
2 Reviews
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Mr. Robot: Hello, Elliot (2019)
Season 4, Episode 13
Such a satisfying end to a great series
24 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was completely blown away by this finale. People rating lower show in their descriptions complete lack of comprehension of the ending.

For example, someone said it was lame that it was a "dream" the whole time. No. If that's what you took away from it you need to start the series over from the beginning because you didn't understand it. The big reveal is not that it was all a dream, it's that the Elliot we knew wasn't the Elliot we thought he was. Despite him not being the "real" Elliot, we still connected with the character in such a strong way. Mastermind Elliot was just as much a person as Real Elliot.

The unanswered questions don't bother me. What did Angela see? What was Whiterose's machine? What was with the glowy thing Tyrell saw? Etc. If you're stuck on whether these questions were answered then you missed the whole point of the show entirely. All these things were subplots to what the show was really about: Elliot's mental health and how he dealt with his trauma. And it was beautifully executed. I now want to rewatch the series.
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Mr. Robot: eps1.3_da3m0ns.mp4 (2015)
Season 1, Episode 4
Better when you've watched season 4
16 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode didn't make sense when watching the first time around, but after watching season 4 and how the series was recontextualized, this episode makes a lot more sense.
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