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I gave up after 11 mins
21 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Oh it was truly terrible. Jody is an amazing actor - but honestly why did she do this?

It was bad enuf her.being in the bath and her pregnancy being on display as well as her bare breast - totally unnecessary

Shortly after we had to ensure the baby arriving - and we are "treated" to a partial view of the blood red Virgina via her open legs. I mean is there really any need for us to see this?

The last straw for me was her sitting on the toilet - actually using the toilet - and we are treated to short bursts of water hitting the pan.

I mean SERIOUSLY? Why did we (the viewers) need ANY of this unnecessary and quite unpleasant part of the script.

Why do film directors now feel they have to go in more and more for people sitting on and using the toilet?

This one went too far with the Virgina - but that added to the rest? Forget it.

Both of my 2 stars are only for Jody - who is a rising talent.
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Spoilt brat never stops complaining
19 June 2024
How this spoilt brat can "exit" the family that brought him up in luxury and splendour - being flown around everywhere and anywhere as a child and then decide to trash his own family is beyond belief

To moan that his brother got 3 sausages and he only got 2 is so pathetic never mind the fact he actually remembered it and put it on the book. Not even thinking about millions of kids who never had sausages at all - starving whilst he is literally living like a king.

The private details of both his and his brothers private parts should never has been in this book (or spoken about at all).

He and his wife don't want to be part of the Worlds most famous family - and yet they want to keep their titles and privileges! He is constantly suing the UL for private security paid by the tax payer - no mate! You have to work for that tax payer subsidy and you don't want to

Your children should also not have any titles. Neither they nor you are Royal - your choice.

Now go away and leave us all alone. We don't care about you any more.

You made your bed now go and lye on it - as far away as possible.
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Goodness me - what rubbish
4 June 2024
What on earth the BBC got themselves involved in this piece of rubbish I cannot imagine.

Maybe it's a "box ticking" exercise - who knows.

It seems to be some kind of Swedish film but (thankfully) it's in English - but also badged up BBC Films. None of that adds up.

Ok I am only an hour in (with 1.5 hours to go - ugh!) - but I can't see the purpose of this film at this point. Literally there is little or no plot.

The opening scenes don't appear to have anything to do with this film (so far) and it's like I have been watching different films.

It's entirely possible of course that "something" will actually happen. But I won't hold my breath.

OK - Just after I wrote this (10 mins later) ''something'' did happen - but seriously, its still not worth watching.

I finished it. It got even worse as it went on and the ending is complete PANTS.
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Really ? Is this all?
18 May 2024
One has to wonder why someone made A film out of this essentially non-story. Granted I am only half way through - but good god - it's incredibly boring.

I really like the main actors and it's the first time I have seen the main nails actor actually kiss a woman in any of his films (not that it's important)

Honestly if this film is made from a successful book - then how come so many people got half way through the book.

I am probably going to miss the whole point of this film now by giving up - but I do need something more to give me a hint of what's actually going to happen or the outcome by the half way stage - but alas I am now done with it.
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The Beast Must Die (2020–2021)
Not as good a it could have been
10 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Not as good a it could have been

First thing is this should have been done and dusted in a maximum of 2 episodes. 3 at the very most

It seems ITV have caught the American media giants bug of dragging rubbish out far more than is actually necessary

The main female character did my head in. Worming her way into a completely unknown family and them accepting her - allowing her to live there with them for god knows how long.

She tip toes around the place - constantly gets caught in her "endeavours" and immediately comes up with some sort of pathetic"reason" as to why she actually is where she should not be.

Every scene (it seems) she sees "something" - and attaches that to her primary suspect (who we all know is the suspect from almost the beginning)

Whilst anyone would feel desperately for a parent or an offspring that was killed - this woman milks it to the enth degree. At every possible moment.

She is full of self pity and wants to blame someone - and everyone - but herself.
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The Gone (2023– )
Oh not again.
27 April 2024
Started off ok - but then it soon descended into The English being blamed for everything (yes really) As the first episode progressed I just knew it was coming and then "there is was" - how predictably boring.

"The Irish" who feature second only to Maori people in this boring production also complain about the English but where would they be if they didn't use someone else's language?

The very language of the very people they seem to despise. Not forgetting the Irish were also part and parcel of the original "discovery" of New Zealand - but are now in total denial.

The storyline is a bit lame and the acting more so.

Because of the subliminal lectures being dished out on this - I am out. The first episode was enough.
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The Dropout (2022)
God this is terrible
12 April 2024
This is so terrible.

So "American" where "everything WILL work out / if only you kept saying it"

The constant insertions of pop songs I can't stand - it (to me) shows a lack of script talent.

So many times the lead character is jumping up and down to "pop songs" it makes me want to switch it off (strangely I stick with it - as I want to see the story - which I seem to remember being a complete con)

American films so often show how easy it is to make so much money as long as you "believe in youself" - never mind the reality.

The other thing is how Americans always boast about their success. We saw two entrepreneurs in this show boast one about how they sold their companies for $50m and the other for $40m. Whilst probably true - why do they have to boast about everything?

One even bragging about his damned car.

So what? You achieved success. Isn't that enuf without boasting about no how rich you are?

I stayed with it - I upgrated my rating to 5 (from 4) because it turns out to be a true story, I cant slag off the plot too much - but the lead actress is so annoying, since she nods her head right the wey through every episode, whether she is talking positively, negatively, or not talking at all - its so annoying.

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Daliland (2022)
Daliland - to see a genus at work.
28 March 2024
Daliland - to see a genus at work is a real treat. He may have been mad - but who isn't? And he got well paid for it!

Ben Kingsley is one of Britain's finest actors his breadth of work is astonishing and well deserved of the "Sir" title.

This film traces Dali in the height of his career whilst also exposes - perhaps for the first time the intricacies and complications even contradictions of one of the worlds most famous men (of all time)

I never understood his work / but I thoroughly enjoyed this film and would recommend it to anyone curious about one of the 20th Century's most infamous figures.
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The Last Bus (2021)
Forget this film
27 March 2024
Forget this film if you are after a quick and instant fix of car chases - guns and explosions.

This is a film like only the Brits make in the English speaking world. A proper "true life" story that matters not if it's actually true but certainly does represent what has probably happened many times over the centuries in one way or another.

It's a film about love and endurance and a journey of just that. If you are after a peaceful hour and a half or so of indulgence into someone's (believable) lifes closing scenes - then this is entirely fitting.

Mr Spall is one of englands greatest actors. Completely unsung even. Y himself - Timothy? You have done it again.
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Reality (I) (2023)
What a terrible film. Really bad
26 March 2024
This was the most boring film I have seen in years. In fact I had to skip through a huge chunk of it until I saw some "life" come on my screen. Too bad it didn't last.

Do Americans really talk like this? I suppose they must do since it's supposed to be a transcript.

The dialogue (never mind the questions) was utterly annoying as almost every sentence was papered with "oh - um - er - aaaaaand - umm" and so on. Additionally they would start a sentence on many occasions - stop after a couple Of worlds and then start the exact sentence again - often up to three times.

Such as "would you errrrr / would you errrrr / would you tell us how XYZ happened?"

I mean do people really speak like that continuously?

Forget it - it's incredibly boring even after the first minute or two showed so much promise.
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The Gentlemen (2024)
Well - a decent series
16 March 2024
Americans may be bemused that to have a great Netflix series you don't have to have mass murders - mass shootings or loads of implausible car chases to have an interesting and unique series of highly enjoyable entertainment.

Forgive me for saying but Guy Richie (ex / Mr Madonna (yes THAT Madonna)) has delivered his usual highly entertaining and enjoyable product to the market with a stellar cast including some from his very early days who totally fit in.

Well done Guy and his team for bringing such originality to our screens / but in a very British way that eschews the "bull crap" that regrettably soaks up way too many American movies that include way too much gratuitous violence and (strangely) the worst marksmen (markswoman) where they seem incapable of actually shooting the "hero" but the hero manages to heroically hit the target bang on

So boring

Thanks Guy for yet another masterpiece.
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Strange accents and dialogue
4 March 2024
There are many superb well known and established actors in this series. But I can't help thinking every few minutes "what strange accents" many of them have.

Yes they are mostly English - but it's as though the cast have thought "let's all stick on an "English cricket" or "Eton Private School" accent for the show.

It all sounds rather strange.

Whilst it may be true many people running "the Empire" were private school educated - for me the forced accents coupled with strange dialogue spoil it for me.

The story is a bit thin and I feel could have been much better written with many more sub-plots but I suppose it's passable - but I keep coming back to the peculiar accents and weak dialogue.
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Fool Me Once (2024)
So utterly boring
30 January 2024
This "top" show is so utterly boring with way to may daft side-plots and long (unnecessary) drawn out stories.

Why this runs to 8 episodes when it should all have been over in 2 is beyond me.

The cast is great but the protracted story and number of contorted sub plots ensures I have to keep fast forwarding over chunks of it - to stop me falling asleep.

I am torturing myself to get to episode 8 (final one) but I don't really understand why I am bothering when I already have a huge back log of "my list" to get through.

If there is a second series I certainly won't bother wasting my time - unless it's 2 episodes - which may make some decent entertainment.
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Quentin - what have you done
22 December 2023
Quentin - what have you agreed to do?

I am more than an hour into this - and it's one of THE most boring and pointless films I have seen. How come you put your name to this?

Why are there DOZENS of "Executive Producers" on this? - maybe that's the problem

OK I accept in the last 45 mins (that follow the first 65 mins) "something" may actually happen - but goodness me - why keep your audience waiting for so long.

"And another thing!" (As we say in England) what on earth does all the intricate dialogue with the actual card games? I had absolutely no idea what your guy was babbling on about.

Quentin - please ..... back to normal :)
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3022 (2019)
3022 - is it worth watching ? Not really
27 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For a while i wondered whether or not there was any dialogue in this movie at all. It was silent for ages (and ages)

The thing that struck (and annoyed) me was that how many of the varied Crew members smoked. It was quite extraordinary to think on this 10 year mission there were enuf smokes for most of them to puff away with impunity.

Never mind the pollution in a space craft that has limited resources - the cigs came out at every opportunity

The plot was nothing new / the storyline lumbered on (and on) and overall it wasn't a film I would recommend.

Find something better to watch - or go for a walk.
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The Burial (II) (2023)
I felt like I was getting bashed
16 November 2023
I felt like I was getting bashed Throughout the whole film. The message coming from it was overwhelming and constant right the way through.

I love Tommy LJ and I thought the other main actors were great. I only knew TLJ before this movie but yeah the cast were great.

The story was great - but to be honest the subliminal beating over my head at every opportunity was too much.

Yes I gave it a 6. Maybe I should have given it a 4 or less. But the actors I loved as did the storyline. The constant guilt trip I did not.

We can't change history and just like the "white attorney" people cannot be held responsible for the actions of others hundreds of years ago.

For thousands of years all over the world there have been slave owners and slaves.

Dig deep over thousands of years and you will find slaves and slave owners all over Africa / thousands of years before anyone ever heard of Europe or the USA - who built the pyramids? Slaves! Who sold the slaves? Who bought the slaves? The people of sub saharan and Saharan Africa. Internal African slave owners was how the tribe chiefs made their money.
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Stauffenberg (2004 TV Movie)
yes this is ok
16 November 2023
I am not sure what I was expecting in this film, havign seen the 'Tom Cruise' version - whioch I enjoyed very much. Since 'toms' version I have had a veyr high regard for Stauffenburg and hope there is some kind of memorial to him and his followers in Germany istelf.

I imagin his decendents are alive today and they shoudl be very proud of what their forfather did.

This version - althoguh interesting - for me, didnt match up to the production of the Cruise version, it is clear there is a very different budget at play here. It was also very interesting to see a 'German Version' - which didnt hide the apparent truth, that many senior army were absolutely not in support of Hitler.

Well done.
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Resistance (2011)
Literally nothing happens.
12 November 2023
Literally nothing happens. The scriptwriters lost the plot themselves on this one.

It starts off as being very boring - stays boring and with 15 mins still to go there is still nothing to speak of going on.

Beyond that There is little more to say but I have to pad it out to get the minimum number of characters for this review.

Michael Sheen used to be one of my favourite actors - but he himself has also lost the plot of reality - so I can't really stand the guy anymore.

He thinks "only Welsh people should play Welsh people" (and other uttering on those lines). He hasn't worked out that if only English people were to play English people / he would be out of a job.

He has turned into a Clown / since I thought acting was a profession where people acted as "others".
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The Killer (2023)
So far so boring
10 November 2023
I am 22 mins in and if I were you I would skip to at least minute 22. Absolutely nothing of any consequence happens in the first 21 mins. I was actually gonna sack it for being so utterly boring - but I skipped forward

At about 20 mins in something rather idiotic happens when someone is always (idiotically) getting in the way of the mission and then "boom!" - the mission of our so called "expert" fails - right before our eyes. Such a smart guy who ain't that smart after all.

This may or may not get any better - but so far it's so boring it's unreal. I am hoping I managed to skip to the bit where things liven up a bit - but I don't hold my breath.

My overall opinion "so far so bad" - but let's see.
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Red Rose (2022)
Stay with it - it's not as boring as it seems
9 November 2023

I started watching this about 3 times and I got so BORED in the very first episode that I gave up on it.

I stumbled across it much later and noticed "resume" / so, since I had forgotten what it was about I "resumed" and am very glad I did

After the first half of the first episode it takes off very well indeed. The plot is unusual and well written. The young actors are all really talented and are a credit to themselves and the producers.

I am not on episode 7 and unlike lots of other series that are just padded out for far too many episodes - this one keeps delivering

Ok there is a little padding (such as dancing in various clubs etc that go on way too long) - and annoying pop songs right the way through (to me this means a lack of dialogue) - but in all honesty this is a great series.
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Fauda (2015–2022)
Good series but also annoying
29 October 2023
I don't usually watch subtitled shows as I find them too distracting to watch the actual show and also read the dialogue.

Albeit this time it was dubbed in English / I still found it quite annoying.

The mouths were going one way - the dialogue another and (because a lot of spoken dialogue was also not translated into English - the subtitles had to be read and for too much of the time the subtitles didn't match up to the spoken words

There were therefore three competing things going on - as well as the plot.

1) the dubbing 2) their mouths 3) the subtitles

All mostly at variance

Apart from that series 1 was great - but I think I will leave it there.
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Fair Play (2023)
It was absolutely VILE in the first 5 mins
19 October 2023
Directors of movies have to think of more and More ways of "breaking the mould - and in this case the "never been filmed before" scene within the first 5 mins left me feeling quite unwell

I dare not say what the scene was - except that it nearly made me vomit. Perhaps worse still was the cast members involved treated the "event" as though it was an every day occurrence indeed they both had a great laugh about it.

Neither of them showed any signs of disgust - shame or regret - they just both laughed about a most vile occurrence to expose your audience to.

The scene was not necessary in the slightest - no scene like that is ever necessary. It was left in the Final Cut simply to shock.

Well it didn't shock it just made me feel disgusted - disgusted on behalf of the film crew-actors and director who clearly have no shame between them. Did they all really think this was necessary for the plot?

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Its so bad - and gets worse
14 October 2023
Honestly - I am not sure what I expected with this but thought I would give it a go.

I can hardly believe I watched it until the end - probably because I rented this movie

The all powerful devil seems to be unable to escape from benign tied to his bed with some bed clothes for most of the time - and yet at the same time creates havoc all around the place.

The dialogue is not great and much of the sanctimonious clap trap in the script is laughable.

For me there is much to find a bit boring to the extend they (producers) have overdone things to make it all so much more "blockbuster like" but it fails as it falls into the realms of stupidity.
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Heart of Stone (I) (2023)
Female Bond has arrived
19 August 2023
It's definitely a Bond look-alike movie. The (impossible) action shots - the plot - the style - more or less everything

Having said that - since it's a few years since the last Bond - this is very much updated. Doubtless the Bond people will be annoyed tech wise this got there first.

I say Bond - as even some of the cast have been in Bond films. Clearly US commentators refer to "Mission Impossible" references. But both Bond and Mission Impossible are both made in UK - however Bond probably has a 30 year lead on MIssion Impossible.

Its entirely possible - since I am not that far into this movie - we will see a second one - it's good provided you suspend physics and the frailty of the human body when being bounced around the set every 5 mins. I am guessing in real life the actor would not then get up and beat up 6 people.
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Wolf (2023)
So bad - don't waste your time
16 August 2023
I am on episode 2 - I didn't think I would get this far but I have endured it (so far)

The writing is weak - the dialogue silly and I am amazed Juliet Stevenson took the part. Clearly I dont know what lies ahead in the forthcoming episodes - but the idea of a series (surely) is to keep the interest. This is not at all interesting.

The characters are weak the plot is supposed to be scary and interesting - but it's not. The writer must be on her first production.

Honestly I can't see myself getting to the end of the second episode - the poor writing/dialogue and plot - as I see it - is going nowhere of any interest.

UPDATE: I got to end of episode 3 - hoping there would be just one more that I may decide to endure. However, when I checked and saw I was only half way throguh, since each episode got more stupid than the last - I finally sacked it.


BBC/Juliet - what were you thinking?
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