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I like the tone but some facts don't add up
12 August 2023
The only thing I want to say is that Bitcoin never went from 20k to 2k. You could have chosen a fictional thing, but btc just never dropped from 20 to 2. It dropped from 17 to 3 or something, but that took over a year. Kind of a stupid review. But that kind of annoyed me a little. Just never occurred that one day it's 20k and next day it was 2. Therefore I would've chosen something else. Other than that Steven Yeun is great as always. And I get breaking bad vibes. Like a well written thing where everyone is committed. That being said I'm looking forward to what will happen in the future. It made me google when the show takes place. End of 2017 it was around 18k and January 2019 it was around 3.5k. And then it just went parabolic. Just saying. Of course it's a. Risky thing. But again. I would've chosen a fictional thing. Instead of misleading.
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Fringe (2008–2013)
Enjoyable show with good characters
30 March 2023
Despite the fact that the show aired when I was in my early twenties I never watched that show really when it was on television. Lately I was running out of material and didn't know what to watch next. I had a friend who liked the show and since I'm a big LOST fan (even the ending was fine with me) and it's created by Abrams too I decided to give it a shot. I like it over all. I am almost at the end of the first season. I think the writing is fine (dialogues and absurdities) and the characters are good. It's all fine. I also was a x files Fan and I love horror and mystery. I just hope that the John Scott BS is over soon. And that tank thing. Starts to be annoying. But I'm gonna keep watching. Episode 13 with that werewolf thing was cool. Just wished it would've been more of it and darker. More monsters. The Kirk Avocado guy always sounds like he's constipated or something.
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From (2022– )
Best thing I've seen in a long time. Imo better than TLOU
7 February 2023
I'm only two episodes in but it already makes so much fun. It is gripping, thrilling and scary. Attributes I can't say about the last of us which is already dragging and throwing in filler episodes within the first 4 episodes of the show. Great to see Harold Perrineau again. Although always when I see him first I yell "WAAAAALLLLLTTT". I hope it will keep going like that and keep pushing a narrative and thrill and scare the way it does. It has some genuine gore as well. That's the way. An original show setting their own rules and narrative. Good writing and good actors you can build on. I'm totally in for the ride. Great job. Thx.
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How I Caught My Killer (2023–2024)
Pretty okay to watch when hungover, but...
24 January 2023
The music was terrible. It really made it barely bearable. So cringey and cheesy. I can't describe it even. Monotone and this suggested emotionality. Give me a break. Can't you just tell the stories without it. I'm running out of words here. Why do I have to write that much, when I just wanted to say that the music was annoying. The music was terrible. It really made it barely bearable. So cringey and cheesy. I can't describe it even. Monotone and this suggested emotionality. Give me a break. Can't you just tell the stories without it. I'm running out of words here. Why do I have to write that much, when I just wanted to say that the music was annoying.
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Pokémon Legends: Arceus (2022 Video Game)
Playing a few hours now and it's boring
3 January 2023
I'm 35 and I've been playing the first games when I was a kid. Some friends were into Switch and over time I wanted to make myself a little gift and got the Nintendo Switch Oled and this game.

To be honest, I've been out for like 15 years. So maybe I shouldn't even complain. First I was super disappointed that there are no voices at all in this game. In 2022 I would've expected that the characters and creatures have real voices. And this is joined by average graphics and annoyingly silly and repetitive music. Honestly the music reminds me of music from adult flash games. If you know you know. The trumpets and instruments sound like farrting elephants.

And since there are no voices of characters we have to read a whole lot. I mean I get it. It has that old feeling and maybe also trying to make the kids read and use their imagination, but to me that was a bummer.

Think back of the first three iconic Pokémons you got to choose from in the first games. And now you get some random looking ones. Honestly. As if someone had like a randomize button to design them.

If I had a wish or two it would be that they make a new version of the original games. In 3D. With all the original characters. Imagine running through them spooky houses in a version for the switch.

And make a new one that is a little darker. I read another version that mentioned that. We grew up. Make kiddy versions and make something for us. Nostalgia and new stuff. Will ya ?
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The Quarry (2022 Video Game)
Overall disappointing
22 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I finished the game last night and it took me like two evenings. I am a casual gamer and I mostly enjoy these decision making quick time event games. I played all supermassive games and all quantic dream games. From these guys I must say I still prefer until dawn and men of Medan from the anthologies series.

I was anticipating this one for a long time but was first still waiting since I found it to be too expensive. But then I bought it anyway.

I think there are way too many plot holes. There is no flow coming up. Sometimes you get to some of the group just to listen to some stupid dialogues and then it fades out again without you having to do anything.

Characters do stupid things. When we're asked to cut off Dylan's arm for instance. It's pretty early in the game. No one knows yet what this is all about and no one knows anything about any infection. Yet he still asks immediately to have it chopped off ?! And not that this is already stupid enough they only cut off his hand where I feel he was not even bitten.

Then there are some graphic issues. Shaking and trembling hairs. Characters repeating the same sentences. And the worst were the water effects.

The monsters seemed like they weren't even finished. Werewolves without hair. Not my cup of tea. They look like generic monsters. And let's not talk about the transformation. There is actually none. Instead of a transition scene they just put blood all over the screen and then it's done. Like splash I'm a werewolf now. And splash I'm human again. Everyone knows that especially in werewolf stories the transformation is one of the most interesting parts where people look at. Or where Oscars were won in the 80s.

And the ending was the worst. You go into the woods with Travis and two other characters in the search for the final big white wolf and Grace Zabriskie as a witch or something. You'd expect some kind of final battle or something. But no. There is a sleeping werewolf monster thing and you shoot it and then the game is over.

This was really bland and dull. I regret the 40 bucks I spent on this. This game was also just predictable from the very beginning. Which makes it boring. The only character I liked was Ryan.

And I feel like some characters could take like 20 wrong decisions and come out alive and others just take one wrong turn and end up dead, like Kaitlyn and Dylan.

Maybe make some Updates or patches or something. It's really underwhelming. I also didn't enjoy the music.
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The Walking Dead: Rest in Peace (2022)
Season 11, Episode 24
I am glad and sad it is over
21 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I start. I feel like the people behind it are actually reading reviews. I often wrote in my reviews like what happened to the big cities. Why always woods. And there you go. Prologue shows Rick in front of New York or something.

This show stretched its potential way too much over the last 7 years at least. I think I must've watched the first 6 seasons at least 5 times. I was a huge fan and so unhappy where it all went. Talking as a filmmaker myself.

Now in the final four or so episodes they decided that walkers can now climb or use rocks to smash windows. Congratulations. Why did it take twelve years ? Wtf.

Why a bunch of spin offs instead of making 1! High quality show ?

You really have ruined this show. It is not that some moments in the final episode didn't move me or anything. It did at times, but then I remember, oh, the last 7 years sucked terribly.

Please. Don't make it a mini series. Make a new entire show and let really creative minds (crazy people) write the show. Go nuts.
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That Burdette guy should be put in jail as these poor people were
29 August 2022
Can't stand how ignorant that Burdette guy is. He should spend as much time in jail as these people had to. This guys clearly has no empathy whatsoever. Just protecting his image and lying to himself and the people around him. Should be ashamed.

Other than that pretty interesting documentary. It took some time to really take me in. But after two episodes it started to get twisted. Before that I didn't really care a lot.

Sad that this was possible. To just put people in that position by pressure.

It's annoying that the review needs a certain amount of words. I don't know what to say more. I recommend it if you don't know what to watch else and you're into true crime.
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The Vow (2020–2022)
Ship of fools
20 August 2022
Jesus what a bunch nutcrackers. Let me tell you something. Some things in life are scary and not perfect. Sometimes you have fear. And that's okay. It's actually inherited. So you won't die in certain situations.

This is like Manson family. Playing the flute to a bunch of losers who are just unhappy with themselves.

I can't believe how people can fall for anything like that. And given some more power to some of those people being out, believe me, would start to abuse that power.

How can so many people listen to that leftover hippie guy ?! This is so ridiculous.

The watch itself was mostly good. I was hooked and wanted to know what comes next. But seeing it being 9 episode I almost hesitated in watching it. I think 5 or 6 would have been totally fine. I mean it's like more than first season of breaking bad. Think about it.
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I'll Be Gone in the Dark (2020–2021)
Too much about the creators rather than really telling about the crime
18 August 2022
Disappointing. The last person I want to see in a serial killer crime documentary is Patton Oswald. Lol.

Sorry for the passing of McNamara but should've focused more on the crimes, the victims and the perpetrator. Stopped in the first episode.
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Love Fraud (2020)
Annoyingly told
18 August 2022
I read a similar review from another person expressing what I feel. Stretched out pointlessly. The animations unnecessary. And then in between sometimes the phone calls and you have no idea who is talking to who. Confusing. Could've been like a 80 minute documentary.

I'm sorry for the women but they sit there and talk all together as if being super tough and yet they all got scammed. Who marries someone after three weeks, quits jobs, move to other countries.

Still this guy is crazy and scary. Sick guy.
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Hostile (I) (2017)
Semi Good
29 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film would have been so much better without the flashbacks and without that self-indulgent pathetic art guy. Is this guy supposed to be likable ? Seriously ? The gallery guy who is anti drugs and helps her through it ?! It's the first time in my life I really feel what mansplaining is. Pathetic. Absolutely no need for that. Would have been so much cooler just around the car. I say that as a guy. I enjoyed it up until the first flashback. Terrible.
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Revenge (II) (2017)
How does this film only have a 6.4 rating ?!
28 July 2022
This became instantly one of my all time favorites. I've seen over 2k movies. I would use that film to teach tension at film school. Modern masterpiece. This was so unsettling from the very beginning. I wanted it to be over and to never end at the same time. Loved it. Must watch. If you can't see blood, this one is not for you. It felt like Mad Max, Home alone and Die hard had a threesome.
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The Old Man: VII (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
Nice ingredients covered with ketchup
22 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If you think of the whole storyline since the beginning there is so much in it to make it a blast. I didn't review since the beginning, because I consider myself a Jeff Bridges fan.

But the execution was really kind of boring. I already thought at some point that Angela could be Faraz' daughter. So this is a nice cliffhanger.

But there were so many illogical things happening. Like Dan and Harper sitting in that FBI convoy in the first place. Yeah, right. They chase a guy all over the world and then he gets to sit in the FBI car and get a lift or what ? And since when are FBI windshields not bulletproof ? Like he just shot all of them in like 2 mins. That was lazy.

Same as the action sequence before where the house is "surrounded". That guy just knew like where everyone is and executed them in like 2 mins as well. "Surrounded" by like 3 people. That's really terrifying.

And also what's with that Tarkovsky thing out of nowhere ? For those who do not know what I mean. The dream sequences from Angela when she got taken with that woman talking and there are like tiny hills. That's a quote form Tatkovskys "Stalker". For what reason, I don't know. Because the rest has absolutely nothing in common with it.

I really wanted to like this show, but it really went downhill after the second episode. Sadly. Things could have been more on point. More risky. Darker. Immoral.

This was such a silent ending. This is what we're left with like for a year or what ?
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They entirely ruined that show
3 July 2022
Don't get me wrong. Sadie sink is a cool actress. But why is she the main thing in what is supposed to maybe be the shows entire final ?!

This is so lazy.

Not even gonna explain more.

All sitting around a tub.

Duffer brothers.. you ruined your own show.

There is almost no progression in story at all, due to the different parts.

Really terrible. Sorry.
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Stranger Things: Chapter Eight: Papa (2022)
Season 4, Episode 8
With my all due respect.. I can't take where they're going with this
2 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show really started as something genuinely new and special. And also with a lot of references to 70s and 80s films and so to say pop art and stuff. Music and all that blah blah.

And it was a great mystery show. The first two seasons were really great. But already back then I was asking myself where this would all end up.

You mostly had horror elements in narrow spaces. In homes and stuff. Walls moving. Monsters. Creatures.

We waited sometimes for 2 years for it to continue.

And now we end up in a story of another kid in that laboratory where the Mathew modine character did his stuff and it all ends up in the story of 001.. a kid that kind of created that creature within himself.

Forgive me my low effort of finding words. But I was hoping for like alien stuff. Or judgement day. I don't know.

Season 4 is full of cheap soap opera stuff. They didn't really let the character grow with their age. That's why their dialogues feel so weird.

What's with that Russian story like ?! Like why ?

I'm watching episode 8 now and I already don't really care. Wondering if I'm to hard with it. But I really feel this is very sloppy.

They all got their screen time and that's it. It's lost. And a way to fight that monster kid is finding a song that particular person likes ?! Like wtf.

Insert story here dude.

It's way to.well behaved.

Also I'm drunk. But it's still my opinion.

I mean I'm a grown man.. give me some real content.

And please someone give Natalie Dyer some food.

Update : the more I watch the worse it gets. Even the music got cheaper. That face off between 11 and modine. Terrible cinematography.

They should've left that laboratory stuff behind. Trying to go back and close that somehow Is like a dog chasing its tail. It was cool in the beginning and you could have kept some of it maybe, but only revolving around it is just plainly stupid.

So so sad.
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The Old Man (2022– )
Caution ! Spoilers and theories !
29 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm watching episode 3 now and I already thought instantly when seeing the young CIA chick Angela that she is Dan Chase's daughter.

I'm gonna go and say that the annoying and nosy CIA guy Raymond is Faraz's son, which makes both brother and sister.

Interesting but a little predictable. Still a gray great show and I can't wait for the next episode tomorrow.
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The Old Man: I (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Beyond happy for Jeff Bridges
29 June 2022
This and euphoria have been my favorite things most recently.

What a hit for Jeff Bridges after fighting cancer and bouncing back with this. Just finished the first episode and I am totally drawn into it already.

Great cinematography, great acting that comes with the even greater cast.

Thanks for inspiring. Must watch !
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X (II) (2022)
Overrated. Nice homage to 70s but that's it
28 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like it. It started somehow interesting but I was actually bored like 90% of the time. Nice tribute to 70s films. The cinematography was cool regarding that, because at times it really felt like a 70s film.

But as soon at the creepy parts unfold it was super predictable. I was like okay, it's the horny granny killing everyone. And then really like one by one in the most stupid ways.

After RJ died I was already only waiting for it to be over. No more twist, no more surprise.

Honestly, I'd rather watch 3 times the house of wax remake. Seriously. I have more fun watching that. Yes, the one with Paris Hilton in it.

The crocodile was cool and since we met him when the lead was swimming, I knew it'll come back killing someone.

I was disappointed. Had higher expectations.
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More of a fail than a success. Despite its qualities.
21 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First of all. It is easy to criticize a finished film. It's another deal to come up with it.

I liked the Giallo elements and also little hints and homages to Hitchcock and Orson Welles, Stephen King etc.

I will try to put in words what bothered me here. I feel like all the ingredients were there for a really thrilling horror film. But it was not well put together.

I found every character to be annoying. First time I saw the old lady I was "she's probably Sandie". First time I saw Terrence stamp I was "he's probably the old version of the guy". At least there was a mini twist (which I was also expecting). In the end when they sit together and talk before the showdown I went (jokingly) "and now they gonna fight and do karate". Not knowing that they will actually fight, but without the karate.

And what's with the guy ? Why is he still interested in the girl ? He got yelled at, had to walk over a broken mirror, got stabbed like 5 times by the old lady in the end and also just like that witnessed many times how she just loses her mind. And there was absolutely nothing shown that really connects both characters that he still sticks with her (except the can of coke maybe?). If he'd at least been bullied as well by the group of bitchy girls from class. That would've helped to have a stronger bond.

To me the film was just a bunch of ideas/scenes put after each other. So to me there is a story, but there is no plot.

There was an issue of pacing. When she starts doing some research at the library. That should've happened already at least half an hour before. She would've needed anyone who believes her and maybe even saw something of witnessed something with her. I guess that was supposed to be the guy, but he constantly just shows up for no reason and leaves the same way.

Then in the library she has another vision and goes nuts. And let's not forget that she almost killed the annoying bitchy girl from class. (That subplot was also completely unnecessary. She could've also just moved into the old ladies place instantly. That would've helped with the pacing and offered more opportunities to develop the plot and tighten all the elements.) then everybody yells "security" and she runs away (with absolutely no consequences ). She runs through streets and follows Anya Taylor joy. And then (again for no reason) Terrence stamp randomly walks by at the exact place and the right time so that she follows him to the bar she works at. (And Hellas. She has to work and is late.)

That's what I mean. Things happen for no reason. She stands in a phone booth and cries and tells her granny she wants to come home and for no reason her friend runs by. I don't even remember what happens then because nothing in this film really happens for a particular reason. The ghost figures just pop up (and in the end they go "help me". That was one too much. The poor abusers souls need to be set free lol).

Also the subplot with her mother was just left aside. Okay, it explains that she has some kind of ability to see things. And that's it. We don't care about the fact that her mother committed suicide. They drop it big and then never talk about it ever again. (Maybe just in the way that she prevents the old lady from cutting her throat in the end).

And then after everything. Her friend passed out during the fire. No one knew what was happening or going on. (Characters were thrown in like the police investigator lady who kind of says she believes her, but then we never see her again). So all that happens. She clearly went nuts in class. Attacked and almost killed people. Nobody understands what happened and then after everything they show a scene from her fashion show or graduation ?!? Granny clapping hands ? It feels also like the film couldn't decide whether to really go for Giallo and controversial or still be like a teen coming of age kind of slasher film. To me she should've ended in prison lol. Not because I think she deserved it, but because of the logical consequences. No one knows what happened, no witness, no partner really. But a burning house in the end and a dead old lady. And then she goes yeah I got my graduation ?

The amount of music was also distracting to me.

Save this one for remakes in about 20/30 years. Or give it to Guillermo del Toro.

Sure it was visually interesting and thrilling at times. But beyond that illusion to me there is not too much left besides a few cool ideas.

Good performances from the cast for what was given. I feel like a jerk writing this. But this is how I felt. Knowing how hard it is to write a story and not saying I'm able to do better. I can even imagine that it was a good script. I think it's just about pacing. When happens what and maybe a few characters less and therefore more focus on the really important ones.
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the strongest 6 out of 10 ever
18 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first 50 minutes were incredibly good. The setup was worth teaching at film school, about how to set up a film with not saying much. I've seen many films in the near past where they expose it all and then I saw this and I enjoyed it.

In the second half it kind of turns more into something conventional to me. It reminded me of "What lies beneath" or "the gift" with Cate Blanchett. And also a little bit of "the invisible man".

To me in the end I wanted closure and answers about that serial killer hint storyline, which in the end wasn't answered. Could've had potential for a mini series maybe ?! What's with all the similar looking girls and the obvious bodies under the floors.

Yes, it could be her mind playing games with her and her process of grief. But I found this serial killer thing also kind of thrilling. Was it the entity ? Forcing Owen to do it ? Amityvill Horror ?

Rebecca Hall was great and I was super scared. I didn't want to go to the bathroom after it lol. And when I came apparently a roommate left the door of the bathroom cabinet opened. Like wide open. Haha. Scary.

Thank you for the thrill and the great Hall. And I like Vondie Curtis Hall anyway. He should be around more often. Sympathetic guy.

First half masterful. Second half okay.
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Stunningly bad.
16 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched it. It felt like the film was 'starting' until it was over. There is almost no plot really. I mean I know Blabla Michael Myers.

20 minutes before the ending when they chase the guy through the hospital and then after he jumped they say 'how should we know how he looks, he always wears a mask'...

well.. maybe you could've thought of that, given the fact that the guy you chased looked like a penguin.

Curtis was laying in bed almost the entire film. All the other characters were annoying and also way too many.

But when a film starts with a weird serious speech in a bar and another guy laughs about a ventriloquist I know something's off.

Also the violence and brutality was disturbing in the combination of all of that. The old victim couple with the little drone were portrayed super cute and almost funny and then get killed like really really bad. I didn't get it.

And that repeats with the gay couple. You feel like 'yay, maybe they at least get to hurt him' since the guy takes off all his rings and jacket and all. But no. And they also have no connection to the story. Except, for what reason ever, living in the killers house ?!

The films only purpose in the end is to make another one. Super pointless. But I also felt the one before that got good reviews was actually also not so good.

The scene at the end where everybody fights him is also morally weird. The explicit violence is super pointless and has a super bad vibe.

I don't understand how he can still be alive after being shot 5 times in the chest and being stabbed in the neck. I mean come on.

It was just really boring and nothing happened until minute 70 or something. Just the same things repeating and no real story is developed. Wasteland of characters.

I actually increased the speed x5 for the last 20 minutes. Couldn't stand the boredom anymore and the cheap dialogues between Curtis and Patton, as much as I admire their craft.

And I really wanted to see it and like it. Who was that penguin guy anyway ?! What was that ?

And the fire fighters being too stupid to attack him with full gear kind of waiting and literally not moving until he smashes their heads.

Running out of words here. Huge disappointment. 3 points for some nice retro shots in the beginning and a cgi Loomis ?!
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Squid Game (2021– )
It was okay until the VIPs showed up
13 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First of all. I like Korean cinema. Memories of murder and Burning are among my top 10 favorite films of all time.

The show has been hyped everywhere and I actually didn't want to see it right away. But so many people told me to watch. So I watched.

I try to make it simple and I don't make it up.

I knew the guy in the black mask was the brother of the police guy from the 3rd episode on. Why would the black masked guy be the only one with a weird voice.

I knew right away that the old guy has something to do with the whole thing. It came to my mind instantly. He was the only old guy and kind of wise and all and also in the marble game episode he was the only character not being shown being shot.

Yes it was thrilling here and there, yes the performances were good and yes I wanted to keep watching. But to me it was pretty predictable.

Every character did exactly what I expected in almost every situation. The bad guy with the snake tattoo just kept being an idiot. The crazy woman he slept with yep being annoying and loud. And so on.

And this goes along with every thing in the show.


Marble game again. There is this husband guy who kind of killed his wife who wants to hang himself. He hangs himself. Success. It would've been funnier if it didn't work and he had to keep playing. Even though I know he wasn't an important character.

The glass bridge game. The broker guy who also fooled Ali pushes one person into death right in front of the last step to safety. He pushes the guy, the guy falls down and dies. He jumps and wins. I would've loved that at one point maybe two of the glass surfaces were to be the weaker ones. That would've been unexpected. He pushes the guy and thinks he's safe, jumps, but the other one breaks too. WOW. Didn't happen.

Police guy trying to escape all the sudden. Why so ever. He looked for his brother, couldn't find him and then leaves. They look after him in the weird tunnel in the cupboard. They follow him. They see that one oxygen divers tank is missing so they assume he went diving. And what did he do ? He went diving. I would've like that he had maybe hidden one tank somewhere to fool them. Didn't happen.

The whole show is just based on its whole premise. Violence and shock. And bright classic music in weird situations. And that just repeats.

To me it really went difficult when the 'VIPs' showed up. They were super cringeworthy. I couldn't barely watch and listen to their generic lines. And why would they come to almost the last game ? So they watched people running over a bridge and two guys fighting on a rainy playground. Wow. They should've been introduced earlier. They weren't even needed at all. If you'd take them out it wouldn't have changed anything and it would've even be more mysterious in my opinion. I doesn't match with what the old guy says in the end and it is also not further explained.

And then the show ends with a father not going to see his daughter. Instead coloring his hair red and apparently wants to play again. Instead of going to see his daughter and make it up again. Right.. Who cares about children. She can wait another year. Stoopid kid.

I also had a problem with the portrayal of the Arab character. He was portrayed as super stupid, almost retarded. He didn't even know what even and odd numbers are. And his name was Ali Abdul. It's like having a French character and calling him 'Guy Frenchman'.

However it was still a lot better than 80% of Netflix stuff. And I will watch the second season if it comes. I also liked "Sweet Home" which is also a Korean show with monsters and all around one house. It kind of went nowhere in the end, but I actually liked that one more.
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Titane (2021)
This is a headline
7 October 2021
I think there is no point in trying to judge or rate this film. Even though I am doing it in order to post something. It's as if the Wario version of Kill Bill went on a date with Lars von Trier. Then they went to a club, met Cronenberg, Lynch and the Toxic Avenger and they all took Ketamine. I would call it a masterpiece but I have a little issues about the violence. I can accept it, because it's art. But where does it stop? It is a disturbing film and I liked it. This is a thing people will talk about for a long long time. Also I am confused now. In terms of how the narrative is unfolded it reminded me of dogtooth from Lanthimos. The shifting of elements of a narrative in a film and replacing them by something else. It's Dada. Is this only making sense to me ?
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The Walking Dead: On the Inside (2021)
Season 11, Episode 6
I don't write headlines
19 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have to admit that the episode as a stand alone thing had its suspenseful moments. The part in the house with the strange behind the wall people was thrilling and suspenseful. But that's it. Other than that it is still all pointless to me. Why is Daryl hanging out with these people again ?! I don't get it. I am watching it still because I just want to know how they end this. Imo Rick has to come back. Not because I am such a huge fan, but because of writing. It is just not finished. He is not dead and there hasn't been any Rick Movie yet. So for me it is pretty sure, that he will come back. If not, well, then it is just a big failure in TV history. I have really no idea how this show will end, as there was never a main goal or something. Nothing about a cure, or whatever. It is just crazy bad people after the next. All the time. I really don't care about any character anymore. Not even about Daryl, who is one of my fav characters in the show. Trash TV.

Edit: For instance.. You make a character dramatically disappear due to an accident.. Her sister is desperate and separated from her and keeps looking and looking and then after I don't know.. two years ? They just randomly ran into each other. A tear in the eye.. and that's it.. It didn't do anything to the plot at all. Come on..
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