
12 Reviews
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Bupkis (2023)
Nice Surprise Show! Keeps you in the "binge" and satisfied! Hope for more!
7 May 2023
I've always liked this dude. People either hate him for unknown reasons, or they like him and the entertainment he brings. Or you're a girl...any girl...just hoping one day you'll have your shot.

"Bupkis" hit me by surprise as I had heard NOTHING about it until seeing the trailer the day it dropped. I was so stoked that it was available in full immediately because I couldn't wait to see it!

GREAT casting, amazing cameos, and some stories that may or may not be accurate - possibly similar to private things Pete has actually gone through. He usually keeps to himself, doesn't look for the spotlight and honestly doesn't seem to enjoy being in it. But his life went in this direction when he was young and he knew he had to go for it. I think he's gone through some tough times and seems to be in a good headspace at this point.

Happy to know that, especially if any of these stories are close to the truth.

I can't say too much about this show without spoiling some hilarious and great moments... just watch it. If you're reading this, you're curious enough, so just DO IT! 8 episodes under 30 min each, you've got the Bupkis. You weren't gonna clean today anyway...
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RWD (2015)
Don't Be Swayed by the 1 Star Reviews...
18 March 2023
I thought this movie was great. You can tell a few of these low scores didn't even watch the movie beyond the first 20 minutes or so. Like the "you never actually see the ghosts" guy who clearly "never actually saw 3/4 of the movie".

I've seen this a few times because it left me wanting to rewatch it. I don't want to check the box that turns this into a spoiler review, so I'm not going to elaborate - I just felt I had to say something to those who haven't watched it yet and are here reading reviews to decide if they want to or not.

If you like horror, found footage, and time loop movies....give this one a full viewing. The budget was never on my mind while watching it, but clearly it had a low one and it didn't affect what truly matters, the creativity.
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As An 80's Kid...I Really Enjoyed This
7 December 2021
I think about the movies we all watch every year, those "Christmas Classics" - Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Story, Scrooged (this is too often forgotten), All of the cartoon specials from Charlie Brown to Garfield, and of course "Die Hard"

I think "8-Bit Christmas" aimed for that kind of feel good Christmas Movie that the family will enjoy, whether it be the kids or the parents, and they pulled it off. We really haven't gotten many "new" Christmas movies over the years, so this was nice to see.

Give it a chance, It's a nice story told by Neal Patrick Harris about his childhood (well, his character's, obviously) and I think most will get that "feel good story" out of it. If not....well, there's always the Grinch.
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Dave: Dave (2021)
Season 2, Episode 10
Incredible Finale...
4 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was already tearing up seeing GaTa looking at the stage tearing up himself...then the song starts with the unexpected and i broke down with tears of joy...they pack so much emotion into the show in general, but they supercharged the heart in the last few minutes, the change in the tune thankfully helped me dry up. I've watched the entire series 3 times since this episode ended and it's just brilliant. I've never seen a comedy with this much emotion that just nails it flawlessly.

I can't wait for season will likely be a little longer since LD is working on an album first...but I'm sure they'll pick this up for more and I am excited to see the next phase of the story. Got a real gem here with the perfect cast.

"Chuck...the gum!"
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Dreamcatcher (2021)
Don't Get Baited by the Mask...
22 August 2021
I watched Dreamcatcher tonight on a different app, one that gives a brief description and shows what I thought was the IMDb score...but I was wrong. It said 6.0 and right now this has a 2.6. I should have come here first like I usually do.

Directly after watching this, I was browsing my stuff on Hulu trying to find something good to watch after this monstrosity, and there I ran into this movie again - and forgot I had started watching it there months earlier and turned it off a little passed half way (where it is still paused)...which I usually don't do no matter how bad a flick is. I'll typically see it through...but I gave up on this one previously before seeing it all tonight. I had apparently blocked that memory? I've watched some really bad horror stuff...when you pick a bad random horror movie and just let "tubi" auto-play from there, you're sure to see some crappy movies. Some with charm, some just bad.

Dreamcatcher was a special kind of bad, though. It barely told a story that could be followed. I initially rewound the first 25 minutes after the "agent" and the group of people were talking because I truly had no idea what the conversation was about. She was offering to pay them for what was either a bribe to shut up, or to work at a party the next day. I still don't know.

The electronic music barely ever stops once it starts and that was just brutal. I understand the movie is at a music fest but it was just way too present. I had to set tv audio to an enhanced volume option for speech and turned on closed captioning.

At this point it's pretty clear I was dialed in to this movie. I gave it an honest shot this time and watched the whole movie...I have spent way too much time trying with Dreamcatcher. I felt the need to at least let others know...but it looks like everyone else here has done the same and tried to warn others. I regret not looking here first and will learn from that mistake.

One of the other reviews here talks about being annoyed with one of the characters saying "magma cum LAWD" and pronouncing "laude" wrong and basically calling the actress stupid for "never hearing that before". Yet this reviewer said "MAGMA" instead of "magna"...which made me laugh. Complaining about someone else then making just as dumb of an error when trying to flex their own intelligence. That was more entertaining than the movie.
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Dave: Hype Man (2020)
Season 1, Episode 5
So Much Heart Between the Humor...
18 August 2021
Seriously, this show has been nothing short of incredible in general, and this episode was so emotionally charged, I'm not ashamed to admit I was shedding more tears than GaTa by the end of the episode (season 2 finale had GaTa tugging at my heart strings and tearing up again!). He's just such a real and likable dude from the moment he shows up...

The writing on this show is consistently hilarious and heartfelt, and I can't think of any other comedy show that has done this consistently. There's always the couple moments where good sitcoms might get real and emotional during their run.

DAVE somehow does this every episode. I laughed through season 1 week after week when it aired. Then I rewatched it last week back to back all night and it was a totally different, the first time I was too busy laughing to catch all the emotion and heart.

Like others, I'm not here to spoil anything - just to give praise to GaTa for doing this episode. It may have been acting, but stems from a lot of truth about his past and himself. This was GaTa telling his story, and if you didn't already have love for GaTa, you will...

Dave asked him if they could write this episode and actually reveal some extremely personal, serious, and emotional stuff about himself that wasn't info he shared with many...and it sounds like he was understandably hesitant - it was truly a brave move. I've watched and read interviews about him lately and while he's phenomenal on the show...he's playing himself and doing it well. He seems just as witty, hilarious, and real in his life...

I've already rewatched both seasons and I will likely watch them again soon. I can't wait for more of GaTa and more of everyone else....just more of this show ASAP!
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O Big Brody, Where Art Thou?
4 May 2021
I caught the first "Water" streaming on Tubi sometime in late 2020. I have a habit of picking a movie and then just letting Tubi roll with horror movies I've never seen or heard of for hours. I've caught some gems, and I've seen a lot of horrible horror movies. Occasionally something like "Water" comes along and I end up intrigued and researching the movie further right here on iMBD.

"Water" left me confused, and totally intrigued. Particularly by the character played by "Big Brody". With a 1.7 out of 10 rating (May 2021), I can't say that "Water" was a good movie. What I can say is that "Big Brody" cracked me up and made it enjoyable. Even though his screen time was probably only a few minutes combined throughout.

While looking at the IMDb page for "Water", what was most surprising to see is that there was a sequel coming. It said "Coming Soon" with no additional info, so I honestly did not expect it to ever come out.

Well, it of April 2021, "Water 2: The Cleansing" DOES exist and it's available to stream right now on Tubi. It STILL says "Coming Soon" here with not much information. My review here mostly focused on "Water", but I have watched "Water 2" twice actually. I am giving it a 5 out of 10 as I am the first and only review at this point and I don't want to tilt the scale either way.

It is a sequel to "Water".

Big Brody is unfortunately not in it.

"And...That's all I have to say...about that"
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Alone (XXI) (2020)
Tyler Posey Nails it with a Mostly Solo Role in "Alone"
23 March 2021
I enjoyed this movie from beginning to end. It held my interest and kept me watching since there wasn't a TON of dialogue at times. So "no phones" here.

What impressed me most was Tyler Posey really nailing the emotion and doing most of this movie alone (pun intended). Always knew he was a good actor from Scream and Teen Wolf, but haven't seen him since and this was a real eye opener as far as his potential as an actor.

Sometimes the long running shows end up typecasting these younger actors and they rarely surface again later on. I hope this was a start to seeing more from this dude...he's got talent.
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The Twilight Zone: Meet in the Middle (2020)
Season 2, Episode 1
Excellent Intro to Season 2!
3 July 2020
This episode was great! For a moment I felt like I was watching "her." but it turned into a great episode. Very well acted by Jimmi Simpson. He carried the episode on his own for almost the full hour with minimal physical interactions, mostly speaking to the voice in his head while being the only one on screen. He kept it interesting from start to finish showing all of the emotions that came along with the story and the conversation he was having along. I've always been impressed by his characters in television and movies for the last 20 years or so. It was cool to see him in the spotlight for a change!

As for Twilight Zone, I'm looking forward to more of Season 2 after this excellent intro into Season 2! I enjoyed the first season for the most part and I'm sure this one will be enjoyable. I'm glad the episodes came out together instead of needing to wait for them week to week. I didn't mind it with Season 1...but it just isn't necessary when dealing with a paid "on demand" subscription app. Almost feels wrong to NOT release them together and available "On Demand"...especially when those words are right in the services name! Ha
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XX (2017)
19 June 2019
I've been on a horror anthology kick lately...I like when the short movies come together - these did not - but that's ok too. The disappointing part was that all 4 of the stories were just boring and predictable. I won't go into detail, but it's sad that the stop motion animation with the creepy doll faced house that starts the movie and pops in between each story was more entertaining than any of the stories were. Just really bland, predictable, and for the most part "lacking something"...I dunno, give it a chance, maybe you'll enjoy it, but I was hoping after each one that the next one would be I'm just hoping the next movie I watch is better because this wasted "prime movie watching time".
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Ash vs Evil Dead (2015–2018)
This Show Has Been EXCELLENT!
24 November 2015
Being an Evil Dead fan, I was excited for this show before it aired...but now, 4 episodes in, it has been so much better than I ever expected and week after week, I find myself eagerly anticipating the next episode.

And don't worry if you're not familiar with the Evil Dead movies, you definitely do not need to remember them vividly or even have seen them to enjoy this show. Conveniently, they brief the viewer on the Evil Dead story in episode 1 as Ash tells his co-worker, Pablo (AKA the kid DeNiro accused Focker of having with the family's housekeeper in Meet the Fockers), so you'll know everything you need to know before the show even takes off and can enjoy it no matter what your history with the Evil Dead franchise has been.

It's perfectly executed as a "30 years later" story and I love the direction it is going. Also glad that it is a TV show and not a movie because that leaves room for so much more to happen. I watched several seasons of "Burn Notice" and was a big fan of Bruce Campbell's character, Sam, from that show. He was just such a likable guy, just like Bruce has always seemed. To me, Ash in this show has been a combination of the wit and charm of Sam from "Burn Notice" and of course the Ashley J Williams we have known from the Evil Dead movies...and it makes for the perfect lead.

No spoilers here, just general plot points. As I already mentioned, the show takes place 30 years after the events of Evil Dead. Ash now seems to live a fairly normal/simple life, working at a hardware store, living in a trailer park and is friendly with everyone. He is single but seemingly leading a happy regular middle aged guy life...then, the "poop" hits the fan and the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis returns to "Finish What He Started".

My only complaint is that the show is only a half hour long because every time an episode ends, I am thirsty for more!! Especially the way episode 4 ended. Can't wait until next week! But, that's how GOOD TV shows are supposed to make you feel. Thankfully I grew up needing to wait a week to see the continuance of a television program. Nowadays, this generation is more into binge watching entire seasons at once. I have some friends who won't even start watching a show until after it's over so they can watch them all in a row. I like having a few that I watch weekly/regularly and think about during the interim. It's more exciting having to be patient...I guess...

Definitely looking forward to the rest of this season, and glad that there is already a season 2 happening! Yes, Starz renewed the show for a Season 2, three days before episode 1 even aired. You know when that type of thing happens, that you've got a good one (also happened with Better Call Saul). Enjoy!
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College (2008)
A Review of the Fake Reviews and My Real One...
25 September 2008
It's already been mentioned, but I'd just like to reiterate that every one of those initial reviews is fake. They are from someone that just signed up an IMDb account and just happened to see a "prescreening" of College and went way in depth about the plot, used the word "raunchy" quite a bit, used a lot of the actors names, used parenthesis often, and gave 9 and 10 star reviews along with saying it's better than Superbad and other hit "buddy comedies" and school movies. Most of those reviews came from the same person, it's clear from the writing style.

DEFINITELY street teamers, studio promoters, or who knows..maybe even the writers themselves - this was, after all, their first screenplay. That sort of promotion is just cheesy...definitely NOT the way to get a good rep.

Anyway, I saw the movie earlier tonight, at home...a DVD rip surfaced like a week after it hit theaters which is a pretty clear sign of how well it did. They probably had that planted too so that people might actually see the movie.

It's not TERRIBLE, it doesn't deserve the 1 star reviews it's getting...but its also nothing original by any means and it's DEFINITELY not as good as those first reviews claim it is (another sign that they are fake). Just a bunch of stolen ideas from successful movies all put together to make one mediocre film. Even the intro with the names showing up in different scenes rather than text credits - we've seen that before...Napoleon Dynamite? Sure, it's a cool way to do credits, but that alone set the tone of unoriginality that kept up through the whole movie.

I knew from the trailer where they compared it to American Pie, Road Trip, Animal House, Fast Times at Ridgemont High etc - that it was doomed. They were calling it "that" movie of "this" generation. Those movies became the classic hits that they are because they were solid movies of those particular generations that earned their respect and recognition after the movies came out for being good movies. You don't just make a movie and compare it to movies like those, that's ballsy. You don't see Sci-fi movies come out giving off the message that the movie is better than and comparable to "Star Wars" before anyones even seen it....

They also did no press screenings for critic reviews before this came out - why? Because there was NO WAY it would get any positive press, that was a smart move, but it doesn't justify creating such a fake, undeserved buzz with these glorified fake reviews all over the internet. Give the real audience a chance to share their thoughts first.

If you haven't seen this movie - don't go out of your way to, but if it crosses your path, give it a watch with low expectations and you'll get a few laughs out of it. It's not better than any of the movies that it's claiming to top....but it's not the worst movie I've ever seen, either.
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