
9 Reviews
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Nuovo Olimpo (2023)
A masterpiece
13 November 2023
There are few words that can describe the feelings that this movie triggered. Love, passion, joy, happiness, and then sadness, disappointment, devastation, loneliness. All at once and all in such a versatile way that it makes you wonder what your next emotion will be.

The plot is magnificently put in place to create all these feelings to the viewer, who is silently being engaged in a story that starts as a simple unintended romance to end in a complicated sequence of dramatic events.

Aside from the excellent cast, the movie's music is exceptional, as it powerfully invades the most important scenes and dresses the atmosphere with charm and beauty.

This is a true masterpiece.
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Mascarpone (2021)
A sweet gay life story
16 October 2022
What a beautiful film story. And yes finally, a film made on gay characters who really project real life stories and do not reproduce the stereotype of a troubling gay life. On the contrary, it is about people who enjoy life, make mistakes, hurt and lough a lot, and they do it all in their own unique way.

This is totally different from your average romance, or a story of a wedding that falls apart. This is about two young men who cannot make it work out any more and try to navigate themselves through a divorce, which makes them revise all things, they took for granted. In the end life finds the way, but the journey in which the film takes us upon, is the real pleasure.
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Neumatt (2021– )
A unique Swiss storytelling
27 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Just decided to watch this one expecting a light family drama and found myself crying over the death of a calf.

Such a compelling and truthful plot, so many twists and excellent performances by a cast of (totally unknown to me previously) Swiss actors. The language, the scenery and the conflicts of the characters, who try to help and fight against each other at the same time, makes this a special story that I would definitely watch again. Well done Switzerland!
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Don't Look Up (2021)
A 2022 movie
2 January 2022
If you want to raise awareness to people, then force them to watch this one. Before watching this, I was thinking how a similar the-earth-is-being-destroyed movie looked like 20 years ago (and we ve seen lots of them), and then this one came to get me thinking that (thankfully) we are in 2022. I am glad for the contemporary approach the movie had, showing how we humans try (usually with no luck) to communicate with each other, even when the stake is at the absolute maximum.

McKay really nailed this one.
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Tears of happiness
16 December 2021
This one got me into tears. A slow starter but a quick grower, hits you right where you would never expected it to be. A 10/10 for me for the story and the acting.
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A piece of education
6 December 2021
Very little pieces of series has been more educational that this one. Colton's naked truth helps us realizing how much does it take to.. be yourself as a gay man even now at 2020's. His long and painful path, that unfortunately every LGBTQ+ person has to go through, leads to the light. Just watch this if you are straight. You may be able to really get gay people after watching it.
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Boy Erased (2018)
7 July 2020
The story is really compelling. It is a true inspiration for all gay people to feel proud of themselves. Someone may think that in 2020 coming out as gay wouldn't be an issue, but, as you can clearly see in the film, for a gay person, coming out feels like an entire mountain they have to climb. Acting-wise I think that Hedges, Kidman and Crowe are phenomenal, all trying to face their demons in their own lonely ways. To me, this is one of the most important movies ever made.
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Hollywood (2020)
17 May 2020
While watching, I caught myself trying to find out if the story corresponds to real events and if the movie "Meg" exists. But this was the least important. Instead, I realized that the fictional story is inspiring for all the things, Hollywood represents. Its power and its influence are so strong, that it can literally change the world. I hope that many many stories for the (even nowadays) "outcast" of this world make it up to the big screen, as we today still struggle accepting diversity, equality and social justice. Thank you for this amazing series.
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Fearless (1993)
One of the best movies ever made!
3 June 2017
The movie tells the story of the survivor of an air plane accident that has actually taken place in Sioux City. Jeff Bridges was never better than here and he captured me with his amazing performance. What I liked the most in the film is that it made me think that the battles we give every day in our lives, in order to face our problems, are battles we just have to give, because that's what life is about. A must see!
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