
2 Reviews
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More a bowel movement than a movie...
10 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Bad clichés, misogynist beyond anything that could be considered as humour or hidden statement. I've seen scat-vomit midget porn movies that were less insulting to human intelligence or film-making.

Stick to the manga, not a masterpiece but much less of an embarrassment...

It's not just so bad that it's good, its 'star wars Christmas special' bad...

(spoilers warning, because just reporting how crippled this movie is can be considered as revealing most of its core).

The kind of jokes, homophobic clichés, patronizing attitude, might have been all the rage... somewhere on this planet... certainly long enough ago to have been forgotten. But nowadays. It's borderline on criminal.

My comment refers to the original Japanese version, and not to any enhanced/censored translated version. I've seen more than often rapes jokes being totally erased in English version, because you know... only Japanese people can understand how funny gangraping can be... (in case you are thick headed, I was being cynical)
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Toilet paper...
21 July 2008
This movie look like a pathetic nationalist wet dream. It's like if the black van driving crowd got drunk and made a movie about Japanese superiority. The usual Z-Team of foreigner-clown of the Japanese TV are here. Even the god-awful Dave Spector felt obliged to be part of this bowel-movement level of a movie. It's the standard crap, foreigners commit all the crimes, if you let them in you will get robbed everyday, only the Japanese a worthy people, only Japanese housewife know how to cook, foreign women are pantie sniffing slackers... In most of the first world countries there's laws against these kind of xenophobic propaganda.
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