
32 Reviews
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Uncomfortable Tension
5 May 2024
The movie starts out great and is aware of the discomfort the movies premise sets up but it is filled with colourful scenery without a moment of dullness to let the creepiness creep. To sum up the whole movie it is like how harrassment in a work place mostly depends on the attractiveness of the pursuer of a relationship. Here the romantic comedy would have been very endearing if the age disparity didn't give off a tension just like a ticking time bomb would in a thriller.

The two main protagonists both have their faults that are polar opposites. The male is predatory in his ability to be overconfident but we'll witted because of the limits he knows he can cross and his means that he gets from his charm and career. On the other end he gets away with everything because of his age. No one every questions his age and other older woman acknowledge his perverse nature. However this isn't focused on enough to bother but it is a grain in a heap.

The female protagonist is a young adolescent who finds herself tagging along with a bunch of teenagers and their adventures. However she finds herself moving from one prospect to another and is desperate for romantic attention but can only find it with people who have power over her. The one time she brings a boy home he is immediately kicked out and it's a missed oportunity this wasn't developed further which would have allowed her family to be more involved in the movie.

It's all one big blur because it is fast paced and so many different relationship dynamics. It is also two hours long. Eventually I couldn't avoid all the creepy aspects of the movie even though there is the praise worthy acting and set design. If the movie had ended 20 minutes earlier it would have gotten more than a pass but there is nothing interesting going on half way through the movie.
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Charming but incoherent
3 May 2024
My long and well written review wasn't submitted properly. Hastely I'll leave my frustrations with the movie. To sum up the positives, the characters are, the plot is interesting, the setting is marvelous, the foreign environment is captivating, and the humour is on point.

My frustrations simply are the simplistic ending and the numerous subplots. I would rather have a shorter film if the stronger subplots couldn't be worked on to improve the movie overall.

My biggest gripe is the subplot involving the goat and the Germans. The have a handful of scenes that don't connect to one another and are filled with coincidences that impact the story but could be easily worked around to avoid lazy situations. They are funny the first time they are introduced but in the end they interfere with what would have a been a better way to end the movie. A car race is better than a village scramble.

Also, even though the familial twist doesn't add any layer to the film it didn't annoy me. The drama was needed and wasn't bewildering. The worst is when the characters turn on a whim and exposed for evil but the real impact of their decisions isn't convincingly portrayed.
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A Drag
19 January 2024
This movie is a simple revenge movie but starts with a lot of bloat. The action is gruesome unlike something stylish as John Wick. Vince Vaughn is as usual the best aspect of the movie. The plot is basic. Other than the gruesome action nothing is inspired. Its lengthy runtime consists of jumping from setting to setting, mainly from one prison to another. I loved the drama involved in becoming a prisoner, having to accept the fact that a good percentage of your life is forfeited, all while life continues on the outside. Unfortunately this interesting aspect is glossed over. Rather than seeing how prison changes a man over a long period of time you get a fortnight packed with excessive violence.
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No Substance
10 January 2024
I really enjoyed the premise of the movie. I was pleasantly surprised with all the familiar faces are I saw. The most intriguing aspect of the film, a man who can form positive relationships with woman but is hopeless with men and goes on a journey to develop fruitful hetero male friendships was rushed. Paul Rudd's character wasn't explored enough. The underlying issues of his were never addressed. There was potential with Favreau's character but never realised. The worst aspect of the movie is the romantic couple because there is no chemistry and since they aren't the focus of the film it never develops.

I loved the plot and the cast. The runtime was short but not utilised to it's potential. The phycology of male friendships wasn't explored. Favreau was a highlight. The vulgarity and secularist wedding was hindering. The best wedding movies involve some sort of religious or culture element but this has none. The running jokes were dull especially anything involving any male character other than the main characters. A solid 2 points could have been earned if the characters weren't unbearable weird, annoying, and unfunny.
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Zoolander 2 (2016)
Live action Cars 2
7 January 2024
The sequel copies the same mistakes that Cars 2 did and then some. Involving an international spy agency and fantasy elements after an introduction that was poorly crafted exposition that moves the ending of the first movie to wacky but unfunny settings. A sequel that is poorly made doesn't build or innovate but this has Been Stiller involved in all aspects of its creation.

Since it is mediocre I'll note down the moments that made me laugh. Zoolander meeting his son and questioning whether fat people could be good. Saying aka incorrectly. The unassuming erect gag in the background after Penelope Cruz gives her backstory. Her buoyant capabilities and she was stunning throughout the movie. Also Junior added a sensibility to balance the nonsense permiating through the entire movie.
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Made (2001)
Gets on the Nerve
5 January 2024
The movie is short but it has an interesting premise where two friends who are desperate for money are hired to travel across state and accompany someone attempting to launder money. It is simple and the movie shines during the second act after the plot is set up and our two characters are free to be fish out of water.

The start is very slow with boring character development that doesn't play to the actors strength or help the plot later on. The beginning box scene has nothing inspiring with its direction. There are glimpse of a gritty tone with storyline involving the girlfriend and child which pays off later but this bookends a film that is driven to amusement with Vince Vaughn's seemingly deliberate attempt to undermine his friend in every possible way. It's a rollercoaster but not the fun kind.

There were twists and turn that caught me off guard but the constant bickering between these two friends is off putting. The debauchery in the beginning was unnecessary. The ending is melancholic. I could have done for a simple buddy movie without the atypical romantic situations Favreau writes for himself. He is the straight man to Vaughn's funny goofball.

Too much is going on around this simple plot that takes way too long to set up. Vaughn's charisma is turned down but his obnoxious level is maxed out. Favreau is the struggling everyman who is dating a stripper who also has a daughter while at the same time being a bodyguard for his girlfriend. The direction is basic. The writing as well I appreciated the short run time, Dean Martin playing in the background, and when Vaughn was his most obnoxious.
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Insubstantial and Muddled
28 October 2023
This was nearly an hour long but it felt as long as a typical episode. That is one thing this special had going for it, although it is the length of two episodes it barely felt as though it was one episode in length and substance. It wasn't very funny except for a single joke and was niche in terms of the critical analysis of the subject matter explored.

The two topics explored have no relation to each other. It would have been fitting to focus on one with a special for each or reduce them to two single episodes. I enjoyed the b plot more with Randy and his broken oven. This is not advertised on the marketing or title but the more timeless and relatable concern society faces. Although it was meta and self aware with its resolution of the matter it still doesn't make a handy wavy conclusion satisfying. The problem wasn't provided with an answer and the potential of humour wasn't explored to the full extent because it was bounded to the a plot.

The a plot was interesting with its opening. It was basic and generally a modern phenomena that is t explcusive to Disney but especially not to Kathleen Kennedy. Focusing on her felt like unjust bullying of this individual who isn't well known and won't be as influencial as the company of Disney itself. The vagueness without specifying examples from Disney of the practice that horrifies Cartman handicaps the episode. South Park has always been a time capsule but nothing is preserved in this episode other than Indiana Jones which isn't even a good example. Indiana wasn't replaced by a diverse person, the movie just sucked just as the previous installment did. Kennedy only worked on Lucasfilm. Star Wars didn't even pander unlike other Disney movies. It was great seeing the male Cartman in the diverse female universe and requesting authority figures. I like Disney being name dropped but Kennedy was used as an unfair scapegoat. The scene at the principal's office was gold but everything else was a waste of time.

The ending of the movie resolved with such little care that everything after the pander stone was introduced left my head when the credits started. It undermines the b plot and prevented any critical commentary with the a plot. Is pandering an important issue and what are the effects on the entertainment industry? The final scene was a waste of time. Another waste of time was seeing the same scene from the two universe perspective without any additional humor or impact on the plot. The whole special was a waste of potential besides the commentary on over specialised society and the principal's office scene.
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The Family Stallone (2023– )
Wholesome Reality
3 August 2023
I don't like reality tv shows because of the narcissism required to make one but this has a few elements that makes it worth watching. From the start Sylvester Stallone makes it clear his intentions of making the show, he wants more involvements in his daughters lives and this facilitates that. Secondly, the episodes are short and sweet and the season in totality is shorter than some movies being made. The show is hindered by the fact that this series doesn't revolve around any particular event in any of the family members lives. Sylvester celebrates his birthday in the first episode but unlike his action movies it is uneventful. The series doesn't have a focus or mystery but you stick around for the dynamic chemistry between a father and his three daughters and the wholesome nature instilled in the family.
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Yellowjackets (2021– )
Sprinkle of entertaining plot
7 July 2023
This show shares the same premise as the book Lord of the Flies but what makes it more interesting is the older and more mature characters that get stranded in the wilderness after a plane crash. There aren't peculiar themes such as those found in the book I mentioned. Instead of exploring the edges to man's rationality you get teenage drama but it is well acted.

I would remove the first episode all together. The supernatural element of the series isn't explicable touched on until half way through the show. This being a 10 episode show that are an hour long you spend 2 movies worth of time vague to how this show stands apart from other similar stories of survival. However I would have been pleased with a simple story focused on the young adolescents.

Starting from the moment you are introduced to the opening credits you should stop watching this show. The opening credits consists of annoying music and incoherent snippets of the show on the style of VHS playback. The consistent but unexpected jumping from the modern day story to the past is an uninspired trope that I remember from the show Arrow. The adult characters are all losers and degenerates. Nobody is worth rooting for.

This show has nothing to offer other than the mature exploration for survival from a teenagers points of view. While the performances are great for that aspect the rest of show faulters to a slow and boring pace. Uneventful for most of the series. Needlessly long and too many episodes. It is a hard but disappointing skip.
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Grown Ups (I) (2010)
Razz and Family Fun
19 June 2023
This movie never fails to put me in a good mood. I am laughing the whole way through. The actors are having so much fun because they are basically playing themselves and the story is carefully structured to utilise all their strengths. The theme of growing up and reminiscing on the old times is timeless and anyone from a young adolescent to the elderly will relate. The most important element of the movie that lets it be a home run is the balance in its child like sense of humour with adult undertones that keeps it from devolving into vulgarity or degeneracy that almost all other comedies fall into.

All the characters are likeable and more importantly they have great chemistry with each other. The friendly banter and teasing is perfectly described as razz. It's adults doing child humour but the kind hearted nature and superb writing keeps the razzing from feeling old.

The child actors never over stay their welcome as well as the wives. It's disappointing that David Spade doesn't have a significant other or family that could've provided character development but the rest of the large cast does a magnificent job and they are well balanced. I don't have any other complaints. Nothing is over the top like it's sequel. This is a timeless comedy where all the jokes landed and emotionally gratifying. An Adam Sandler speciality.
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Retreading Too Early
29 May 2023
This sequel is a retread of the first Hangover movie but inferior in almost every way. Let me start with what I loved. The jokes were funny. The albino polar bear joke had me gasping for air. Alan's shaved head gave the character an extra dysfunctional aspect that felt original to his character. Alan's interactions with his parents and getting an invitation to the wedding was another highlight.

The bad aspects of this movie are the unoriginal elements and how they had to be perverse or grotesque in every way. You had a monkey instead of a baby. A face tattoo instead of a pulled tooth. An intolerable amount of nudity as well as the nature of the graphic subject matter Stu experienced. Mr Chow's storyline is an unnesscary detour and it would have been better if the power never went out during the course of the film.

Basically everything new in this movie was great and all the retreading was inferior and downright insulting to a viewer like myself. It had side-splitting jokes but they aren't worth spending 100 minutes to hear them.
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Animals Aloft (2009)
Thankfully Short
24 May 2023
This documentary is unremarkable which is obvious from its subject matter. Animals in aircrafts isn't an enticing premise but nothing else tries to provide some entertainment. The narrator is dull and as uninterested as the audience is with the film. The animals are not significant to the stories they are featured in other than there mere participation without an act of will. The stories told are short and don't have any relation with each other.

The only saving grace is this documentary is short and because it is just a series of vignette you can leave at anytime. You can find better stories and film making on YouTube.
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Infinite (2021)
23 May 2023
I was teased a better movie whenever I was shown the last life before the one the film features. Other than the antagonist all the characters have no charisma. The action is blurry and confusing to follow. The plot is thin but it is at its worst when the narrator gives empty platitudes relating to reincarnation that provide more confusion.

There are too many nonsensical elements to accept after the biggest hurdle of the central concept of the film and the villains basic goal of destroying all life. There is this superhuman ability that is vaguely described in the beginning and utilised in the end that was not necessary. It completely flies over your head and appears out of no where.

This wouldn't have been a gigantic waste of time if the ending didn't feature a motorcycle catching up to a plane in mid air and a scurmish while free falling. All the characters are annoyingly quirky with excessive tattoos and disordered embellishments.
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Snatch (2000)
This game of chess has a lot of moving pieces
19 May 2023
This movie is fast paced and jumps as soon as a scenario has told it's story. Stathams narration is soothing and complementary to Ritchie's directing style. You have a variety of camera angles as well as characters but in the background you have a monotone Statham fleshing out the film with English context. It's ironic that you have narration so the story could be precisely told while in the same movie one of the protagonists is a Pickeys who is characterised with his incomprehensible speech.

The movie is quite easy to follow and their is enough context provided to prevent you from getting lost and overwhelmed but the dialogue is quick and although story beats are emphasised and repeated, the humour can fly over your head. In particular I'm referring to the many English phrases that might take a second viewing to catch as you're familiar with the story.

Brad Pitt steals every scene he is in. All the other characters are enjoyable as well with each having a clever nickname to make them memorable. In this short film no time is wasted, a quick introduction and conclusion allows for a dense middle act with plenty of schniangins that tie together seemlessly. The soundtrack is energising, matching the pace of the movie.

The only issue that prevents this film from being elevated slightly is that with its short runtime there was an opportunity to make the conclusion more impactful that what it is. Everything is tied together neatly and the suspense is lifted early. There was great tension after the climax but rather than linger in it there is a quick resolution without any form of consequence.
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The simple TLDR on Russia
17 May 2023
This series is short but not dense introducing the concept of an Olgarchy and then delving deeply into the personal lives of a select few. Dictators and a select ruling class are common throughout history and there might be more informative documentaries but here you hear testimony by figures associated with Russia and Oligarchs. What makes this further interesting is the story told is act 1 of a three act story that hasn't unfolded yet with the war currently ongoing and the aftermath to the war having limitless possibilities.

The people involved in this narrative have unimaginable wealth and the size of their homeland is likewise in area but like Russia itself it is devoid of growth and life. It was refreshing to be reminded that behind the curtain is a man who has more men behind him and that they have wives and children.

There are no secrets revealed nor is the documentary groundbreaking but you get a perspective rarely seen, a political system that is historically common but alien to the vast population, and how little changes on a generational timescale. Russia won't change in a generation but if the powerful and the leaders don't change as well then a country would be steadfast for multiple generations. The stories here can be reflected to all countries but if we treat a president as a father who has to be man of the house for decades until his children grow up rather than a teacher who is constantly replaced then you end up stuck and in ruin, spreading ruin to those around you.

The only issues I have is that you don't get a resolution on the main man Sergei. You get told these Oligarch became wealthy business men but the process, if any, that gave them a head start isn't explored. You understand Putin's appeal to his citizens but we never get their point of view of the facts surrounding the coincidental deaths of Putin's enemies. The most pressing mystery was what leverage did the Oligarchs think they had over Putin since he was able to go against them so easily, how exactly were they a threat to Putin's predecessor and to Putin himself. Since this was under 90 minutes I'll forgive the unanswered queries since I have an opportunity to figure them out myself with the context provided in this documentary.
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All style. No substance required.
12 May 2023
I have seen this movie a handful of times and was my first introduction to Guy Ritchie. It seems like a crowd pleaser in comparison to Ritchie's general gangster movies but it's modest success didn't warrent a sequel. Fortunately there is recent news that Ritchie and Henry Cavill are working together on a new movie.

I had never heard of the tv series this movie is based on and this movie doesn't make me interested in the the general concept of a spy thriller during the cold war where this is a duo consisting of an American and Russian. This movie is more than its concept, primarily Ritchie's direction, all the actors performances, and most importantly the soundtrack. The movie is funny and the humour is spread out like a sweet treat. The plot is easy to follow, bad Nazis building nuclear bomb. What drew me in is the unique action sequences and their direction. The music throughout manipulates your emotions, giving adrenaline and tension in action sequences aswell as levity to return us to a base level of adrenaline. The foreign aspect in the music choice sets this film aside just as the 60s setting. Without these two aspects it might as well be a fast paced James Bond film. I would say that even though there are two power house performances by the male actors Alicia Vikander steals the show numerous times. In a genre that has difficulty in balancing the masculine and the feminine Vikander adds tenderness to an occupation of cold, uncaring killers.

From beginning to the end the movie is witty and exciting. It has style like all of Guy Ritchies films but this spy movie has a different flavour and this recipe of his is delicious. The only complaint I have is that there are a few instances where we he replays complete scenes because he originally shows them with some context missing in order to reveal a twist which the characters are already aware of and this twist isn't even 5 minutes after the scene was first played out. The specific ones I wouldn't mind being removed is when Gaby meets her Uncle for lunch and at the climax while everyone is on the boat.
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A Loving Husband
4 May 2023
This is the fourth movie in a franchise which has been perfectly concluded and fulfills the intent of an ending, to leave the audience satisfied. My satisfaction isn't only that this long ride has ended on a high note but also elevated all the previous sequels that felt directionless. All the unsatisfying exploration that reduced the enigma of the original movie all comes together with this final piece of the puzzle and paints a beautiful picture that is summed up by John Wick himself, the whole franchise revolves around a loving husband trying to attain peace. In a ride with no time to pause for emotional development this characterisation of Wick by himself is dense enough to add sufficient depth to the character that barely speaks and doesn't emote. It's like a star that expands viciously and the unsustainable chemical reaction causes the star to collapse on itself. This summeration is the collapse that starts the process of transforming this ferosous red giant into a nicely dense white dwarf.

The best aspect of the movie is that it maximises style in order to make up for its little substance. The sharp focus results in memorable villains and henchmen, stunning locations, and consistent pulling with engaging choreography that never feels familiar within a three hour movie or multiple hours of movies in this franchise. Cain being blind was not necessary, Scott Adkins being in a fatsuit was not necessary, Skarsgard's French accent wasn't necessary, but all of these gave style like how a suit styles a gentleman. I loved that you explore John Wicks spiritual side with a light conversation about talking to his deceased wife and meeting his family and friends who have a genuine relationship with Wick unlike his previous companions who seemed more transactional than a feeling of love and loyalty.

The beauty of this movie is primarily based on two aspects, everybody wears a suit and all the locations were traditional churches with mediaeval architecture. The religious imagery such as crosses, clergy and candles adds real world elements that connect with the audience. The action scenes are clean and the top down perspective was executed brilliantly.

The only thing that stops it from being perfect is it's long runtime. The substance of the film doesn't justify the extend length of the movie but the style is gravitating. A slight amount of fat could have been trimmed like John's first adventure in the desert, cutting to the DJ and causing a break in the action frequently and Nobody meeting with the Marquis. The final nitpick is there are an unnecessary amount of tattoos that conflict with the traditional styles in other aspects of the movie. Finally the ending is muddled although satisfying.
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Tulsa King: Go West, Old Man (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Old Man chasing his youth
1 February 2023
Sly Stallone is a wonder to watch in a long form medium. His talents are put to great use in this tv series however the plot surround it hinder hims. Seeing a 75 year old man sleeping around distracts from what I thought would be a story of an old dog being taught new tricks. The gangster element is rushed and unbelievable because of its modern day setting. I have no idea how a man can just walk up to a dispensary and just get access to all the accounting and take 20 percent all by himself.

Other than the plot I like the side characters and the world surrounding this old gangsta. His driver, the bar and it's patrons are inviting. Less romance, more family, more business, and a slower building of how relationships with gangs are formed is what I'm hopeful for after this mediocre episode. One person doesn't make a gang, show us the engine that allows him to be confident with his action and how he doesn't suffer any consequences for his illegal activities.
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Alien (1979)
Slow, Dark - you're looking at a lot blackness
30 January 2023
This movie begins with no appealing qualities and when we do get to the alien so much unnecessary moments could have been removed. Predator is 90 minutes and this film had at least 30 minutes that could be cut out. First of all is all the technical jargon said throughout. This is what the beginning of the movie is mostly comprised of. Just start with the guy getting infected by the alien. Mother just slows this movie even further to the point of boredom. The film is too dark and this is further hindered with my bad eyesight and bad contrasting television. The alien looks cool but grows unrealistically, save the adult for the sequel and explore the terrifying baby.
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The White Lotus: Mysterious Monkeys (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
Funniest so far
7 February 2022
This is the funniest episode so far but the most explicit with nudity and similar themes. Only half this show is worth watching and the other half is rubbish. I wouldn't recommend the series. It is bloated with stories I don't want to watch and just as you beginning to enjoy a particular part it just fades into the background.
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The White Lotus: New Day (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
Nothing sticks
7 February 2022
This show throws a lot on the wall and only a little stick for me. The girls take drugs. Creepy lady is more creepy. There is less of the manager. The honeymooners and father-son dynamic is good but lacking. Everything socks and take up too much time.
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The White Lotus: Arrivals (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Quick but bored
7 February 2022
I know this is the first episode of a series I know nothing about but at the moment I am bored. The characters are unlikeable but that isn't the only problem. This series at the moment doesn't have a plot I am engaging with. The manager is my favourite character. You have the cringy youth, creepy and lonely stalker lady. Newly wed couple and the classic upper class parents. The series focuses on the exploits of guests but none of them are relatble or likeable or at the very least interesting.
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Potential ruined by horny characteristics of every character
12 November 2021
This movie was a great movie but just when your about to settle in you get distracted because every single character has a problem with their love lifes. It starts right at the beginning with the main character divorcing his wife who he caught cheating with his boss. His father dies and he goes and stays at his parents house with his three other siblings that he hasn't seen in a long time.

The premise is great. I love movies that revolve around family, especially moderatly sized family get to experience some form of tradition that they have lost. Here you have three brothers and a sister stay together for a week as part of a jewish custom. This family is out of touch with each other and the traditions but learn to be a better family.

All the actors put on a great performance. I love any Jason Bateman or Adam Driver movie. Each character gets enough development and are distinguishable and likeable.

The downside that isn't prevelant enough where it is the a plot but this b plot for every character who are mourning their father is their romantic life. Each of them have a complicated relationship with the opposite sex and even the mother turns out to already be in a relationship before her husband dies. I can't recommend a film that gets distracted every 15 minutes. I really see a great movie in here and probably with a little editing this movie can stand out based on the characters and the relationship they have with each other.

TLDR: Every character is chasing tail even though their father just died. The performances are great and the A plot is riveting but it keeps getting distracted by the elevated horniness of every character.
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The Switch (I) (2010)
11 January 2021
This movie has everything. Dream catcher, loser feminist professor, single mother through IVF, abnormal kid who is too smart for any person at any age. The twist is the pathetic man who is desperate for the love of his best friend switches the samples for IVF after he gets blackout drunk at the pregnancy party. Even better there are imagery of enormous breasts everywhere at the weird pregnancy party. The party is more like a demonic ritual. This movie is about a man who unknowingly the donor and has a child with his best friend and after nearly a decade of being in the friendzone wins in the end. Best thing is the 7 year old thinks his mother's a lesbian. This movie was made over a decade ago and it turns out this occult like behaviour has been in Hollywood for a long time.
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Hot Rod (2007)
Not funny
30 October 2020
There are some good ideas in the film. The moustache, the son trying to earn his father's respect with a fight. The only laughs were with the fight by Mcbride and the hospital with Hader Actually that's all there is.

The characters are one dimensional and 90 percent of the scenes that try to be comedic are characters being random. There is no effort or thought and it becomes hard to finish this really short movie. It feels like a fan made Adam Sandler movie but instead of comedy it is just unfunny random sets.
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