
18 Reviews
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Overated in my eyes.
19 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The stroy is amazing yes, tho feels like i saw it before. Nothing new here but the bus scene. I was rly exited to see marvel taking another direction but i was wrong.. If the movie had more moments like the bus scene it could have been an easy 10/10 for me but the potentioal was unfortunatly wasted.

Then all that CGI crap with that dragon and those rings was aight but like show me crazy fight scenes like the bus scene i just dont understand why every marvel movie as to include cgi. In most cases its great but not in this one, they could have sticked with the fighting formula and it would have been great. Other then that some funny moment but thats all i gotta say on this one.
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Suits: Scenic Route (2019)
Season 9, Episode 7
"I didnt think i could..until i did."
29 August 2021
This just hits diffrent.. what Harvey tries to tell here is that sometimes u just got to try things, sometimes those things might be a bit harsh and sometimes they can be extremly rough and even if u dont know if u are able go through it, u just have to keep on going. I was in an accident not long ago and i know an accident is not the best example here but i started working out 3 years ago, but working out for me is my passion and my most loved thing of all, this accident put me in a state where i could barely workout at all. I was in a place where i just didnt know if i could have kept on going not only phisically but mentally and even the days where i could barely walk for more then 30 minutes.. i eventually did, and this is what our dear Harvey tries to say here. Sometimes u just got to suck up your pride and let go of the anger and the pain u endure in orser for you to go through lifes hardest challenges.
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Suits: Coral Gables (2018)
Season 8, Episode 8
Maybe the best this season offered so far..
23 August 2021
Amazing episode.. i wouldnt say i was a victim of being bullied but i still had rough times in elementery school. So that kinda hit when Louis showed us how he was treated back then. I still miss mike but this show is way to good to even let a half stsr go away.
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Suits: Good-Bye (2018)
Season 7, Episode 16
It was great
17 August 2021
I get why you may complain and this episode being too much for one episode, but some how this episode got me nin my feelings and i can give it less then 10. Im not even goin to ignore the fact that im not thinking logicly but this episode deserves it and i dont even care if i get 100 dislikes on this review. Still worth it.q.
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Suits: Hard Truths (2018)
Season 7, Episode 11
Its just perfect.
11 August 2021
I really dont understand why there are complains in the reviews, the show gets better and better yet some of yall are stuck on the stuff that no ones noticed. Just watch the show and enjoy it.
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Gemini Man (2019)
Ok movie
22 November 2019
Not that bad its aight not a must watch, u should pb wait for it to come on the tv.
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Death Note (2015)
a great live action! liked it alot
11 November 2019
They changed alot tho like alot some of the changes made me happy and some not that much, im not gonna spoil anyone but if u liked the anime then i think u should rly consider watching this one.
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This movie did put a smile on my face.
11 October 2019
Through out the all movie i was happy and amazed and this is a rly nice way to show the faith of jesse pinkman. Im traying to put in words what was my expirience but beside saying im happy i have nothing else to say cus u gotta watch it to understand what im talking about, so grab a popcorn and watch it, enjoy it and be open minded ofc.
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Fractured (I) (2019)
Didnt expect it to be so twisted!
11 October 2019
My mind was blown away by how the movie turned out and that ending which leaves u with so many questions and the great acting by sam made that movie so good its a most watch!
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Anna (II) (2019)
Cillian Murphy.
24 September 2019
Is there anything else i should say? I dont mean to sound like a fan boy but if not him id give this movie a 7, every scene with him was awsome and i am thankful that i live in a generation where Cillian Murphy is doing is work. Ofc the action is setisfying and the plot is rly good and great cast as well but Cillian is the goat!!
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Peaky Blinders: Mr. Jones (2019)
Season 5, Episode 6
23 September 2019
All of the scenes in each episode, they were so well putted togheter and they've added some amazing actors to the cast and the production is so much better then last seasons which made this season even 10x better then last time. and i rly have to say that i am very suprised and upset that pepole actually didnt like this season or saying its not as good as last seasons like are u rly watching the same show that ive watched?? I just rly liked the new direction they were going with and i have 0 complaints for this season. Dont listen to those pepole who hate, they just dont seem to be the open minded kind, id say just watch the show and enjoy it without thinking about the negetive reviews like someone gave this episode a 4/10 like how?? This was so amazing like every freaking bit of it. As i said best season so far and i cant wait for season 6!
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I liked that one.
19 September 2019
Througout the movie i was rly entretained and i have almost no complains for this movie beside that the plot was kinda obvious but rly liked that one not a most watch but watch it if u rly into action movies!
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Peaky Blinders: The Shock (2019)
Season 5, Episode 5
this was amazing.
16 September 2019
Even for a sec when i thought that the episode gets boring NOPE nothing is boring this episode is the best yet and ive enjoyed it so much like every part is so intense and interesting u are so invested into the story and u just cant stop. and the action in that one was the best!! just watch it.
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Dragon Ball GT (1996–1997)
i tried to watch to start to end yet couldnt.
22 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I think it started off interesting and then all the episodes begone to feel filler so started watching like 1 or 2 episode a day and i just couldnt finish it i think i got to episode 28 and i just couldnt continue but iv ewatched some parts at yt and where vegeta turns ssj4 and the crazy gogeta fusion but i couldnt get to that episodes cus it lacked so much interest so ill give it a 6 cus he parts ive seen on yt are amazing.
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Breaking Bad: Fly (2010)
Season 3, Episode 10
kinda filler episode yet entertaining
10 August 2019
Actually was having a bit of laughter and fun watching that but still was a bit bored at the same time, i think it does put on a good example on who the characters are but still felt kinda filler as they pb didnt had anything planned so they just made a filler one. giving it 8 cus its still rly good.
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28 July 2019
I just keep on rewatching it every year 2 times at least and it jus dosent get old its so well preformed and so well directed i enjoyed every bit of it and if any of u didnt watch it yet then damn u need to witness it!!
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probably the best Si-Fi out there!!
22 July 2019
I just cant seem to stop watching that film at least 5 times a year this is one of the best movies ive ever witnessed i just loved every part of it!!!
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Venom (2018)
this is very enjoyable and i think the sequal will be even better the this!
22 July 2019
Although the movie is rly good i think the sequal will do better then this and not cut 30-40m of the movie like this one did. i mean if the movie did contain all the 30-40m cut i think it would have been like 9/10 but even without the 30-40m i still enjoyed it very much and i give this one a 10/10.
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