52 Reviews
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Basic Love Story
16 February 2020
I did like the film first off. Rose Reed did an amazing job and finding this film also made me a new fan of her upcoming works. I think when you can guess what is going to happen along the way make the love story a basic tale. But the acting was great the locations were beautiful. A solid 7/10 is a fair rating. Kind on don't understand why its rated below 5 at the moment it a way better film than 4.5.
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Music City (2018)
Couldn't get though a single episode
11 January 2020
The cast are horrible and story just sucks. Why did CMT even pick this up is it cause the producers who did Laguna Beach payed for it? Got to at least give CMT credit for picking up a music related show for once.
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Green Room (2015)
Absolutely loved this film
11 January 2020
It was so strange when it started I just saw the picture with Patrick Stewart and figured give it a go. It was so different than what I was expecting I'm glad I didn't read the info before watching. I guess coming from a former touring band member and the story's we all get from life on the road. Not going to spoil this review with any info on the film just give it a go. I will say its an indie film feel, it is gory, and has some sensitive subject matters incase anyone doesn't' want to be surprised by this. 9/10
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It was different that what I was expecting
11 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Starting this film I thought Nicholas Cage was going to be a witch hunter. But as the story starts he is a templar along with Ron Perlman. The two break their chains of commitment when they see the true objective of there templar cause. They end up in a village and become in prisoned unless they take a witch across the lands to a monastery. It's not a bad film by any means, the actors were great, the locations and post work was incredible. The story fall apart here and there but over all its an enjoyable movie that could even be a family night film. 7/10
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Lawless (2012)
Great actors and overall amazing film
11 January 2020
An amazing prohibition film. Its has all the elements of what early moonshiners when through. The story follows true events that were based on the Bondurant family. Tom Hardy is an amazing actor to see him in about any film he becomes the character. Loved to see how this story keep you hooked with the amazing actors, locations, and story.
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Edge of Fear (2018)
Seem's like it was rushed
11 January 2020
They had some great actors in the film you'll see some actors from the fast and furious franchise. It seems like these actors either didn't care about the film and used this film as a pay day or the production was rushed to get it completed. The story was kind of last house on the left feel these thugs find their way to good people. Its not an awful movie and most people will watch it all the way though. Seems fair with a 4/10
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Layer Cake (2004)
Worth watching
11 January 2020
Daniel Craig along with Tom Hardy made this film. I think anyone would enjoy this film. It seem more indie in the look of the film while being a sony pictures film. So that is the only thing I feel kills the vibe of this film. There were so many different twist I didn't see coming in Craig venture. 8/10
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Standoff (I) (2016)
I really enjoyed it
11 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Starting to see the use of a one location shoot more and more on lower budget films. The story keep going making the house a key character in the story as well. The director and production made great use of the location being a villain in Carters son's death, a prison for carter, a safe haven for Mara, a tomb for Sade. I think everyone will see this film different but I for one really did enjoy it. 8/10
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Sin City (2005)
Unbelievable and amazing
11 January 2020
Got to see this years ago and just got a chance to rewatch it. This film created a color grading approach that many film schools now teach. Even though it was already done before with Speilberg "Schindler's List" the red dress little girl. Regardless the comic feel, amazing story and cast made this film amazing.
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The Grinch (2018)
Best Grinch movie since the original
11 January 2020
Great cast that made this Grinch movie a new classic that will be enjoyed for many years to come. I grew up watching the original and I am so glad they got an amazing cast and keep somewhat true to the original story.
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Good Christmas movie
11 January 2020
Just another cinderella story but at least with a unique approach being she is trying to be a singer. Its worth watching and a 6/10 seems fair.
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Worth watching
16 November 2019
From what Ive read this is a remake of an older film. With so many remakes going on now a days I had no clue until I read some reviews. Highwaymen as anyone can see from the trailer is about hunting down Bonnie and Clyde. Bravo to the filmmakers for making this film look so amazing and keeping the story progressing. I loved the film and I think anyone willing to give it a watch would feel the same way.
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Atone (2019)
Low Budget film not too bad
16 November 2019
Honestly seeing this on Netflix is sad. I am a filmmaker as well and to see that Gravitas Ventures got this on I commend them for but for Netflix to accept this is another story. We've had less money that what it took to make this film and produced better with 1/4 the budget.

Not really saying it doesn't belong out there and I do commend the filmmakers for there efforts in producing a film like this. As any filmmaker can say this anything that is done on a low budget deserves praise. Just giving my 2 cents on this title.
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I figured the plot out near the beginning
16 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler ahead!!!

First off the use of multiple cameras to get that real feeling and keeping the views hooked was well done. I think one of the most important things any film can do is keep you hooked and guess along with the story. Unfortunately for me I guess the story faster than I think the production would have planned for.

The main gist of the film deals with matters that we all face wanting justice for someone wrong doing us and getting it with any means is better than not getting justice. What is surprising is the killer in this case didn't get the recognition he felt he deserved. As the story goes on he tried to let police know and nothing came from it.

The judge (Donald Sutherland) had some previous knowledge and let a man die for justice. As he says its better for the family to know someones life is sacrificed for an innocent life.

I would highly recommend the film to anyone and everyone. I really did enjoy it as I think most people would too.
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Dark Crimes (2016)
Couldn't finish it
16 November 2019
I have always been a huge Jim Carrey fan and love his comedy a lot more. This film I was hoping to see him doing a more serious role but as the film keep being so stagnate I had to cut it short. I have read some reviews of what I missed and kind of wish I could have made it all the way though. But it just moved to slow for me and was kind of giving a whole depressing mood. With that in mind I am sure a few of you guys will love it and one day I hope to give it another go but until then 5/10 feels like a fair rating.
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Spy vs Spy
16 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Going to include some spoilers!!!!

Over all I really enjoyed the film. I think one of the few things Ive seen in a spy film is the opening kill. Colins uses modern spy tech to lock the doors and sets a timer to unlock them long enough for him to do his job and get away. "All The Devils Men" is a spy vs spy film with a bad guy buying a nuke. I really did enjoy it and I think most people would. If you have the time it worth checking out!! At the moment the overall stars is 5/10 and I don't really agree with that. I fell a 6/10 or 7/10 is fair for the overall film.
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Polar (I) (2019)
Interesting film
16 November 2019
This film was not what I was expecting, but I seriously loved it for what it was. I think if your going into this film thinking it a run the mill kind of film your wrong. Its more artsy the way the story progresses. You just have to enjoy it for what it is.

If you like shoot them up kind of film with a Tarantino approach you'll love this film just as much as I did. If your one of the critics that everything has to make sense then you'll hate it.
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The Snowman (2017)
For an unfinished film it was good
12 November 2019
I keep thinking for a while why was there so many plot holes in the film. Then I read an article that the production took a big hit I guess a major investor backed out of something but as it goes on they article read they had to make sense of the film on the editing floor. As one who also works in production for what they was able to piece together was great. A run away project most of the time will never see the light of day. Michael Fassbender always does an amazing job as an actor. I kind of wish everyone could see a version that would have been more complete and I bet the film would have made more sense.
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Room (I) (2015)
Well worth watching
12 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Finally got a chance to see this amazing film. This will contain some spoilers. The film is great I didn't read the caption before getting started so when everything made sense what was going one took a moment for me. I was under the impression it was an apocalyptic film but found out the sad truth it was a post rape film.

The film was well written and the emotions the characters are going through makes total sense. I think I haven't been more impressed with any actor as the young kid (Jacob Tremblay) he was amazing. I didn't think at first the kid was a boy and thought he was actually a girl that the mother was hiding from the rapist.

The film has so much emotions from the time the kid finally jumps out of the car to Joy trying to kill herself. I'll say it again the actors were amazing. It is safe to say seeing where they went from The Room makes sense. I have recommended this film to so many and everyone who see's it loves it.
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Couldn't get through it
11 November 2019
With a strong cast of named actors and what I consider a bad story line. I got about half way though until I had to turn it off. 6/10 stars for the cast alone. As a production guy myself I try to never give a low star review. I think this film was just not geared to me I had a few friends recommend it mainly why I watched it. And they loved it. So it not for me but it may be for you.
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In Darkness (2018)
Good film but there are some plot holes
11 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Over all the film I believe is great. I really enjoyed it but it feels a bit like Snowman that the production maybe ran out of money and did what they could to finish it. Which I may be completely wrong about that. Spoilers alert below!!!

When finishing the film you start to look back having known now she was able to see the whole time. I had a felling it would be like this as "The Blind Swordsman: Zatoichi (2003)" did great on this same subject matter. What your left with is why when she was going to poison his drink didn't she just look down and get the vial. Other than that scene the rest of the film was believable that she was blind the entire time. That scene in question made me have to go back and rethink the whole film. And made me question if it was a situation similar to "snowman (2017)".

I did love the film though. It was shot beautifully the cast was amazing and the locations really sold the film. It has a strong production value.
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Frequency (2016–2017)
Great series
6 November 2019
Was going full 10 star review but the last small portion of the series being the "Epilogue" episode giving the fans a happy ending. No one gets to see this episode on Netflix you have to search it online to see it. The series is based on the film. Anyone who has lost a loved one would relate to the Raimy character. I like a twisted series where you think you know whats going on but each step leads to another villain. Won't say who it is but it will surprise you.

I liked the way they originally ended the series and got to see the Epilogue episode. I see why the series ended as well. The whole show comes to an end, there is no other way around it. I believe doing a second season would have really killed what the show did which was tell an amazing story.
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American Son (2019)
Worth a watch
6 November 2019
I read a few reviews and got the story of this being a broadway play. First off knowing this you'll kind of be pulled into a theatre play environment. The actors were great. But what I loved more than anything was the use of mostly 1 location. For a film to be able to keep someone drawn to the story and using only 1 locations I have to say is great work by the writers and production team.

I feel that this film has a lot of hidden messages. Race being a main one but it will slowly slide into other factors privileged vs. poor, police vs. citizen, and fear vs safety. I hate to say I was hoping it would end the way it did early on. It is heart breaking ending but I feel it was needed I feel to portray the ultimate goal of the film. Seeing this makes me really want to see the broadway play in a theatre setting.

The film sets a subject that everyone wants to see and no body really wants to admit. It hit on a lot of social factors. I want to end on that the actors were amazing at depicting there characters the production picked a great group that really made this film what it is. And on another note got to see Jeremy Jordan who plays Wynn on super girl take the cop role.
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The Physician (2013)
Great film but almost 3 hours
6 November 2019
I saw the trailer for "The Physician" on Netflix while passing by it. The trailer got me hooked to want to see it. Just didn't think the film was as long as it was had to take a few breaks since its close to 3 hours long. The film is beautiful!!! You start to see some foreshadowing early on and won't spoil it but you'll see some things start to unfold as the story progresses.

The actors were amazing and what got me hooked to want to see it was Ben Kingsley. Just been a fan of his acting since I was young. Beyond the story that was well written the landscapes of the scenes are amazing. I don't think this film disappoints in any aspect.
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18 Years later and still an amazing film
6 November 2019
I remember watching this at the theatre when I was in middle school. Years later and its on Netflix. I still can't believe how good of a film it is still today. Crazy how watching it years later and you'll see were actors careers had blown up. This film has Orlando Bloom, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Jamie Lanister), Kim Coates, Sam Shapard. Just saying 18 years old and this film is still mind blowing. The amount of time and money they spent shows and it will I think become a classic war film.

I think my favorite thing I get to see watching this years later is that they used practical effects. Having to shoot real helicopter on base, building a prop destroyed black hawk, and you can see some green screen elements and how they used this method back then.
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