
13 Reviews
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Diesel? Really?
16 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A, I'm guessing, tough monologue from our man about going through the extra trouble to get diesel instead of regular gas to pour over someone because "it burns slower". Which for some reason is supposed to be scarier than a quick burning fuel. Him not realizing that diesel fluid won't ignite with a simple lighter or a burning cigar and regular gas would have been a much better choice if you're going to set someone on fire because it evaporates much easier. It is not the liquid fuel that ignites but the vapours being released as the fuel evaporates. So basically the victim could have just spat out the cigar into the bathtub full of diesel and the cigar would have gone out as if it had been dropped in water. Now, it could have been that our man is new to the burning people business and doesn't know these simple facts, for which he could be forgiven. But somehow the diesel doesn't only ignite, it also causes a major explosion, a remarkable feat considering how slowly diesel evaporates at room temperature and how long its vapours will sub-sequentially take to reach the LEL (Lower Explosion Level) concentration, especially in a bathroom with some big bloody holes in the walls that cause extra ventilation. This is when I knew it wasn't due to any lack of experience from our man but simply a bad movie and I'd be better of doing something else than watching this movie. My suggestion is that you do the same unless you have 2,5 hours to waste.
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Sniper: Assassin's End (2020 Video)
16 June 2020
Damn, I love the Sniper-series and that love is pretty much what made me sit through these 90 minutes of utter drivel. So sad to see such a good franchise be turned into such a waste of time, effort, money and of my attention. A plot that is pretty much non-existent, actors clearly having trouble trying to make something out of nothing, shooting scenes that make you wonder why they didn't hire an advisor since they clearly haven't got a clue what they're doing. If you want to know how to get caught in a cross fire just have a look at the Russian "kill team" intercepting the prisoner transfer....what a joke that scene is. Overall long unnecessary scenes about nothing taking forever.... All in all a missed opportunity and a complete waste of time, both when it was being made and when it is being watched. Don't bother seeing this unless you're an aspiring director and you want to take notes on how not to do it.
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A little Indie gem
13 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A tasty cocktail of sci-fi, romance and comedy mixed for you by Jeremy LaLonde and seemingly effortlessly delivered to you by Jonas Chernick, Daniel Stern and Cleopatra (what a name) Coleman. And of course Tommie-Amber Pirie who, just like Jonas, starred in LaLonde's How to Plan an Orgy in a Small Town. The movie is a little gem about love, life and time travel (and Schrödinger's cat). It is well edited and Jonas, Daniel and Cleopatra treat us to an excellent performance balancing perfectly on that thin line between a love story and a comedy. But what most impressed me is that this movie deals with the Grandfather Paradoxand comes up with some nice solutions for it. This paradox basically states that if you go back to a point in time before your grandfather met your grandmother and then kill him your mother will never be born an thus you will never exist. And if you never exist then who killed your grandfather? Most movies involving time travel completely ignore this paradox, like in the Terminator where Arnie gets send back to kill Connor, the future leader of the resistance. However, if Arnie was to succeed to kill Connor he would never be the future leader of the resistance so there would never have been a reason for Arnie to be send back to kill him in the first place. This movie not only deals with this paradox, it actually presents it to us (the entire universe could cease to exist) and comes up with the solution of James-from-the-future having to disappear if his actions lead to his life being better and him not having any reason to come back in the first place. So 7/10 for the movie itself and an extra 1/10 for taking care of the Grandfather Paradox.
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Sci-fi or fantasy
10 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a Christian movie that could be considered to be sci-fi, based on the fact that time travel plays a big role in it and time travel is not (yet) possible. Based on these two features and not being religious myself I'd call it a fantasy. It's an okay movie with some decent acting and reasonable camera work and editing. I'm guessing that it won all those awards it brags about in the Christian movie scene and not in some of the more renowned competitions like the Oscars as it's not that good. The story is not that original, the terminator was send back to kill Connor so the resistance would never happen and this is basically the same idea only projected on to Jesus and Christianity. And, as with most time travel flics, it makes me think of the so called grandfather paradox. Simplified this paradox states that if I go back in time and kill my mother before I was conceived then how can I exist and kill my mother in the first place? And then who killed my mother? The same applies here. If going back in time and killing Jesus would prevent Christianity from existing then Christianity would never have existed and they wouldn't have had a reason to go back in time to kill Jesus in the first place. Or if the terminator would have been able to kill Connor and this would have prevented the resistance from becoming a threat then there never would have been a reason to send Arni back in the first place.
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Hitmen (2020–2021)
27 March 2020
8 minutes with a lot of effort but then I had to bail. This is not funny. This is so not funny it actually hurts. Don't bother and go find something more worthwhile to paint drying for instance.
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A breath of fresh air
15 February 2020
Not expecting too much from this I really got surprised. This spy movie with a wink is fun to watch and something different from what we usually get served up by the big Hollywood productions. The special effects are brilliant. someone really got their hands dirty on those (I know how difficult plastic glue is to get off). A movie that'll make you laugh, unless your sense of humour has packed its bags and gone off on a spontaneous trip to, let's say, Kathmandu. So don't hesitate, grab yourself a domestic beer and sit back and enjoy, it's really worth the watch.
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The Gentlemen (2019)
11 February 2020
And don't believe anyone telling you it's not. Don't worry about the bad reviews people give it, they either didn't watch it or didn't get it. Just sit back and enjoy, I know I did, this is Guy Ritchie at his best with a cast that leaves nothing to be desired. A solid 10 out of 10.
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17 January 2020
Disturbingly bad. Don't bother, find something better to do like watching paint dry.
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Eternal Code (2019)
A good waste of time
24 December 2019
For an obviously low budget movie I found this to be quite enjoyable to watch and I really don't understand all the low ratings here. It's as if some kind of smear campaign has been mounted against this movie. On the other side we see some 10/10 ratings on here that are a bit optimistic, maybe trying to compensate for the absurd low ratings. IMHO the acting is pretty decent, all the lead actors perform well and manage to convey their personalities with enough depth to be convincing. Some of the support cast could have done better as there was some under- or overacting from time to time which sometimes broke the spell of the movie. The camera work doesn't leave much to be desired, considering this is a low budget movie, but could have had a better angle in certain scenes. The only thing that really has some holes is the script but nothing major that takes any credibility away from the story overall (other than it being a sci-fi action flic). With a nice twist at the end. So, a reasonably original story with a good overall performance. Decent enough acting and well enough edited to keep you engaged for the duration. Not at the level of a Hollywood blockbuster but good enough to be considered a low budget Indy cracker and something I'd recommend watching, it's a good waste of time.
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Maybe as a book?
19 December 2019
The story does leave (quite) a bit to be desired and the editing could have been a lot better which started me skipping through the film after about 35 minutes. I tried to pretend I was watching a 70's sci-fi but that didn't help. I understand that some people worked hard to get this movie made and I understand the difficulties they had to overcome and I like the concept of the story but the end result is just not watchable nor believable. Maybe rewrite the script into a book (after some necessary changes to the story)?
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6 Underground (2019)
A waste of ... everything
14 December 2019
That was disappointing. And I wasn't expecting much to begin with. I know this is a Bale movie so I knew it was going to be a sequence of action-packed scenes with some underdeveloped dialogue in between and a story line so thin you couldn't even dry your laundry on it. Which would have been fine because that's what I came for, an entertaining lazy watch. What I didn't expect was badly cut scenes up to a point where they don't make sense any more and you loose track of what is happening. Neither did I expect the bad acting, it's like the actors only read their script the night before shooting a scene and it completely takes away any emotion, any bond you might have with their personage as they remain flat and two-dimensional. Even the typical Ryan Reynolds' humour often seems out of place and he just doesn't seem to have put his heart in it. This could have been a good action flick, it has the right director and the right lead for it but it turned out a waste of time, money, energy and a basically good action script. Bale, Reynolds and Netflix could, and should, have done better, much much better.
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Cosmos (I) (2019)
Quite mature for a low-budget movie
2 December 2019
The reviews here made me doubt about watching Cosmos but I'm glad that I did. Sure, it's a bit slow at times but then again it's not the kind of movie that asks for a high paced action packed script. Yeah, the acting and character building could be better but overall I thought they did pretty good. You could feel the underlying tension from the beginning and I like how you get put on the wrong track (intentional or not) about its source with a couple of scenes that suggest there could be a gay theme to it. Their true story slowly unfolds and offers a useful backup to the main story line. Some scenes could have been shorter, the music was a bit over-dramatic but all 'n all a pretty good watch, a rather original story and sound acting with (for me) enough depth to make the whole believable and enjoyable. Definitely not a waste of time or space.
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Reprisal (I) (2018)
25 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
That hurt. Bruce, what has gotten into you? The need for some quick cash I suppose. There's some serious bad acting going on in this movie and Bruce does his fair share too. The story is so full of holes you'll have to work hard trying to figure out why (and how) things are happening the way they are. The "special" effects will leave you wondering too. I am particularly baffled by the scene at the end when Bruce shoots the bad guy and he falls over the railing of the bridge. You see him falling over it and when he disappears out of sight there is a cloud of dust, as if to show the body hitting the ground. But in the next shot, the guy is lying dead on some stone pavement that split his head open. So where did that cloud of dust come from? Now, I could continue pointing out all other fails but I just wasted a lot of precious time giving this movie a chance and I do have other things to do. I felt I had to write this review to protect you from this disappointment. So my advice is for you not to waste your precious time and go do something else than watch this movie. 1 out of 10 (and that's me being kind)
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