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Lost: Two for the Road (2006)
Season 2, Episode 20
Amazing, show-changing episode!
6 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
All I have to say after this episode is... wow. Michael returns at the end of the episode before this one, "S.O.S." and offers new information about the Others... whether this information is false or true is very unsure... but it does sound kind of "fishy." Meanwhile, Ana Lucia gives Henry Gale his food, and tries to question him, he attacks her, and accuses her of being the murderer of two innocent people, though they attacked her. As Henry is strangling Ana, Locke comes in, and knocks him out from behind. Later, Henry tells Locke that he forgives him for hitting him. Locke asks him why he attacked and tried to kill Ana Lucia, and not him... Henry replies that she is bad... or something. Anyway, later, Ana wants a gun from Sawyer so she can have her revenge on Henry. Of course, Sawyer does not give her a gun, so she decided to please him sexually so she can steal it. She goes back down to the hatch, and waits for everyone to leave. Once they are all gone, she enters the safe where Henry is kept, hands him a knife, and tells him to cut himself free. He then says: "Well, I guess this is it," and Ana nods (or something close to that.) Then, Ana Lucia holds the gun out and aims it at him and...

Commercial Break

...Back from the commercial break, we see Ana sitting on a couch, and Michael approaches her. She tells him that they have captured one of the others, and he's in the hatch. She explains how she wanted to kill him, but was unable to. Michael asks for the gun. He says how horrible these people are, and how he wants to kill Henry for her. She hands him the gun, and he asks for the combo. She reluctantly tells it to him.


Then, he turns to her, slightly shaking, and says "sorry." "for what?" He aims, and fires one bullet into her chest. She gives him a look of betrayal and confusion as she dies. Michael is obviously shaken by what he has just done, and is very alert. Libby enters the room looking for some blankets for her picnic with the lovestruck Hurley. She sees Michael aiming the gun at the now dead Ana Lucia, and says: "Michael?!" He turns quickly, and shoots her twice in the lower abdomen. She falls to the ground. Michael slowly enters the safe that contains a battered Henry Gale. Henry stands. Michael takes the gun, and shoots himself in the left arm.

Episode over.

Again... All I have to say is... WOW. I didn't really care about Ana Lucia, but I was so interested in Libby's character, and I really wanted to see some of her back story before they killed her off. I'm sure the genius creators of LOST will somehow find a way to let us know more about her after her death. I'm anxious for next week's episode to see what happens... It stinks that the finale is on my graduation day... so I'll have to record it and see it that way.
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A misunderstood parody masterpiece
25 September 2005
I think that a lot of the negative reviews for this movie just come out of people not understanding the purpose of it. Everyone seems to say "it was stupid", or "it was just silly, pointless humor," but what this movie is doing is making fun of all those stupid teenage movies out there that have the same stupid comedy in them. This was purposefully made to be over-the-top type humor because it is a parody of that genre.

I've seen this movie 3 or 4 times, and I still can't help but laugh when I see the scene when no one wants to go with Janey Briggs because she's too ugly and weird with her "tied up hair and glasses," yet an albino girl with red eyes that plays the guitar wouldn't be such a bad catch. This is an obvious parody of teenage movies where the one girl is too nerdy for anyone to "go with," yet really they're a very pretty actress but just wearing glasses and a ponytail. It probably directly is making fun of movies like "A Walk to Remember." It's a great movie, but people think of it as actually being a "Teen Movie," and that's why they don't like it. They don't get the meaning.

This is a great movie, and I recommend anyone in need of a great laugh go rent it.
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