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Finally reality shown
8 January 2022
A really solid movie that didn't sugar-coat what forcing feelings and expectations into someone else and the relationship shared with said person, and mostly ended with a complete explanation on why most people fail at having a real relationship, a healthy one mostly... because of reciprocity always lacking of course.

Here, we had Tom actually in real need to figure out his own self and be more honest with himself and people surrending him before pretending to be real and sincere with someone else; and the comparison of the way he abordes Summer for the first time and the way he did with the second girl one the 500 days of Summer finally have came to an end was fabulously talkative of it. From his very first lines of dialogue, I thought I was facing a Ted Mosby bis, therefore perfectly aware about the fact I would have to follow a quite intense delusional guy through the entirety of the movie, and let's say I didn't get disappointed on that one.

Here, we follow someone completely out of touch with himself, until in denial : his real desires and aspirations in life, what really could and would fulfill him etc. The fact that so many people based their views of love through contents media offers us since day one - meaning music/books/movies/TV shows and so many others - well, it does explain why so many people never have experienced a real healthy relationship, and sadly might never, and I'm not talking exclusively about the romantic ones. Why so many people relationships end in complete debacle. Objectively, this movie offers us a really consistent happy ending, however in real life let's say that majority never succeed yo quit that vicious circle destroying and sabotaging themselves and all the relationships they would have, until their professional life.

That movie perfectly portrays how someone expectations would never align with reality, and actually thanks God, if that's the beauty of it. Nothing's written or predestined, we are at the helm of our own destiny and the ones (significant other AND friends) really good for us and that we really are going to be good for, they'll come to us naturally, simply by getting out of our comfortable zone and actually be honest about what we desire with the person and give it a try, again in any type of relationship with a peer. And so, in the romantic ones, the one we choose and we are chosen by for living our life as a team, and built together, well the built of your own person and same for your SO ones should not be sacrificed over it, in the contrary it should compliment it... and when you click, you click, chemistry can't be forced, neither feelings. They just come, you're not supposed to condition them into it, if not you're rather living what majority of people are living: conditional love, the ultimate illusion of what real love really is, knowing that real love is unconditional and selfless, and if you're lucky enough to meet that person you'll knew it, no explanation would be needed. No need to put it on faith, mystical signs, destiny or whatever. It will the one for you because, just because. Aside romantic relationships, you love someone because of the said person been herself, regardless of any other conditions involved, that's what real love is, an sane a sincere one. Hence falling in love goes like that as well: two souls meeting and connecting, almost immediately, endless entanglement of two essences, only fuel needed to love that person: her existence and her full happiness regardless how, and with whom... and all that be reciprocated at the same degree.

That's what loving and been in love is and that movie portrayed it perfectly, therefore I'm really thankful to have randomly stumbled on it and would recommend it to anyone in search of the realness of the beauty of what real love could be if finally decided to let go of those dull flat and tasteless fairytales media stuck us with since childhood.
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Joy of Sex (1984)
Surprisedly funny
25 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Alright, after a little 80's movies marathon in the sex comedy genre, I derived from the horrendous Private School one to this, thanks to a review recommended it... and I'd never thank the enough the good soul for it.

Finally a movie looking real, as real as a movie can get, and mostly an 80's one hence even more props to it.

First the school and its students look real. Most of the characters aren't reduced at simply cliché to themselves and behave as regular teenagers when it comes to sex education and the pressure they impose themselves on exploring it the sooner the better, sometimes at any coast. The poor Alan is unfortunately the one having to cope with the highest misadventures tab to pay up. Between the hooker he almost threw himself at, then the excellent plot twist about Liz turning to be a police officer... and 30, as a grown ass woman hell willing to groom a 17-year-old. Said like that it sounds murky and clearly it is but damn, the movie delivered it so funnily, hugely helped by the actress who played her, with that hilarious line "Liz, that's your name right?" "Is Cathy, Reagan. No relation"; just hilarious. Plus the all got delivered more than stealthily. I mean, there were some hints that might have alerted me way before on been a potentiality, nonetheless the announce of it was really good. Anyway, the poor boy is not helped and his exhausting journey on trying to get laid can only make you sympathize with him, mostly with his unexpected last one, making you wonder if he's not a grown ass women magnet, seriously what a gross scene to see him almost getting raped by that loony. And so, seeing him bumping on Leslie after both got groomed/almost raped by two puky adults, I was just like please kids walk together out of that murky place definitely not safe for teenagers and just grab yourself a burger and a milkshake over a movie.

The Leslie/Max misadventure was quite entertaining as well and made me sympathize over both of them to be honest. Seeing Max with his family, kind on forcing him to connect with Farouk to the point on imposing him on his date (Max mom, like what the h*) that was something anyone could have related if having had the experience to have an exchange student at his home once. Anyway, with that storyline, Leslie turned more sympathetic to me. The poor thing is quite desperate because of the repression imposed by his dad aka the boys PE. And her misadventure with Richard was not bad as well "Leslie, I'm involved with somebody else right now" "I don't care if you're married Richard, I just want to have you once" "*boy hidden on the car aside theirs* get her". I don't know, the comedy pacing just works, and the revelation on why he couldn't go beyond 2nd base with Leslie is a good example of it. But her last misadventure ot murkier, just as Alan's one. Just let's teenagers explore their sexuality with each other because as soon as an adult enter the ball without invitation, it turns all disgusting and nauseous to watch, to say the least.

And for Max, he seemed chiller than what he tried to make him passed like at the start of the movie, more layered and therefore interesting and appealing to watch for me, I really laugh in compassion to see him been killed of exhaustion by Leslie dad at the next class.

I absolutely adored the biology teacher, hands down she's my favorite. She looked so genuinely passionate and exciting to convey her passion for her subject and make her classes as ludique and lively as possible. I don't know, I just love her and wish I had one just like her back in school.

To finish, I liked the fact of the movie not only putting all the focus on the main characters to have the entire limelight but also giving the characters in the background consistency and personality. I really had the impression to follow a real class, with some having more screen time than others but at least the ones not having much were not condemned to be quiet shadows, giving the impression to not have a single clue about what was going on around them. The all looked and felt really real and friendly atmosphere like, such as a real highschool and I liked it.

Overall, a really funny movie with great pacing and entertaining acting from all the actors. The school dance was really funny to watch mostly when everyone turned out crazy. Frankly the actors might have had a blast shooting it. And our unlucky birds ended on converging together after such a journey at looking for a sexual experience, rewarded with even better in the end, good ending. The only thing that bothered me though, to the point on making me cringe at times, was the sound editing which sounds quite cheap for the first half of the movie, until out of sync at times. But then, I recall myself that's an 80's movie, but it did a disservice to the quality of the movie, a lot which made me give it a solid 8, so good rate but still not higher possible. By the way, I really wonder why the movie is rated so low here, I think it's undeserved but that's my simple opinion.
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Porky's (1981)
Porky's been the least of my concern
24 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Frankly I watched that movie only because of boredom and let's say that it kind of increased it... until a certain point.

Porky's storyline was out of my concern until the very end and so to the blondie one recklessly running for his quick death for the sight. Seeing him being completely unconscious over the fact to not hold a chance over Porky's influence was irritating for most of the time, but honestly I quickly stopped to even put the slight interest over it nonetheless...

The majority of the movie seemed to drag itself more and more, full and fuelled by mass of tasteless jokes and bland situations for the best and painful to watch for the worst, mostly because of their lengths. Yes, having 3 grown men dying in laughter over a female teacher talking about having to hold a penis through a hole on the girls' shower, that's such a funny scene to think of no? Yeah, let's do it! Hey even better, let's drag it over 10 f*king minutes of seeing them choke to death, sure... I wish it had been literally made to be honest, we would have to change the genre of the movie over a horrific one but at least I'd have had my part of laughter...

Anyway, I'm not even gonna relate about everything that happened or I might jaded myself even more to have put me through such a debacle circus. I mean, between the pathetic females tropes we got served through a hour and a half, or the males ones as well - at least we can talk about some equity over the mediocrity the large vast majority of the characters got splashed during their writing - let's say the devil was out the bottle over the 5 first minutes ... but then, I have to recall myself that's supposed to be a sex-comedy, therefore what did I expected of it anyway?

Well, realistically talking not much and still I got myself agreeably surprised over one specific storyline depicted. Indeed, the story relating Tim and his abusive relationship with his father succeeded to get my interest, to the point on getting me the enough hooked to get through the entirety of the movie, simply to follow its development. And let's say it had been written with quite a justess for such a crappy movie, to the point at some point I felt as if following two different movies at the same time.

I wish the movie had remained completely focus on that storyline, to see and learn more about Tim. Why not even having given us some scenes in his house, to build more tension and context over his aggressiveness with his peers. And I wish we had way more scenes offered to us over his complicated relationship with Brian because their bromance gave such life to the movie, I really craved for more, way more. Actually, I craved for seeing all of them more into that friendship dynamic because that was the only time I was able to see all of them as characters with complexity, layers and potential. The actors chemistry was quite good to be honest and instead of focusing them over crappy adventures to get laid or whatever, I wish we could have dive deeper into their daily life as highschoolers, chilling and hanging out and considering their pals as family they could do anything for. What a shame we had really few of that over a plethora of cheap scenes, it could have been a really good heartening movie.

Overall, a mediocre movie I would have suppressed from my memory with such easiness... if it hadn't been for Tim and Brian. Sadly enough, I might catch myself rewatching it only to enjoy their storyline once more... not badly done Porky's.
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Boy Meets World: By Hook or by Crook (1995)
Season 2, Episode 18
Finally Eric is getting some real light
8 January 2020
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Finally we got an episode with Eric being more than a comic relief. I mean, he has too much potentiel and consistency to just be assigned to that. Here, we saw him struggling with insecurity of his "lack" of school abilities. It's totally believable and still hard to see him considering himself as not enough or unable to succeed having good grades by his own but cheating. He's way far to be dum and let's just say the kind of girl like that one are just toxic person : reducing people to simple attractive objects and demeaning their real potential is pathetic. She's just a floozy dum without any piece of brain to make him think there's no other way out for him than cheating. She's supposed to be a mentor and could have helped him discoveri a more suitable way for him to study better, as nobody learn the same way, and give him some confident to himself which is basically the main key of success instead of making worst than spit in his face making him feel as a failure who doesn't deserve any credit for the matters. We generally see that kind of issue in the other way with some stupid guys reducing subjectively attractive girls to just been worth by their looks. It's a really good move of the show to make it at the opposite knowing that there's as much idiot guys than stupid girls giving themselves the right to undermine someone's intelligence, lot of dummies spreading out there. Shawn and his uncle dynamite was fun to watch, we finally see some of his relatives and his uncle really seems to care about him, he indeed is not the regular random guy you could meet on the street beginning by his amazing height but still that was really interested to finally meet some of this uncles Shawn didn't stop to tease us through the entire season, it was about time. In the end, you have to make Cory sick to have my to favorites having some spot, kind of a pity if you ask me.
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Boy Meets World: Brotherly Shove (2000)
Season 7, Episode 19
24 December 2019
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Hearing Cory letting Eric out for cleaning the garage with THEIR stuffs without even be concerned of or even find it rude and mostly hearing him telling countless times it was not a big deal give me the urge of Knocking his head off. Cory can be really insensitive but here he surpassed himself which is not even a big surprise. Just my opinion but more the seasons passed by more he became such a jerk in lots of ways and the way he's treating Eric after so much years whining for not having the enough attention from him and now barely taking the time to even notice him or in his bad days just throw him away in the insultingly way he's always good at is laughable and quit ludicrous. Frankly, I can easily say that for me he became the worst character of the show and by far, l could epilogue on him for hours but let's not waste more word for him than this ones : he's trash.
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They did it again !
24 December 2019
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Woooh marriage really made Cory and Topanga even more boring than ever, not that they exactly were (or are for that matter) the exciting type of people to be hanging out with in the first place but here their party was beyond bad, God it was so bad, even when they were 16, no even 13 this atrocity wouldn't be acceptable. Truth and reality : there always was Shawn with them to basically be the life of the party and making things shaking, then when Angela came along, it got even more excited because both Angela and Shawn are chill, fun and exciting people to hang out with in the first place, individually so put together they're just firefox... in other hand, let's just say that Cory and Topanga are not that fun or entertaining to begin with, just individually talking so put them together and boom : the level is even lower and it just got worst season after season. They're the cheesy goody goody type and let's say that they're not the one I want to see the most on screen especially when it happens to just be a scene of the two of them without anyone around to level up the scene. This episode just lighten up how incredibly boring they can be but to be fair, some people might relate and actually might like that type of characters, just I personally don't enjoy watching this kind of boring personalities. That's why I'm sometimes, mostly really often, annoyed when the show is giving too much light and focus on them instead of doing it with Shawn and Angela who happened to be sooooo much more interesting, entertaining, such as hot and fun as hell to watch. Ever since the 5th season, the usual Cory and Topanga scenes are flat on their best and boring as hell until turning irritating on their worst, occasionally touching but it's really few of them. It's the last season and frankly it bugs me to always have to see them more than half of the episode instead of the others from the gang, I almost finished the show which is depressing me more than anything to be honest hence if the few last episodes are just going to be centered on them, I would feel so defrauded. Come one, enough with those two already : they married, let's move on and enjoy the few moments left before the end of the season, let's follow the others who for sure are living way exciting life that Cory and Topanga would ever dream on living, period ! By away, as always Cory doesn't know what he's talking about, if Shawn's beard makes him hotter than ever, just saying. And Jack and Eric as funny together as always, they are basically worthy competitors versus the Cory and Shawn bromance, Jack kicking Eric's head on the garbage trash was hilarious as hell, I would like to see them hanging out more with Shawn, Angela and Rachel, those 5 are lot of fun when they are gathering together even for random stuff.
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Baby fever
24 December 2019
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A great episode about self consciousness of our physics, society always was based on a certain physic to lean to evolving through the centuries but still it's really difficult not feeling ourselves pressured about it. I thought that kind of episode would have come way earlier in the show but it does fitted well with the baby so I guess it wasn't that bad to wait that long to have it. Still, anybody could feel Eric and Topanga evening if I'm personally thinks they're gorgeous I mean Topanga is beautiful and has an outstandingly body and Eric god if that guy's hot, I rather finding hotter now he's not that skinny but all chubby and built I don't know I'm not into skinny guy. Knowing that I am in the skinny side as Angela and as her I would kill for Topanga's curves and stop looking as a stick. Anyway, another great episode
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Boy Meets World: Seven the Hard Way (2000)
Season 7, Episode 16
And the happily family remains
23 December 2019
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Eric is very the one with the most sense, the one who's making everything for everybody to feel pleased and belonging, his quote reflected so much what he truly is behind all that loony mask is always pitting on. When we got friendship, we just tended to take them for granted and think a little argue is just gonna be a little argue and nothing's gonna split the bound up, the biggest mistake ever which will have blown so many friendships in History humanity. Only Eric got the sense to get that right and had make everything to fix things up with all his friends forming a solid family, yep friends are the family with choose to have on our lives and we should not forgotten about it. The little scenario of what thinks could have turned if they didn't make things up was depressing : everybody loosing touch to each other including Shawn and Cory which were the bottom line of that fight and I mean come one, it's unthinkable to think of them loosing touch so seeing it was really hurtful. Jack and Eric loosing touch to each other making Jack becoming a cold corporate man without the sweetness and warmth Eric was giving him in his life and Eric becoming really a loony and only for jock having loosing touch with Jack the one putting his feets on the ground when it was necessary, depressing for both oh them if you ask me. Cory and Topanga still married but not that happily despise having a little baby meaning making Topanga abandoned her career and spreading resentful between them, Rachel returning with her trashy ex boyfriend living in Texas which ended by a divorce and her totally messed up. And the worst for me a lift before the Eric/Jack fall downs : Shawn and Angela broken up, making the same job and looking up to each other without daring near each other but without trying others relationship meaningful letting them craving to each other and live an life with an awful feeling of loneliness and incomplete life. It was so depressing seeing that especially the last quote of Shawn telling he had blown everything letting her go again, what kind of sick scenario is this ? Really touching end seeing them fix things up just accepting each other's feelings and ended messing up all together.
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Boy Meets World: The War (2000)
Season 7, Episode 15
A fair war
23 December 2019
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That episode is brilliant. Beyond to be funny as hell for the half first part, it actually light up how everybody is feeling on the group dynamic : Eric is the rejected one which is really mean and unfair if you ask me knowning he was the one with the most sense in here (way to go Jack by the way), Rachel was the last of the group to enter in and feels like she doesn't entirely belong here (nice touch Cory, always blabling and after thinking what just came out of his mouth), Jack thinking is never gonna be as important for Shawn as Cory is for him, Angela felt she was part of the trio and even succeed of convertible it as a quarter and sometimes feels as an outsider front Cory and Topanga thinking they always are gonna have the biggest place on Shawn's life and she will never be the enough possible to make her own place, Topanga basically felling the same way but only towards Cory and Shawn bromance and thought for once that she would have her voice on their team and not just looking the two of them making their stuffs letting her behind mostly after Shawn handed over about the Cory best friend title during the wedding. And last but not least, the bottom line of all that : the two monsters always messing around together but not able to just stick together anymore having others relationships around them as much important for them than their friendship beginning by the love of their lives respectively being Angela and Topanga (which by away happened to be their best friend too because that's what a real relationship is based of : being best friend, lovers and family to each other) following by their blood brothers. The show never failed of putting even higher the level of the show, it was outstandingly well portrayed and damn well acted by each one of them. I will just remain the water scene betweens Shawn and Angela and the one with Shawn had supposedly shown a hot picture of Angela to Jack and Angela snapping on him in the hilarious way, they sure knows how to make me screaming to joy :p.
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Boy Meets World: I'm Gonna Be Like You, Dad (2000)
Season 7, Episode 14
Josh the return, about time
23 December 2019
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Shawn and Angela are still so smoking hot together, time's passing and still the passion is so intensively obvious ever since they get together, it's been 3 years and they're even crazier and irretrievably magnetized to each other than ever. Best couple of this show. Cory was the fun of this episode, why am I not surprised he turned out to be an hypochondriac, gosh our poor little boy. It's been a while since we saw Eric having a plot really centered on his future, he's the soul of that show but not only because he's funny as hell but also because he's deep and touching, one of the most and he is capable of so much that he could even think of. I'm glad Alan finally decided to get more faith of his possiblity and definite cuts the cordon to let him out of the world looking for what he's really good and skilled at.
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Boy Meets World: The Provider (2000)
Season 7, Episode 13
Finally !!
23 December 2019
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For a fight it was a fight. Frankly, I didn't see it coming because I was used of Cory having that kind of negative feelings towards Shawn the entire show, the competitive one I mean. He can't stand someone's success without having it first and the show always lighting up with is bromance with Shawn. But know that his life is linked to Topanga's and not Shawn anymore, as Shawn perfectly and quite well made him clear with Cory in this ep, his issues of been quite full of himself and resenting anybody who would make him put the feets to the ground and realise how frightened he is of been a failure, how he need to be the one fixing everything and succeeding in everything and after helping the person around him to succeed as well, well they kind of explode on Topanga's face and it wasn't pretty at all. But it was necessary and really well done, touching and realistic about their own personalities. Relationship no matter what kind it could be like romance, friendship, professional ones, fraternal ones, the one with our parents... all of them are about sharing and caring, giving and protecting, backing up and cheering for the person, listening and communicate through the souls and most importantly loving and respecting each other. That's a lesson I always want someone to make understand to Cory ever since the first season and I was always waiting to be Shawn who will make him understand but a best friend and the person you married and gonna live for the rest of your life is two distinct thing and that competitive thing Cory always had towards Shawn was toxic enough but Shawn is a giver and could give anything to Cory even credit of his own success to Cory, which he had already done and multiple time so it didn't help and I realise Topanga was the one to make him realise that they're a team and not enemies fighting to win against each other but together hands to hands to make it through their future. She was the one for sure because in their case they're married and in marriage there's no way to getting through with that issue threatening them, it's actually a solid reason to split up, love is not enough in a relationship and Cory had to get that and Topanga is really the right one for him, I'm glad they sorted things up for good, I really am.
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Boy Meets World: Family Trees (1999)
Season 7, Episode 12
My eyes hurts of crying that much
23 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Until the very end the show's gonna put Shawn on some rollercoaster triggering issue. So now his mom are not is biological one... can't they just leave him alone already, seriously ?? He had to get through so much stuffs ever since he came into world and now that he was finally good about his life, his friends, that he had made his grief about the death of his dad and even though his mother had taking off without any signs whatsoever of her, the show decided to kick him down again. He had finally accepted his own self and was getting along with it which was making him able to confront his strong and overwhelmed feelings towards Angela, finally accepted them without fear leading him to fought for her, for them together, he had started to think that he was fitting much more in college that he thought, was beginning to feel like finally belonging to this world thanks to all his loved ones around him, he had finally found a balance on his life... and now this, apparently this is his entering gift on his twenties which I personally qualified as the worst period of your life as much the pressure of failing in life is huge to handle. What an insensitive thing to let him know that through a letter, not only that but she will never come back either, I'm so disappointed of her knowing I always thought of her as a strong and caring mother which had made bad choices in life but in some way or another always was keeping touch with Shawn as during the first time she took off but had send him a letter each day of that year, that's not innocuous damn but now this ?!! And as always, Cory is having that damn reaction he always has meaning telling Shawn, no even trying to impose him what he should do and while seeing Shawn not doing it, the little boy will choose to be in that negative mood around him instead of supporting him no matter what Shawn would decide towards that subject : hate it but hey it would not be Cory if not : messing up and after cleaning up, I can't blame him in that one though. Last Chet apparition was priceless, unexpected and I'm afraid this time is going to be his last scene on screen. Lousy father or not, he did make his best with Shawn and this latter would not be who he is without him, no one will never take that away from him. For me the Mathews wanted to adopt him and obviously not in a charity move but really because they consider him as their son just lighten up what I always considered meaning that not matter what anybody could say, Shawn had two fathers and two mothers in its life which is even more than anyone could dream on. He can refuse to be adopted and I understand but to be honest it's not even necessary, he's already their son since a long time ago. The ultimate farewell to Chet just broke me inside, I wasn't prepared for that. Chet was really and will remain a worthy man, a worthy father and it's all in Shawn's honor to be proud of him and damn he can be, he definitely can be and be proud to hold his name as much as he can be proud of Alan who's as great and outstanding father as Chet, both equally. It also realistic showing than someone who fell for the alcohol once can trip on it again when it's really unbearable, it still no enjoyful seeing him in that kind of state but I think when he really got drunk bad, it remained him a precise memory because of all wasted it was, I think he sensed instantly how Angela was taking it (and well, poor of her, she was a mess as well feeling again that gigantic fear of loosing him in favor of the darkness that mother issue spreaded all around him) and felt ashamed then had the urge to reassure himself which is probably why he directly asked her if she still loves him (as feeling unworthy after being rejected by his mother as well, maybe ? Probably he may have feel he wasn't worth nothing and fear to not worth nothing in Angela's eyes as well : painful as hell) and even after when he came back more sober and she reassures him again about it, his first instinct when she neared him was to grab her hand tightly, almost desperately and with a notable fear delivered by a broken voice tone, he desperately seek her asking her "never leave" as both his mothers did to him. They just love each other in a such outstanding, unconditional and irretrievable, complex, deep and passionate way that is just not humanly possible for me not shipping them.
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Boy Meets World: Pickett Fences (1999)
Season 7, Episode 10
22 December 2019
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Shawn and Angela are so cute as new happy family, I mean the doggy for god sake he's just the cutest thing ever and it's really interesting seeing a relationship taking an higher step as living together, that's one of the many reasons why I do prefer way them more than Cory and Topanga : they're not rushing, they're simply exploring and evolving together in their own pace without pressure or anything, they always are looking to have fun together no duties or responsibilities whatsoever to take care (as they both had to deal during their entire life due to their rough background) as the college kids they're are and not trying to act as the adults they aren't yet because yes, for sure you're not an adult at 19, I mean I'm 24 and still for the majority of society I'm still a kid discovering life. They're acting as kids to their ages which is way more relatable and plus they're chill and relax, passionate and fun, so different and still so complementary, they're perfect with all their imperfections and made for each other and instead of having the show being bragging and telling us tirelessly how made for each other they are as it does with Cory and Topanga, when it comes to Shawn and Angela the show shows it to us, without pushing, overacting or overselling it, it just naturally shown to us through their actions and reactions towards each other. In other words : they're the best couple of that show by far. About Cory and Topanga, I still don't get why they're not getting jobs to be able to afford at least a fork, they whipped a lot the previous episode and it was kind of acceptable but now I think it's time for them to take some responsibilities and accountability towards their current situation they decided to put themselves into and begin to move their asses in order to assure their future furthermore, just saying. I mean, how ridiculously stupid, childish, immature and frankly idiots they can sound to me when they are unconsciously talking about using Cory's parents house as a deposit to have their own too... God, they're just brat and spoiled kids who don't have any clue about how lucky they are to have their two best friends of life finding a place for them, instead of them finding their own place by themselves. I mean, they could have been sleeping under a bridge or on bench in some random parks at this point and still they got the nerve, the guts, the audacity to complain ?!!! They're just so disconnected about what reality is really out there. I always thought Shawn and Angela were way more mature and conscious about life and real difficulties and well this episode showed it to us perfectly well : as always, we got a Cory complaining about everything and, to change, discharging his anger on Shawn, totally forgetting the little detail of Shawn and the tough life he has to undergo is entire life and how much he deserves everything he got know and even more : a sweet home, a quiet and nice life with someone who loves him as much as he loves her. I hope someday Shawn and Angela will have their real first apartment together, they really deserve it and they are apparently really looking forward, his convinced and intense voice tone and face expression telling her he's not gonna let anything bad happen to this relationship really shows us how overwhelming real the love is between them... unlike others that I know.
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Boy Meets World: The Honeymoon Is Over (1999)
Season 7, Episode 9
Reality grabbed them in their calves
22 December 2019
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We continue to be keeping in touch with the post wedding life of Cory and Topanga and let's say that describes perfectly why I don't get people getting married than young, why rushing things instead of leaving their college years without any pressure for the matter than having food grades and not partying to much to be able to get up the next morning. Frankly, I'm glad Angela thought about letting Shawn moving in with her and Rachel, Cory got married meaning it was him all alone in the room and that's depressing as hell to think of him all abandoned. Topanga was supposed to move out so it would have been the same for Angela but at least she had Rachel instead of Shawn who would have stayed all alone like a dog so I'm more than pleased that he moved in with them and well I'm sure as him as Angela wasn't that against that idea to live under the same roof so :p. Despise all, seeing Cory and Topanga throwing away to every place they could have stayed to end up in a depressing area gatherings married couple only but with a dismal atmosphere : the hear of couples arguing, babies crying and even the place in itself and the apartment seems so cheap, so dark and out of joy I don't know, for once I felt very bad for them.
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Boy Meets World: The Honeymooners (1999)
Season 7, Episode 8
Meh !
22 December 2019
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The honeymooners were cute and the previous difficulties before they actually did it was a crack of fun however after it just began boring, even Eric didn't make me laugh that much. Anyway, I don't like when an EP is entirely centered in them, it quickly annoys me.
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Boy Meets World: It's About Time (1999)
Season 7, Episode 7
Happily married
22 December 2019
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The Shawn/Cory situation was so intense, more than realistic and quite predictable : Cory wanted more and more as always and Shawn giving too much until exploring. But here it was way more deep than usual. They have a real bromance, they crazy about each other even since they were 6 and now one of them is getting married, that's tough and a teared appart situation to both of them but mostly the left on here been Shawn. As always he was frontal to the situations and Cory was avoiding it ending to them splitting up in a ugly way. I can't imagine how hard it has to be to both of them, denying it or not when someone get married and move out everything changes, Topanga I'd loving out letting Angela but at least Rachel is there, Cory is moving out and Shawn well stay alone and that hurts a lot, I feel him so much and Cory too busy about his wedding should have noticed Shawn despondent despise all, he's his soul brother and should have tried to make that as much easy to Shawn as possible. Plus, Shawn wasn't asking much than a little talk about it just to get everything out and be reassure than despise all their relationship will remain no matter what, I don't think it was too much to ask of him mostly after all that years of friendship, that's the main problems of their relationship I always pointed out : Shawn gives to much and Cory doesn't listen enough or play it deaf. Anyway, this time Cory got way out the line even more than usual : calling him a crap to teach some lesson to the class although but without even think about apologize to him after, trying to use the tape he made of Shawn's trailer life with his family to win a media contest and without forgetting giving himself the right to read Shawn's poems, which are his most intimate thoughts, front everybody and so much other stuffs Cory did to Shawn's through their years of friendship wasn't enough, now he called him a trailer trash... that's it, I dropped so much awful things Cory did to Shawn without ever apologize to him, not even once but this is too much, in real life they would have slipped up years ago for less than that, no matter how hurting or disappointed you can be to your best friend, even if you're not friend with him anymore you will never trash him no matter what because of the real love you felt for him and the respect. Cory doesn't respect him, I love him but still I am so disappointed of him. They wanted to make it fun but that was too much, that is the worst insult he could have told him... maybe not, he could have told him orphan trailer trash and we would have our winner. But his speech telling he's handing over his best friend title to Topanga was so powerful and truth but still really heart rending, that is exactly what happens when your best friend get married and for sure he did a good job of bring his best friend, way better than Cory did maybe not everything from him is garbage but still he made as much really good things to Shawn as dirty ones, that undeniable.
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Boy Meets World: They're Killing Us (1999)
Season 7, Episode 6
Crazy one
22 December 2019
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Ok the first scene was hilarious, Angela burst in the living room with so much aggressivity and anger on that dreadful dress, I chock of laugh so hard. And Morgan traumatized about her dress was hilarious as hell. Following by Eric setting on fire Cory's curtains bedroom with the fireman knocking down the door and Eric's song god and setting on fire his parents living room after how come his silliness increases each time more and more, Eric the pyromaniac and Cory wrestling him I love him so much. Too much things happened to relate all of them but what a terrific episode.
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Boy Meets World: You Light Up My Union (1999)
Season 7, Episode 5
Could have been better
22 December 2019
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Poor Eric, he's so impressionable he can even be robbed by a old man with a monkey. he's so naive and empathic with every people he connects with and that's so rare to find. I hate the idea of Jack crushing all his life's expectations and giver soul but unfortunately life is not a happy light up scoot cookie Disney. But still, Eric and rational cold mind person does not suit him on bit and I don't expect him to loose all his authentic and warmth personalized to be become as boring as Jack. Cory and Shawn are so out of control when anybody is putting them some limits, I feel Rachel on this one... but Angela's right, how can you not be melting front their irresponsible guilty face :'). Still, her revenge was kind of trashy, I mean the target to explode were Shawn and Cory, not their pants.
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This is the real stuff
21 December 2019
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Woooh Shawn and Angela did have a lot of time to catch up, they didn't unglue each other the entire episode, just during the first 5 minutes of the ep they couldn't help themselves but making out without a break, I don't know but they snogged so much in that one that well first they couldn't make me happier than that and secondly I'm wondering if Rider and Trina wasn't enjoying it. I mean I saw a lot of couple in tv shows post reconcilation and for sure they're were glued as hell but them didn't stop kissing or gazing each other for 5 minutes straight without and maybe with cuts on the first scene meaning maybe the double of the time, that's a lot of dedication they made as actors if you ask me :p. They kissed so much they dried their lips and mouth as the Sahara then they shared water and chapstick and boom they were on track again. I love them so much individually so together let's go blow up some fireworks, finally I can fully enjoy them. And Feeny all joyful to see them together he didn't even try to break them apart, he just passed by with an "how're you doing" and that smirky cute smile on his face, priceless how much he ships them too.
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Boy Meets World: Angela's Men (1999)
Season 7, Episode 3
Finally !!!
20 December 2019
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Finally an ep not centralized on Cory and Topanga dramas, what a change and a little fresh air, I'm not against at all. Eric all traumatized and vengeful by being beaten up by Topanga went psycho as crazy in here, iconic to be honest. After, she destroyed him that hard, even Eric proud could not stand that but his sneaky moves was to much to handle, on fire was the loony even more than usual, just fun in bars. And please, can we talk about the fact he putted himself and chilled on a garbage can seriously ?? He's never failed on make me laugh until setting my ribs on fire, so idiot :'). Finally we're learning more about Angela's family, was about time. His father couldn't have been better casted, he's hilarious and seeing Shawn all shorty front of him added even more fun to their interactions yet. But the little baby has some reserves and strength of not giving up which is what I like the most about him : his frontal and when he's decided on something he never give up and fight until the very end. That's what make the gym scene between Angela's dad and him even funnier and in the same time intense and powerful when he explained his background family to Angela's dad while making push-ups, damn it was intense. He's a total badass and once again thorn my inside and so do to Angela's dad for what we saw. By the way, him being in the army would explain why Angela is so badass as well most of the time. The gym scene was a perfect proof of it, the way she putted Shawn on the ground, smoothy, class and badass as hell. The talk following that was rough though... to the point of pushing Shawn getting in the army, gotta do it. When she told him twice in the gym scene and after the kitchen scene she couldn't love him, him asking her "why not ?", with his deep voice and his piercing and penetrating gaze sounding until her soul, waiting for an answer gosh of course she had to take off or else her guard would have been destroyed in the process. How come he can be so destabilizing just with his eyes, you only way out to that is either take off as a coward but for you survive or melt and give up front their hypnotized powers. But it's interesting to finally know why. I mean I always knew because she was afraid to hurt him but couldn't find the reason of it, being abandoned by her mother now everything is clearer. Funny as much they're complete opposite and in the same time so alike, that's why they're my favorites by far. And hey, the bloopers in the end with Eric/Will as couch, how come they never put any until know if they're excellent.
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Boy Meets World: For Love and Apartments (1999)
Season 7, Episode 2
Poor Topanga's mum
20 December 2019
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"Shawn..." "Angela..." "I can't be in a relationship right now" "Fine, you know that's absolutely fine. But this is you and if walked out that door, I'm just gonna forget you ever existed. "*Angela walking out" "I'll do anything to get her back" or a scene perfectly showing why I love them so much first and as I said I was right : Angela is the one who's scared as hell to been attached, more specifically to him, and he's the one ready to fight, a total dynamic reversal. He's so easy rubbing off your fear on the person you love because she's so sensitive to everything coming from you than she just unconsciously absorbs everything coming from you and Shawn having been desperately frightened of been that attached to her, going beyond everything he never experimented and felt in life, and this the entire previous season there's no asking why she's that scary and push him away now... did I mention how much I love the way his saying her name, his voice's basically all soft and smooth but damn when he's telling her, the tenderness in his voice tone just give me so much chills all over my body. Did Cory never gonna learn the lesson being minding his business and mostly stop interfering in everybody else's lives and decided for them. How rude he can be when it gets started, Topanga is upset and broke up with him ok but that doesn't give him the right to push her parents to get back together just to fix things up with Topanga. That's stupid, immature and quite insensitive. Who the hell he thinks he is to try reconciliate them whether or not they want to, nobody is allowed to get his noisy nose in couples businesses. As named, a couple is about two people, nobody else and what does make he think that would not be the better decisions for them, that they're getting through some issues they can't handle anymore and that even the love just go away. In their case, it's turned out Topanga's dad was cheating on her mom... way to go Cory. He tires me so much whenever he acted as inconsiderately and insensitively as he did here. For once, I disagree with Shawn : Cory wasn't any good or brilliant as far, he was a total idiot who just put Topanga's mom in a more painful situation and even pushing her to explain him why I mean really ?? His husband cheated on her and plus happens to be in love with the another one, she has to be destroyed and teared apart inside and her we are Cory pushing even further telling her that love shouldn't stop, that shouldn't happened, how more insulting and insensitive he could be ?? Nobody can compete with him in this level ! The only fun part which made me actually enjoy the ep was the wrestling between boys and girls, if Rachel and Topanga are savage, Angela just killed the game, she kicked Jack in one shot so impressively, she's a goddess.
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Boy Meets World: Show Me the Love (1999)
Season 7, Episode 1
The last round
20 December 2019
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Eric hair cut scene was a bomb, my first reaction when I saw him "god, get rid of the puny burned spaghettis haircut man, what are you doing" and he did it in less than 30 seconds and gosh doesn't he look hotter with that new hair cut or what ?! Oh yeah, my boy is back on the market, what a rollercoaster if you ask me. This ep was a really mixed up one in a good way tho but I think that's letting us understand the dynamic of the season. Topanga letting Cory for the fear born about her parents splitting up, Angela rejecting Shawn when his talking about relationship because, and that's my personal opinion, his own fear of having commitment and been attached ended up rubbing off on her which was predictable but soooo frustrating, in the image as real life is to be honest. Jack and Rachel broke up (for what it last and count for me though meaning not a peanut) and Angela and Topanga are moving in with her. I have to say that is a good idea, changing the interactions dynamic of the group will spread fresh air so I'm thrilled about it... but my poor baby Shawn, I can't get over it he's so cute, Angela got a lot of strength if you ask me for not be melted in the first round but again the fear should have been really increase on her after Shawn broke up with her and the scene telling her he's not ready, he didn't see that coming for sure but I did and knowing he's gonna have to make a lot of exercise rowing to reassure her. Also, more than been afraid than Shawn hurting her again, I got that feeling she's maybe a little more afraid of hurting him because of all she saw about him, all the things he got thrown mostly that year and you sensitive and fragile he is deep down. My point is to have her back, the main thing he's gonna have to do is reassure her about that hurting each other thing knowing that she already had it before they go out in highschool and overpassed it trusting more on her feelings for him and their incredibly connection and mutual love than fear and then he screwed up more than once and for legitimate reasons, his lack of self esteem and confidence not helping in that case plus the hurting each other thing. She was the one truly confident in herself and them belonging together and never failed of demonstrating him that simple fact but with all the events following, they made her loose that faith and be more frightened than ever to everything relaying about him... and in other hands him overpassed that fear transmitting it to her in a certain way. Now, it's his turn to reassure her and made her overpassed that fear. That's why I love their relationship : complex and easy to read in the same way, totally realistic, credible and relatable and so damn passionate and authentic, I can't wait to see more.
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Boy Meets World: State of the Unions (1999)
Season 6, Episode 22
Correct season closure
20 December 2019
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The Eric/Shawn talk was priceless for me, I mean they're both are the soul of the show as much they're can be stupid and make you laugh until you jaw set itself on fire. And in the same time, they're both touch me as anybody else does. They're my favorites and I always wanted to see them more connected, in fact I was counting on it when they were roommates, just it didn't ever happened and I always thought it was one the biggest failed opportunities of the show... I'm glad they tried to fix that in a really natural and fun way and it Indeed had passed the test quite successfully, I hope it would be one of manies conversations they got for now on. But I hate to see Eric all alone each season more, is he gonna be respected on the last season or what ? Also Shawn and Angela were funny together, only friendly feelings the little boy has towards her, yeah right, a little emotional moment and boom he's all sappy on her... which it's not to displease me. They didn't get as much scenes together as I was expected to us to have in that season, I hope it would not be the same deception for the last one because well it's the last and I hate shipping a couple and being disappointed in the end, please tell me I'm not gonna be with them both, they deserve so much more light I mean come enough with Cory and Topanga already, they're not the only one who deserve that much exposure and frankly it's just about marriage and it only goes around circles and it went from cute at boring to finish being irritating. To finish, finally Feeny found happiness again, he deserves it more than anybody and they're incredibly stunning together, they got a real chemistry and their wedding vows were incredibly deep for a couple who got little light in the season, they're beautiful and she's adorable.
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Boy Meets World: The Psychotic Episode (1999)
Season 6, Episode 21
20 December 2019
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Cory afraid of changes that's a common thing when it comes to him. That's why I'm saying they're getting married way too young, they're 19 and have all life before them and they choose to closed their possibilities of experiences and discoveries through their own self to already settled down and rushing to combinate each other before the big day comes. That's the stupidest idea they ever had and more time is passing by, clearer it is to get the point they're not ready, well at least Cory. After the previous one which was exquisite, that was not the best ep and was too much centralized on Cory's nightmare which after the 5th time wasn't that funny or that interesting anymore.
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Boy Meets World: The Truth About Honesty (1999)
Season 6, Episode 20
Hot as hell
19 December 2019
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Angela was on fire in the bathroom, finally she's herself again. And let's talk about the little diner party, I have to thanks Topanga on this one, they were sooo horny for each other, the sexual tension could've not be bigger than here. No emotional attached my butt. So much episodes since there were just crumbs giving to us and boom they throw us that smoking ep on the face, god I love this show. But let's talk about Cory in this one : how come he never learn to back off, that little boy for sure loves to live wildy and even has some concern of leading himself into death.
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