
24 Reviews
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The Defeated (2020)
Max and Moritiz story
12 July 2021
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In the 1st and 2nd episode was very interesting. It is clear that the movie is about complicated situation in Berlin 1946 and the mess.

Karin was one of the rape victims, which was one of most frequent crimes during the time, approaches criminal organization (angle maker) for help instead of police.

So it was interesting how Max is going to assist setting up local police to stop the crimes.

But later episodes, it was more about how his older brother, who got trama from childhood and witnessing concentration camps made him to torture people for justice. There were 4 four tortures done by the brother. It was too much crueltiness involved, but does not seem to be intentional.

At the end, the boss of angle-maker got arrest. So logically it is what I expected.

It was about Max and Moritz story rather than about the mess after the war.
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A Quiet Place (2018)
A creative thrilling movie
3 June 2021
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This movie is a creative thrilling movie.

I didn't think about how difficult to be quiter than normal until watching this movie.

While, I thought rivers and waterfall should be the home of aliens because there are lots of noise, but protagonists can go there for food and for speaking out. I find that a bit strange.

Despite that, this movie showed that doing usual thing can be dangerous, for instance, the youngest son was killed by aliens just by playing toys.

So I was thrilled throughout of the movie.

And it is also funny to see how protagonists are adapted to being quite (e.x. Leaf plates).
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Perfect combination of drama and fantasy
19 May 2021
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Walter mitty is a weird guy, whose work is underestimated by his boss. Especially the boss often makes fun of him together with other colleages.

But Walter mitty is also designed as a daydreamer, which brings lots of freshness to this movie. In the beginning, it seems to be a bit strange that one moment he is making coffee in his office and next moment he is a mountainer. But the daydreaming part is so obvious that one doesn't have to process to much and becomes laughable.

So the combination of the drama of Walter and the fantasy in his daydream is creative.

And the consistancy of film is good. I guess if he didn't daydreaming about mountainers, he wouldn't be climbing moutains.
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Howards End (1992)
Traditional and modern life
17 April 2021
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The Wilcox family represents the traditional values, while Schlegel family embrace modern life. There are several scenes shows the confliction between them. When Margeret invited Ruth to one of her discussion clubs, Ruth seems to be an outsider, but they somehow became good friends. And Henry seems to be traditional, but fell in love with Margeret. And When Margeret insists to let her pregnant sister stays in Howards End despite Henry didn't allow it.

This movie brings two contradictive elements together and it seems it does not change the relationship of the characters.
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Firewall (2006)
Good acting
17 April 2021
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The acting of Harrison Ford in this movie is very good. Especially the fighting scene in the end shows how a father tries to protect families.

The story is also good that at first the kidnappers seems to overpower Stanfield families, but at some point Jack threatens the kidnappers.

But this movie is a bit similar to Fugitive that the protagonists are used for illegal activities and I watched the Fugitive before, so it was not so exciting.
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Calm, but thrilling and a great thief
1 April 2021
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I would add this movie to my crime category. Firstly, the calmness in the title maybe because Luther does not run, which is often part of the thief, I think.

However, there are several moments are rather thrilling e.x. When the protagonist meeting with his daughter while there are two other killers attempt to shoot him. Lastly, I love the Seth describe luther as a great thief and "i am alone" phrases, The script is good.

I watched the Bridges of Madison county prior to this one and others some times ago. Clint Eastwood can act a person who is deeply in love and a person who loves families.
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Mr. Robot: shutdown -r (2017)
Season 3, Episode 10
This episode connects the whole season
24 March 2021
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First season was a bit kitsch (I am not sure if I articulated well, there maybe a better word), although I liked it. Because every thing looks comfortable. Second season was a bit boring to me that nothing much happened. Third season becomes very interesting and this episode showed that it was well orchestrated. For instance, Chang (the boyfriend) was jealous of Elliot (One scene in 3rd season somewhere shows that Chang said to Whiterose that He can handle the situation better). Also, Some where in 3rd episode showed a flashback that Phillip made contract with Allsafe because of Angele when Phillip has to appoint Tyrell as CTO and Tyrell was questioning Phillip' decision. This episode tells why. It was good.
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A collection of dramas in poor community
21 February 2021
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I love french films, it is very creative and also shows stories from poor communities like Asphalte or Divines. Firstly I want to explain what I perceived as poor community, which is a shabby apartment building in lonely neighbourhood with factories and big and busy streets in the movie. This story tells two households in 1st floor and 12th floor and two households in the same floor but I don't remember which one. First floor man is actually a free-rider of newly installed elevator, who falls in love with night-shift nurse, very romantic. The household in 12 floor tells about lonely housewife whose son is in jail, but warmly wellcomed a got-lost astronaut. The last two households are opposite neighbors helping each other.
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Rob the Mob (2014)
A gangster movie based on true story
21 February 2021
As other comment wrote that it is a great angle to tell about gansters. But I would also give credit to the fact that it is based on a true story. Usually biographies are often based on famous people. But because the true story is based on a couple who are not-famous people, so it may not fit in well in biography category. A gangster movie base on a true story tells the crueltiness of gangster while robing anyone else would just end-up in jails.
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The International (I) (2009)
High quality crime film, but maybe not so interesting story
15 February 2021
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The story is based on real bank called Bank of Credit and Commerce International, which i found out in Wiki after watching the film. The story is not about usual bank activities like giving loans to people, but about fictional criminal activities that an international bank involved. It seems the bank was very powerful and was not brought to justice even in the end of the film. But because I didn't know anything about the real bank, so it was not so interesting.
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Inspiring movie about employment
13 February 2021
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This movie shows ackward episodes and self-struggles of main protagonists (formal steel industry workers in Sheffield) becoming strippers (maybe just one time) because they couldn't find proper jobs, but need money. It is tough situations that only low paid jobs are avaible and they don't have relevant job skills pays well. Dave had to overcome the complex of large-size body issues and Gaz has to deal with embarrassement from his son and so on.
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The best marriage movie and the best love movie
5 February 2021
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For some reason, I cried a lot during the movie, when Francesca barely watched Robert waiting for her in the rain or when Francesca's husband talked to her before his death, now I know why. And from love perspective, it seems that she fell in love twice, once with her husband and second time with Robert, ja, maybe one can fall in love many times. I remember that Robert said that he feels like his love towards Francesca only comes once in a lifetime. So it was real love between Robert and Francesca. From marriage perspective, Francesca was unfaithful to her husband. She is lucky that no one in the town found out about her. I am not sure if Francesca went with Robert and their marriage may not last longer, and she said the things left behind her will destroy the love or the four days being together and decides to keep marriage. Francesca could keep marriage although she does not always enjoy with knowing it is marriage she sacrificed for true love. I think this movie sends a message that a good marriage and true love are not conflicting.
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The Terminal (2004)
When one need to laugh, watch this
1 February 2021
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I usually like watch comedies and I have a look at some movies in my own comedy category before i write the comment. I think it may be similar to Down by Law a bit, if any one liked it, then perhaps this one can't be wrong. Both movies are somehow about one learning a new language, which can be funny (even with my own experience). Specially, the movie does not seem like they made on purpose. In addition, the story has a certain depth refering to romantic relationship between Vickor and Amelia. A bit in hurry.
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Marriage story or Divorce story
17 January 2021
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1) About casts I think Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson are good thespians. In my opinion, one could guess the personality of thespians after watching several movies of them. For instance, I think Cate Blanchett maybe a cool type and often acting as cool characters (watched Carol and Ocean's 8). I am not 100 percent sure. But in case of Adam Driver, I can't guess this character. He acts in Star wars, Paterson and Marriage story, i think rather different roles. Maybe Adam Driver is a so good actor that he can manage diverse characters despite his personality. 2) About story Most part of movie is about Nicole and Charlie getting divorce, but the title is called marriage story. However divorcing is ugly, marriage is not that bad. It seems the reason for divorce is about Nicole wants to live in LA, while Charlie wants to live in NY, but at the end, Charlie found a job in LA. I always thought marriage is about being together, but it seems the two characters don't want marriage at all.
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How come Michael survived
7 January 2021
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I have watched many Robert De Niro movies and had impression he often act as a tough man and I think Robert De Niro fits perfect in the role, so I would give credit to the casting teams. Three out of five close friends joint wars and Steven lost legs, Nick had serious PTSD and only Michael came back without physical harm and serious psychological trauma. So I wonder how come Michael survived despite having horrifying experience of wars. Firstly, Michael was the lucky one that he didn't serious injury. Secondly, Michael was too busy with saving his friends. For Michael, Nick was the best friend among the four, they were always hunting together. I remember Michael said something like he will not go for hunting without Nick and promised Nick to bring him back. Because of extreme experience, Nick remained in Vietnam and kept betting his life in Russian Roulette. So Michael went to Vietnam to bring Nick back despite dangerous situation there and despite romantic relationship with Linda. In a way, Michael's life is not normal. So I think the movie showed three victims, not two and the message is in war, no one wins.
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A movie that satisfies you
31 December 2020
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Pippa grow up with her mother (Suky) obssesion with acting like a celebrity since very little. She was like a doll for Suky to be dresses like celebrities. In another scene, Pippa took Suky's drugs (Suky called it meditation) for stoping her from taking by showing how crazy people can get, but then Pippa was heart-broken that Suky was not upset with acing crazy druged-daughter at all.

The personal life of Pippa was suffering from the traumatic childhood not only on her choice of marriage but also on her relationship with her own daugher, causing psychological problems of herself, etc. The life of Pippa is so miserable that even I as a audience wished that it get better, then She met Chris being released from her marriage that she regrets. Perhaps in reality, Pippa may not meet another person that she love, which is not an happy ending like the movie.

The movie is satisfactory.
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The Undoing (2020)
It is difficult to know who did it until the end
22 December 2020
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It is a good criminal series. There are several characters have motives; Jonathan; Grace; Henry; Husband of Elena. But mostly it is about whether Jonathan, whether he did it or not. He maybe didn't do it because he said he loved her and quite persuative. He had an affair with Elena and disappeared after Elena's death. Somehow he appeared again in front his families and attempt to persuade that he didn't do it. He showed honesty by telling his wife about the affair. In addition, He also had an interview in public and said that he loved Elena, which would hurt Grace, the only person who can help him. He also told his son many times that he didn't do it. But he may be did it because he tries to find a scapegoat (now I know), Grace, even the son, who acts strangely (calm or maybe because he act like an adult). Plus, Jonathan's mother think he is a sociopath.

It is hard to see Jonathan is a sociopath because other Hugh Grant movies i watched. But it is still an interesting criminal story.
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Peaceful movie, but conflicting brotherhood
9 December 2020
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At first i feel like i like it but I didn't know why. My husband said the movie is so calm. Yes, that is how I feel. But it is a movie about brotherhood. So here is why I like it. It is a peaceful movie because of picturesque landscape, the smile of Brat Pitt. I found a review complaining about how the movie showed the death of Paul McClean, actually I also wondered why the movie didn't show how Paul McClean was killed. I think probably keeping everything calm is intentional to emphasize the conflicting brotherhood. Norman and Paul admired each other and they had a good relationship. Paul likes challenges and one time he asked his friends and Norman for canoeing in a rough river. It is so dangerous that only Norman aggreed to that. They were alive but Norman was injured and the boat was broken badly. Then when they came back they had a fight with no reason. I guess Norman agreed because Paul needed him. And that was the first and last fight they had. But throughout the movie, there is a certain tension between them. For example, Norman almost got angry when Paul trying to lecture him how when they went to flying fishing after Norman's return from college. Clearly Norman's life turned out to be better (good job, good reputation and marriage) while Paul's life (drinking problem and gambling) cann't be worse. I guess Paul was happy for Norman, but he felt certain pressure to be better as well. This movie showed the complexity of brotherhood through the constrast with the clam and beautiful nature at the background. I am a single child and I never experience such relathionships, but I did learn how my children would feel if I had many.
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Wild (I) (2014)
About biography
7 December 2020
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I rate 8, because of the way the movie tells about, which is not a full story why Cheryl end up doing a wild journey.

As in the title, usually I know movies categorized into biography are famous people, while I think this one is not, but I do agree with such story of unfamous person is also worth a movie. Then I thought what should I expect from a biography? an Inspiration, I guess. But to be honest, I am also current in a situation which needs some change, I am not sure if going a such wild trip is a good idea. As in the movie, I think the protagonist got lucky. In a review, some say, marathon, I agree with that sort of challenging but not so dangerous.
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Cellular (2004)
it is a thriller movie
8 November 2020
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There are several exciting moments from the beginning to the end. I also agree it is crime, but it fits best in the category of thriller. As for crime movie, it is rather clear who are the criminals. it is mainly about getting them. And criminals are trying to hide what they did and they must disappear those who witnessed, Jessica's husband. So they kidnapped Jessica. One of kidnappers, Ethan broke the phone in the loft, where Jessica was kept. But the phone was not completely broken and Jessica could manage to fix and call someone. In any moment, kidnappers could come back and find out. At the same time, Jessica has to convince the person who pick up the phone and ask them to call police. Second excitement is that when Jessica found out that kidnappers are going to kidnap her son at his school and Ryan has to get him before that.

And so on, there are more excitements until the end.
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Run Lola Run (1998)
Very romantic film
25 October 2020
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It is one story told three times. The story is about how Lola tries to help Manny to get 100 thousand Deutschmarks to pay mafia in 20 minutes. In the first version of story, Lola dies, but she doesn't want to die because of Manny. Actually I don't know why Lola has to run despite it is important scene, but it fits very nice with background music. In the second version, Manny dies, but he also doesn't want to die because of Lola. So the story is told again from the beginning. Some parts are exactly same, at this point, I thought it is a bit boring. But some details are changed. And Lola even robbed a bank to get the money, which shows the strong motivation of Lola wants to live. Unfortunately, Manny died, but he also doesn't want to die because of Lola. In the third version, there are more scenes of Manny and specially he starts to run to get the homeless for his money back. And Lola wins enough money in Casino. The end both survived and I imagine they will be happy together by not finding out Lola's birth truth or Lola's imprisonment of robbery. In reality, the relationship of two loved ones is finished in first version, but it is creatively narrated into happy-ending romantic story.
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Who Am I (2014)
Good mistery movie
24 October 2020
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It is started by Benjamin came to Hanne for help. Benjamin is telling Hanne that he came to help her finding a criminal MRX by telling MRX killed his mate and three Benjamin's friends (Story A). By faking an injury of Max on Benjamin's hand, he made Hanne believe he has psychological problems and three friends are not dead and only in Benjamin's mind (Story B). The true intention of Benjamin is to get a completely new identity to get away from MRX with his three friends, who are also in danger (Story C). It is rather complicated, but Story A and B is planned for story C. And Story C is achievable because Benjamin just have to fake an injury rather than killed by MRX and Bejamin just have to assume Hanne would notice the inconsistency of story and faked injury and assume Hanne want to protect Benjamin from MRX, which are all somehow reasonable.
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The Score (2001)
I think the story may be a bit tedious
17 October 2020
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This movie is about a skillful robber, Nick who wants to quit after one last job. He has been in this business very long time and never been caught. The last job is a very risky one because it is easier to be caught and he has to work with a guy, Jack, that he hasn't worked with, simply he doesn't trust the guy. But it is a favor to a good friend and huge money, with which he can pay off loans for owning a whisky bar. The whole preparation, Nick planned carefully. So in the end, even the Jack betrayed him, he could successfully finish the job without being caught. I guess he could quit and spent rest of his life with his wife or girlfriend. I say it is a bit tedious because the ending is rather predictable with many hints. However, I rated six because all the actors and actresses are good.
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Creed (II) (2015)
Well narrated paradoxic of illegitimated son
14 October 2020
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Adonis Johnson wants to be a box like his father, Apollo Creed despite Apollo died before he was born. In the beginning he insist to use Adonis Johnson as boxer's name when a rival proposed a fight in condition of using Adonis Creed. Because he never met him and he thinks he is a mistake so he is kind of hate his father. With girlfriends persuasion he decided to take the propose. But then he also afraid that he might discredit the reputation of Creed built by his father. The transition from Rocky movie series to Creed movie is a bit abrupt. Paulie was a good friend and a relative of Rocky and the character became very important in later Rocky movies, especially after Adriana died. However the death of Paulie was described briefly. Overall, I think it is a good drama. But I like Rocky movies series better.
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