
39 Reviews
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Unexpected pleasure
9 November 2019
I wasn't expecting much when I stumbled across this title, but have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it. Quirky offbeat humour with a few laugh out loud moments and an absurdity that enhances, rather than detracts, from this mash up of camp-fire story telling, and comedy suspense. Definitely worth the watch and worthy of a better rating than it has on IMDB.
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Us (II) (2019)
Total disappointment.
8 June 2019
The preview for this movie had me excited as an original concept that looked legitimately scary - and it had all the makings to go into the must watch category - beatiful imagery, great cast, and the first 45 minutes of the movie delivered on all counts... but then... the scary evaporated with the convoluted farcical "explanation".

It was like a 5th grade nerd had to come up with a concept for a horror movie and a director just ran with it hoping it would become a cult classic where people would read into it esoteric and spiritual deep meanings where there are none. If you are prepared to look at an all red canvas and buy the artists crap about its symbolism and deep and meaningful context - then this is the movie for you. To me it's just an attempt at an intellectual wank that hoped people would take more from it than it delivered itself. A huge opportunity missed.

I hope someone takes the idea and makes a decent movie from it.
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The Fosters (2013–2018)
Brilliant! Challenging! Compassionate!
20 February 2019
Undoubtedly the best family drama on tv. Should be mandatory viewing for all children, and all parents, from gay to straight and the rainbow of diversity in between. Brilliant.
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Disgusting! Shameful! Abhorrent!
14 December 2018
As someone who has been subjected to and the target of a prolonged and systematic harassment campaign. Where many of the same (albeit only the tip of the iceberg and significantly watered down) tactics of gross invasion of privacy, harassment, and unrelenting 24/7 physical and psychological harassment - I am disgusted to see similar tactics packaged here as "entertainment". What this show does do is provide context at the perverse nature that some people possess who are willing to go to extremes to manipulate people into an outcome through any and all and totally unacceptable means. The same elements apply these tactics in criminal ways in devestating, life destroying and sadly life ending ways. Manipulations designed to discredit their victims and force responses that mimic mental illness and in some cases death as they seek escape from the abuse. To see this minimalised and trivialised as harmless pranks and excuses made as "life lessons" is in my opinion, criminal in itself as it provides cover, and a perception of social acceptance for the violent criminals who practice more extreme versions of this manipulation. Seeing a show like this is to me akin to watching a show that would teach a rapist how to select a victim and how they could manipulate their victim into situations where their crime could be accomplished where the victim would not be believed. Perhaps if they made that show, we would all see humour in rape and condone the excuses for those who practice it. Of course that show shouldn't be made, and neither should a show like this. Absolutely disgusting.
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19 November 2018
A small sneak peak into the injustices of every day life for so many. The simmering tention, the outrage, the frustrations of inequality and the overwhelming message that nothing changes if we don't speak out and demand change. Don't ever allow anyone to silence you. Not for love or money.
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7 books jammed into 1 - epic fail.
1 November 2018
For some reason Stephen King novels never seem to translate into successful movies - but trying to cram 7 books into a single movie was always going to create disappointment for those who read the books over the 20 year period they were written. But saying that, the movie is just bad. Virtually no character development and pretty average performances in a paper thin story line.

Do yourself a favour and buy the book instead - your kids will thank you for it.
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I, Tonya (2017)
A trailer trash triumph!
23 October 2018
I personally hate movies that celebrate violence or elevate cruelty and those who practice in it to the level of hero or any way characters to aspire to - so skipped over this movie for a long time, but I finally watched it and couldn't help but enjoy it and root for the underdog.

Stellar performances from Margot Robbie and especially Allison Janney, and a fantastic quirky fun directorial approach - it's definitely worth the watch.
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Americann Horror - eat your heart out!! The way horror should be!
14 October 2018
I wasnt expecting much with this Netflix title - but ill be damned if it isnt the best Horror to hit the little screen. Superb performances, phenomenal sets, and a story line that will make it virtually impossible to top if they follow up with a season 2. Absolutely spine tingling suspense and forboding - The Haunting of Hill House goes straight into the Horror hall of fame for me.
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In my top 5 movies of all time!
29 August 2018
I have watched this movie at least 10 times and every time I do it still elicits laughter and awe. The most visually spectacular, amazingingly designed and detailed sets, the best written script, perfectly casted and stellar performances in the best sci-fi movie of our generation. And then there is the music score that manages to combine Opera with Techno and still be a believable future direction for the medium and almost becomes a character in its own right. Luc Beeson came as close to perfection as is possible with this movie. I have no doubt I will still be chuckling after another 10 viewings. I wish I could rate it higher as my 10/10 are must watch movies, but this deserves to be elevated above them all.
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Another Period (2013–2018)
Oh look - the sun moon!
19 August 2018
Laugh out loud quirkiness. Bound to be a cult classic.
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The best "spoof" movie of all time!
9 August 2018
Ah what to write - funny from beginning to end. Perhaps its the rehashing of Kevin Sorbo tongue kissing the hottie lead, or the relentless campness and mockery of trashy celebrity and product placement segways - who knows but it sure as hell made me chuckle. The best spoof movie since Flying High.
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Powerful. Raw. And beautiful.
29 July 2018
I'm rarely speechless, but wow! Powerful raw emotion - anger, disgust, hope, despair. A rollercoaster ride that has you begging for it to end while hoping it doesn't. Beautifully shot, absolutely amazing footage and realism. 10 stars no questions. Amazing.
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Sherlock: The Hounds of Baskerville (2012)
Season 2, Episode 2
Scary accurate depiction of Gangstalking
27 July 2018
This episode is the best depiction I have seen of tactics used in Gangstalking. Getting a target into a suggestive state and exploit implanted fears through the use of light and speaker (sound) harassment. While the episode depicts the use of drugs, the same level of suggestibility can be induced through extreme sleep deprivation.

Gangstalking and Gaslighting are alive and well today and need to be exposed for the grotesque abuses they are. While virtually every conceivable individual law is broken in these harassment campaigns - the underlying psyche of an abuser and the prolonged period of assault needs to make these crimes take special consideration under the law.

One day this system of abuse will be exposed and the perpetrators brought to justice. I just hope it's in my day.

Good to see these themes exposed even if it does get the Hollywood treatment.
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One of the best series endings of all time!
21 July 2018
I recently watched the whole series from start to finish and it brought back a lot of nostalgia. But felt the need to leave a comment on this episode as it was a terrific tribute to a much loved series. The best of the TV franchises by far.
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The Bookshop (2017)
High society - lack of class
11 July 2018
When I watched the preview I was expecting another version of "The 100 Foot Journey" - struggle of mixed cultures or class hierarchy ultimately finding common ground and respect. Instead I was pleasantly surprised to find a far more realistic presentation of small town mentality enabling the abuse of power, corruption, and community based harassment. While the movie itself is incredibly slow it's great to see these themes explored as they are alive and well today. Great concept but poorly executed - still well worth the watch.
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A Quiet Place (2018)
The best suspense movie in years!!!!
2 July 2018
This movie is freaking awesome! I'm normally a fan of fast paced dialogue with witty banter and sharp intellect but this movie is nothing like it and yet excelled as one of the best suspense movies of all time. An instant classic.
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Let It Shine (2017)
Reality TV sinks to new low
1 July 2018
There is a illegitimate cut of this snow that is being used in Gangstalking circles. It depicts a number of the "performers" with rather emphasised crotches and the cast participating in an absurd attempt at creating paranoia. The "performers" are actors who sell their services for harassment purposes and deserve the life of obscurity and object disdain for participating in a vile, corrupt, and life destroying process.

I can only hope that the stars of the show are unaware of how their participation is being used and the effects of the prolonged physical and mental harassment they are contributing to in order to discredit innocent people. BBC shame on you or you have a very significant issue of corruption with some of your producers.
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I Kill Giants (2017)
Beatiful story, but if you are expecting action, keep looking
21 May 2018
I felt the need to write a review as the ones I have seen are incredibly harsh. This movie is a beautiful parable of a young girls struggle in dealing with the realities of her life told through her avoidance and diving into her vivid imagination and courage of spirit. While I havent seen the trailer all I can say is if you are looking for a Pacific Rim poorly scripted CGI sensory onslaught keep looking, but if you are open to a beautiful heart warming story of fantasy and adventure more akin to The Enchanted Story then this movie is bound to put a smile on your face and will become a staple for kids dealing with sickness and loss. Wonderful to see and deserving of much higher ratings if expectations arent in the action adventure arena.
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Ray Donovan (2013–2020)
Brilliant show. Must watch TV
5 April 2018
Shows like this normally irk me - that we celebrate and form emotional bonds with such deplorable characters - but it's just so god damned good you have to just sit back and enjoy the ride. Brilliant casting (with special credit being given to the raised eyebrow of out lead character). More adult tv like this please instead of the plastic semi scripted unreality tv dominating screens.
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Stargate Universe (2009–2011)
The best of the Stargate franchise
18 March 2018
While Stargate Universe is certqainly a departure from the rest of the Stargate franchise - it is certainly the jewel in the crown. A far more mature and "realistic"portrayal of space travel with brillian actors and story arcs and twistrs. A shame they only produced 2 series as this could haver and should have revbooted the franchise with loads of movie potential. I would have loved to have seen more.
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Hollywoods Poke at Mark Zuckerberg
12 March 2018
I was at sixes and severs with this movie - on one hand I applauded the scripted dialogue of Mark Zuckerberg in its wit and intelligence and its mockery of the most banal interaction sand observations we pass for conversation, and on the other it shows the most disgusting abuse of trust and portrays a picture of such a despicable, unlikable, insecure, backstabbing coward who we heralded as a modern day hero and someone to admire. If this superb depiction is even remotely close, or as close as Hollywood permits, to reality - then he should be an object of ridicule and derision. and instead is the youngest self made billionaire in history.
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How was this show cancelled???
9 March 2018
Another brilliant show by Aaron Sorkin. I can only assume the star laden cost drove production too high for additional series to be filmed as the show itself was a winner. We need more of this on TV.
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The Newsroom (2012–2014)
Exceelent! Another Aaron Sorkin triumph
7 March 2018
The Newsroom presents an absolutely idealistic view on journalism and the ever present struggle for integrity and honesty in a corporate sponsorship and politically aligned multimedia conglomerate world. The opening episode with the tirade of truth on why America is no longer the greatest country in the world sets the standard for the entire show and rivals one of the best scenes in TV history - however the rest of the show and seasons falls sadly short of that incredible piece of TV. Having said that it still dares to break ground and waggle its finger at its corporate owners and the masses who hunger and thirst for celebrity scandal over balanced and informed news which effect their lives and will shape the world for their children. Its not The West Wing, but anything Aaron Sorkin produces or writes will always be on the top of my must watch list of TV. Excellent viewing.
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The West Wing (1999–2006)
The best show ever created for TV bar none. Mandatory viewing.
7 March 2018
I have watched The West Wing from start to finish 3 times and it never fails to elicit every single range of emotions. I have laughed out loud, shed a tear, and shouted out in anger, sometimes all within a single episode. With the incredibly fast paced dialogue, the wit and palpable on screen chemistry the cast clearly share, it is a joy to behold. In terms of content it raises above the standard fair of crime, violence, blood, gore, Kardaasians and car chases, and instead speaks to the hopes and dreams of a society where hard work, integrity, intelligence, and honour are celebrated instead of mediocrity and presented in the best 45 minutes of TV history ever created. Oh how I wish there were more shows like this capable of reminding and restoring faith in humanity. Mandatory viewing for boxset bingers.
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Beautifully shot yet horrifying look at our not so distant past where mere accusations and labels can destroy people's lives
5 March 2018
This movie is beautifully shot with a superb cast and script - opening with a rather frank and accurate prediction as to what journalism, and news as entertainment has become. Where balanced arguments were set to one side to push political agendas and the fear journalists faced in losing not just their careers, but their lives if they voiced a dissenting or balanced argument. The McCarthy era, fear of being labelled a liberal, a lefty, was synonymous with communism where the slightest suggestion caused fear of reprisals and silenced the majority. This movie could be seen as a precursor or warning of the eventuality of Fox and Newscorps powers of persuasion and influence. and the Orwellian dystopian future that has already arrived. Kudos to journalistic integrity and the platforms that support them. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
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