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If you already believe, then go ahead, if not, this wont be the one to change your mind.
15 April 2017
Plays like UFO fan-fiction, and not even good fan-fiction at that. If there's just the littlest, tiniest, microscopic, skeptical bone in your body, you will hate it, as this seems to be aimed ("aimed" is even giving them too much credit) at the most credulous among us. On top of all of this, the whole "documentary" seems to be a looooooong (seriously an hour and forty-five minutes of this junk?!) work of self promotion for this "Stan" fellow. It seems to be about how "interesting," "smart," and "exceptional" he is; constant, but subtle pats on the back. Kind of gives the vibe of "please like me!" Cant help but to feel a tiny bit sorry for the guy, however, Im sure he is killing it at the UFO conventions.
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