
42 Reviews
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All the Light We Cannot See: Episode #1.1 (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
Somewhat heavy-handed opening episode but good acting and production quality
3 November 2023
I loved the book with its beautiful writing, fascinating main characters, and imaginative storyline. The scenes in this episode with the girl and her father are well-acted and are reminiscent of the book. The rest of this opening episode is well done but focuses on the dark and desperate situation in the French coastal town, Saint Malo. I would have liked more early on of the past (pre-war flashbacks) and less of the present (1944 post D-Day) to pull us into the characters and their histories more at the start. I'm reminded by the tone of this episode of the 1960s American TV show "Combat" where American GIs and Nazi soldiers would frequently find themselves spending an entire one-hour episode in a dangerous stalemate fighting over one farmhouse or town building. Anyway, it's off to a good start and I hope that it picks up the pace a bit in the next episodes and fully realizes the wonderful storytelling of the book.
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Nice lowkey well-acted episode
9 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Seemed like Herriott Goes To Hallmark in this romantic episode (S3 E1). Slow-paced without much energy but still enjoyable to watch. Music was a bit heavy-handed, Tricki Woo manages to squeeze in an appearance and seemed out of place, and the pub night hijinks seemed a little too contrived. Nice enjoyable show, though, with the characters we love, but production quality came across more like a low-budget formulaic Hallmark movie. I'm looking forward to the upcoming Series 3 episodes and a return to a more dynamic storyline and more interesting side characters. The army recruiting is definitely foreshadowing events to come as World War II is on the horizon. The scenery and sets are as gorgeous as ever and the actors make for an appealing ensemble with good chemistry, and it's great to have such a pleasant show to watch. I loved the original 1970s series, my favorite of all television shows, and this series brings that wonderful world back to life with 21st century production quality.
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
Plusses out weigh the minuses .. Amazing production, well worth watching
8 December 2022
Yes, it might not get all the history right, and much of the non-combat time looks like a Hallmark movie, but the war scenes are amazing, and it seems to get the chaos, terror, mayhem, and human cost right. And, the videography and editing are amazing. I would like to know what WWII vets think of the movie, but this boomer thinks that for capturing the period, the horror, and the courage of that time I think it does an excellent job and is well worth watching. Kate Beckinsale is great, and Ben Affleck and Josh Hartnett do fine. The script isn't the greatest but the actors give life to their characters. Jon Voigt does a decent job as President Franklin Roosevelt. The music can be cloying and syrupy but it also mostly does a good job of setting each scene's mood. Overall, it may get some historical detail wrong, but the sets and costumes are excellent about bringing the era to life for current generations, the characters and their stories and relationships are good enough, and the war scenes do a good job of bringing us into that history.
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The Queen at 90 (2016 TV Movie)
Well done, interesting, excellent narration
19 September 2022
An interesting glimpse of Queen Elizabeth II's public life in 2016 at age 90. William, Kate, Harry and other Royal notables provide interesting interview responses to questions about the Queen. Actress Elizabeth McGovern provided excellent narration. A nice video time capsule of the Queen and Prince Philip in 2016. Footage is shown in England, Scotland, and elsewhere as the Queen travels for official appointments, several of which are major social events. Very interesting to see Queen Elizabeth still so active at age 90, especially now looking back just a frw years before her drath at the age of 96.
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Endeavour: Terminus (2021)
Season 8, Episode 3
Ludicrous.. but good campy fun.
4 July 2022
The storyline and setting are much like a House on Haunted Hill stage play. Ridiculous but fun to watch. Bus passengers stranded in an epic blizzard seek refuge in a shuttered hotel and mysterious things start happening. It just lacks Abbott and Costello or the Three Stooges popping out of secret passageways. Directed in campy horror-story fashion it's an absurd episode, but the first Endeavour episode I've enjoyed in years. It's much more Poe or Shirley Jackson than it is Colin Dexter, but it held my interest more than most Endeavours of recent years. Silly with a goofy plotline, hammy overacting and slasher movie lighting and camera angles, it's a poor substitute for early season Endeavours when the series was goof, or every Morse episode; but accepting that the series has been going downhill in story lines and production quality for years, at least "Terminus" provides a campy atmospheric visually-fun episode for a series in its death throes.
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Endeavour: Striker (2021)
Season 8, Episode 1
Murder, She Wrote without the charm
20 June 2022
Episode 1 of a new season has murder amidst a football (soccer) setting. The story isn't very compelling, the production quality is cheap, the music is dreadful, and overall it is very mundane and uninteresting. I loved the first few seasons but since then the team producing this aren't putting much in to their endeavour.
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Enjoyable western flick
15 November 2021
Bank robberies by the Diablo Kid's gang, shady townspeople, appealing ranch lady and her sweet little brother, horseback chases and shootouts - all done in a nice production with good music and nice sound effects including chirping birds in outdoor scenes. Nicely done escapism; I think I'll watch the next one in this Tim Holt series coming up next in a TCM double-feature.
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Absolutely awful movie
7 November 2021
Not clever, witty, or the least bit interesting. Cliche' characters, insipid plot, and over-acting in every scene. How production companies - and actors - can make anything this awful is beyond comprehension.
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Line of Duty: Episode #6.7 (2021)
Season 6, Episode 7
More to come, I hope ...
28 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not the blockbuster big reveal ending we were looking for. Low in high drama and wrapping up loose threads. And, I'm not so sure "H" has yet been revealed. Certainly a brilliant and brutal mastermind has to be able to spell a simple word and be more of a leader than bureaucratic facilitator. Too many remaining loose ends (Who really is H? Will AC-12 be restored in purpose and respect? Will the three leads find self-dignity? Will systemic corruption finally be put on the run?) Maybe the pandemic interfered with production of a quick follow-up season. Stay tuned - I hope - for LOD 7 to finally tie up loose ends - but not enough, to totally end things.
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Columbo: Columbo Likes the Nightlife (2003)
Season 10, Episode 14
They saved the worst for last.
11 July 2021
I believe this was the final Columbo made. Unfortunate - they should have retired the franchise at least one show earlier. What an awful show. Good luck getting thru the first half hour. The most obnoxious soundtrack in the history of American TV. If you plan to watch take your BP meds and plug your ears. Peter Falk had the sense not to show up until 30 minutes in, after two commercials, after most sane people have tuned out. And, when he finally appears he fishes through a toilet looking for clues. Eww.. On the plus side: the blonde girl is very attractive. The show is a total mess.
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The Fall (I) (2013–2016)
Intense psychological drama
9 July 2021
Intense. Serious tone and minimalist music. Compelling. Most acting excellent. Well-directed. Dramatic. Lots of face close-ups. Psychological drama. Kind of a noir style with a modern storyline.
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Still Game: Tappin' (2003)
Season 2, Episode 5
Great show, but one of the weaker episodes
28 April 2021
Good set-up with Jack and Victor figuring out how to have extra spending money, but the golf challenge and monet-lender story lines were a bit flat. Still, the episode had some funny lines so it's enjoyable, but a good notch below the usual clever silliness.
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Bed of Roses (1933)
Enjoyable with some witty writing
10 March 2021
Entertaining romance with Bennett and McRae as believable romantic leads. What I enjoyed most, though, were the many very witty lines, particularly those written for and delivered deliciously by actress Pert Kelton. Many funny lines, performed with skill and perfect timing, some had me laughing out loud.
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Good start then turns boringly awful
14 January 2021
Fun characters and set-up, but embarrassingly awful script and annoying over-acting. Makes fun of classic mysteries but there's no fun in this one. Yes, a blind butler working with a deaf cook is a ton of laughs (for 7 seconds) but did the great Neil Simon write this terrible script? Murder By Script, more like.
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Miserable show
21 October 2020
Is there any actor more miserable and over-rated than John Malkovich? In this very dark production he plays Poirot as the unhappiest most unlikeable person in the universe, not at all the personable Belgian of high confidence and charm. As an interesting mystery this probably has merits, but for anyone who loves Christie and Poirot this is a twisted, dark perversion. I kept hoping Poirot would be the next victim.
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Midsomer Murders: Talking to the Dead (2008)
Season 11, Episode 7
Witty but over-the-top body count and gore
28 August 2020
Lots of enjoyable things here, but most characters were whack-job caricatures, and the body count and gore were excessive. Didn't care much for the resolution either.
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Wonderful show - great royal and photographic history
17 August 2020
Beautifully done show. Lots of Royal history, but also really interesting insights into the history of photography. Also, very clever having the charming hostess recreate some classic royal photo looks. And, again, lots of wonderful photos of the British Royal family. Loved the show!
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Midsomer Murders: The Sicilian Defence (2013)
Season 15, Episode 5
Ludicrous, not much of a mystery
1 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Miserable show. Preposterous and uninteresting. Not much of a puzzle to engage in solving. Chasing crazy is not satisfying. Running out of legitimate plots, just going thru the motions. The least interesting of the 50 or so Midsomers I've seen.
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Midsomer Murders: Country Matters (2006)
Season 9, Episode 6
Very enjoyable, decent plot, quirky characters, fun dialogue
23 July 2020
Decent story, attractive village setting, and noteworthy in four ways: 1. Half the suspects don't get bumped off 2. No church fete or village faire 3. More witty dialogue than usual 4. A bit of kinkiness in the village
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Midsomer Murders: Hidden Depths (2005)
Season 8, Episode 6
Fun story elements, but poor police work and silly behavior.
3 July 2020
The plot line is good, but the detectives' sleuthing is pathetic, and the Barnabys have a brain freeze and act stupidly out of character. If you like bizarre murder stories and bad detective work this is for you.
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Not the best, but still fun
11 June 2020
Nick and Nora visit Nick's home and parents. Nothing happens but light fluff for two long then a murder happens and the detective work takes off. But, by then I'm already restless and losing interest. Things happen, and there's some comedy, then ultimately the suspects are convened and Nick does his long explanation of what's happened, and then the murderer is revealed. What I don't like is the long time in getting the mystery going, I didn't feel drawn into the mystery, and Nora is mostly window-dressing kept out of harm's (and story's) way by Nick. Still, fun stuff, Nick and Nora were charming, slbeit often separately, and it's good fun ID'ing and enjoying various Hollywood character actors. Just not a compelling story line that pulls me in, so 9ne of the weaker entries in the series.
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Disappointing adaptation
23 May 2020
Kenneth Roberts was a wonderful writer of American historical novels set especially during the Revolutionary and War of 1812 eras. Weighty but very engaging sagas of heroism against adversity in the shaping of the early United States. I've read and re-read Northwest Passage, Arundel, Rabble in Arms, Oliver Wiswell, Captain Caution, and Lively Lady. Roberts takes the reader on a whirlwind of adventure rooted in real American history. The movie treatment of Captain Caution, however, has two many light and comedic elements making it almost into a satire on historical fiction. Victor Mature is no Errol Flynn when it comes to dashing, complex, romantic heroes, and the comedic over-acting of sidekick Leo Carrillo and other character actors pushes the movie from drama to light comedy. For a much better seafaring production made produced in the same Hollywood era stick with "Captain Horatio Hornblower" with Gregory Peck. I'm guessing that author Roberts was not happy with this treatment of his historical novel. For an excellent Roberts adaptation stick with "Northwest Passage."
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Call the Midwife (2012– )
The Best
4 May 2020
The stories, the characters, the intelligence, the acting, the warmth, the production quality, the music - may be the best series in television history.
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Father Brown: The Folly of Jephthah (2020)
Season 8, Episode 5
Ridiculous, unbelievable story line
3 May 2020
I like the lead characters, and the first couple seasons were enjoyable and fairly plausible series. This episode about father and daughter thieves is totally absurd, and the regulars other than Father Brown mostly took the week off. Unbelievable and awful show. This series has far exceeded its shelf life.
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Father Brown: The Wisdom of the Fool (2020)
Season 8, Episode 4
Terrible episode
26 April 2020
Remember "B" sides to old records? I usually like Father Brown very much, but this is an awful episode, more like the "D" side on an old record. Murder at a jester faire. Absurd story line and characters. Father Brown may be on the decline. Not a good mystery or realistic crime at all.
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