
2 Reviews
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Snowpiercer: Setting Itself Right (2022)
Season 3, Episode 8
Still a chore to watch
15 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert:

It feels like nothing happens in this show anymore. The story so far could have been told in 3 episodes, there is a lot of filler to try and build characters but it falls flat.

I wasn't attached to Asha in any way as they have barely given her any meaningful screen time, but why kill her off? She brought a lot of intrigue when she was introduced to the show, but they just wasted 8 episodes doing nothing with her then killed her off to a boring filler reason. I feel like they are trying to be like Game of Thrones and shock the viewers with character deaths but these characters were barely meaningful to begin with.

The only character whose death would have been significant is Melanie. But we all knew since the end of season 2 that she's still alive, when they didn't find her body.
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Snowpiercer: Ouroboros (2022)
Season 3, Episode 7
This show has become so boring and generic.
8 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was a chore to watch. The writing this season seems so generic and empty. It feels like it's written by robots who watched a thousand hours of the most generic TV shows.

I know what they have planned, to get to New Eden at the end of the season and see whether Layton got lucky or not. But why is it taking so long? If they didn't have a good plot they could've not let the pirate train get back with the main train until Ep. 4 or 5, and did something more interesting.

We all knew since the end of last season that Melanie is alive, why not give any hints or foreshadowing about her plot before this episode? Why not show us what Asha went through in the bunker or how she survived for 7 years in more detail? Why not explain who the Marauders are? Just give us anything interesting instead of boring dialogue that barely advances the story or has any intrigue. This episode was 45 minutes of filler and one little interesting line at the end of the episode (which everyone already knew).

Also, they really need to kill off Layton, he is very unlikable and ruins the whole show. I hope he gets killed or thrown off the train when they find out New Eden is a lie.

Too bad one of the best characters, Melanie, in this show is barely getting any screen time the last 2 seasons...
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