
30 Reviews
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Road House (2024)
Such a lame movie
9 June 2024
I watched this movie because of JG, an actor I consider great both for his acting and for the scripts he selects.

I was wrong this time.

That Roadhouse movie script is so weak I even don't know how it could arise interest.

The dialogues are sometimes so poor, so flat that any actor should complain to have to comply. Really.

I have no idea why a talented fellow like JG put his feet into such a mess.

Sadly, his acting is quite lame also, with that kind of rapidly unbearable smile always on his face.

Maybe, he was dreaming about being an MMA fighter, and felt happy to play it in this gross movie.

No need to talk about Mc Gregor, his acting was a mere catastroph, no surprise from him.

I put 3 stars, and not less, because of a few good lines, unfortunately much too few times.
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10 April 2024
Amazing movie, sooo beautifully made, written and thought.

Not a single moment of boredom, not a single "cliché", and in no way gross, clumsy or awkward.

At the same time, simple and subtle.

No actor falls into the trap of the exaggeration. Special accolade to Jose Garcia, whose character could have rapidly turned him into a charmless caricature. On the opposite, he delivers a fantastic performance, carrying the movie into his own obsession about Dali, in an energic and delicate way at the same time.

All the main characters are very well crafted and, together with a great acting and a great script, it creates a joyfull and very pleasant atmosphere all along the movie.

Only one possible comment for this piece of art: CONGRATULATIONS.
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The Innocents (2021)
Very dangerous movie with hidden agenda
14 March 2024
Open your eyes: What do children represent?

Innocence. At least young ones, like in this movie.

What is this movie about?

Cruelty, evil behaviour by children who should be innocent.

What do they have which make them so different, and can explain this intensity in doing evil?

A special power, a natural gift that gives them power.

Thus, the meaning of this movie could the following:

Children are cruel and evil as may be adults, human beings in general.

The power, they have been gifted with, triggers their inner cruelty, unmasks how mean these little beings can be, highlights that they are everything except innocent, pure creatures.

Therefore, children should not be attributed this naive status of innocence. We, adults, are wrong about them: these creepy creatures don't deserve any special consideration, any specific protection.

This idea is emphasized by the perfectly cynical title, given how children are (mis)represented in this movie.

That's why one can only feel uneasy, uncomfortable watching how that movies is wrecking the whole concept of early childhood.

What could be the idea behing this destruction?

I let you guess.

Children should be ripped of any special consideration, any special care.

For what hidden and hideous purpose?

I'd better not say.

I might be mistaken, but my intuition is rarely wrong.

This movie is evil.

It has been written by evil minds.
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Gagarine (2020)
Bright and poetic movie
25 September 2023
A lively tale, a kind of "parabol", about how an old, half broken complex of buildings, Gagarine, named from the famous cosmonaut, can turn out to be a place full of life and emotions. In an uneasy environment, constructive social interactions seem to have been able to create a positive atmosphere in which people tend to respect and help each other .

Yuri, this teenager boy dedicated to maintaining Gagarine, dives deeply into space in his mind, and his living place is a symbolic doorway to travel far away from existential issues, the main one being the absence of his mother.

Saving Gagarine is his graal, and his quest could refer to the hability of any human being to escape his human condition, to look for wisdom and spirituality.

"Les choses de la vie", meaning crucial emotional experience like love, friendship, respect, tolerance, forgiveness are present all along the movie in a delicate, subtle way sometimes.

This movie is a bright and optimistic vision of us, creatures gifted with intelligence, but so eager to use it in the wrong way.

The end is an illusion, Yuri's one; his vision as he gets free, driven into space as his life faints and Gagarine buildings are collapsing.
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Suburra (2015)
Great movie till the last crappy 15mn
9 May 2023
I would have rated it 9 or 10 for the first 2 hours, meaning almost all the movie.

But, believe me, the end is so bad, so wrong, so ridiculous, that it kills the whole beauty of this work.

How come such a cleverly made movie, going on such high speed and smart moves during more than an hour and a half, can fall so abruptly during its ending?

I don't understand. Frankly.

It would have been, at the same time, so easy to write better the last pages of the script, and so crucial for the good sake of this movie, that I kind of feel confused, speechless.

What a waste, a big waste, that idiotic end!

I don't remember watching quite a good movie, being so wrecked because of its last quarter.

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The Son (I) (2022)
Pure art
24 April 2023
That movie is as sad as great! Kkkk What is quite amusing for me is that I do prefer this movie to the highly acclaimed "The father", which was a bit messy and confusing for me, to say the least, even though Anthony Hopkins was fantastic.

He also acts greatly in "The son". However, he just has just a little appearance, and what carries us out all along this unfolding drama is the incredible performance by Hugh Jackman.

Let's be frank: although I have always loved this actor and his energy, I honestly cannot but confess that the last scene is one of the most beautiful and heartbreaking I have seen in my entire (medium long) life.

What's also pretty funny is that I know the Zeller family. I went to school with Florian big sister, I knew about his health problem as a teen, as I was living in the same street than them. To end up this personal chapter, I could add that I am also a writer, and one of my book was compared with Zeller's "Neiges artificielles". I would not be able to say why since I haven't read it. Well, what is sure is that, unfortunately for me, my work is quite far from being as successful as his! Kkkk Congratulations to Zeller and Jackmann for this piece of life, beautiful piece of art.
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Absolutely wonderful
28 February 2023
Best tribute to Africa ever.

Captivating story taking place within Africa gorgeous landscapes and nature, giving an objective perspective of that perfectly and awful inhumane slaves business, which was indeed organized by cruel Whites with the complicity of those of the black tribes' leaders selling their captive enemies.

The photo, the costumes, the scenary is merely fascinating and drag you into the beauty of this continent.

The casting is also amazing, with a special accolade to the oustanding performance of the main actress, Thuso Mbedu.

Watching this movie made me travel back to this magic Africa where I had the luck to work and live in various countries.

What else to say, except to thank all involved in this movie, for making this unique gem.
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Baxter (1989)
A little caustic gem
5 February 2023
That incredible voice interpreting Baxter thoughts, this combination of events happening backed by this dark creepy music, all is made to arise curiosity, tension and uneasiness.

Watching this movie is an interesting experience, an original travel into the mind of a pittbull, in which one become stuck to the action and can hardly know what is going to happen next.

Afterwards, trying to get the all point of the story is not easy, which may be the only defect I can see, even though the story by itself is quite entertaining.

Great achievement.

So good to watch this kind of low budget talented movie, after that awfully disappointing Avatar 2.
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27 December 2022
The 1st Avatar was a fantastic movie experience, with a great story and amazing actors, magnified inside a beautiful, hypnotic, and highly fascinating representation of a new world, Pandora.

Avatar 2 is a ludicrous pile of non-sense actions, empty characters, inconsistent storyline, awful dialogues, the whole wrapped inside nice visuals.

But nice visuals are NOTHING if everything else is a crap.

What a failure!

What a shame for Cameron! How could he let that garbage out?

Nothing works. Anybody could have warned him about that obvious matter of fact.

13 years, only to kill the genius artistic creation which was Avatar 1.

So sad!
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The Chef (2012)
I could be a good movie without that awful character
27 July 2022
It is just amazing how the main actress plays so bad. Yes, she is pretty, sure, but every single time she opens her mouth, it is simply ludicrous. She acts so terribly, it is just unbelievable. Moreover, facing an actor like Reno, it is even more ridiculous.

I guess only people talking French can sense, because no other (English) critics highlights this obvious matter.

It is a pity since, except that big failure, the movie is quite pleasant.

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Twin brother connection
15 July 2022
Good movie with an intense script and convincing actors.

In particular, the deep connection between the twin brothers is greatly set and developed all along the storyline.

The ending is not such a surprise, but no matter what, the movie remains quite interesting and entertaining, keeping us stuck until the last moment.

Sincere congratulations from someone ... who also has a twin brother kkk.
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Upgrade (2018)
A wonder
7 June 2019
Amazingly great movie. Plot, dialogues, acting, accuracy of the foreseen future. A pure gem of a movie
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A Quiet Place (2018)
Incredibly dumb
5 June 2019
It is astonishing this king of damn low level/dumb movie can be promoted by so many as a piece of art. Watching it makes it more and more deeply unbelievable. Nothing right: idiotic plot with so many inconsistencies one can wonder how movie makers themselves could dare to release the movie. Anyway, I have begun having the impression that we - as people worldwide - are being tested. Is it possible for a few to convince all the others that a mere crap is pure art? With this movie, others like the amazingly bad "The shape of water", or worldwide acclaimed books like the terrible "La Tresse" de Laetitia Colombani (from French powerful media leader Colombani) , it seems to be achievable. What a great pity!
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Caché (2005)
Finally, bad movie
9 August 2018
Movie's director plays much too much with viewers suggesting illogical events or matters just in order to get them lost. Besides, the main character's reactions can be seen as too caricatural and even unbelievable. The end opens up other dimensions in the understanding of the story which, once again, is merely another trick to make people think about a movie which is simply irrelevant most of the times. Sorry to say it, but suiciding because of a childhood trauma, although having built one's own life and being a father, is at the minimum extremely depressing and absurd if not completely impossible in reality.
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Breaking Bad: Felina (2013)
Season 5, Episode 16
Rate for the whole work, the whole mastermind work, not only the last ... batch :)
5 March 2018
Thanks to all the players involved in this art of work. In more or less 75 episodes of around 45mn, so less than 60 hours if i am not wrong, one can only detect a few unlikely, improbable events which don't alter at all the genius behind the beauty. I can promise it is the first and last TV series I've ever watched and will ever watch. Why did I begin watching this particular one? Being of loving that fantastic actor (and human being I assume) Bryan Cranston in movies like The Infiltrator, Trumbo or LBJ character. Then I read he got famous thanks to Breaking Bad. And for sure, he could. Along with Jessie, Mike, Hank, Saul and all these amazing characters developped all along the way. As a writer, after feeling deep empathy and sadness watching the ending on that fascinating long journey, only one thing stays and bugs my mind: to write a first and last TV series script, and praying God - in addition to put all my will and thoughts - to make it worthy.
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C'est la vie! (I) (2017)
5 February 2018
Everything seems artificial or pretty caricatural: characters, dialogues, situations like the quarrel in front of the castle at the beginning. You can not avoid having very quickly a feeling of a gross and clumsy comedy. As the movie goes on, you expect a storyline a bit more subtle but nothing different happens. Your initial impression grows more and more till becoming a mere and strong matter of fact: this movie is a pure failure aimed at entertaining typical right-thinking people.
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Happy End (2017)
3 February 2018
It is all about life irony. Everything can be so shocking but true at the same time. The message behind the story might be quite dark: why to live in such a superficiel, hypocritical and unfair world? Death is all around and almost the main acting force. What I did not like is the character of the 13 years old girl, also the way her body was filmed at the beginning. The issue is not the young actress who does a great job, but the character itself, its meaning; quite disturbing. The final scene is a thoughtful and perfect evidence of how deeply sarcastic the movie may be.
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A mere beauty
13 January 2018
Distant parents, a lonely boy getting deeply tied up with his nanny, then a father waking up by necessity who opens his heart and, at last, pays attention to his very sensitive, creative and smart boy ... to finally close up again following the huge success of his children's book for the delight of his beautiful, selfish and cold wife and the despair of a boy losing his "blue" in the sky once again. The worldwide attention paid to this book destroys the emotional environment of this little human being whose life becomes a continuous nightmare among pitiless school mates. Only war and remorse are able to change the ill fate of the notorious Christopher Robin. Dialogues, characters, situations, pictures, music are all damn great and firmly grip the viewer till the final end of this thoughtful and compelling true story
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Sooooo sweet
6 January 2018
An explosion of feelings and emotions in this "dramedy" subtly written and perfectly played by a great cast. Highly touching movie, as the humanity of all the characters is nicely developed as the movie goes on. A main key of this sweet movie is as you get into it, you can not avoid merging it with your own life and family memories or happening. Whatever your own family issues may be, you are just bound to believe how deep and necessary this mess might be. Watching this movie may thus trigger regret or satisfaction depending on your own situation. There is also an intriguing absence all along: mothers' ones. Indeed, although various families' lives are depicted, none of them includes the crucial figure of the mother, dead for some, away for others ... Besides, fathers' personalities, despite their own weaknesses, have in common their strong humanity arousing sympathy for all of them. How to understand this very specific and compelling plot? I guess only screen writers, one of them being also the movie director, hold the keys to fully understand what can probably be linked with personal matters.
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A Wedding (2016)
So touching
22 August 2017
Very smart, subtle and finally hearth-breaking movie. Strength of traditions against modernism. Not at all black and white issues as it can be commonly described sometimes. On the contrary, the movie achieves a deep analysis of main character's emotions and evolution and the greatest success of this movie may be the empathy we feel, little by little, for all the family members involved in this drama, despite their antagonism. The end arises a strong feeling of sadness as we become powerless witnesses of a tragedy which seems awfully predetermined.
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Nice simple story
21 August 2017
Story line is based on an idea which could at first seems clumsy, but turns out to be interesting due to the way the movie is built and the good acting from all characters. Some scenes may be considered a bit irrelevant or unbelievable but it does not spoil the sweet general feeling spread by this cute an touching movie. A movie for all which is as unpretentious as successful for me.
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Geniously right-thinking
30 July 2017
Right-minded people are gonna love this movie. But only them. Any aspect, any detail, any suggestion, any thought if you can call it that way will achieve the purpose to frame how a right mind should nowadays perceive, process and store data. There is actually a bit of genius behind all this representation of reality. It just doesn't fit with some of us.
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The Midwife (2017)
27 July 2017
Nice story line, great acting and a subtle and beautiful face to face between two complex and good-hearted women whose common feature is sweetly whispered at the end of the movie: for 2 women whose birth was not so welcome we've made it fairly well. It is all about memory, regret and will to go ahead. Great movie.
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Neruda (2016)
Full of poetry
5 July 2017
Inspired and inspiring movie, a steady wave flowing emotions and feelings. No real action since moments are beautifully described by a touching voice, the one of the inspector running after Neruda. It is obviously done on purpose, aiming at cutting the only impact of the instant and enlightening it in a superior metaphysical environment. This movie also brings us in many places in Chile and thus paints a awesome picture of this country landscape, like a painting masterpiece. Pretty impressive movie. Congratulations and thanks for this lesson of poetry.
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My King (2015)
Beautiful, a masterpiece
28 June 2017
Witful and touching. Great dialogues arising sensitivity and emotion played by an admirable acting team. At the same time full of humour and damn tragic. An intense mix telling a truly believable story. We continuously feel saddened and amazed, which is what the movie maker wanted, I guess, since she must have felt the same way in reality. D
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