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this tells me an important thing
10 August 2017
This is the school love story. There are two main character. One is the girl, a little inexperienced but has principle, who belongs to brass band and play trumpet. Another is a boy, tall and cool, who belongs to baseball club and wants to win the championship. At the day of high school entrance ceremony, they talk for the first time. She is impressed by his desire to participate in Koshien which is the most famous baseball tournament. They have a dream and they improve together through friendly rivalry. In that process, she falls in love with him. A lot of people say that this movie is boring, but I like this movie. This movie tells me to make an effort to one's dream come true. They have a lot of difficulties in the process, but they never give up. The efforts are never to be wastes. Continuing is very important. There is such a proverb. "Endurance makes you strong." This proverb expresses this movie very well.
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9 August 2017
This is my favorite series of Harry Potter. In short, this series is the adventure of Harry Potter, who is the main character of this series, with the scar on his forehead. He and his friends have an adventure using the magic. In this movie, they have a battle with his rival, Lord Voldemort. However, in the battle, one of Harry's fellow, Sirius Black is killed. Harry's name is given by him, so he is like a father. Harry has very strong courage. He challenges a lot of difficulties boldly. Of course, I like the story, but I like the effect in each scene more than that. In battle scene, the CG is used to express the magic. That is very real and has much impact. That attracts me into the screen, so because of it I can enjoy the story and visual fully. Not only this movie, but also other movies are very interesting, so you should watch it.
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Benigni (2009)
Heart-warming story
9 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This film is a little mysterious but heart-warming. Most of you may think that what is the boil which is on his side. To think about his life without it, it is an indifferent life. I think it is just a boil, but it gets big. At last, the size gets as big as a human head. It is like a baby. In my opinion, he may want to have a child because he is lonely. He fondles it as if it was his real child. However, the good-by comes suddenly. He drops the window on the connection part which connect it and his body accidentally. Because of it, it falls from his room. Maybe it dies. After it dies, his face looks sad. This film expresses the feeling or thought of character very well. Especially, the last scene is the most emotional scene. I think this is worth seeing.
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the best work of Mission Impossible
8 August 2017
This is one of the most famous movies in the world. There are 5 works in this series. I like this one the best in them. The main character, Ethan Matthew Hunt, played by Tom Cruise sets off on a journey with his party to complete mission which is very difficult to do. There are a lot of difficulties. They were in danger of losing their lives for many times. The scenes of action are very exciting. One of my favorite action scenes is the scene of the desert. The scale of it is so large that the audiences can experience the pressure which Ethan Hunt feels. Not only this series, but also other series are also large scale. I have heard that the hard action scenes do not use stunt man. It means Tom Cruise plays it with no Computer Graphics. That makes the scenes more exciting.
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This makes me happy
8 August 2017
This film is very simple. A man helps a boy who falls down. Then people help other people in chain. That is all about this film, but I can perceive something important. Japanese are often said kind. There are sometimes special TV programs which research how Japanese are kind. In that research, most of Japanese help people who are in need, so general opinion may be right. When I watch someone helps other people, I feel happy. Of course, they are also happy. It is difficult to help other people whom we have not talked to. However, if you have courage to talk to stranger, it will be your strong point and give others heartfelt feelings. I do not have enough courage to help other people, and I have regretted for many times because of it. From now, I try to help others, for example giving a seat to elderly person.
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Whacked (1997)
8 August 2017
I could not know what kind of genre this movie is or the story. I thought it was a Science Fiction or horror movie because people died suddenly, but it is not. I cannot understand the story even now. It seemed SF movie, on the other hand it seemed golf movie. Generally, there are some stories in a movie. I can understand what kind of stories there are in each movie. I can enjoy some stories at the same time, but, in this story, it is not clear how many stories there are, in my opinion, so I could not enjoy enough. However, the movie that the story is not clear like this is interesting. What I want to say is when the story is not understandable, people can imagine the story freely. I think it is one of the ways to entertain audiences. In my thought, there are not many movies like this in Japan, but there are a lot of movie that we can understand the story very easily.
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Not deeply but thoughtful
7 August 2017
This film is not deeply, but so simple. Two main characters are a poor man with a beard and long hair who do not wear shoes and wears dirty old clothes and a rich man who wears formal clean clothes. They are in contrast. The rich man looks happy, but the happy life changes suddenly. In my opinion, people who have a lot of money are happy and winner in this world. This never change, I think. It is because we need money whatever we do, for example, going abroad, eating, hobbies and so on. If we satisfy our desires, it is not enough how much money we have. However, this film tells us that the money is not always important. If we have enough money, it does not mean happy.
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Thougtful film
7 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
One day, the main character swims in the pool with his friend. They dive and sink them each other. The main character comes out from the water on ahead. He disturbs his friend to come out from the water. It makes him drown. He loses consciousness. He regains consciousness. The main character relieves, but those around him looks coldly on him. He feels lonely. He sinks gradually and his legs do not reach bottom. He thinks he loses whereabouts. This is only 7 minutes length. A lot of thoughtful things are in 7 minutes. For example, the importance of friends. Today, the bullying is very serious problem, such as being left alone. This movie shows today's problem and the important thing and makes me think many things.
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Rain Man (1988)
Heart-warming story
6 August 2017
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The main character, Charlie, the handsome man, is a dealer in expensive cars, but his work does not go well. One day, he is received the news that his father died. His estate is left to his brother, Raymond who is an autistic. He gets to be angry, so he tries to get the estate and takes him out. However, his brother is autistic. He wants to back to Los Angeles. There are a lot of difficulties, but he finds his capability. He comes up with a plan to make a lot of money. This movie shows human nature. People do not find the importance of personal belongings, especially family. In this movie, Charlie thinks his brother as the money. As the story goes, his thoughts changes and finds the importance. Totally, this movie is very heart-warming.
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My best Conan's movie
6 August 2017
This is one of the famous animation movie and the first work of Detective Conan. There are 21 works. I like this the best. I go to see the movie of this every year. Every Conan's movie is very exciting. I think we can enjoy not only action scene but also mystery. In this movie, the criminal uses bombs and explodes buildings which he designs. He and his friends are involved in the crime. In climax scene, his girlfriend is also involved in. Then, she is shut into a room and she gets to have to dismantle the bomb. There is little time and she is driven into a corner. I am impressed in last scene. Their bond is very strong. Detective Conan is very long series. The ending is near, so I am looking forward to see next movie.
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The best movie I have seen
6 August 2017
This movie is about the prisoners. The main character is caught in the false charge. At first, he claims his innocence, but he cannot prove it. In prison, he has his own world. Also, he is so clever. He plans something and it appears 20 years later. When the ordinary people are caught in the false charge, they may give up their life, but he never gives up. He carves out his life. I think he tells me the importance of living and having the hope. There are not so many flashy exciting scene, but there is some moving scene in an important position. They give more impression to audience. There are a lot of prison film, but I like this movie the best. I think the movie should be like this.
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Tootsie (1982)
Intereting story
4 August 2017
This movie is very good. The main character, Dorsey, has a very strong heart. He is a man, but he disguises himself as an actress. However, he, as a woman, had an impact on his friend, Julie, who is a well-known actress. He always looks dull but once he changes into a woman, he looks very strong. The story that he is loved by some old men is very interesting. They may be attracted to his (her) character. Also, he has conflicts in his life as an actor or his lover. In fact he may want to be a great actor, but the director wants him to act as a woman. What is his dream? Is it to be a famous as an actress? He may want to be a famous actor. Some parts of his dream do not come true, but others come true. However, he does not want to be a famous actress. I can understand his conflict because I was discouraged when I was a high school student. In this sense, the movie was very familiar to me.
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strong impression
4 August 2017
I am impressed by this movie. It makes me surprised. First of all, there are only five lines. Although it is a short story, the lines are too few. However, I can understand the story. Why? It is because of the visuals. There are some movies which do not have lines, but they have the background music and visual. We can understand the story if they are there. I think that the line is just a decoration which helps people to understand easily. It means we can know what the characters are doing without lines. In my opinion, the short movie like this should be clear. If there are a lot of lines, people have a lot of information and are confused. They cannot enjoy enough, so screenwriters have to make movies simple, and people fun. That is a important point in making movies. The movie made me think so. However, the movies should not always be clear. The complex ones are also interesting.
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thoughtful story
4 August 2017
We can enjoy not only the story, but also vision and sound, such an the sound of the waves. They also make me think. The woman and the man do not have a child and each has different thoughts. I think she is a little nervous in the relationships with neighbors. However, he is optimistic. Furthermore, she thinks that they do not need to have a child, but he wants one. They have opposite opinions. I think that is a key to live at peace with each other. To be honest, I did not think they are not happy in the first half. As the story goes, their relationships becomes better. By the way, the child totally looks sad. His mother looks busy, but it is not certain that she is busy because of the work or socializing. When I get a child and become a father, I will give him or her much care, then make a heart-warming family.
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2 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The man who is the main character is a clever man. Normally, working people use cars trains and buses. These ways may annoy them. When they use cars, there is heavy traffic. When they use trains, they are always full. I sometimes miss the train because it is so crowded. I do not like trains. It is also very hot and sometimes smells bad. When people use buses, they are often delayed because of rain, snow or traffic. There is another way of commuting. It is a bicycle. When I was a high school student, I went to school by bicycle, but there was a very big problem. I sweated badly, so in summer, I was sweating all over every day. Thus, rowing a boat to commute is a good way, but I think it is nonsense because no one would row a boat to commute. It goes without saying that it is nonsense that he swims to work. By the way, there is a girl who is fishing. I think she loves him. It is because she looks angry when he comes to the bay with a woman, but next day he comes with the woman and a man. She looks relieved. There are two stories in one film. It is very interesting.
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Heart-warming story
2 August 2017
First, this movie seemed a sad story, but finally I found it was a heart-warming story. Somehow, the old couple lives in an upside-down house, that is to say the wife lives on the floor, and the husband lives on the ceiling. It shows their minds. Their minds crossed each other because they lived together for many years. But he tried to make their relationship restart, but failed. Then she noticed his thoughts. I think this story is very common in drama or movie. However, this is different from others in some ways. First, the setting is different. As I said, they live in different space. This is a very interesting point. Second, there is no dialog. Non dialog movie must describe their feeling by the sight. This is very difficult way, but this movie succeed in it. I also like her way of approaching him. It is true that there is only that way, but I was so moved.
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Section 44 (2008)
surprising and interesting story
2 August 2017
This is very interesting. The ending is unexpected, I think. In the beginning of the story, it seems that the young man commits something. But in the end, it finds that it is surprise. In my opinion, this story shows the weakness of people. When people are demanded in serious situation, such as there is no supporters around them, they snitch on their comrades. In many films, there are similar scenes to this, and the characters who is demanded never snitch. It will get more interesting if they don't disclose the secret and shows their friendship. This is fact, but they are just mass production. In that point, we can say that this movie is successful because it breaks stereotype. I think the movie which is not stereotype and include a lot of surprise is more interesting than the one that is stereotype. Furthermore, in every movie, the ending is very important. If the beginning is boring and the ending is interesting, the movie will get boring. In this point, this movie is very good and makes the audience have fun.
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Dark movie
2 August 2017
This film shows the weakness of people. It often appears in the confusion. When the disaster or accidents happen, most people worry about the victims, but some people take such situation as a chance. For example, when the great east Japan earthquake happened, a lot of people confused and hurt. Also not only Japanese but also foreign people supported so much. However, there were some people who had evil mind. They stole commodities, food, drink and so on. Such a bad thought is very sorry. In this film, we can see it. When a woman and men are shot, a poor man's weakness appears. He tries to delete his data because he cannot get money. First, he looks so scared, but his desire is stronger than fear. However, could you help them when you were in such a situation? Most of you will escape because it is very dangerous. I hope everyone to help each other in every situation.
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Sad story
16 May 2017
I was so impressed. In my thought, the movies should show the characters' face, because the face shows a variety of emotions, such as sadness, happiness, anger, joy and so on. However, thanks to this movie, I found that the movies do not always need the faces and lines. In this movie, it was easy to imagine that the father went to somewhere and the daughter waits for many many years. Furthermore, the background music exaggerate the sadness. I have a favorite scene. That is the last scene. In this scene, I think there are at least two interpretations. One is it is a dream. Another is heaven. In my opinion, that scene is heaven. She looks very old, so she may have gone. Finally, she meets her father. Her dream that she wants to see her father comes true. There is a reason why I thought that is heaven. It is music. Generally, that scene is happy because she finally meets him, so the music should be happy, but the music was sad. It means that they could finally meet, but they already died. Non-dialogue story is wonderful, for I can make my own story.
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