
1 Review
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Another one who saw this when I was 15...
16 September 2005
Yes, I'm another one of those who saw this on cable TV back in 1980 or so. Only it wasn't on HBO, because my family didn't have that. It was probably on Star Channel (Anybody else remember that one? It was the forerunner of The Movie Channel.) And they probably played it way more than every other day. More like every other movie. Back then they would rotate about 2 or 3 movies all day long. I don't know how many times I saw Caddyshack and The Stunt Man.

I fell in love with French Postcards as soon as I saw the opening credits. I was really disappointed when I found that the VHS version didn't have the French language "Do You Believe in Magic." I think my brother held his tape recorder up to the TV and has it on a cassette tape somewhere. I wonder if it has held up for 25 years. Unfortunately this was a few years prior to videotape recorders so none of us could tape the actual movie. I had to settle for buying the VHS with the altered opening song.

Really charming, sweet movie and I'm impatiently waiting for it to appear on widescreen DVD (with the original soundtrack).
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