
580 Reviews
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The Devil None of the Time
2 October 2020
Not my thing. Too boring. Just old school and stupid. It wasn't something I want to watch from the start. With the star power, they could have made something great. I don't know, didn't even watch it fully.

Wouldn't recommend

4 stars
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This Was Good
2 October 2020
This was good but the guy thing came out of nowhere. It was interesting. Very realistic. The father is someone you look up to, and sometimes wish you could be. But he's flawed all the same. The mother is fun to watch too. And the children are great.

It wasn't bad at all. I didn't like the gay thing but it was cool. Just got you thinking I guess. Not bad at all.

Watch it if you want

6 stars
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Very Good
2 October 2020
I don't know, but I'm feeling a 9 in this. 8 I think is accurate, if not a 7.

Raising Victor Vargas is one great film. It takes us into the life of a poor young kid, the oldest of three children who live with their grandmother (who is as funny as she is entertaining to watch by the way). Victor thinks of himself as a player, and proves it by getting the most beautiful girl that his friends all could only dream of having. She is fantastic, and you don't see race or looks the same way here. You envision the world through Victor's eyes truly. You cheer Victor on as he gets this girl, and feel proud of him almost as a father to a son.

This is a great film. The story goes on smoothly and you don't get bored. It's a simple story actually. Guy wants girl, gets girl, and tries to keep girl. But it's just played out not necessarily with lots of emotion, or not even necessarily realistically. It's just awesome to watch.

I truly enjoyed this film. It's perhaps a top 100 best for me.

8 stars
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Tortilla Soup (2001)
Trash - Spare Me Please!
2 October 2020
What trash, with good stuff here and there. No one cares what these three Hispanic daughters are doing in their life. Poor dad to have to sit through his daughters' drama all his life. At least he's got cooking as a hobby and distraction.

Don't watch it, I don't know

3 stars
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The Lovebirds (2020)
I Like Silly Movies Like This
2 October 2020
I liked Stuber. I think this actor is funny. Here he is dating an African American woman, and the romance is funny and sweet at times. The story drags on. The trouble they get into is kind of stupid. And nothing too great is learned at the end. But it's a relatively fun or at least decent ride all the way through.

Watch it if you want, I don't know.

6 stars
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Heist (III) (2015)
2 October 2020
I love heist movies. This one sounded intriguing. Guys rob a place, and then hold up a bus with a plan to escape. Great storyline line and concept. They just should have made it better, more thrilling, more intelligent, and more creative.

I thought it was okay. Not a must watch, but it had some cool things here. I think the robbers were all cool characters. The job was kind of dumb. Deniro's character didn't really speak to me that much. The bus concept would have been awesome. Claustrophobic movie where you learn about the robbers, the bus passengers, and cops. Like Speed. But it wasn't that engaging.

Great try though. Okay try I guess. Not much to see here.

Watch it if you want, I probably might/might not. I don't know.

6 stars
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Mind Ache
2 October 2020
This movie is just a headache. I wouldn't say it's bad or stupid. It has entertainment value, but just a headache. That's all I could say.

Skip it if you don't want a headache

4 stars
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Total Recall (1990)
Action Is Too Much
2 October 2020
This movie had some interesting points to it, but the action just took me out. It was all fake too. Should have been a tight knit sci-fi thriller instead of all the action. I don't know, perhaps I just don't like action. But lots of good stuff here. And who doesn't like Arny?

Worth a watch

5 stars
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Boring A Lot, But Very Damn Fun A Lot Too
2 October 2020
This boy is as good as it could get. So much fun. I enjoyed watching this kid. He's some rebellious fat kid in Europe who loves to eat and idolizes Tupac. Doesn't get much better than this character right here.

The story was definitely boring at many spots. The main kid is just too cool for his own good. Top notch coolness here. Liked him a lot, and the stuff he gets into.

Would recommend

7 stars
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Mud (2012)
2 October 2020
This got good reviews, and it was alright. Just dragged on and on. It was good though. Had some really cool moments. Matthew was fun to watch, he was entertaining. Not very presentable though. Kinda always looks trashy, and feels trashy. The two boys were awesome, and I liked seeing their friendship. The fact that the boy dated the older girl was interesting.

It just dragged on. With boring stuff mixed in with the good.

I might watch it, though I don't know. Not highly recommended. It was alright, if good at many points.

6 stars
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Not Sure Why I Watched This
2 October 2020
The movie was entertaining. I thought the woman was pretty hot, even though she had lots of freckles. The Vegas aspect was fun. It was actually pretty good. Could've been a lot better, and was kind of cheaply made. But definitely watchable.

Don't see it though. Not worth it

6 stars
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The Good Girl (2002)
Didn't Really Do Anything For Me
2 October 2020
This movie I think is too old. It was just weirdly made. I like John C. Reilly as the stoner husband. Other than that, it was okay. I couldn't get past fifteen minutes. Don't care what happens between her and Jake Gyllenhall.

Might be good

6 stars
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Always Shine (2016)
Stupid stupid stupid
28 September 2020
Dumb movie. Don't even bother. Not a bore fest the third time around for me, but hated it so much I don't even care what happened at the end.

What a complete trash waste of my life.

Don't see this filth

2 stars
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A Low-Budget Treat
28 September 2020
Mosquito: A Fistful of Bitcoins surprised me right from the beginning and didn't let go until the end. As the opening credits rolled, something about the main character Mosquito walking through the vast, empty desert landscape to a neat Morricone-esque soundtrack really entranced me. Watching this cheerful, yet lonely young girl navigate the world as she time travels to the past is hilarious, and she just plays it so cool while embarking on a mission to save the world. It was a wonderful performance and the actress really is one to reckon with! She has something special and her quirky charm through tough situations is the quintessential role model for girls (perhaps a bit too rebellious).

The movie also treaded the line between a children's movie and a tribute to low-budget films, which is something you don't usually see too often in cinema today. The story was an interesting one involving time travel and corporate greed.

Mosquito does have its weak points though. It drags on for a bit and is perhaps a bit too long. The sound is noisy at some points and it takes you out of the film. The acting also is not always superb, as is common in low-budget features. Nonetheless, for a movie with no violence, an inspiring female protagonist, and a storyline involving saving the world from destruction, it doesn't get much better than this!

Highly recommended.

8 stars
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Bark (2019)
Something Special
28 September 2020
Racism, whether subtle or blatant, is an important and popular issue in our society today. The protagonist of the short film Bark, encounters both these types as she navigates the trial and tribulations of modern day high school. Growing up to an absent African American father and Caucasian mother proves to set her on an interesting path in life, confusing at times but with it's own morals and lessons nonetheless.

And thus Bark, which is written and directed by Laura Coleman, finds a vivid way of entertaining the audience while getting through some very important topics. The directing is top notch, and while the supporting cast may falter at times, the story pushes along, engaging the audience in every scene. The vibe is youthful and wide-eyed, curious to discover ones own background as well as what's to come in life.

I would say this is one of the better examples of storytelling. It really kept me involved, and I could feel the emotions of the characters. I was really rooting for young Eva Coleman, our protagonist. The young actress has something undeniably special, and I hope I see her in more films in the future. It's a film that really surprised me and spoke to me.

I would highly recommend watching this gem.

8 stars
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Alone (V) (2020)
Not Too Good
21 September 2020
I wish she would have escaped the serial killer, and then the movie just became a nature survival movie like the synopsis said. Instead, it was just stupid.

The serial killer and escape part was watchable. The rest was just stupid, though I guess worth watching.

Not that good

Watch it, ehh whatever

6 stars
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18 September 2020
Not one of my favorites. It was okay. Too girly maybe? I don't know. It was alright.

See it yeah

6 stars
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Pocahontas (I) (1995)
18 September 2020
It was good, really good actually. It did everything right. Time really went by watching this movie.

Yeah I liked it. Why it's not an 8, I don't know. Yeah though, it was cool

See it

7 stars
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Aladdin (1992)
Good Stuff
18 September 2020
Aladdin is a classic. I don't care what anyone says. It hits all the right spots and the viewer stays engaged. It's got everything.

Probably might be one of my favorite Disney classics

See it

8 stars
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The Lion King (1994)
Classic Though Not a Fave
18 September 2020
I watched this again and it was boring. I don't know. It just didn't have the spark like other Disney movies do.

I mean we all know the story and have seen it. Nothing really to say here. I don't think it's that good.

Worth watching though

6 stars
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Don't Know
18 September 2020
Watched a bit of it and it seemed fun. I remember watching this a while ago too. It seemed like a good movie. I don't like fantasy so that may have been weird. But this might have been good, I don't know.

I don't know.

5 stars
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18 September 2020
Jackie Chan shouldn't be in this. Jaden was pretty good. I like the family drama with his mother. It was also very very interesting having a young black kid in an Asian country. I really liked that dynamic.

It was okay.

Probably worth watching maybe

5 stars
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Had to Give an 8
18 September 2020
I don't care, this movie really does have it all. Probably maybe a 7, but I'll bump it up a bit.

It really has it all. Kind of cool kid, rebellious, yet tough. From the streets trying to prove his name. Beautiful mother Elisabeth Shue. Then a strange old man with ancient philosophies that change his life. And of course the cool kids.

I really liked it a lot.

Definitely a must see
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The Assistant (III) (2019)
18 September 2020
No action. Art house weirdo film. You'd have to be ill in the head to enjoy this.


2 stars
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Cloud Atlas (2012)
Good Under Everything
16 September 2020
This movie was just too boring, but there was something beneath it. Something pretty cool and deep. Very thought provoking in my opinion from when I first saw it.

Not bad. Might be worth a watch.

3 stars
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