
5 Reviews
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Remake of M.
24 June 2012
I came across this film on You Tube yesterday and was surprised to find that it was a remake of Fritz Lang's M (1931) shot in South America.

The title translate as THE BLACK VAMPIRE. M was released in South America as THE VAMPIRE OF DUSSELDORF so the title makes sense there even tho there is no vampire. This is not a scene by scene remake like the remake made in the United States in 1951.

The film has a dark moody black and white atmosphere like an older movie would have. The actor playing the killer is pretty good. In one scene he takes the daughter of a friend to the carnival and has to fight his urge to kill her.
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Dwain Esper Mondo Movie
31 March 2011
First of all to reviewer Cosmo the film you are thinking of is FROM HELL IT CAME. That was about a tree monster coming to life. The tree was by Paul Blaisdell who made a lot of monster suits for A.I.P. in their B movie years.

I saw this movie on You Tube last night. From what I heard it was a lost movie (And some people might say it should have stayed lost) The print I saw was in Spainish.

The film is made up of lots of footage of mostly of people who live in the jungle. There is a lot of footage of topless native women. Also some film from a circus is spliced in.
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Devil Girls (1999)
Hard to find Underground Film from an Ed Wood Jr Novel
25 September 2006
I have not read Ed Wood's novel DEVIL GIRLS so I can not say how close this film is to the book. It is a lot like Wood's girl gang film THE VOILENT YEARS.

The film in style tries too hard to look like a bad Ed Wood production. Camera/computer tricks were used to make the footage look under/over exposed and other video filters to were used to make the video feature look like a beat up old movie print.

The film's actors got the B movie style of acting down pretty well.

The actor playing the preacher had his scenes shot at a different time from the other actors and is crudely edited into the movie. He is never in the same scene with any of the other actors even when they are talking to each other.

As far as I know the director sold/gave away video tapes of this film for only a short time back when it was made. I saw the movie on what seems to be a homemade DVD print.
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Night of the Fools (2004 Video)
An underground Ed wood movie
22 September 2006
The film tells the story of Ed wood calling together his acting friends to tell them about a script he wants to shoot called PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE.

You get the feeling watching the film that the characters are more based on the characters in the movie ED WOOD than the real actors that use to appear in Wood's movies.

This is not a bad movie if you can get pass the high school play level of set design and acting. None of the actors really capture the looks of the people from Ed Wood's movies that they are portraying. The actors playing Lugosi and Tor Johnson did not capture the looks or style of the actors they are trying to copy.

This would be a good movie to watch with the underground feature DEVIL GIRLS which was based on an Ed Wood novel. Good luck finding a copy of that hard to find movie.
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Blood (1973)
One of Milligan's better works.
9 September 2006
This is one of Milligan's better Gothic style horror dramas. It's a lot in the style of THE RATS ARE COMING!THE WEREWOLVES ARE HERE! But not as dull. The acting is much better than in most of his films and the camera work is not bad.

The film does have two strikes against it. 1)When the wolf man turns into a werewolf he is wearing a silly looking werewolf mask and 2)The action scenes seem to being missing something as if something was cut out. This is how most of Milligan's films seem to be edited though so I can't tell if I was watching a censored print or if it was edited that way.
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