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The Artist (I) (2011)
I enjoyed it though it was in black and white.
19 June 2022
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Well. Colors had to do with the period. So I'll excuse that. All the actors were like time travelers. But i like the dog's acting the best. The fact that it acted like a dead dog was so convincing! I think this movie deserves a sequel after a decade. This might be the birth of the colored movies, what would the director say? This time, it's peppy's turn to experience the downfall. And this time valentin helps her. ^.^
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Paper Towns (2015)
Who else expected that Lacey and Q would end up together?
6 April 2022
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The gave made a lot of signals she was the girl he was looking for.

Margot should have been dead along the way. I thought the man who murdered himself at the beginning of the movie would function as a foreshadowing. Margot's death would be so much meaningful, when you think about her personality. This way Margot is just a 2D, thin girl for Q... From the outside, Lacey was like that too. However, she was deeper and the movie/book failed to have Q not miss her. The pervy best friend got her. I totally expected he'd say "At the party I thought you were pretty like everyone else but during this trip I figured out that we're better as friends." From that moment on, she would leave the truck to return to Q, while he was still looking for M. Then he'd find her instead of her. Then they'd kiss and go to the party as a couple. Their three friends would be surprised but they'd be happily dancing together. That was a lost potential. I wish I wrote script.
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Better than the anime, horrible finale.
30 January 2022
It was strongly inspired by the matrix series, even deus holding one red and blue balloons at her hands. But it was so better than the anime which featured sexualized teens. I love the yuno interpretation here. However, the finale sucks despite all those godawesome osts. It shouldve been different.
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El Clon (2010)
This is better than the original.
15 January 2022
Jade and Lucas are boring, the main story should've belonged to marissa & said. But mauricio is such a nice actor that he plays 3 different roles greatly. Leonardo & Christina's love was too dragged on. Natalia was a perfect character on her own. I can comment on all the characters but let's talk about the godawesome music now. Mario reyes has wonderful songs, sandras voice is angelic, the composers did an excellent job. Lastly, it was a bit islamophobic but well, it dealt with serious topics like religion, cloning and drugs, so some mistakes are possible. I forgive el clon 2010 more than anything and I rewatch it again and again. The best telenovela in the whole world. Well-deserved 10/10.....
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1 January 2022
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Like Zerk said in the end, this movie makes me "free!"

I rewatch it often. It's pure comedy, and I watch it for mostly Gavin and his friends. All of them are nerds. Gavin, Hobie, Maynard, Sophie...These 4 stole my heart and I was left with none to give Zerk&Shirts. Yes, Shirts is funny sometimes. But I find Zerk to be overrated. I remember the first time I saw this movie. It was the theme park scene, which excluded Zerk. I took it up from there to watch. If I saw Zerk in that scene instead, I don't know maybe I wouldn't complete this movie and this one wouldn't be one of my life-long movies. Glad I could meet Gavin and his nerdy friends first. Why do I like Gavin so much? First, I'm totally against fantasy and this geeky fanboyism of his beats me every time. I'm like, "Okay, I might give fantasy a chance after all."

Shirts is a character that should hang out with Gavin instead of Zerk. Sophie is the humble heroine I expect from such comedies. She was fantastic when she was trying to speak while her mouth was shut. I don't know why this actress didn't continue to act. Shane and his gang were also funny. Shane is a big baby that has an annoying voice and soon Gavin uses his "constitutional right to knock him out" as advised by Zerk.

If you just hang out with Zerk for a while, you have the F. P.

The music was really fun. Especially Sophie's scores, Sophie & Gavin's love scores, Hobie vs Brutus scores should be published this instant. Original songs like "I Love Onions" and "The Idiots Are Taking Over" were so cleverly used throughout the movie. I sat by here, wishing to see Rachel Hurd-Wood as Gavin's partner instead, to a slight bit. Anyways, I wish this town was for real, I'd definitely go to pay a visit to Gavin and his friends. I always wish to have a town, full of naïve people like these. And that "naïve" even includes Shane, who got me dying because of laughter when they attacked Gavin. That was one of the most hilarious scenes in a movie I've seen in my whole life! After the "big fight", the kiss between the main couple was as sweet as it was weird, and it gave total Frog Prince vibes. I'm sure it's summer in Gavin's town, and they all made their dreams come true. I'll rewatch the movie for yet another time soon and revisit Gavin's friends. Definitely recommended movie.
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Wedding Daze (2006)
Oh my God this was god-awful!
4 September 2021
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Why cant men remain loyal to their dead girlfriends in one movie ever? Where them loyal characters at? Edgar Allan Poe-ish characters are more appreciated,thank you.
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Sorta boring in comparison with the rest of the series...
25 August 2021
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Earlier Bella had proven her love for Edward by putting herself into danger. Then, in this one, why does she take interest in Jake ? I've no idea. And I don't even think that Stephenie Meyer tried to assert that "polyamory is real" here. It's just weird for the sake of being weird ! Bella suddenly kissed Jacob, and Edward is out of his character, too. He's like... "Okay Bella can be warmed up by a werewolf, I don't care, I'm not jealous..." but he shouldn't have said that! Didn't he say, EARLIER, that he was very "protective" of Bella? Eclipse's Edward isn't the Edward I know..... And this is my least favorite Twilight movie.

I've to mention that the actress who plays Victoria is different, and she's worse than the previous actress, when it comes to the acting skills. The whole vampire battle is unnecessary for the movie "Eclipse". I don't find any reason to like this movie. If Edward and Jacob realized their love for each other in that tent, my comment would've been a lot different.....
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I love this movie but it should've contained the events of part 2 too.
24 August 2021
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I don't know why the book was divided into two..... like, because of Stephenie Meyer? Everything could have happened in this movie at once. Even including the plot-twist that was created because of Alice's vision.....
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It was a beautiful movie that explored Bella & Jacob's friendship.
24 August 2021
It's like... my favorite friendship! The scene where they went to the cinema with Mike gets me laughing every time. From a point of view, the whole premise of this movie is friendship. Just forget about the unearthly creatures and enjoy the friendship Bella shares with the people around her...
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Spider-Man (2002)
This is an old-school movie.
24 August 2021
It's the kind of movie where the nerd takes the popular girl. Nowadays that hardly ever happens . It always has to be the female nerd after a male hottie. That's why SpiderMan is hated. Because here the woman is glorified. If you dislike Mary-Jane, then you're not a feminist and I can't be friends with you !
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This was a wonderful movie.
24 August 2021
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Maybe the scene where they fart and smell it must be replaced by another disgusting yet agreeable scene. Like, when you're chewing some food and you open your mouth and your friend sees it and they are disgusted by it. If you put a similar scene into the movie, the audience will understand that the friendship that these two dorks share have evolved into something sweet, and they're not even disgusted by each other when they're eating and ignoring the manners... despite the fart thing, I'll give it 10/10 stars!
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Emperor of the Sea (2004–2005)
this drama has so outgrown the korean dramas that no one can come close to it.
24 August 2021
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It has so many elements. For instance, ten episodes of Spartacus equates 2 episodes of Emperor of the Sea, because the theme "slavery" was used for the said 2 episodes beautifully. It was a fresh storytelling. I was so shocked when Goong-bok didn't shake his head ! His owner wasn't a devilishly evil person, he treated him well. He was a person that wasn't ruled by his emotions, unlike his best pal. There was an agreeable love triangle. Everyone likes the bad guy here, Jang. I dislike him. He caused the death of a pregnant woman! Okay, no more spoilers. Just watch it and decide if he's really despicable... but he's played by a good actor, I must agree. I cried when he died...the ending was Hamlet-ish. Everyone,except for the minor roles died, almost. I like it so much. It's historical, about trade and about love...
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Death Note (I) (2017)
20 August 2021
At least misa isn't a dumb blonde here. If you want a bad adaptation then you could have a look at the 2015 version where lights iq is even lower than canon!misa.
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Death Note (2015)
This again favors Misa.
20 August 2021
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Just because the original misa doesnt have light love her back, they make her love requited wherever possible. Here, light starts of a brainless fanboy of misa, and hes a complete idiot over the show . How can you expect me to love a light thats even more idiotic than misa amane . It deserves one and only star. Erikas performance as misa has been passed as the best misa amane portrayal still...
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I'm glad that the 5th one was not the epilogue of the movie series...
9 August 2021
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The sixth movie gave me a children's movie at least. It seems that Leon has not moved on from the loch NESS monster which is a shame but his iteration, Leo seems more like a sensible person . He isn't like "I'm eternally in love with Müller" and blah blah . He doesn't have an obsession with no loch NESS monsters.

Müller, the heroine of the movie, on the other hand, isn't obsessed with remaining Young , herself. She seems like a normal 12 year old child. She isn't like her ancestor who idolizes some anime character and sees "wild" dreams where she's some kind of a vampire magnet lol. Müller isn't a forced character. The Reason Why I have to discuss Leo and Müller by comparing and contrasting them to their ancestors is because; they just starred in one movie whereas,the first five freaking movies centered around Leon and his friendly monster from loch NESS.well, if there were the 7th and the 8th and the 9th and the 10th movies about Leo and Müller, then there'd be some balance; and I could have talked about Leo and Müller as much as I talk about Leon and his girlfriend from loch NESS.
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It's not a children's movie any more.
8 August 2021
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Since Vanessa has proven herself to be the most toxic female character of the series over the five movies (just like in the third movie where she didn't volunteer to go find Leon, and in the fourth movie where she wanted to return home with Maxi), she doesn't want to look for Leon in this epilogue. (Why does Leon disappear all the time, is a question which must be asked here.) I've counted 3 times and it IS too much when you're talking about a protagonist.

I won't busy myself with Leon, because Vanessa's YET ANOTHER betrayal should be mentioned here. She cheats on Leon with Darkside. Remember Leon had to stand and watch Vanessa and Hadschi in the third movie, here he is turned into stone and he's unable to witness the cheating hearts but he's still there. Since he's happy with Vanessa, cheating on him all the time, it's no surprise when she's forgiven for the third time and the movie ends with a "happy" note, if you find such endings, where the toxic couples live happily ever after, to be entertaining of course.
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Uh-oh, do you mean we have another love interest for Leon?...
8 August 2021
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But Leon shows no interest in her. It's all in the head of Vanessa and she executes Leon without due process. While she BELIEVES that Leon has cheated on her, she flirts with Leon's best friend, Maxi. If she was an antagonist and she did that just for revenge, it's be a great storytelling but that's exactly the problem of the 4th movie . She's supposed to be a "protagonist". Just like she hesitated to go find Leon in the third movie, she wants to return HOME with Maxi, who's surely taken for granted. Like I said, she doesn't act like a protagonist at all, she gas-lights Leon just like in the past 2 movies...
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The toxicity of Vanessa is continuing...
8 August 2021
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She acts like the group mama and has everyone swear on loyalty. But she's the freaking first one to betray the group! The scene between her, licking Gonzo's ice-cream was so disturbing, does the writer forget that she's still 12 and Gonzo is 15?! The actress SKG is still young but she over-acts. Her iteration in the 6th movie was a more decent child actress. This makes me think it's a good thing SKG didn't continue to be an actress.

I won't criticize this second movie, bashing Vanessa only. Leon should be mentioned too. That's because he lacks self-respect. He literally begs Vanessa to return. He loves her selflessly, and there's another character that's obsessed with Vanessa. He's none other than Gonzo. He doesn't care if she had chosen Leon's group. He wants her to be like some pinball between Leon's clique and his. I remember one scene had Vanessa's face with full dirt and she tried to kiss Leon - I guess she learned that from Gonzo and both scenes were disgusting. Don't these kids know how to take a shower for God's sake ???
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It lacks one star for me because...
7 August 2021
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Io, who's Zeus' partner in real-life mythology, grooms Perseus here, who's supposed to rescue and marry Andromeda. It's really unnecessary for Io to groom Perseus, it killed the movie. I'm happy she's lost in the sequel.
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Crossroads (2016–2017)
Uzay's state ruins the show.
27 July 2021
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He falls in love with Ates's first girlfriend. Then he falls in "love" with the second girlfriend. What, is he obsessed with Ates? I think Uzay is gay for Ates but this was never explored in the show. Are the writers homophobes or what? Uzay is a gay person who is forced to be Asli's hetero lover. Idiotic scenario. 1/10...
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S1m0ne (2002)
Sometimes when i rewatch a movie i carry my vote from 8 to 10.
23 July 2021
I was gonna make a presentation on this movie when i was a colleger. So i rewatched this many many times. But the presentation was canceled. Here i am, writing a comment on it. I love this movie a lot. Firstly, i love the music.

Secondly, it has the elements you could expect from an al pacino movie. It's not just "a movie that foresaw the future". Yes we have hatsune miku today and blah but this movie is more than this... For one thing, it makes some references to tarantino, dr. Frankenstein and the myth of Pygmalion at once. As the movie progresses, you see the identity trouble of victor. Simone slowly becomes his alter-ego. I don't wanna spoil it more for you. Please watch it.....

PS, it could be read from an atheist point of view. That's because, the caveman that could think on Earth felt meaningless and he created God on his mind. He shared this idea with the others in order to feel "worthy" but the things went out of the hand, and the others started to worship this "idea".. Hope my claim that simone = god won't trigger anyone and this review will be displayed. ^^'
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The ending is so rushed.
23 July 2021
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Okay i love this movie a lot but they got rid of the dictator so easily. I wish the real-life dictators met their punishments this easily. Also the soccer player was also in the main cast and he had a more loose ending than i expected. What was the point of him hanging out with the fake believer-girl, for example? She was Bobo's agent all the time ? What ? This wasn't explained - or rather, if it had been this way, it'd have been more cool.
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Starbuck (2011)
I'm not a male, so I'll never grasp the whole idea.
22 July 2021
But i believe if you donate your sperm this many times in the real life, you must be needing a lot of money, which means that you're not a stable person, to utter the kindest word. An unstable person cannot guarantee that he will have a stable sexual life. What if 20 Years later, he casually did it with a girl? What if she turned out to be his biological daughter? This extreme idea could be explored in the movie like it was explored in old boy. Then it wouldn't be a comedy any more. But when i am discussing about donating your sperm, all i can think about is these coincidences. The more biological daughters you have, the more likely the coincidences happen. I'd never donate my sperms because you can never know what'll happen in the future. I'm glad I'm not a male and I won't have to worry about the financial issues of mine vs trying to remain as a stable man. Hope this comment sounds okay because i know that I'm commenting on a controversial topic like "can you sacrifice one person in order to save 5 people before they die in a train accident?". In short, this movie deserves an average point like 6.
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Nussknacker und Mausekönig (2015 TV Movie)
Such remakes are a disgrace to Tchaikovsky.
20 July 2021
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They play his music, therefore they guarantee 4/10 points but the movie has nothing else! First, they should keep the name Clara, not Marie. Second, the girl is too old to be Clara. Clara was a young girl that still played with her toys, not a romance device that falls in love with the Nutcracker prince too soon. Third, these two do not go to the places like Russia and China the night Clara sees her first nightmare. What made the original work immortal was Clara's bravery in the places as a small being. In the end she's supposed to regain her own body and reencounter with the prince. I think unfortunately the only one that's loyal to the original ballet is freaking Barbie! We need one that doesn't solely focus on Clara and the prince's romance, but also gives the sugarplum fairy the spotlight she deserves. I'm waiting for a loyal remake of the Nutcracker...
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Hilary Duff: Wake Up (2005 Music Video)
I need to know who the back vocal is behind this video.
18 July 2021
She made me give it 9 stars, not Hilary. A totally anonymous angel! Voice made in Heaven by God!
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