dead bodies in horror, but sometimes it dont need kill counts, and blood, i mean all good, in sense of stuff but it gets old too much die, here die there you know? Oh gosh heres a kill heres a kill, how about just jump scares or, tense moments of what you think or will happen when people do stuff thats the stuff III like in horror. The surprise, the jumps the creepiness that sparks my likes. Than just kill, kill kill in it gets to repetative.

The movie was by far the best Anabelle and again i LOVED #2 the handicap girl and her friend were the stars sady the handicap got cursed and possessed :( but her friend was loyal true. But i LoVE THIS MOVIE its no stupid 6
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Child's Play (2019)
Nothing like the old, though going in i didnt want to compare it anyhow, but stand alone idea.
22 June 2019
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Andy is more badazz in this than the original, but not as cool or cute or so say, but at least he gets to try to at least get upper hands on chucky. The other good parts is kills are cool, at least he didnt kill that one boy in it and the black guy i liked lived, and it was really funny mostly half of the movie is so funny. Chucky really acts stupid even for a robot lol. But its nothing like the old, but in its own story form sad kid not getting much attention from mom, she bes with some loser of a man, the doll just kills due to how he sees and ways Andy is seeing other people and how he reacts he reacts if their mean to him he seems to want to protect andy and stuff then when andy rejects him he feels andy is malfunctioned too but at least the black guy lived and the kids and Andy is badazz so it was fun and really funny Chucky is really dumb even for robot in early on which i enjoy laughing he was funny. But over all just enjoyable and good own idea but Nothing on original.
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13 June 2019
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I havent seen the one prior to this one but i hope so though i found out the main guy from the orginial axis dies i really really liked him he did good to help fight evil But anyways why i didnt like this is the ending made no sense unsure if it was a comic idea or what he faced and placed it in a comic book. Not just that the puppets had no personality as many suggest, NO PERSONALITY!!!! there was multiple ones of them and some new ones, it was more like this...

People came with the puppets of the Toulon puppets to a hotel the puppets come alive by a Nazi now based Andre Toulon, no sense there, then pretty much very quickly they start slashing killing people in fast pace almost deaths, deaths are cool in movies, but it was so fast and its just like get many people place them together and just go high crazy killing them that and again what made them come alive? Why? the history of it too was lacky i was confused so manytimes and on people dying i didnt or couldnt tell really who was alive or if died or didnt die or so it was just like fast pace deaths i mean if people like it all for it to them..

Good for you but dang i couldnt follow this yes it did keep me watching that is plus but thas it, the dolls were cheap and ugly. The real characters i sorta of liked died so ... just was so alover the place confused i am just so confused the ending.... Was it made up? was it real ? Or just comic book idea? Sigh i h ave no idea Terrible :(
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Not many appreicate a Great masterpiece.
31 May 2019
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This has some VERY great effects, and The best stop go animation ever. Its 2nd to my favorite Clash of Titans. THis has a great stop go dinousar, and great actors, it also has great story. I think its highly unappreciated, same as the movie DOLls which has great acting etc.

Just not many people enjoy anything, too much they want to much CGI or something. This is a high masterpiece of superb talent, and great everything. I love this movie, with full passion, the kid in it is also very awesome. The burning of the church always stays in my mind, same as the little cute horse, i think movies that are really well, done and it seems the older movies, are better than the new.

The new gives off a copy of what a movie once, had thought, creativity. Now its all about action in your face running, and jump scares. THis is really well, done, always has a piece to me in my heart, and a movie, i had to do and wait to have it in stock. To get this magnificent treasure, that now i hold in my room. I foreverlove this great masterpiece, and Ray H. 2nd best work next to Clash of Titians the only one above it, the others of Ray H, is also a treasure i own most of his work, all great Sinbad ones. Valley of Gwangi, is a gem in the hearts and a true Trophy, of that of RayH, and everyone involved in this great Gold Trophy movie, that keeps in the center of my soul, of greatiness. To each own, but this is a great, great movie, and forever be to me..
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Great boogeyman one and great image of him too!
10 December 2018
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AT times he reminds me of the mummy face with the blacken ash for some reason. The big teeth also awesome and red eyes. The thingi dont get ... is the bad punk kid getting kidnap i must of missed it, but where was he at at the end the first kid and female were found but where was the punk kid. I might have to rewatch i just got done with it on our free movie area in the movie section of our box. Finally finished it. Loved the booeyman look love that it ends well the kids all lived not sure about the punk kid i got to recheck that. Love the Murphy kid, he seemed the cooliest him and the little siter good haracters then the main girl was 3rd coolest. I loved it. Great ending, ends good, boogeyman dies. Great ending, good movie!
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The Return of Jafar (1994 Video)
THis is a way more than some 5.9 i swear really good movies get it bad :(
26 September 2018
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I love this as much as the first, i know Robin Williams isnt the genie but i didnt know it as a teenager and young adult. But you got Iago which is still funny and great and he turns the good guy. PLus you know well that Jafar will be back eventually so why wait, so find out if he ever dies. So he can go away for good.

The Genie is different ya, but almost many talk about the characters. Well sure, they sorta of grow different when things start to happen with Aladdin and Iago, and stuf so their attitudes change, and Jafar lost humor due to his jealousy and rage on Aladdin. ITs like a turn to dark, type of thing, hes angry not silly anymore. The colors are still gorgeous the hard work on it. I love Iago my fav then Aladdin then Genie then carpet. The humor is down due to i think its more of a serious atmosphere with lies and worries with Iago around and the unrelenting none stop angry of Jafar out to kill Aladdin of course its not as funny. But i dont care its bound to happen eventually if Disney didnt make it in a empty air Jafar will be found and released and he would without our knowing kill Aladdin.

So to me IDC if its not like the O or not i love it its more about Iago and funny things and gets deep dark a little totally underrated. Again i love Iago so he saves the day so whatever. HAte a good good movie like this i for sure have a open mind not picky 1 sideed view. Others will say NO ROBIN WILLIAMS I know he is better by farrrrrrrrrr sure. I agree but on the whole its a magical aspect of Aladdin that had to be made and i for once really love it and for once Iago is a hero! So 10/10 i love it evne if you hate it.
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I Love Anything with Aladdin if anyone hates it their werid.
26 September 2018
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REturn of Jafar is better but still a B+ movie its like what more do you all want? It has action, he finds out about his dad, i mean don't you always wondered, and plus find out if he loves his son as much as $. IT has great color, animation got Williams back, i mean what is not good? I miss the Jafar i love them battling but great end to #2 which is better yes but its awesome i mean its like even if somethings good and great color Aladdin got williams, back etc its like its still not good enough for a higher grade but stupid movies they get A and B's from you all, its still Aladdin and that just its in a different light i mean come on.
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Thor: Hammer of the Gods (2009 TV Movie)
A real review from a person that sees more than others in movie reviews.
19 June 2018
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Yes there is no big battle of a big giant Thor, he keeps seeing in his dreams. But my brother 34 didnt really like it, but i saw it for what it was. What others mostly don't see. Zachery Ty Bryan, a great actor, who barely gets movie time, as other IMO actors that have NO talent and horrible personality. Like James i call him from King of Queens,terrible actor , Mel Gibson only one i can stand him is Mad Max, Nicholas Gayge i mean Cage. Tom Cruise terrible. IMO But here is a guy that his face and skill us underrated, i loved this movie dispite the hate, usually i like some movies most give terrible reviews. I see some differently not a picky guy, but if their bad, their bad.

But as start there is some cool vikings. Thor, (Bryan) sees visions of a buge man with a Hammer Of the Gods, his brother Baldur or so spelled he is awesome he reminds me of someone from Lord of Rings or the Hobbitt. Hes a cool leader and cool personality. They fight half human/ half wolf some are cool showing of the werewolves and some is still better than alot i seen. But either way they battle and it so so tricks you of the people in a shed that acts like they never did anything but eat bugs etc. But the truth is they are werewolves too and the woman in it is really bad. The mid age brother itake it dies killing some of the wolves., from a bridge.

Thor fights his older brother a couple times and the wolves again are decently cool, its not boring to me it has fighting wolves one wolfman, devours a guys arm being loyal to Thor from giving any infro the other kidnap viking blabs and his devoured.

Many hate this movie, but i see a cooler version of any other i saw especially the latest of the thors their .. well boring to me. This had action fighting cool vikings and were wolfs of a sort through part man, looked good the newest was very boring to me. Just Thor getting kicked out, goes to earth, tries to hit on a woman keeps thinking hes beyond powerful kinda of a jerk, to be honest, sneaks around a miltary base, tries to grab the hammer cant. Then feds are after him .. *Yawns* This had wolves them trying to fight them battle them (BRYAN!!!!!!!!!) of course. Just really hated for no real reason. I Love it and thats my story, and i am sticking to it....
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The Big Green (1995)
This is a good movie i don't know why so low at least a 7 or 6 1/2
12 June 2018
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This movie is funny, cool and about showing a lower school , if have the ability to learn and keep trying they can do anything. Got Patrick O'Renna, and Steve Guttenburg to me this is a good movie.. Sadly most good movies are usually low and dumb movies, with no real good cast or idea get high ratings, but it deserves better. I have VHS of it but i can't wait for a DVD or so of it. 7/10
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The Hole (2009)
THis movie is awesome it dont have to always be blood guts etc, to be awesome.
15 May 2018
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Got a brother that is angry and dont like to do stuff with his younger brother. Mom is trying hard to make it in a new home with her job. THe older brother loves this girl next door. Eventually the brothers argue and stuff and stumble across this floorboard trap door hole .

They try to throw things down there but there is no bottom. The girl next door once younger brother tries to say hi that his brother likes her he comes out all mad, and eventually they show her the hole. TO each they have a fear. The girls fear is the death of her friend at a young age i take it falling off a rollercoater. She haunts her and she has to face it.

The younger brother kinda of like me dont like clowns so a the movie DOLLS jester clown is chasing him very well down it reminds me of the awesome movie DOLLS then he has to face it as well.

THe older brother finds out trying to save his younger brother is afraid of their dad that was or is in prison. HE has a scene facing his dad in the hole itself. Once out the hole is a normal hole, until they ask the mother what she is afraid of and soon the hole is reborn again and starts smoking!

ALso a old man that lived there told them why did you open it soon his lights go out and he is gone.. i love it dispite haters i like Joe Dante, my fav movie gremlins is my fav so i love it. i also bought it.
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Under the Bed (I) (2012)
Why people hate the good movies not the overselling nonsense ones i dont get
15 May 2018
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While people are VERY and i mean VERY picky on horror. Just like the movie hole which i saw it for 20 mins and i went and bought it at walmart! This i want too, for most movies i am a little picky in sense of types of horror i like, many i not into like serial killers, just like some nutjob goes out and kills people, they may live at end creating a sequel its like yeah yeah.... Boring .

Take this movie, got a kid that to me anyway looks like a 19 year old version of Ponyboy from The Outsiders if look in the face and Ponyboys face when blonde hair and talking about nothing stays gold. Really looks very simular, through not him at all. Two brothers tormented by a creature under the bed, the fog, the creepy arms grabbing him at times, their in their face when trying to sleep. Afraid it will get them. The killing scenes are so awesome the head breaking of the one kid through not sure if the rest died, i think the girl said they did.

The angry, bitter, but still love him dad burning like in acid, and the way the head was ripping out. They know if they told them or so the parents or people wouldn't believe them.

Add that and the grabbing the slow but steady of them trying to kill the thing, figure out what it is, or any signs of stopping it. While doing best to endure the mindset that their dad and their step mom thinks their nuts. The laundry room scene was cool the way it shows up in the dark. TO me thats cool and the Hole was fun, great cast funny, clever so its like it but to a different direction.

I don't know about you but i like movies a little unique and slows it down but also same time, keeps it steady with it. I understood it all, just somethings like how does it get out of the bed if it never had before. That and why is it only picking on the two boys, and never went after them before, but i just say oh well a few questions but still a great movie, and i will buy it and i only like to buy movies i like. I saw 20 mins of hole i loved it i bought it took a risk on the ending. I like this soon id get it. 8/10
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I am not like other people at all.
6 April 2018
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This was really creepy, yes storyline was confusing many times. But it had a very scary doll. To me it was around a B like the Annabelle Creation grade. I dont see how a doll with that creepy okward big eyed werid mouth cant be scary. The way it shows up out of the blue, the way its eyes turned white. The witch, it makes it at the end like itcan be some sequel coming up what i hate or had a problem with is it gets confusing really bad i didint understand much. What was happening some, but i was enjoying the awesome creepyiness that it was.

But i know most people anymore are very,very picky on what they like in horror. Even some dumb movies that gave effort most hate. But i love the freakiness of the doll here, its a freaked up doll. But what happened to the mary woman if she was the main character all along? But how it ends but kills the cool jerk guy, and probably the girl that was with him. Most horror dont most like the stupid BLairwitch or the dumb movie I HATE VVITCH or WITCH that was messed up and confusing and cant understand most the words in it even on 100 on the big screen still cant understand it. THE boy people love really? They hate this. At least it had a scary doll, some spooky scenes effort. The storyline was alover but i really love this movie. Otherscan spit alover it, but the doll is creepy if it was real and that it be great if it was in peoples house. See for themselves. But i love this movie dispite what people say.

ALl i know is i love this movie. Spooky okward storyline but great spooky doll. I loved it i just i love it. I dont know i jsut i really like this movie. Doll is creepy as hell. Even spookier way spookier than the look of Annabelle it has the face a mother could love. lol
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The Howling (1981)
Howling 1 is the best werewolf movie ever dispite others hate on it.
25 March 2018
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Horror movies are very picky in hands of others. Why it makes it awesome? It has agood base, for 1. It has a news lady that is in a mission on a guy that has killed people. To meet at a booth, then ends up at a porn place. The guy is behind her durning filming nad starts changing she is so terrified. Can't remember, her at first loving man shes with is so understanding, she talks to some Doc guy to go to a little colony, everyone is pretty much nice, but has a spooky side. Vibe. Now the points.

1) The werewolves look awesome their on their hind legs, big jaws, the best looking i ever seen. NO joke.

2) Unlike other werewolf movies , you can see them changing in many times, their mouth moves out, and claws coming out, it looks like real effects on their face changing boiling looking the graphics look so real!

3) Great characters, and great story mode as in Example 1.

The way the colony changes has DIck Miller in it, the best person in it comes into save day. The music is freaky, the atmosphere is freaky, just everyone has something to complain about. I love werewolv movies, but none no matter if Dog Soliders or Howling 2 was not bad, and afew others i give a ok or 2nd best on comes close to this, it has everything spooky area, spooky music the werewolves changing so realistic unlike any i ever seeen ever. The way they look their big mouth, big ears. LOng legs, Others looked way more costume some were on it yes or could tell others it looked so real good. The best even if not liked like it should be. No werewolv movie is close to this. 10/10
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Tom and Huck (1995)
Gosh some pretty tough reviewers
26 December 2017
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It may not be exactly like the book but its really good movie. Jonathan Tayler Thomas really always looked to me as the real Tom Sawyer just something about him as TOm fits it to a T. Got some funny characters and Muff seems realistic to me believeable when hes about to die Injun Joe looks terrifying if was around him like hes some insane killer. The very look of him when hes like stick me i mean if a kid dang id be scared too.

Huck plays his part well makes him believeable there is other tom and sawyers that been out that follow the book this is just follows it some and makes ire ally good i dont know the down hate on it gesh there is real movies that are bad in every line. But this is fun cool and everyone i think fit it i have the movie and i love it.
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I Must be a rare person that kinda liked this movie.
27 November 2017
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While others downgrade this movie, as other movies i would agree to, depending on movie. I don't see why this movie is rated so low, when there is real stupid movies out there that really is bad, even through people don't accept their bad. Or one sided.

I do admit they need to kill more people in this movie, which the alligator didn't really kill many. I like Hodges, and his rookie. I even liked the blonde hair guy in it. To me compared to real stupid, movies many int he very old days, but did manage to build on the horror to make it grow into a big success than not being around at all, the real stupid movies of TROLL 2, RESIDENT EVIL extinction, which to me is a big abomination, THE BOY, WITCH <--- ANother what is this movie doing in it? i mean really! Those movies are terrible but people somehow looooove them ... i don't get them and id explain why to each if have to.

But was off subject. Here we got ALLIGATOR 2, not cheap this or cheap that and no dumb CGI how it is nowadays or the animated CGI bubbly garbage. Got a guy that kicks butt, a rookie that shows hes cool though he was anyhow. The MAyor which plays on Alf as the Psychiotrist or so spelled.The alligator to me was realistic cheap deaths somewhat but really fun and the characters to me was really into them. Those movies i mentioned are bad this isn't bad at all. Not great but not bad. The bad guy deserved to die, after killing Mayor and the high chief and he would be looked at anyhow if he didn't die.

And Hodges wife from the best Howling Movie the 1st one. The old guy lived which was a plus made many appearances or brief in Boy Meets World, Fresh Prince, all i know is the two guys i wanted to live lived, and well one died, but all in all solid good movie, if people want bad id eventually get more that are just plain ... Bbbbbad. THis at least had a alligator it tried to kill a lot, not cheap or dumb looking the cast was watchable and good. Not see why that poor of a rating when real terrible ones like mentioned deserve a 0.
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The best Annabelle and top 5 best doll movie
7 November 2017
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Despite some peoples version or likes, come from a very select movies kind of guy and a person to tell it like it is or from a view point that is uniquely crafted in a different aspect as many would be. Depending on the person of course. I see things or ways of movies in the horror area. As many are very picky and stuff i have a little unique side.

To me you got this great movie. Many say in here the characters are lame or so, but to me what i saw is typical girls of all ages in here and they each act and be just like normal girls. As a guy who don't normally jump in a movie i admit i was glued to it very strongely and that is really good for i write horror for fun and and i was really glued to this movie, sucked into it in other words. I jumped a few little times, knowing what was coming but did anyway and didn't realize i did because i normally didn't happens when glued to much into it you become like trapped into it.

I liked the Linda girl and Janice a lot the Linda girl reminded me of the girl on SAnta Clause the Movie. They were the cooliest and main real characters in the movie. Somehow the creepy black face and the black hands and the creepiness of the doll and the way things happened in the background and just everything was done really good for me. Not a lot of movies interest me anymore its why i got 3 due to movie amount, for this time aroundi wanted to try out and i haven't seen a new movie in ages. So that says how lame many movies are, barely see any for a while that was remotely good, last time was the Hobbitt series.

Annabelle Creation .. and 2 i haven't seen yet i got today and 2 otehrs i think to Thursday. That is Cult of Chucky, and Charlotte. Hopefully thir worth the 2.99 to rent. But for this movie it was excellent i rarely don't give a movie a B as much anymore for not many deserve that high but i give Annabelle Creation a B- or B. SPOILER!!!!! The only part i didn't like is that Jancie turned to Annabelle and she was handicapped and was a good kid, didn't like that she was posseessed and i through she was the main kid. Didn't like that at all..

"But i loved this movie a lot 9/10
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Totally underrated.
17 October 2017
Jonathan Brandis i think is highly underrated and sadly died. He looks cool, a face hard to miss, just saying. I really like this movie and sad to always see movies that are soo cool, or interesting be so bad, its like it fits in there, with Resident Evil extinction and The 3rd chapter or some other Dumb movies that are really bad. This movie has cool flow to it either tied or 2nd to the first one its clearly got the near same people on it and has that same feel of the magical wonders of Fantasia and i don't see why its hated so much when there is real crap to hate. I love this movie and Rockbiter, and just its so cool and don't care if it drops down far i for me i love this movie, and if others cant see the greatiness in it then i done my best. Its not as bad or even bad as people say they just look to much into the 2nds compared to the firsts. Same as Jurrassic Park 2. That movie has more dinos, more action, more death, it even enters a CITY! I love it as or tied with the original. High exspectations i think really high.
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Still not as high rating as it should be.
17 October 2017
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To me it should be totally above 6.5 it has more action, more deaths, more of everything than the first through tied or this one is 1 point ahead of first one. IT has it all the times where the Raptors are jumping on the roofs is awesome, its not cheap looking just who cares if the girl is good at Gymastics or so spelled, its really good action and the men getting attacked by the Raptors in the field, it was really cool Jeff Goldbloom is awesome in this and just everything about it the way they attack the trailer and the way the T-REx started to attack the town i did a drawing of the 76 ball gas station part without dinosaur due to paper and hard to draw as a kid but did so well that my teacher wanted to keep it said the cars and everything looked the best he ever seen. The detail. It should be higher on the ratio, i love this movie even if others don't understand what i see. More deaths, more action more scares of the sounds of the stomping.

Just everything is so cool in this.
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What am i watching.
17 October 2017
To me it looks like the writers and directors were tripping on acid. When made this Falcor or so spelled what is he? I mean really? He looks like a dog, or a big anirexic or so spelled dog, tripped on acid, and in Zoobiezoo. I couldn't bare watching 10 mins of this, then i saw trailer and saw Falcor and was like what what what! They must be on acid, mushroom or psp. People trash the 2nd i love the 2nd one if or not better than the 1st. Jonathan Brandis i always liked that character. Sadly he died. But what the heck was this 3rd one. I mean really. Cheap or not, i mean wow. They were clearly on something.
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Trilogy of Terror II (1996 TV Movie)
This movie is far better than the stars give it credit.
12 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
From what is currently out in movies now, mostly repeats with CGI nonsense. Trilogy of Terror 1 and II are to me a A- of all movies. The Rat one to me had a great story, 2nd of the group of 3. The rats looked really creepy, the characters were very played out well, the woman got what she deserved, and heres another clicker. Since the hole is open, and not buried as others were, wouldn't the rats escape and maybe attack people in the world? Hmm.... makes you think? The rat scene is so cool, their nasty looking they look so real and creepy and freaky looking so, to me it was really great.

The boy one where he plays hide and seek and just is a little basic but still really good. IT makes you think a little bit if there was a reason Bobby died... Maybe the mother was not as nice as she claimed to be. Makes you think a little bit.

The last one where do start on this masterpiece, the whole doll scense are perfect i even claim these doll scenes the best of any doll movie i seen as in term of doll, its the most freakish, creepiest, the little fool is scary, he can kill a whole army, i never seen a creeper doll, and Chucky was, annabelle was and even through hated the ending Dead Silence dolls were freaky looking. Even FInders Keepers was decently freaky.

But the doll in he who kills is in deed the scariest looking. But Dolls the movie is the best over all doll movie. If the doll in this movie had its own it would be #1 doll movie, but since its a short it would but it has to go to the freakiest doll award. It would even be great if there was a Trilogy of Terror 3. The doll scenes are awesome the rats were really cool the holes open.

Dun dun dun.. here they come world, a pack of angry vicious huge rats..

Coming soon :) I write stories i wish i had the money i would. Make a sequel of this idea.
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