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The Acolyte (2024– )
Not Star Wars!
16 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A girl enters a bar and engages in a fight with a reluctant jedi woman. After clearly holding back, the jedi does not even draw its sword, the girl takes aim on a bartender with her little throwing knives. The jedi is distracted and while saving the man she gets one knife in the chest and dies.

Opinion: the jedi are killing machines and a life threat is dealt with deadly force. Right? The scene is not a Star Wars "reality". The jedi are literally psychokinetic and telekinetic beings that train all their life for combat. They have a lightsaber!

Then this girl has a twin drop out jedi and other jedi die. One kills himself! Imagine that.

The show has a poor imagination, to say at least, the dialog is generic (it explains what we see. The lowest form of script.), the actors are plain and forgettable, and so on.

The show is cheap, the intrigue seems to undermine all SW mythology. You can even say it is intentionally rude. The covenant of witches does some force tricks that are just silly political agenda.

Do not recommend.
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Cliche and horrible written
4 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Kong enters our world because he has a rotten painful tooth. Giant heli brings a metal tooth to replace it in one minute. Surgeru like that take weeks in real world.

At this point I expected Godzilla to replace its tale with a broomstick. Laughable in most terrible way.

The reptile goes to recharge by killing Tiamat with no problem doing that.

Underneath, a tribe of Kong like giant apes, we found out, are always trying to conquer the surface and bring an ice age with the use of a cold elemental monster imprisoned by the leader of the apes.

Mothra appears out of nowhere and, with G and K go underneath and battle the enemies mentioned, than resurface and defeat them.

A girl has a shoelace tied around her head and to make her look for us as a native American Indian last survivor of a tribe.

Full of cliches and simple action done using CGI, the movie maybe entertaining for kids and teens, barrely.

A fail and a painful experience that laft me scarred for life. )) kidding. But, seriously, the movie is lazy bad.
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Good thrills.
31 December 2023
A LDS society where a brutal murder occurs: A young mother and her little baby are killed.

A detective with same religion and an native american indian cop investigate the extended family who includes the husband and several brother, each with families.

It seems that the crime was a ritual long forgotten and the suspect is elusive.

Father of the brothers investigated is a harsh man who inflicted small but significant trauma on them when they were kids and the religion they belong is loose in interpreting the words of their original prophet.

Well acted and with a good cast, the show takes us beyond what is a religious behavior.

A must see.
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Such Brave Girls (2023– )
26 December 2023
A family of three (mom and two daughters) is trying to solve their existential problems involving love, trauma, money, housing, by hooking up with men that they think are there to grab.

The mother is lying and doing her best to charm a single odd man who has a big house with heated floor though he never pays for anything in their relationship.

The beautiful daughter is being silly after a guy who cheats on her and leaves her every time he feels like it.

The second daughter is a wannabe complex girl who is afraid of anything and is making excuses to drop and run away from anything coming her way.

I love all three of them.

The comedy is smart, at a fast pace, quirky, and has few sexual scenes, one in particular involving the two sisters trying to test for pregnancy right after one had sex. Imagine what s coming down.. Anyway, big surprise seeing such a unique take on comedy and drama.

You should see this one.
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One episode in
23 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Universe of Godzilla and King Kong. A woman goes to Japan to find out why her father had a home on its name there. He had another family in Japan. She is haunted by many flashbacks from initial Godzilla attack. She has a half brother there, in Japan.

Three scientists go to investigate an desolated factory, put some explosives in the ground and detonate just to investigate monster activity and it s what they were looking for. But then, they just enter a basement and see the new orange glowing eggs. Why they use explosives if they could just enter there and see? And why go into dangerous monster territory with one pistol??

Actors are not convincing, dialog is generic and plain.

CGI is all over the place. To me CGI is laziness.

Conclusion: a failed boring show that will be canceled after this season. I wanted to see something just because I saw K. Russel s name.

I will not continue seeing the next episodes, barely finished this first one. I gave it a 6 out of 10 as it deserves it s mediocre stars.

Good bye.
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Foundation (2021– )
Book reading puritans
25 August 2023
Book reading puritans say the show is disappointing. I have not read the book so I will not tell you that.

A galactic empire has a few centuries rulers who clone themselves in the ideea that they represent the best rulers can be. Morning, dawn and DAY - he rules - are a trio of the same person. Clones of the first emperor called Cleo. Demerzel, a robot advising and not only is a female shape rather attractice. The empire is dictatorial: kills you and all you have even met: relatives, friends, etc. All of them so that you will be wiped out of existence.

Seldon is a scientist that discovered math way to predict the future. Obviously he clashes with the empire. He is exiled and after centuries he managed to gather people under his belief. But time changes things. And now Foundation confronts the authority of Empire.

Excellent production, very good cast and the acting is superb (the two pilgrims are memorable).

Foundation is the best show running now. And one of the best from the last years.

For me, since Game of Thrones, this is the only serie that is interesting beyond entertainment.

I recomand you to watch it and you will enjoy it.

I am a book reader and I can surely say that Book/Film is a balance that can tip towards the movie, sometimes. Game of Thrones did it.
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From: Ball of Magic Fire (2023)
Season 2, Episode 9
We can tell it s water down and it became annoying
21 June 2023
Again, 46 minutes of screaming and not a single step made.

Season 2 it is done for the money and to prolong it. Unfortunately its done on the viewers expense. Expectations are not met.

I took a paper and a pen and noted what was new in this episode. Nothing. Nothing happened.

The second mistake was that they decided to have a week and episode release.

Honestly, i am about to stop watching. I think a new season is out of the question if they keep feeding this nonsense.

Imagine that at the end it becomes clear that all this place is a dream or just some alien monster plot. The disappointment!

Season 2 is bad. As a thrill, as plot development, because of drama filler used to cover the lack of genre trops.
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From: Pas de Deux (2023)
Season 2, Episode 6
Slow becoming average
28 May 2023
I have watched the serie from the day first episode aired. I was intrigued by its plot and wanted to see more.

The whole first season was unfolding in a good pace, the thrill and the mistery were there to serve the plot.

Season 2, instead, does not deliver.

Slowly, the fiction turn into drama. This is the nightmare for a sci fi, fantasy serie. The characters play it is meant to deliver the punch IN THE GENRE not in adiacent sub plots who turned out to be (no surprise.) drama for most of them because it the most easy one to write AS A FILLER! Comedy is hard. No one dares to make a filler with comedy.

So, my opinion is thta this season 2 is a cheap trick to a filler.

Low, very low.
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Sisu (2022)
This is going towards mythical
19 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A veteran already when ww2 was unfolding is retreating in Finland wilderness where he alone finds gold. He carries the gold with him traveling on horse and with a dog. Germans are retreating and destroying everything in a scorched earth tactical retreat.

About 30 Germans traveling in the opposite direction with the fin meet him. They have a motorcycle, 2 trucks and a tank.

He is passing themas a dead man, they say and let him go. Next crew of nazis stop him and try to take his gold. He reacts and a fight begins that will be the conflict till the end of run time.

I took his legend even further. Not suggested, he is somehow a touch from another world. That of ancient tragedy and gods. He appears to be a brave warrior. It is said that. He killed 300 Russians and said no more. His family died.

It hints and that makes this movie more than the shooting and the carnage.
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Gilda (1946)
1 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A young man knowing his way in the world and in the gambling world, too, down on his luck meets another man who seems capable of changing his life in one night.

Accepting an advice, the young man seeks to win his money in the place mentioned and bumps into the same one. He is recruited as a member of staff and soon he becomes the right hand man of the owner of a big business that is in fact a cartel centered on tungsten deals and patents coming from defeated Germany in ww2.

All of a sudden the boss leaves and after a while he returns married. The gorgeous wife is an old love of the young man.

The boss stirs them knowing they are old lovers.

I find the end disappointing. The boss could have been of a different kind of greed as he seems to like to put the old lovers at a test.

The plot hole is that he find exactly an old love of the young man. What were the odds? But if this was a project of him from the start the fallow up should have been different.

Could have been one of the best movies of the decade.

Still, a good movie and a beautiful woman, Gilda.
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Scream VI (2023)
Cream VI
12 March 2023
After witnessing the first movie when released, seeing this makes me wonder: am I old?

Courtney Cox sure is. No other member of the Scream movie appeared in this Cream movie.

The sisters related to last crimes done by the masked killer become target once more. Easy targets.

I cant imagine how someone can lose in a fight against a knife while having a gun. That s what movies are for.

The reveal was unsurprisingly not because i did not knew (and i didnt.), but because it had nothing new as a plot. The twist was that the first masked ones were some noobs wacked by the real guy/guys was meaningless.

The blonde, first kill, dates a guy literally in a alley. The gorgeous woman would have soften any killer s heart.

What i want to say is that it s a bad bad plot. A Coke in a gallon of water. A grain of salt on a fat pig.
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Cocaine Bear (2023)
2 March 2023
A bear going crazy after cocaine. Some drug dealers ditch cocaine over a forest and a bear sniffs it and eats it. It goes on rampage killing everyone around. It happened for real. The movie is based on that fact.

Two children, a team of drug dealers, some emergency personal, a ranger, a cop and others are in his way.

Its a strange mix of mauling, gore, comedy, light dialog, nice scenery, without becoming too scary.

To me it looks like a classic movie in wich there no stake other than the viewers entertainment.

I enjoyed it.

Would recomand to see it as it s a light one and it can be enjoyed very much.
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Mistery with hints of supernatural events
7 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A young woman needs work and she presents herself as a nanny to a rich and pretentious family. They have a son and suffered a tragedy as the mother jumped trough the window and died.

After she is hired, we and the fam finds out her CV is not all true. Only we know she goes home to a man who s a young detective in the police.

They are up to something. Although they are lovers, something is off.

The family with the kid lives in an apartment big and rich and next to other relatives.

But the nanny sees an apparition, clues take her in an bleak abandoned basement in the building where she finds out she needs a key. She s looking for something: a rare jewel.

More characters enter the scene: doorman replacing the first two who died on spot.

Some young girls, sister living nearby and being related with the kid family.

This is a solid entarteining show, with a good lead actress, decent dialog and well thought intrigue.

You should give it a try.
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The English (2022)
Revenge and time
13 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After the arrival of a young beautiful english woman in remote west of north America, an indian is freed after taking a beating. Now she is at the mercy of those men. The Indian who served in the military and had no peace after the war ended comes back for her.

Gradually the plot is delivered with each episode to the final conclusion. All along the mistery keeps its hood on as the two travel the land from adventure to adventure.

The acting is good and excelent, the production value is high. No cheap thrills, no banal feelings.

Its a sturdy revenge story but goes beyond that showing an aspect of human condition. The action takes us on almost 30 years of events without clouding or making us dizzy.

I ll recomand this show to my friends to see.
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Barbarian (2022)
Horror 4 horrors sake.
28 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A neighborhood becomes deserted and decrepit as years pass and a single Airbnb house stands clean and painted whyle various people come to sleep. Among them, the trigger: a woman who rents it in the same time with a man. She arrives second. After a strange night she becomes trapped in the basement as the door keeps catchind draft and closes by itself. While trapped she finds a concrete door and opens it.

While not bad and well produced , the movie suffers the modern ,,plague,,: it s empty. Horror for horror s sake. These kind of movies can be interpretedd as torture for the viewers. Stories mean something and meaningles stories dont deliver quality enterteinment.

A forgetable movie.
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A girl goes to die
9 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This teen girl is going to be accepted in a big faculty after highschool but at a party she coughs blood and faints.

At the hospital: tragedy. She has cancer. Time jump, and her cancer is spread. She is dying.

First time she fainted she saw some weird ghost like things.

Now she wants to go and die at a youth suffering center she might have dreamed about. There, another patients like she is, are cracking death jokes and walk around the old house staying up late to tell storie around a drink in a fireplace room, sitting at a square table. She sneakes into the room and once discover tells a story.

It s a 50 min. Per episode show. Nothing happens besides what I told you about. There is a story with numerous jump scares that is literally boring and annoying.

The image is decent but the plot is going nowhere, the scripit is lazy. Is like having a litre of water over a spoon of syrup:
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Andor (2022– )
Solid. After I saw first 2 episodes
21 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is Andor, the outlaw. A man escaped from a dying planet mined by the empire and corporations until it became toxic for life.

Embroiled in minor smuggling and even weapons smuggling, Casian Andor is looking for someone in a bar where 2 men pick on him and fallow him outside with an intent to steal his money. He resists and one of them dies. He kills the other with their gun. Tese 2 were corporation men and a search party is after him because a young officer is eager for action and seems like an idealist.

Andor C. Tries to escape the planet because someone betrayed him leaking info to the corporation.

This is a Star Wars universe but its script is heavy like a drama script.

Dialog is important, clever. It adds weight to the plot in a sense like Game of Thrones dialog did. I mean it doesnt say only what images show.

The music is subtle, but noticeable.

The production is spot on imagining the extended SW universe.

The plot is revealed in slow but effective speed.

I have not noticed a false tone in not one scene.

CGI is good eneough but until now, I saw 2 episodes, it was used only in the background, i think.

It s a solid show.
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Nope (2022)
10 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Some young people working at a ranch witness strange events happening: electrical and visual. Drom time to time we witness a chatacters flashbacks: one with the father of one guy, one with a monkey going crazy on a tv set and killing. After this long and slow start, very slow, we see the alien. Its not an UFO is a living alien that looks like an flying saucer sucking dirt and people inside through a hole in its center. People scream while getting eaten alive, i think. So there ranch guys wanna get it on video.

The alien unfolds and can look like a ships sail. But more stranger.

My impression is that this is a metaphor for something, it can bore you, non theless.of its aim..the characters are impassible to the danger, search no protection, other than running and running inside buildings.

No gore, no explanation about the phenomenon. We get to see inside the UFO/alien but it looks like inflatable matresses one on top of another.

Average quality and entertainment. It can frustrate viewers in egard of the slow paced action...
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After first episode
2 September 2022
We learn about how the evil spreads and waits to do its deeds while elfs are long time winners of the war and search and occupy peacefully the lands in fear evil might return. Some forgot, some believe its just a myth that evil really exist as black sourcery and pax of elfs is declared as the many and the leader dont want to go further to look for Sauron even though its signs linger in the cold frozen wilderness.

Dialog is witty, ominous, on point in every scene.

Script is good and this first episode has a better impact on me than House of the Dragon s first ep did.

Diversity is not a flaw. Many feared. It s normal due to the fact that the actors interpretation is good.

Galadriel. The woman playing galadriel is obvious beautiful. Her role is hard but well written and she acts perfect. I love her. Its not subjective apreciation because she s playing her art excellent.

I love Galadriel and her stand. Its angelic like.

The plot is creating the thrill I expected from a vaste treaty of the LOTR world and its entertaining.

Good scenery, good CGI and well imagined ,,ancient,, MIddle Earth as related to ME from LOTR.

Its a race(I am having fun, here). Who will entertain more? House of the Dragon or The Rings of Power?

Both, I hope.

FYI, I like LOTR, seen IT as a mature dude, and this show does it justice. Even better.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
It s a succes after 1 episode
21 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first episode takes us only in Kings Landing court where tragedy strikes: the king elected years ago is now in the situation to choose: his wife or his unborn son. But he s option fails as the son lives just for a day. He names his daughter as next queen despite his previous intent to name his young brother. The young prince is a warior, unsatidfied with his life, with being send to remote land. The conflict is about to start as the court swears oath to the soon the be queen The production. The dialog, the actors are just as good as those from Game of Thrones.

The only surprise for me is the oral message every Targeryan king or queen transmits only to his chosen prince or princess: Aegon had the premonition about the long night and this was one of the reasons he took Westeros.
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Sprung (2022– )
Relaxing and funny
20 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Two dudes doing time are released due to corona virus epidemic. One is a ridiculous criminal ready to do any crime and the other is an older inmate doing 20 yrs for selling weed in the 90s. Oance out the mother of the ridiculous guy hosts them all together but only to make a crime team. The weed selling guy spent so much time in prison that he learned from the others how to do sorts of things.

The show is a family like comedy, fine paced, not too witty, with surprising plot and well 2 known actors. I recomand to watch this serie.
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Bullet Train (2022)
9 August 2022
The plot promises an action mistery comedy but it seems more lilke improv. It tryin to much to be funny at the cost of logic.

Actors appear magically (Sandra B.) to deliver ... i dont now what.

The only believable acting and dialog is the one of The white death gangsta.

Mediocre comedy at best.
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Westworld: Zhuangzi (2022)
Season 4, Episode 5
One of the best episodes
25 July 2022
All this revealing is not even the best part of the episode. The play with the possibility is huge here, although it s not quite phylosophycal since the machines get close to human condition but never question the posibility of liberty, existence and so on like ontology does. Like childrem/generations Dolores changes and stays the same until someone does he meaningful thing wich is question reality, question everything.

So, this was an excellent episode and I am waiting to see how the ,,cylons,, react now that they are in the big game of human condition.
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Moonhaven (2022)
Strange and interesting
8 July 2022
First, I would like to live on set of this show. So serene and green. Eufonic. The singing in the pilot is good. Its simple and the voice is soothing.

Lets see what the ,,lunatic,, humans are up to. The plot is ok and. I finf the production and the script quite original.

It deserves more apreciation since it is talent involved in the making of the show. People are bitter about everything today so they downvote like there s no tomorrow.
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
silly plot but...
21 March 2021 still watching for the detective woman she too nice.
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