
5 Reviews
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All around horrible
26 March 2019
An unsuccessful attempt to over use CGI to save a bad story, questionable actors and the over-used theme of "war... bad". The PC police probably gave it 10 thumps up, the rest of us are trying to get the vomit taste out of our mouths.
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Designated Survivor (2016–2019)
The only thing missing is a Bobby Ewing "dream revelation".
14 November 2018
I viewed the 1st & 2nd seasons - 43 episodes. This show had such huge potential (S1E1) but the writers injected too much convoluted blather and who-done-its to make the show now totally unwatchable.

Pick any character... is he good? - nope, bad - shot and killed - no survived (oops), now good again - holder of top secret info, bad again - but we can get that info from somewhere else, bomb explodes, killed again, really dead this time... (top secret info points to the next character, repeat) wow - Whisky Tango Foxtrot.

Instead of writing some coherent story arcs - the narrative seems to be based on how many episodes an actor was hired to perform (not the other way around). There are some main characters (good), some supporting staff (ok), some minor characters (fine, no problem)... but the point-of-focus characters seem to be constantly jumping-the-shark in order to get a paycheck. Stop, stop, stop. Stop reinventing situations just to keep some actor around for another episode. It's becoming totally unwatchable.
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It's not about left vs right --- It's victim mentality vs self reliance
14 August 2018
This is a movie that correctly defines the political players of the last 150 years. I am glad that someone finally went to the effort to explain and document the terms, names, ideas, and relationships of these commonly misunderstood political labels. For me the movie did not have a lot of surprises (I already knew the players - I'd read the history books before the revisionists got into power and made many of the changes that have confused the younger generations).

There was one label that was glossed over quickly - A pragmatist is neither liberal nor conservative... he is a person who sees a problem and proceeds in a straightforward, matter-of-fact approach to reach a solution and doesn't let emotion distract him.

What you should get out of this movie is the fact that miss-labeling a person or an idea is the same thing as lying to you. You have been lied to for a long, long time. There is a consorted effort in the news media empire to confuse style with intent and confuse confidence with arrogance. If these media types don't like the style, then they wrongly present the intent as bad. If they don't like the intent, then the style is all wrong.
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Lucifer: Off the Record (2017)
Season 3, Episode 7
Ten !!!
30 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Every series has a "Best Hits". This episode is one of those hits (in fact a home run). I've always enjoyed stories that mess with your head and take place out of linear time - it adds an enjoyable dimension of complexity.

Be warned though, to fully appreciate this episode you will have had to have watched the other ones or you will not understand all the nuances portrayed and you will probably not fully understand the ending.
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Let There Be Light (I) (2017)
8 November 2017
There was a quite a bit of hype on talk-radio about this movie and how great it is... well I disagree. While the basic plot premise is interesting, I found the end product lacking. The "flow" of the movie is concentrated in one direction --- holding your hand from one incident to the next, but this leaves the viewer disengaged. The dialog is at times unrealistically religious and it takes quite a leap of faith to believe that someone could be "transformed" in the manner set forth on the screen. The only real emotional moment happens at the end of the movie and by then it is too late. There is no resurrection joy, only sadness.
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