
61 Reviews
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Fall (I) (2022)
9 May 2023
Girls, you had 4 shoes which means 4 shoe laces. Why didn't you rie them to each other and to the rope and check the signal. Or you could just tie the phone to drone. Just saying you know.

Don't read the rest I just copied and paste for character count.

Girls, you had 4 shoes which means 4 shoe laces. Why didn't you rie them to each other and to the rope and check the signal. Or you could just tie the phone to drone. Just saying you know

Girls, you had 4 shoes which means 4 shoe laces. Why didn't you rie them to each other and to the rope and check the signal. Or you could just tie the phone to drone. Just saying you know.
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unnecessary granddaughter item
10 March 2023
Casting is very important. Irene is the most annoying and unnecessary character of this series. If we take her out of it, the show actually will be much better and less annoying. Actress hmmm sorry for calling her an actress doesn't have any other expression in her face except for the one which reminds us a person who has just eaten a sour lemon. Because of her it is 7 for me.

Now I am repeating what I said because of this moronic character limit rule.

Casting is very important. Irene is the most annoying and unnecessary character of this series. If we take her out of it, the show actually will be much better and less annoying. Actress hmmm sorry for calling her an actress doesn't have any other expression in her face except for the one which reminds us a person who has just eaten a sour lemon. Because of her it is 7 for me.
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Untold (2021– )
19 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I had somewhat sympathy toward that Ronaiah guy up until the moment he imitated a dying girlfriend's breath stunt on the phone FOR MORE THAN A MONTH!!! What is this? How deeply troubled you must be to carry something like this on? It would be more decent if he just cut him loose or ghosted him. I don't care if he is a transgender. I don't care if he is an alien from Saturn. He is just a bad person. There is a good expression "someone's heart is in the right place" His heart is in the very wrong place.
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Good documentary
9 August 2022
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we could see how a person can be broken. I hope he can meet the people who will fix him. My mom and dad showed me love at every age of my life. So I can easily show it to others. However, my husband is kind of cold and very bad at expressing his feelings because his family is so, too. After meeting me I turned him into a teddy bear)) I show and tell him how much I love him at any chance I get. He says that I changed him beyond recognition. Not showing your feelings doesn't make you a psychopath. People sometimes don't show feelings because they simply don't know how. He is going to change after he is surrounded by normal, loving people. We are what we see, and we become what we feel eventually.
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30 July 2022
People like this guy make me believe existence of satan and the movies showing its presence among people. What an ugly loser with loser followers. How many morons live in this world is beyond me 🤦‍♀️ Yes, "The Family" my a.. Bunch of losers made a community.
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Constantine (2005)
27 July 2022
What did I watch? I was constantly asking myself this question while watching the movie. What am I watching? Wat just happened? Why it happened? I don't know. It was... What?
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obsessed much?
18 July 2022
I hate the documentaries which don't give you the answers and make unresolved issues stay unresolved. Who cares if some losers were obsessed with some 50-year-old BS. One wants money, another wants Pulitzer. Come on. Find a job, dudes.
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an important message
18 July 2022
As you watch this episode you understand the importance of it. It is a very powerful message for the people who are being harassed right now. Open up, raise your voice! NOTHING is more important than your life. Someone can blackmail you with nude photos and even a s.x tape. F... it! We all have nude photos somewhere. Tell someone, seek for help. There is nothing to be embarrassed. You have ONE life. No do over just ONE chance to live. Don't cut it short for someone. Also we saw how parent support is crucial. Talk to your kids for the love of God.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
facepalm facepalm facepalm
5 July 2022
I gave this show 9 after 1st season. NINE!!! Congratulations, you got downgraded. Stranger Things turned to what we call it? Yes, a cash cow for its makers obviously. No show, absolutely no show will have guts to repeat what Breaking Bad did because everybody is greedy, because quantity is more important than quality. Selling s***ty show to the people who were lured by previous seasons. I should have understood in the 3rd season that they were dragging. They should have finished it this season. It is toooo much, boring, cheap, and all the bad adjectives. You did a bad bad bad job. Shove your 5th season wherever you want.
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beyond imagination
13 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am sending love and hugs to all the brave women who had the smallest role in taking down this monster.

I kept my cool until the part of 12 year-old BABY'S rape ceremony. Burn in the deepest hell, Warren, slowly and in much much agony.
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Clark (2022)
14 May 2022
Unnecessarily p.rnographic. I mean why? Ok some maybe, but after one point I got tired of watching nude people f. . each other,, bj and so on. Like a piece of meat. Really tiring. I lost my intereset. As if writers knew that it would be boring so they took the short way to attract people. Not cool.
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Wild Abandon (2022– )
Give it a go!
21 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the messages and everything, but many plot holes. I would like to see what happened to the family portraits at the end for example. I mean it should have been connected to the plot somehow. Ege's motive is not understandable. He keeps contradicting himself.

I like unfinished endings in movies. When the director leaves you thinking and reasoning part, but here, there is something off about the ending. It seems very unnatural. As if the writer wrote and deleted the ending several times then just left it unfinished hoping it would be considered "artsy" Nope! Nope! It is "unfinished" indeed. It is some lazy writing. But overall it is worth to watch.
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Ronny Chieng: Speakeasy (2022 TV Special)
Thanks for making me laugh
12 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I like Ronny. His this show was also quite funny. I especially liked the exam joke (Cambridge) 😀😀 and Shakespeare's famous vending machine quote 😀 I am not British, but I love Mr. Bean. He is my childood comedian . He is fun come on 😔
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Windfall (2022)
Good one
11 April 2022
I enjoyed that. I like these kind of movies, slow paced. It is not a classical home invasion movie with a nerve wrecking hostage escape moments. Maybe that's why some people are disappointed.
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The Batman (2022)
Not bad
9 March 2022
Pattinson was good. They made this Batman more humanlike. I liked that. Don't wanna give spoilers about that. You will feel it when you watch. But but but it was not supposed to be 2h 55m. No! After some point I thought I was watching the movie in slow motion.
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Beautiful Boy (I) (2018)
Unbearable heaviness of being a parent
21 February 2022
I want to write many things and at the same time I can't organize my thoughts so I am gonna write my strongest feeling after watching it. As a person who is currently in a dilemma of having or not having a baby, this movie triggered my darkest, deepest fears and I am again scared to death. I am afraid of not being enough for my baby in the future if something like this happens. Sometimes, love doesn't save, sometimes love is not enough. I don't know what I would do if it happened to me. I know that I would give him/her a chance again again again again until everybody get tired of me and left me and him/her. I know that if I have a baby, I will love my baby like a crazy person and that's why I am scared. Really scared (((((((
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19 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
How one movie can be that bad is beyond me. The writers were high that's for sure.

This movie, especially the last scene, was an insult to the viewers. So he was hit by a car, shot 3 times, cut by a chainsaw and didn't die huh? So they could continue to make this sequel? I personally felt insulted and trolled. Up until the moment the old lady literally stood face to face and didn't shoot him and instead went all Heisenbergy (say my name stuff), I had a little hope. You know, I thought it is a s...y horror movie, just watch it. But after that moment I was furious. They literally asked for it and the guy gave them what they deserved. I wish he did the same thing to all the writers of the film. Please respect yourself and don't watch it. It is worse than the worst.
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The Motive (2020–2021)
12 February 2022
Just finished the 1st episode. Not gonna watch it anymore. Why are you prolongingggggg it sooooo much with useless interviews, repeated footages? One guy said that "they were good people" in a hundred different ways. Are you kidding me? It could have been way shorter. I promised myself not to watch any uselesly prolonged documentary ever again. Immediately 1 star. That's it. Don't waste my time!
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Catching Killers (II) (2021– )
short and intriguing
12 February 2022
I think all the crime documentaries should be this short and precise. I love how fast everything develops. Only people who were directly involved are narrating. No useless interviews, no mess. They did a great job.
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Massive cringefest
12 February 2022
After tinder swindler I understood that fraudsters get rewarded actually in this f... world. Netflix payed for this bul..t OMG. Accents and Anna Chlumsky's disgusting face expressions and attitude made it impossible for me to watch. I hated Garner's accent in Ozark and I hated her this accent here even more. I can't can't can't watch it anymore. Million thumbs down.
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The Trip (2021)
Unexplainable mixture of comedy and terror ))))
6 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched it screaming, laughing, and biting my fingers because I felt every kick and hit in my face )))) I have never watched any movie like that. I gave 9 only because at some places the main characters acted stupidly. They didn't pick up the knife, gun or anything that can be used as a weapon around. They just stared and waited to be bitten. But overall I enjoyed it really much.
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Loved it
25 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First time in my life I screamed and applauded at the cinema. And it was when the spiderman of my generation Tobey Maguire appeared. I felt so happy and nostalgic 😔 Felt like a child again with all these villains from the first Spiderman movies.
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embodiment of willpower
17 December 2021
The guy climbed fourteen highest mountains. All I have to do is to give him 10 stars. What can I say? I was amazed by his motivation and mental strength.
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Mo Amer: The Vagabond (2018 TV Special)
Loved it
4 December 2021
I can't laugh at American or British stand-up comedians because of cultural differences. I understood it after laughing at Maz Jobrani, Peter Russel and now Mohammad. It is better to be culturally close to a comedian if you want to laugh at his/her jokes. I am not Arab, Persian or Indian. I am Azerbaijani and these cultures are closer to mine than western cultures. So if you dont find him funny enough, most probably you don't have enough information about the culture.
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Superstore (2015–2021)
Jonah and Amy f.... you!!!
10 October 2021
I am in the 4th season now, but I want to kill Amy. Such an egotistical crybaby. She uses and manipulates everyone ALL THE TIME. She is never happy, always scolds someone, chaotic and all over the place. Even writing this review is making me angry. There is nothing good about this character and her voice is OMG as if cats scratch your ear. I hate Jonah as well. He uses Kelly as a shield. You don't use people like that, moron!

Apart from this other characters are ok and show is really nice. I enjoyed it generally, but casting was horrible because of these 2 characters.
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