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Doctor Who: Spyfall: Part Two (2020)
Season 12, Episode 2
Should've been 3 parts, but overall really good.
5 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Part 2 seemed rushed in some areas, but the chemistry between Jodie and Sacha is excellent!

The companions were unfortunately sidelined and was the least interesting part of the story. The trio remained decent and shown humourous scenes, but tge companions and the aliens were unfortunately the least amusing part.

I really got hooked with the scenes with the Doctor and the Master. Many great references of the classic series are used also. I really started enjoying the episode when Sachas portrayal of the Master mentioned Gallifrey numourous times and I felt relieved when he reveilved Gallifrey was destroyed.

Really good episode would've been a really really brilliant episode if it was a 3 parter. 9/10
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Doctor Who: Spyfall: Part One (2020)
Season 12, Episode 1
Good episode, felt refreshing.
2 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I genuinely think Chibnall have listened to many criticisms from series 11 which alienated the fan base because of the underwhelming and bad elisodes.

I think this episode is visually stunning like most of series 11 and the aliens were actually interesting in comparison to last seasons roster of badies. The aliens were mysterious to say the least we don't know much about them except that they plan to take over the universe.

I think guest star Stephen Fry was wasted being killed of to add tension. Even though the character development with Yasmin and Ryan isn't great I can at least appreciate the effort put in to develop them as characters something that lacked in series 11.

I think the review would've been a 6/10 if it wasn't for a overwhelming cliffhanger including the reveal of the master I think series 11 lacked tension and threat and to see the episode conclude with the doctor not controlling the situation feels refreshing.
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Doctor Who: It Takes You Away (2018)
Season 11, Episode 9
Definitely the best episode for the series
2 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like this episode could compete against other episodes from different series in new who it's mix of sci-fi concept and emotional tension is what I seemingly love about a lot of doctor who episodes you really feel for Graham who lost a loved one only to assume that she's alive but not the same she was.
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Doctor Who: Demons of the Punjab (2018)
Season 11, Episode 6
Good improvement after last episode
11 November 2018
Better improvement after last episodes mess there's some bad and some good in the last 6 episodes it's been a mixed bag three meh episodes and three good episodes
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Pokémon: Red Version (1996 Video Game)
not a classic
29 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
this game is one of the worst Pokemon game out there its basic you're a ten year old kid achieving to beat the Pokemon league and catch all Pokémon

that's not the problem I have with Pokemon the game is a classic but its broken moves and Pokemon types were broken a move called focus energy supposed to land critical hits more easy but it halves your chance to land a critical hit Pokemon like Persian were deadly because more the faster Pokemon more chance a critical hit will land which means that Pokemon that are fast and know slash will mean a guaranteed critical hit.
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