
8 Reviews
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Another blood bath movie
4 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've definitely seen worse But I didn't identify this with Evil dead. It had the necro & dedites but no depth to it after 20mins in.

The original 3 had a story that flowed, comedic horror and at its time was actually a frightening movie

This film has fantastic Actors. No faults Sound/lighting were spot on

They just missed the core of the evil dead No connection to character and less psychological Which makes it a possession movie like found footage

Just my thoughts

Spoiler - definitely would of gone up a notch if Bruce Campbell (aka) Ash Made a cameo somewhere, even as a dream guide or ghost only one person can see Aaahh original Ash. That's evil dead.
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Halloween (2007)
9 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I actually enjoyed this Huge fan of the series Zombie gave Myers character more depth to his childhood and the way he became the way he is and his fascination with his sister. I really enjoyed this back story

I loved the development as to how lumis became a part of his life (ending confused me as lumis lasted a few movies and killed off in this one, but I can over look that)

Mrs zombie did a cracking job as Michaels mum.

Playing a character was once Jamie lee Curtis Is an incredibly hard act to follow but she did ok

I know a lot of people won't agree but it's worth watching to make your own mind up.
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I got nothing
20 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What did I just watch?

Seriously, what was that?!?!

Psychotic leader (racist & just can't understand this character at all) Another girl let's the psychotic constantly tear her boyfriend down.. says nothing Dude on camera is her lapdog

And what happened to the old man?? Is he still in the shed? And who on earth was bag head?

And the photo in the skeleton?

Seriously what on earth was that?!

Save yourself the 90mins and avoid.
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That rubbish is not horror!
11 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok I am a huge fan of horror & found footage films (even the B grade) BUT What on earth was that NOT TRUE garbage?!?!

Fast forwarding to move through quicker (unless you want to see supposed teen girls acting like 10year olds & just talking) then having to turn it off because of the reason this was called "disturbing, horrifying etc"


Last half hour is nothing but a guy abducting, torturing, violent rape (Nothing hidden all shown) oh and all in a continuous scene!

This doesn't educate kids!

Shock tactics and snuff film with children

If I could give this a zero I would have

Shouldn't be allowed to show this on any network.
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Wtf did I just watch
31 January 2022
Called The house on devils road On tubi

I love Horror Even B grade

But this, I don't know what it was It was hard to follow, random characters appearing, storyline started well then I don't understand So the reporters died after standing out front but then the four people inside suddenly matter differently

Very confusing and ending terrible.
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Walk Away (2020)
What did I just watch
14 January 2022
What on earth did I just watch?

Started good but quick decline. Some actors are good but couldn't save it

Would someone tell me what that ending was??? What the hell happened!!
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Dr. Death (2021–2023)
Love it!
23 July 2021
Baldwin, Slater & Jackson make this show. Very addictive and just fantastic Watching on Stan Worth the watch!
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Contagion (2011)
Like simpsons predictions!!
14 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Recommend watching If haven't seen Don't read further as spoilers

The fact this was made in 2011 And what happened in 2020 with covid is just scary

Near exact words used from leaders from Kate winslet in the beginning A bat is in the virus which affects respiratory system and then die Fast transmission Contact tracing

Keep hands away from face

All in first 45mins

Boggles the mind.
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