
23 Reviews
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Dull and dead comedy
16 February 2024
This film did not gain much popularity at the time of its release, despite the presence of many famous actors in it.

The main character is a young student girl who is finishing a car driving course and wants to celebrate it with a trip to the sea.

She flirts with an older teacher, the owner of a large sedan, but her peer, the owner of a more compact sedan, is also in love with her.

The heroine herself is too frivolous and self-confident to bother with the final choice. She sees herself as a kind of beauty, who is just so amazing that everybody got to satisfy all her requests for nothing.

At first, she leaves with the old man, but after quarreling with him, she gets into the car with a young man.

In short, the character is pretty flat, like the whole movie.

It's quite unpleasant how actors who play quite well in other films have to play the void in this.

One of the advantages is that the film is in color and you can see new cars and good roads in it. Most likely, it was conceived as a showcase film in competition with the United States. However, for ordinary Soviet viewers, the problem of the heroes turned out to be not close, because not everyone could afford a car.
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Twilights of Soviet detectives
16 February 2024
This series stands over the edge of the abyss into which Russian cinema will then fly away. Behind him are films flooded with light and optimism, the mood of which fades from the lack of realism. Below is a crater of negativity, hatred and anger.

Therefore, there are many outwardly socialist positive characters in the film, who turn out to be soulless scoundrels, and socially unreliable ones turn out to be open and honest personalities. But the majority will remain suspicious, rigid and negatively disposed towards the main character.

Actually, the main character Sergey Krasheninnikov is a law student trying to uncover the death of a girl by the lake. In previous series, he was a schoolboy, but always gravitated towards justice.

Now, during the investigation and the collection of testimony, he faces opposition at all levels. One of the suspects in the failure to provide timely medical care to the deceased turns out to be a successful doctor who was vacationing nearby. By coincidence, he is the boss of the bride of the main character.

Using his connections, he tries to influence the investigation. The film once again reveals the problem of informal ties, nepotism and hidden intrigues in Soviet society, for the sake of petty gain. As well as attempts to evade responsibility when the victim is already dead, but there is no premeditated murder.

Other suspects (because of whom the girl ended up at the lake) are also trying to influence the main character.

Not having a state title, but being only an intern, the main character cannot use power against these people.

The film is not completely negative and black, but it has already been shifted to the sector of grayness and twilight.

But its interesting to follow the events of this flick.
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Very nice late 70's flick for kids
16 February 2024
I have an ambivalent attitude towards the film.

On the one hand, this is a pretty easy and fun children's movie. It has an incredibly attractive atmosphere of the late 70s. It is very sunny and summery.

The main character is a 10-year-old boy who goes skateboarding in the Parisian Trocadero park every day. He has friends and a wise, beautiful mother.

During one of his walks, he meets a girl and falls in love with her. But her parents are quite respectable people. He wants them to like him so that he can spend more time with the girl.

But on the other hand, in this film it is not very clear why he and his mother live alone, even in a fairly decent house. His mother have a huge American SUV and she works as a photographer. Probably her job is highly paid. She spends a lot of time with her son, they do yoga. She is the quintessential free independent woman of her time. But in the film, it's taken for granted. It is unclear to me whether this is a look at the crisis of the mononuclear family and the consequences of the hippie movement and students of 68, or an assessment of the role of the mother in modern conditions in principle. In short, I would love to watch a movie about how this woman does it all. In the end, she is played by Annie Duperey and I started watching the movie mainly because of this fact.
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Miraza (1983)
Dumped in your pocket.
16 February 2024
Living in the Soviet Union, I am skeptical of most Soviet films made about the West, as well as Western films made about the USSR. Fortunately, there are pleasant exceptions on both sides. But this movie is not one of them.

This is a film about a robbery in the "sinister west", where a man is a wolf to a man. It was filmed for television, so it's quite long and sometimes drawn out.

The efforts of the transportation department are of the greatest interest to film historians. Apparently, the largest number of civilian vehicles from the USA and Western Europe were collected for this film. Dozens of foreign cars.

Unfortunately, for one of the main vehicles, a bank armored car, a Soviet car was chosen and it is very clearly visible under heavy tuning.

Otherwise, it is a crime drama based on a story by James Chase. It is difficult for me to note any special performance of the actors due to the fact that they made too many faces portraying foreigners. It looked pretty stupid and did not allow them to see the human nature of their characters.

The garish moments of "Western" life, like the bare breasts of the main character or hairstyles in the Western manner or uncanny commercial and news on TV did not save the situation much.

Perhaps this film will look better in other countries, but for me, all efforts were spent on collecting transport and clothes. The result is mediocre.
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Secret Weapons (1985 TV Movie)
Co... Love hunting virgins from Soviet Russia
16 February 2024
This is a typical North American spy-romantic film about the USSR, based on a cliche from the 50s.

In the center of the story is a young woman from a rural part of Russia who for some reason was chosen by the KGB for its operations.

Most likely, this was done to make it easier for the viewer to believe in the purity of her motives, selfless love for "freedom" and religion.

In reality, a city dweller with a good background in English would be chosen for such a job.

But this movie is a fairy tale for housewives and lovers of inexpensive exotics.

The special school also looks very funny. It's a cross between a barracks and a church school, where instead of strict nuns and sergeants there are KGB officers.

Most likely, the film was shot in Canada, judging by the large number of Lada cars of the sixth model.

Acting is quite tolerable for such an inexpensive product. Franciscus is convincing in the role of a protective mentor, and Geena Davis and Linda Hamilton in the roles of naive girls. The final scene turned out to be very touching and elegant.

Otherwise, it is quite a cheap trinket in order to amuse the inhabitants of the "free world" and make them think that everyone dreams of their freedom, and not just about a high standard of living with affordable cars, affordable food, clothes and other really objective advantages.
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Odd Job (2016)
Watch it if you want some fun.
16 February 2024
A very nice black comedy from France. I don't watch a lot of modern French films made after the invasion of Besson. I came across this movie by chance and the description seemed interesting to me.

And in general, I was satisfied and recommended it to my friends for viewing.

It's a sitcom with dark undertones, but it's not dark or bloody.

The main character with his beard at first reminded me of a typical hipster. But he plays a simple hard worker who is out of work and in a difficult financial situation.

It so happened that one of his acquaintances is connected with shady cases. He offered him to do murders for money.

The film is quite inventive. He keeps in suspense in episodes with murders, but at the same time does not allow the main character to turn into a cold-blooded inveterate scoundrel who kills anyone. These episodes are replaced by scenes of the protagonist's daily life, where he is also shown from the human side and causes sympathy.

The ending of the film is open, as it should be in such cases.
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De zeemeerman (1996)
Het is zo grappig om jezelf te schijten. Vis ha ha ha!
16 February 2024
I am not from the Netherlands, so it is difficult for me to say where this film is among their film productions. For me, it was just a foreign comedy film. Unfortunately, I wasn't in the mood for comedy in bad taste. Therefore, the film seemed to me very sad, vulgar and often disgusting.

The main character is very sorry, he tries to join human society, but he constantly turns out to be an outcast, and the people who accept him constantly die. I think the author of the film is a bit of an idiot and has no sense of proportion. However, it's possible that I just wasn't set up for the right aspect to watch this movie. After all, if the main character is treated the same as all the negative characters in the film or is not considered a person for most of the film, then it will be quite fun. I saw this movie more than 25 years ago and I still feel sorry for the time spent watching it on TV. I could just stare at the carpet or switch channels until I fall asleep, but no-I gave it a chance. And I'm sorry about that. It should have just been called "The Bitter Story of an Orphan who Stinks of Fish," but no, they gave it a cool and promising title, which I bought into. Don't repeat my mistake. This film should be watched by professionals for money, or by those who starred in it or want to see the Netherlands at that time.
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Serye volki (1993)
Khrucial moment of Soviet era
16 February 2024
This is one of my favorite Russian films of the God-awful 90s. There is neither the usual hopelessness for that time, nor cheap philosophizing. The plot revolves around the quiet coup of 1964, when Nikita Khrushchev was replaced by Leonid Brezhnev.

The narrative is divided into two lines that intersect only a couple of times. In one, the higher ranks stipulate the upcoming removal, and Khrushchev is completely unaware of this, and in the second, a KGB officer working in a department beyond the control of the conspirators is trying to prevent a conspiracy.

The actors of the Soviet period coped well with the roles of their former leaders. The conspirators behave like mafia bosses. Their plan is developing gradually but steadily. They are the Gray Wolves indicated in the name. Khrushchev is shown to be a rude, self-confident but idealistic man. Younger actors also played honest Soviet citizens worried about the future of their homeland just as well.

Not all the props and cars correspond exactly to the era, but if you take into account the general state of cinema in Russia at that time, then you don't have to find fault.

Music should be noted separately. The main theme is full of juicy Soviet pathos with subtle folklore inclusions.
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Parting Shots (1998)
Fun ride on vengeance and suicide
8 January 2024
I had stumbled in that movie 20-25 years ago sitting at home switching a channels. And it dragged me in. It was fun and easy. After reading reviews here i realized that not many people agree with me.

And most of critic aimed on wasting of great cast, while lead actor lacks of acting skills. As for me, it wasn't that annoying. I was surprised to see Chris Rea in a movie, but not disappointing. He did fine job representing a shy middle age man that faced bunch of harsh circumstances.

Rest of cast is doing alright making not their best, but decent roles.

Movie doesn't look like a timeless masterpiece that someone would expect from such famous actors. But it's pretty neat, adorable, comfy, bit dark comedy.

I liked it. Even my nickname on IMDb taken from it.
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Gays, porn and nuclear war. Swan song of famous Soviet female director.
3 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Billionaire Phil Stone (Armen Dzhigarkhanyan) asks a playwright Michael Trent (Vadim Andreev), who is close to be a broke, with contract on a play. Trent agrees blindly because of advance. But topic of the play is happened to be the hardest thing he ever worked on. Trent's agent Audrey Wood (Nadezhda Rumyantseva) already contacted with an director of one of the Broadway theaters to bring upcoming play on stage . The topic Trent has taken up is, so happens to be, the nuclear war, an billionaire Stone hopes to prevent it with a theatrical production, a play for which Trent was hired.

This mini series based on same name play of Arthur Lee Kopit. A lot of Soviet directors used to take foreign literature sources when they was against Western point of view. It was safe way to conceal critics of domestic system.

Anyway the series itself is pretty boring and slow moving amusement. Funny thing that Arthur Kopit used a porn nickname for one of Pentagon's officials, and it's name is Deep Throat. Probably very actual for the 70's. But Soviet spectators never heard of this movie, so it's just didn't matter when this series came out.

Also picture have scene of gay pare of pentagon's analytics Jim and Edvin (Dmitriy Pevtsov and Sergey Kovalyov). Trent gets their contacts after chain of weird conversation with Washington's politicians. So Trent was invited by pare of young males on dinner. When he came in they started to cooks and speaks about their job of creating scenarios of nuclear war possible starting. They jumping like a monkeys around the kitchen around Trent and whole scene must underlining the madness of nuclear race.

Also during a movie there was a few scenes portraying racial discrimination in US. But as in US movies about Soviets of that time they kinda stuck in 1950's cliches.

So.. Actors are o.k. Old school. The picturing of U. S. filmed on Soviet studio was mediocre. We can see a lot of self made Rambo posters on the walls as a symbol of militarism and warmongering atmosphere. Cars are foreign, but mostly Japanese.

Dialogs seems was made rather for American audience in original, so they've lost a lot of it's meaning during translation process. There's a monologue of billionaire in the end about nuclear war, in which he confesses that he was a witness of a nuclear test and was horrified. Then there is 4th wall ruining scene, where all actors of movie showed standing in a row and watching in camera dressed as regular soviet people. This scene must spectator think that world's end is bad.

Seems that Soviet TV officials decided that World War is definitely bad, but not as bad as this series. So it was showed only ones in Soviet times. After that Tatiana Lioznova never returned to filming.
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Fake as the 90's.
31 October 2023
That's a flashy girl-stripping piece of TV. Every chapter considering a girl that strips near car under sensual narration of her sexual fantasy. Cars are shiny, lingerie is nice and pretty pricey. It is almost innocent erotic product by nowadays standards comparing to a things that flooded internet for last 20 years. It have its camera works and music but not as good as in Playboy films of the same era.

It's a product for its purpose. When you all alone, and all you want to do is switch off your neocortex, and fall into a spinal and primitive amusement of main teenage activity.

Funny thing that half of cars are just fake plastic replicas of luxury models. Just as breasts of half of the performers. I think it's funny.
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Odnazhdy (2015)
Unneeded version
31 October 2023
This movie is second try to bring on screen story of Yuriy Korotkov "Amerikanka", a nostalgic story about love 1970's in rural area of Soviet Union. Naturally it have bell bottom jeans, music, vehicles of the era and also communistic elements of life. Main character is Lyoshka (shortened version for Alexei name) a late teenager and story of his first love. His love interest is Tan'ka (shortened version of name Tatiana) former girlfriend of his freshly past away brother. That means we have all signs of teenage drama: fights, night crimes, masturbation etc.

The whole thing could work if not one thing. The movie based on same story was already made 16 years before that. It's called Amerikanka. And it was better on many aspects. But main one it's that 1997 was closer to 1977 way more than 2013. At least main actors went in Soviet schools in their childhood, so they worshiped grandpa Lenin as well as their characters and experienced socialistic lacks of products and queues for them.

The newer version is way more vanilla and studio. The actors of newer version is media faces well known for their works on TV in sitcoms etc. But not really fitting on roles due their looks. I'd recommend the version of 1997.
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If you were rich Kazakh's Bai, you would be shot similar movie for your daughter.
17 September 2012
Honestly, i don't know am i wrong or don't, but for me this movie is total piece of vomit. I can't stand watching it even 5 bloody minutes. So what make it so crappy? Fake glamorization, poor acting, uninteresting characters, clumsy plot? No!! Just because whole movie was made for promotion of Asel Sagatova. I don't know who was need it so much, who pay for it, but its just pure wasting of money, dude.

Asel's (hey, they even leave her name!) typical day begins with shopping and ends on glass of "mojito" in expensive restaurant. She is the object of gossip in press. Even her best friends a little envious, because that bitch have everything one can dream of: her groom - the owner of oil rigs, an apartment in the center of Moscow and a life full of pleasures. And most importantly, she has a real gift to attract men. But to get her next boundary, and "get on TV" all the charm she must spent on process of seducing a very unusual man. A "nerd" and a loser (Aleksey Chadov). And his mother (Irina Rozanova) - the main woman in his life and authority in all aspects. Asel got very small (tits) amount time and a lot of obstacles in front of it. To seduce a loser she would cope with a serious rival in the face of his mother, and such old-fashioned Ivan's ideas about women and Love.

That's the main idea. But implementation is suck on turbo mode.

Work of all actors, even douches(i mean Gosha Kutsenko), and all their talents neutralized in the name of Asel's glorification. Its not just look stupid. It's a disaster! She would get more sympathizing from spectators on the supporting role in the movie.
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If Kovalsky haven't been such a junky, he could become a Gromov.
17 September 2012
The protagonist of the film - a stuntman Sergey Gromov (Vasili Shlykov), sometimes moonlighting overtake. Once in interrupting the shooting of gets an offer to overtake Toyota across the country from Vladivostok. Reward was going to be decent. Not suspecting anything, he agrees. However, barely sat behind the wheel remarks that followed the persecution. The car is full of drugs, money and guns and few gangs hunting after it.

Also, problems in his personal life. His wife Marina (Tatyana Skorokhodova) is going to leave him because of a nasty dude with pockets full of bucks. Because she, you know, tired of living on the honestly earned money of fair stuntman. But by the end of the film, this slut will be punished by fate.

Despite the fact that the film is made at a time when the cinema existed in Russia is very conditional, this film can be called not bad. There is a plausible story, memorable remarks, compelling character types and a few twists to keep the audience in suspense. Another positive factor is the lack of well-known actors.

Even Rednikova in her youth had no feature to be a flag of international crappy movies (who she is last 15 years). And very convincingly plays a route prostitute who became a victim of circumstances, but after meet Gromov she has decided to leave the ungodly profession. Her character contrasts with his wife, who left Sergey for the money. This is to touch up the viewer to deep thought... Well, like, "and who's the hooker now?". So it the one of 90's "action" movies i could recommend for watching, without big regret.
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Krestonosets (1995)
The "F/X" and "Stuntman" drink some vodka for freedom...
12 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Since Russian cinematography had no directors as Andy Sidaris or Fred Olen Ray, the spectators plank of quality where still high after Soviet period. But steps to total decadence were made long before this movie.

At the filming movie about the crusaders, in Turkey, with one of the stunts died in accident. Death of a stuntman was rigged by criminals, who smuggled a large shipment of drugs in the coffin. Producer Anton (Pyotr Zaychenko) is killed, money stolen. Film due to lack of funding dismantled for commercials. Stuntman Sasha Konov (Aleksandr Inshakov), realizing that it was all a trick, saves Olga (Olga Kabo), wife of Anton from Caucasian gang members and is associated with a thief Slava "Goner" (Valeri Priyomykhov). Sasha tells Slava that after the arrival of their stunt crew the price of drugs go down in the city. Olga feels that Anton is actually alive, Slava and Konov also aware of it. Konov hiding in an abandoned construction site, but get captured with Olga by "fresh resurrected" Anton. Knowing that Konova not gonna be let out alive, Anton tells him where to put the money. Suddenly a thieves arrived, led by a Slava and Caucasians. In the fierce battle everybody (the criminals) are dying, Slava finds an Anton wounded, but he undermines himself with a grenade and now everybody dead. Konov and Olga got successfully escape. Konov get shot his film (about Crusaders) to the end, and drive away from the sunset (!) on Lamborghini LM002 with his girlfriend (widow of his ungrateful friend).

I've heard about this movie for years while they are make it. I thought it would be good piece of action. But this is disappointedly average piece of something other. Chases pretty boring, "classic" red point sniper scene, some explosions. Wooden performance by Olga Kabo, i don't need no nude scene of her if she could act better. But, hell, this is 90s!! They just must to made a sex scene...

There's a interesting aspect of movie is Inshakov's cars (Lambo 002 and Mercedes) but they was shown not really long time and not in chase scenes. And at least movie makers try to represent main character as good guy, not scumsucker (as in Brigada few years later). But movie is still weak. I think the "Risk bez contrakta" with bit similar plot, is much better.
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Typical for its time.
11 September 2012
Pretty famous Soviet actors worked in this 1980 movie. As usual we can see the effectiveness of state forces in intellectual standoff against criminal minds.

In the van, "Pastry" by police officers discovered a unique chandelier XVIII century, which criminals had intended to transport abroad. Until the outcome of the plot the main culprit remains unknown. However, it is clear tactics based on the reception "Sicilian defense" - defense by attacking ...

Sometimes there's a too intellectual fight and no physical. Only one chase (in the beginning) than lots of talks, murder, and talks again... I wouldn't say that real work of investigators remind endless action, but too many talks make a movie boring.
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Story of a good cop.
10 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is a true Soviet Classic comedy of 50's. Touchy story of young policeman who fights for love and against stereotypes about his profession in society.

Returning home drunk chief accountant Smirnov (Yakov Rodos) climbs into the booth traffic controller and violates the traffic on the streets of Leningrad. But guard Vasily Shaneshkin (Leonid Kharitonov) gives the police department is not the offender, but a very respectable citizen Vodnev (Georgi Chernovolenko) - cashier of construction department, which, among other things, is the father of the Vasily's bride Catherine (Dzhemma Osmolovskaya). Shaneshkin admits his guilt, but not daring to apologize, leaving Vodnev angry alone with bad thoughts about the Soviet police. Fortunately, the young sergeant soon have the opportunity to defend cashier against attack and thus improve relations with father of future wife.

In the episodes you can see a young Evgeni Leonov as lazy and irresponsible policeman (but funny as always). Kharitonov (well known in 50's for his Ivan Browkin role) play again image of kind, modest, charming and "slightly bad egg.". Dzhemma Osmolovskaya became his wife in real life after this movie. Maybe that explain why this movie is so good... It's not "funny as hell", it a nice one and easy to watch.
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There's only one way out of business, out of life...
10 September 2012
Pretentious movies about the crime fighters were in full swing. When a fair man cross the line and became a thief of socialistic property? Does that things(Marlboro, olives) you can get on the crime way , really cost the freedom you risked for? Questions like this is try to answer this soviet flick.

Jenya (Mikhail Dolginin) is simple taxi driver, pick the strange passenger, an old captain of far raids (Pavel Kadochnikov). Captain ask him to wait until he check out the friend's car. Suddenly Jenya became a collateral of the car hijacking. But Capt. make accent how easy that was, and that cooperation promise the big perspectives. When you got money you can take your girl to restaurant, feed her olives and other unusual stuff. You can even smoke a Marlboro how many you want. And Jenya start to using the states Volga in criminal needs of Capt. But Jenya's girlfriend is good young lady and fair citizen, she try to find out what make him change.

In the same time we can follow the work of investigators that try to find a key man in the chain of mysterious crimes. You may see them not tortured anybody or calling to local party organization to ask "Is he good communist, or we may arrest him?", like western movie-makers represent their job.

You surely will see how good will win the evil, and get some portion of socialistic morality, but this is just detective. And its fun to watch.
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Comedy with only 2 funny jokes.
10 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
So 1954 is just first year after Stalins death. Life more or less became normal (after end of war in 1945). People still need to laugh. And movie makers tried hard to make audience laugh twice more than in previous Five-Year Plan.

They get some stars, and put them in situations that suppose to be funny plus easy music and communistic moral. For some reason its not work. Arkadi Rajkin playing himself - famous comedian with changed name - Genadij Maximov (you know, its like Mariah Carey in "Glitter"). Maximov and his wife Larisa Levkoyeva (Lyudmila Tselikovskaya) going to vacation, but in last minutes Levkoyeva were called back to theater. And Maximov goes all alone to the Crimea on the train. On the one of station he miss his train and must check the city and make a concert to reach the point of destination. But he is so popular that people just didn't let him rest like he want. That should be funny...

Rajkin were a TV star and had his own theater, but in this movie his Maximov causes no sympathy. Tselikovskaya is even worse case. If you weren't charmed by her in early 40's, you probably won't in 50's too. Mironova is in her usual image of sneaky and stupid woman didn't made anything new, but OK. Even Sergei Filippov and Vasili Merkuryev in their episodes just can't get this movie out of tomb. Easy music is not so easy to listen. No songs from this movie became popular.

You know what? There's 2 funny verbal jokes, and i think no real funny gags at all. The salesman in store tried to get more money for less weight and Maximov notice that, salesman said "That's optical hokum!" Maximov respond "I see that hokum, but just didn't get that's optical". I believe there was another one joke, but this one is most famous.

When, several years later on the new year TV-show, Yuri Gagarin said "I wish to see more funny comedies in upcoming year" he mean it! Soviet Union made a lot comedies every year but not every year made really funny one. My verdict is 3 stars because its wasting of actors.
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Good people against evil doers and "bloody drunks".
10 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
In the middle of 80's the stagnation spread in all sectors of the soviet economy. Stucked in the 70's - that what can you say about this movie, and that what make it good.

On the way for fishing Leonid Karetnikov (Leonid Kuravlev) finds the the body of a man on the roadside and admit a car driving out of there (the Volga). While Karetnikov call the police, the body was gone. Also disappeared the bag with tools to crack safes, lying next to body. Pursuing the investigation of the case, Colonel Kornilov (Anatoly Kuznetsov)states that the victims appeared somebody Lev Kotlukov - known "safecracker" nicknamed Leo the Bour. Also, it appears that he get hit by a car belongs to citizen Osokin (Vyacheslav Ezepov), professor of the Institute, which has no relation to criminal organizations. To reveal the intentions of criminals, Kornilov decided to put his men - Major Bugaev (Yevgeny Gerasimov) in the gang.

What make it work? It's neat and well acted. Here the black is black and the white is white. The good characters valiant and a bit naive, the villains is cowardly and nervous. You can even see that its a bit grotesque. When Colonel get know that witness who follow the criminals were injured, and thats fault of village alcoholic who spend his money for train on vodka and didn't report to police in time, he said: "Bloody drunks!" - so serious, its just awesome.

The movie get it name from the confession of Osokin, whom try to escape punishment and hided, "It's strange: five minutes of fear changed everything". There's a pursuit/chase, shooting, thrilling moments but most sense that FMoF make everyone of fair soviet citizens proud who they are. Nowadays detective movies lose this feeling.
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I can't believe it's a calamity, and I will never more... ( from ending song)
9 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The calamity of destruction big country couldn't not touch its cinema. It's clearly visible in this movie. Its cheesy, cheap and hopeless, but its watchable. And since it's made in late 80's early 90's you'll get some nudity, violence, and sort of strong language. As always in case with "New Russian" action flick you wouldn't get: good editing, entertaining lines, catchy soundtrack, cool chases and charismatic hero.

After Afghan War, 'Rex' (nickname of a main character, who passed all the circles of hell: the Mujahideen captured, an unexpected and difficult escape behind a scene) wandering in a strange land. Unexpected encounter with 'good man' who make him back, finally, home. Here he found his love Lana. And as it often happens to all man in love, when you open the pants, your brain are go to sleep. Everything becomes clear after a sudden insight ... This is the secret base of a criminal association that seeks ways to seize power in the country. All recruiting militants at that base? Instead of their names gets only numbers. 'Rex' became the thirtieth ''!

You will see some plot that was pretty tongue in cheek for Russia in those days, with few twists, and couple weird facts. For example, that Rex was in some mysterious place where he was trained by some Buddist-Indian looking wise man. Pretty exotic, but still crap. In the end of movie main character save life of the president (suspiciously looked like Eltsyn) that make russians feel angry, because nobody wants to he was saved now. The end of movie is opened: when Beast/Rex escape from burning house and stay alive. Then we hear the song with words lyrics "I can't believe it's a calamity, and I will never more..." i will never more gonna watch this again. But this film can be recommended to watch.. to people in Syria who can watch Damascus scenes (in the first minutes).
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Weird science and Robocop meet perestroika.
17 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
In the late 80's - early 90's in Soviet Russia were opened a lot of video shops where group of people sitting in room on the chairs could stare in TV-set that were linked to VCR with foreign movies of all genres for money. That was beginning of new era of bad Russian movies. Have no skills to do movies in old style and no idea how to do in west style, but with giant ambitions they start to make it...

We have here all elements of cheap, dull 90's comedy from "new Russia": annoying synthesized tunes, lot of slapstick moments, unrealistic plot, horrible editing, unexpected nudity, idiotic lines from nowhere. Actually there's so many lines that some of them you can hear twice or more. Lots jokes about out-coming socialistic and upcoming capitalistic realities.

Plot is simple: old genetic (Yevgeni Vesnik) and young programmer (Sergey Bekhterev) trying to make a cyber-soldier to fight a new crime wave. Accidentally build a young woman (Yuliya Menshova) instead Rambo. She has a bunch of super abilities: fast moving, martial arts, changing voice and so on(as much as poor sfx could let it show). The business have success with her, until it cross the way of the highest crime boss. The romantic line that programmer felt in love in his creature, but he think she's only a doll without feelings. There's a happy end (at least in the 90's style).

The music is awfully stupid cheap and annoying. The gags are coming from all around no matter what storyline now is about. Mujaheddin shoot down plane with 'Stinger' in the middle of Black seas coast. Where he come from? Who cares.. Racketeer gang leader dressed as woman tried to attack a restaurant, shooting around with UZI... Manya is pretty static character suddenly became a full of emotions in the end. When, how, why it happened - you'll never know.

Some really good actors talent wasted for no reason. There's only one explanation for it - in early 90's soviet people was brainwashed that their life was an total absurd. And its actually became an absurd after "collapse". So DM just one of tones absurd "comedies" of shameful time. But not the worst one.
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28 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Rémi Cerneaux (Lambert Wilson) is 30 year old clerk, trying to avoid high attention to his personal life from his own mother, incognito, rent a room in old lady's house. He didn't suspect that, householder, miss Villeneuve (Maria Meriko) are dangerous bank robber, whom planned to set him up . Case of heist's series goes to very weird investigator - Comissar Ascar (Claude Piéplu) and his even more weird assistant - fresh graduate of police academy (Clovis Cornillac). Feeling more personal freedom, Cerneaux paid attention at female co-worker - Elisabeth Martini (Isabelle Gélinas), which have mutual feelings to him. Both are hesitate to confess to each other and making lot of silly things. Meanwhile criminal plan is worked and Comissar Ascar catch a wrong guy - Cerneaux. Since police have no clues they make fake escape, to track him down to the gang. Hiding from police, Rémi make an alliance with Elisabeth, to clear his fair name and catch a real robber. Relations between Cerneaux and Martini become closer. At the end old witch get arrested. Cerneaux and Martini escape at the plane to get married in flying across Atlantic. This is pure fun movie. Its light, romantic, bit silly and not serious at all. But its not idiotic as many 00's french "comedies". Main characters are sweet, support is funny. There's no immigrant themes, no rap, no toilet humor - nothing annoying from post-Besson age. I'm gonna miss about movies like this. it's 8 or more.
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