
2 Reviews
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Dave the Barbarian (2004–2005)
Too Great For Words...
31 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Dave the Barbarian is a Disney Channel show, but it doesn't seem much like one. It's about a sensitive, creative, and BUFF guy named Dave who only wanted to be a Barbarian because he thought it meant a Librarian who also cuts hair. He lives in the Middle Ages, in a castle. His parents left to fight evil and what-not, leaving Dave's valley-girl sister, Candy, in charge. He also has a little sister, Fang, who is at least 5 times more of a bug-squashing barbarian than Dave will ever be, a pet potato-shaped dragon named Faffy, Lula the sarcastic Enchanted Sword, Twinkle the "Marvel Horse", and his Uncle Oswidge, a "wizard".

Dave and his Merry Band of Idiots fight many enemies, but the main source of most of their problems is Dark Lord Chuckles, the Silly Piggy. Uses the Amulet of Hogswineboar, he tries to destroy Dave so he can take over the world! Dave's family has many problems at home, too. Sometimes, these problems can teach us a lesson about not being bossy, or being true to yourself. Other times, they will end in songs about eggs by the name of Steve.

The great thing about this show is, it can be predictable. Usually, that's a bad thing. But on this show, it's funny. They make it SO obvious that something is going to happen, and they do it on purpose. How can you not laugh when **WARNING, SPOILER!** Chuckles jumps in with a beard and a wig, and the gang thinks he is their new Band Manager? Another great thing is the jokes. Calling someone "As stupid as the stuff you scoop out of pumpkins" is sure to get SOMEONE to laugh! It got me to.

In short, give it a chance if you ever get to see it. This show could have gone so far, if it weren't for lack-of-open-mindedness from viewers.
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Lizzie McGuire (2001–2004)
Hahahaha! HAHAHAHA! Not funny.
8 December 2005
OK, I'm confused. Why are they still showing this sad excuse for entertainment on Disney Channel? Lizzie Maguire is a stupid, shallow, and snobby "Real Life Teen!" And yet, she's known as the good guy on the show? Everyone on the show is a terrible actor except the parents and that Lanny kid.

All Lizzie does all day is go around crying about how 'She had a fight with her friends' and how 'She'll never ever be popular'. The only message this show gives is "The tall, pretty popular cheerleaders girls who are definitely not 14 have all the fun and everyone is miserable." and "Always go for the cutest boy even if he gets straight Z's!" or "Break into some place and you'll get a kiss from Aaron Carter!".

And why did a monkey come into Matt's room? WHY? What is the point of his character, anyway? All he does is give Lizzie another thing to whine about and a five minute scene of "Matt! MOM! DAD! Lizzie! MATT! DAD! JO! LIZZIE! MOOOOM!" and so on.

But, there is one moment...Where Lizzie was crying about how some stuff happened and about how she did the right thing but she didn't get to go to the dance with the cutest boy ever...That was some good acting. Her mom looked confused. Maybe confused about Hilary Duff acting well?
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