
5 Reviews
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I'm sorry all you knockers but I enjoyed it!
29 May 2006
Sorry to all the people queuing up to knock this movie, but I actually quite liked it. Okay - the hype was unbelievable for this film - it NEVER had a hope in hell of living up to the hype. I think its a very intelligent film, not very easy to watch at times, but all this about being badly paced and not being dramatic et all is a load of toss. HOWEVER... Miss Tatou did absolutely nothing for me - its a shame, but I'm afraid she does rather leave the side down.

In summary.... Good Film, good performances, a bit intense.... but remember it is FICTION! Forget your catholic beliefs etc... and take it for what it is.

I recommend people to make up their own minds, and forget the hype and the Zealots with their pickets....
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Transporter 2 (2005)
Good Escape-ism
3 January 2006
This is a good movie if you want a bit of thrills and spills without having to task yourself with epic story lines. Stunts are quite good in this one - every imaginable car stunt possible happens at some stage, there is however some dodgy blue screen work in places, where its obvious - small slap on the hands there! Now what of the characters - the enigmatic Transporter himself as in the first movie is coolness personified. Brilliant Martial Arts expert as well here - there is a fight scene with a hose that has to be seen to be believed! The villains are typical comic book villains, all they are short is the maniac laugh, but they serve their purpose well enough. The plot is a bit flimsy, and nothing we've not seen before, but if you are going to pick holes, don't bother renting this film. If you want to sit down and escape for a while without taxing the brain, I'd recommend this!
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Santa's Slay (2005)
It didn't work for me
30 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
OK - some of it was funny I will grant you. When I got over the initial shock of Santa bursting through a chimney and killing a family in inventive ways and raising a slight grin, then I realised that that was exactly what Santa was going to do for the next 90 minutes - kill people in various different ways. I saw Bad Santa not so long ago, and found it vastly superior (if a little too crude) to this offering. The plot is completely absurd, but granted - imaginative. I wouldn't go out of my way to get my hands on this film, but if a demonic Santa going around on Christmas day knocking the heads of holy statues and blowing up little kids, hanging around strip joints and playing 'curling' with an arch-angel, is your thing , then go for it! Frankly it bored me after the first few minutes, and I found it juvenile.
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Avoid like the Ebola Virus
28 December 2005
This is awful - plain and simple awful. The CGI is pathetic, maybe we've all been spoiled as of late with Peter Jacksons masterpieces and some of the ILM work in the Star Wars films, but this takes the doggy biscuit. A film like this lives or dies by its effects, and quite frankly this film is dead! Add that to some inept acting and direction and you have a turkey thats big enough to feed your whole family for Christmas and beyond. Save your money and go to see Kong. I'm not even getting into the nitty gritty of plots and characters because quite frankly this movie doesn't even deserve my time, effort or your money! Don't take my word for it - look at the naff picture of the gorilla on the box! It doesn't get any better I assure you!
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I Do (But I Don't) (2004 TV Movie)
An enjoyable film in a 'no -brainer' sort of way.
28 December 2005
Watched this film with the wife the other night to get an escape from the Xmas fare and all of the embarrassing specials. I was pleasantly surprised. I thought it would be a run of the mill Rom-com chick flick, but found a few twists and turns that at least were intelligent. OK - lets be honest you can nearly predict most of the plot within the first 30 minutes or so and its hardly cutting edge stuff, but if you're after a no-brainer that you can just sit back and enjoy - this is what you're looking for. Denise Richards is enjoyable in the part, as is Dean Cain, and as someone else has already commented its commendable how close he looks to his brothers in the film. Why oh why do these films ALWAYS have to have a dog? Ever since Something about Mary dogs have been making regular appearances in these films, and although our little canine friend in this instance (Snickers to friends) is vaguely humorous, it is actually quite irritating! However - give it a spin, its not a bad film. Don't be expecting the best comedy you ever saw, but its above average and fun.
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